For the godknowsmanyth time in godknowshowmany years, Haine dreams of a black dog standing over Lilly's body.

Its drooling and its tail is wagging so hard that its whipping specks of blood into the air from the puddle it stands in. The dog locks of set of red eyes on Haine, triumphant and crazed. It snarls and turns back to his sister's body.

From nowhere there's an angel coming out of the darkness of the room. Flapping her wings unsteadily, the angel touches down between the black dog and Lilly in the pool of blood.

For a moment, Haine is afraid that the black dog will turn on the little angel girl, but it just whimpers and backs away into the blackness. When the dog is gone, the angel turns to Haine, unseen and floating in his own dream (nightmare? memory?), slowly stepping towards him with arms outstretched, leaving a behind her a trail of dainty, bloody footsteps.