I am so sorry to say the least.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

"Mid-terms suck ass." Kagura said obviously depressed.

"Such a dirty mouth." Said Nathan. "What's wrong?" he bumped her shoulder at the lunch table.

"I guess it's nothing really, just….no, it's nothing, never mind." Kagura said, indecisively.

"No. Tell. That's what we're here for." Nathan grabbed Joel's shirt as he walked by and jerked him down in the seat beside him.

"Whoa! Hey, whatsup with the harassment?" Joel asked, resetting himself on the chair and rearranging his disturbed food.

"Something's wrong with Kagura." Nathan said, filling Joel in.

"Oh, come one Ra Ra. What's the matter?" Joel said, not quite taking her mood seriously.

"Well, I don't know." Kagura started. "You know how you're home is supposed to be your haven, right. It's something I've always wanted what with being moved around so much before, but now I'm not so comfortable at home."

Both Nathan and Joel sobered. "What exactly is bothering you?" They asked solemnly. Each of them had some idea of what could be wrong and part of it, they knew, might have to do with a certain Sesshoumaru, who liked her for more than an adopted sister.

"Well…" Kagura said, reluctantly.

"Glasses anyone?" Inuyasha yelled as he ran by their table. Everyone looked behind them to see what exactly Inuyasha was talking about.

"What the hell?" Joel asked, glancing towards Kagura. "You know what he's doing?"

"Does anyone know?" She questioned.

Someone busted through the door like a zombie with their hands stretched out in front of him. "Those are mine!" He said, walking forward. He bumped into tables and chairs, almost knocking himself to the floor. "Ow. Oh sorry. I don't have my glasses on. Inuyasha took them. Inuyasha! Give them back! Come on!"

Inuyasha cackled as he ran around the tables. "Kouga, you want these? You must be blind sitting next to her!"

There was a gasp as the girl sitting beside Kouga stood up and walked out. The boy whose glasses were stolen was still trying to make his way through the maze of people and furniture. The crowd started to get annoyed as he constantly walked into people. He put his hand down hoping that the table would guide him, but instead tipped someone's tray over.

"Hey, dude, what the hell?" The guy stood up, a broad football player towering over the quivering boy.

"Poor guy." Nathan said as he turned back around to his food. "Inuyasha is such an ass. Kagura…you okay?" Beside him Kagura was shaking. Her bangs were shadowing her eyes and tension was radiating off her.

"Kagura. What's wrong?" Joel asked, echoing Nathan.

"Do none of you care?" Kagura hissed. She pushed away from the table and stalked towards Inuyasha. His back was turned towards her so he didn't see her coming. She gripped the hair at the base of his head and pulled her backwards roughly.

"Ow! What the fuck?" He yelled. Kagura ripped the pair of glasses out of his hand and then pushed him away. "Kagura what the hell are you doing?" he asked, obviously pissed off.

Kagura walked towards the boy still cowering under the football player. "Back off." She said, taking the boy by his arm and leading him out of the cafeteria.

"Looks like Kagura has a new boyfriend!" Inuyasha yelled across the room. Kagura could hear him cackle all the way out into the hall.

She handed the boy his glasses back. "Sorry about those dicks." Kagura said, looking behind her to make sure no one followed; not even Joel or Nathan. They didn't care to help him.

"No, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have done that. You're making enemies." The boy said quickly, articulating each word.

Kagura looked at him with her head slightly cocked, her hair falling over her shoulder. "What's your name?" she asked.

"…Craig." He replied, pausing first. He was wary of her. He didn't trust many people because they turned out to be like Inuyasha. Kagura was too pretty and too popular already not to be a jerk like the rest of them.

"Well, Craig, I am not sorry that I did that. I was already in a down mood as it was and that spectacle only pissed me off. Thank you for giving me a reason to jerk a few locks out of Inuyasha's head."

"You're welcome, I suppose." Craig replied. The bell rang and Craig quickly stood from where he was sitting on the floor and walked briskly down the hall.

"Not even a good-bye? Or see you later?" Kagura asked, waving to him. "…guess not." Two tall shadows fell over her as the rest of the school's population ebbed and flowed around her.

"What was that?' Joel asked.

Kagura turned around, not looking at their faces. "Don't talk to me." She strode away from them. She and Joel were in the next class together, partners no less, but she was determined to act like he wasn't there. She realized now that he might be just like everyone else and if she wasn't who she was now, if she was who she had been for the past four or five years then he would have treated her just like he treated Craig. Nathan would be the same. She would have been tormented by Inuyasha; called worse things than she was now. Girls would have smirked at her, knowing that they were better than her. Kagura was pretty, yes, and Kagura had a nice figure but they would have known, known, that she was nothing; just like they considered it nothing to torture Craig. Kagura understood Craig. He didn't know that yet, but she did.


"Kids, why are you being so quiet?" Izayoi asked later that night. She looked at each of the siblings who were looking down at their plates as they ate. Kagura was picking at her food while Inuyasha was scarfing it down. Rin was being her usual quiet self, yet Izayoi didn't except that as normal. Sesshoumaru was reading a textbook while he mechanically ate. "What are you all thinking about?" she asked with a smile.

"Kagura's probably thinking about her new boyfriend." Inuyasha sneered. Everyone paused and looked up, and Sesshoumaru's fork fell onto his plate, making a small clattering sound.

"Boyfriend? That's great Kagura. Who is it?" Izayoi asked with total interest. Sesshoumaru stared at her, a question in his gaze.

"It's this nerd she hangs around now. His name is Crack or something like that." Inuyasha said.

"His name is Craig, and he's not my boyfriend. I only helped him today because you were tormenting him." Kagura accused, pointing her fork at him.

"I was just playing around. He knows I was joking." Inuyasha said nonchalantly.

"Joking? You were running around with his glasses. He couldn't see and he almost got beat up because of it!"

"Lower your voice." Touga said, his deep voice demanding obedience.

"Inuyasha, is that true? Were you being a bully?" Izayoi asked. Her eyebrows were scrunched towards her nose in a concerned way.

"No. Come one," said Inuyasha, leaning back in his chair with one arm draped around the back. "You remember Craig, don't you Sessh? He went along with things like that; took them in stride, you know."

"No, I do not remember Craig." Sesshoumaru said pointedly, still looking at Kagura. He had picked up his fork again but hadn't touched the rest of his food.

"Well, you'd remember him if you saw him." Inuyasha said.

"If that's all it was then…" Izayoi said softly, willing to let the situation blow over to restore peace. Inuyasha went back to eating ferociously. Rin finally looked up. Conflict made her uneasy and she chose to ignore everyone and everything when it arose.

"So!" Izayoi began happily with a breath of fresh air.

"May I be excused?" Kagura asked, tears building at the corner of her eyes.

"Yes." Touga said simply. Kagura grabbed her plate, utensils, and napkin, took them to the sink in the kitchen and then tailed it to her room.

"Excuse me." Sesshoumaru said, ready to follow suit until Touga stopped him.

"No. You sit down." He said, pointing at Sesshoumaru's chair.

"Dad…" Sesshoumaru said.

"Let her have her moment. She doesn't want you to see her like that. Something's bothering her and we'll all find out soon, but for now, let her be." He stabbed a piece of chicken with his fork and began sawing it with his knife. "It might even be that she herself doesn't know what's bothering her."


Kagura lay face down on her bed crying, soaking the sheets with tears.

What's wrong with me? She asked herself. Yes, the thing with Craig bothered her and yes, she had felt out of the family lately what with Inuyasha getting away with shit and Sesshoumaru always against her and then there was something wrong with Rin and the most annoying thing about all of it was that she didn't have explanations or answers to all the things that were bothering her.

Inuyasha was an ass. That was plain and simple. He got away with everything and there seemed to be no way around it. Why Kagura was taking it so hard, she didn't know.

Sesshoumaru was different. She actually liked Sesshoumaru…a lot. Yet, it still didn't seem right that he would become so sexual around her. Did he even know anything about her? That answer was no. So then was he playing her? That was even more difficult seeing as they lived under the same roof.

If Sessh was different from Inuyasha, Rin was even more different from the both of them. She was hard to read in the first place, but lately it seemed like she would say one thing and she would mean another. The wary, sideways glances she gave everyone made her look like she had secrets to keep. Whose secrets were also a mystery.

She kept coming back to Craig, from this morning. Once again, she came to the conclusion that Inuyasha was a dick, but then Nathan and Joel chose to ignore it. Kagura thought that those two were real people with real hearts that thought for themselves. She was wrong, totally, frustratingly, and inexplicably wrong.

Kagura burst into fresh tears. Life was a mess; her life specifically.

What else is new?

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Um, I'm about to take a shower." She said hastily as she got up from her bed and grabbed a towel out of her hamper.

Touga walked into the room. "Don't lie to me Kagura." He said calmly. There wasn't a bit of malice or venom in his voice that said he was mad at Kagura, so she sat down on the bedside with the towel in her lap.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"It's fine." Touga said. He walked around the room, examining every poster and poster board on the wall. "How is school?"

"It's going well. I'm not really having any problems." Kagura replied.

"Science?" Touga said turning around and cocking an eyebrow.

"I've improved." Kagura said sheepishly. "I'm at a "B" now."

"A low "B"." Touga corrected.

"I'll work harder." Kagura promised. She was glad that someone cared now. If this had been a year ago, she would have been failing and no one would have noticed. This brought a different type of tears to her eyes; tears of happiness. She clutched the towel to her chest.

Touga walked to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you." He said, before lifting his hand and walking toward the door. "As for Inuyasha," he said, pausing at the door, "I will talk to him. Not only is he destroying his own reputation, but he is destroying all of ours, not to mention our name."

Kagura smiled. "Thank you."

"Good night." Touga said as he shut the door.

"Night." Kagura said quietly. She got off of the bed and walked to her bathroom.


Outside Kagura's door, Touga stood beside Sesshoumaru who had been waiting, listening to the conversation in the room.

"She's fragile, Sesshoumaru. Don't break her or else I will have to break you." Touga warned him.

"Since when do you get so attached?" Sesshoumaru accused.

"Since I have had something to be proud of." Touga said, insulting Sesshoumaru in the process. "She has our name now. She might still be known as an Onigumo but she is essentially a part of us and a part of me. That part of me is now excelling where she had once failed miserably. She's making something out of herself. Unlike you who have wasted half your life chasing this and that and Inuyasha who preys upon those who can't stand against him."

"What about Rin? Rin is a genius." Sesshoumaru pushed, knowing that would strike a chord in his father.

"Rin isn't mine and you know it. I'm very proud of Rin, but she reminds me too much of things I would rather forget." And with that, Touga stalked off to his office down stairs.

Sesshoumaru steamed from his heated debate with his father. He could hear the shower running from the other side of the wall and decided to leave Kagura alone for the night. He knew she was fragile. He knew that she had seen and dealt with a lot in her short lifetime. He had no intention of hurting her as his father thought he would. He had a heart and that heart was partial towards Kagura. You didn't break the things you were partial to.

He walked off in the same manner Touga had, except towards his room down the hall. All this drama could be handled tomorrow or another day.


Rin sat curled up against the door adjacent to Kagura's. Tears streaked silently down her face. She had always wondered why Touga was so cold to her.

..she reminds me too much of things I would rather forget.

She tucked her legs to her chest. Touga wasn't her father. That's what it was all along. Sesshoumaru wasn't her brother and Inuyasha was only her half-brother. She used to think they were such a happy family when really they were a motley family. Inuyasha was the only one who belonged to both Touga and Izayoi. Sess only belonged to Touga and she herself only belonged to Izayoi. Yet, Kagura didn't belong to anyone; and here she was curled up against her door crying. She stood up and walked over to her bed. She acted like something was wrong with her; like she actually had problems. So she was an illegitimate child, a bastard. Life goes on.

…she reminds me too much of things I would rather forget.

Against her will, Rin broke into sobs. Was she really so easy to forget? Did she really not matter? She curled up again, this time in bed and hugged a pillow against her chest, cradling it between her knees and her chest. She fell asleep in that position, still fully dressed, her face streaked with tears.