Disclaimer: I do not own this anime/manga, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Well, this is the final chapter. I hope you enjoyed the story even a little. I think I did a pretty good job but that's all up to you! Please review!

One morning I woke up and found a letter at my door. It was an invitation to a dinner Bulma was throwing right before the wedding. At the bottom I saw Pan wrote "Please show up I have something important to announce." Something inside felt like it was dying. I knew it wasn't good. The only hope I was holding onto was that she was going to say 'I can't do this' and leave Trunks for me. Yeah, right, I know fat chance. But I had to go just because of her.

I showed up and the first thing I had to see was Bulma. I have to admit she was looking good in a little red dress she was wearing.

"What are you doing here?" Bulma said being the bitch that she is.

"I got an invitation from Pan. And this is my son getting married do you have a problem?"

She let out a sigh "Well, just don't cause problems like you always do. Just sit in a corner or something with a beer."

"Yes, your majesty."

Bulma just gave an evil look and walked off. I caught Pan with my eye and looking at her I knew it was bad news she was going to announce. Just didn't know who the bad news was for.

We all sat at the table. We ate for a bit while I heard all the women at the top of their voice talk about the wedding and what her dressed looked like. It was all making me so sick. When finally Pan hit her glass.

"Ummm I have to announce something. I haven't told anyone except Trunks but I might as well just tell it now since everyone is here."

I know she meant now that I'm here.

"I just found out yesterday that I'm four weeks pregnant."

My heart stopped. I don't know if it was me going in shock or the whole room just went silent. I became dizzy and slowly got up and walked outside. I don't know how long I was out there till I heard Pan running up behind me.


I just slowly looked at her. I didn't know what to say. Hell, I could barely move. All I could get out was "Is it mine?"

She just looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Of course. I told Trunks that it was his and that he was just drunk one night and couldn't remember doing it."

"You mean to tell me that you're going to play that kid off as his."

"Vegeta what else can I do. I have no other option."

"Be with me." I grabbed her shoulders. Her head moved to the ground.

"You know that can't be. I have a life with Trunks. What do you think we can do live in the forest or something? You know that everyone would disown me. I can't live with that. I love you. I love you more than Trunks but I have to have a life for my child."

"Pan, don't do this to me. Please don't." I was begging I was actually begging.

"Vegeta if you can walk me in there and kiss me in front of everyone I will give up everything for you."

"That's all I have to do?" I was so happy. I actually had a chance to have her. I just have to go in and kiss her. That's all and she's mine forever.

I took a deep breath and walked her in there. I looked at everyone. I looked at my son his eyes were so bright with joy. Even Bulma everyone was so happy. How could I ruin that? Everyone was staring at us. I looked at Pan. Her beautiful eyes looking at me. I thought about our future. Our child. I turned her towards me and leaned in kissing her on the cheek.

"Congrats Pan. I give you and my son all the blessings." I walked out the door. I turned and saw Pan in shock. In those quick seconds I realized she was right. I couldn't provide for her and the child. I had to give up something I loved so much. I just knew she would be happier with him.

But this, this was the only thing in my life that I regret. If only I had kissed her. She would be in my arms right now.

The year passed. I barely knew. I went into denial and locked myself in the house. Bulma came over one night and told me the baby was born. I thought for weeks if I should go see it. And I had to. I had to be in the family's life.

I went to Trunks and Pan's house. As the door opened Trunks stood there.

"Dad? Boy this is a surprise. I haven't seen you in so long. What happened?" Trunks invited me in.

"I just had to train. Is that good enough?"

Trunks laughed. "I figured it was that. Did you come to see the baby?"

I nodded. Trunks took me in a room where Pan was rocking the baby. When her eyes caught mine. Well, it was a moment I wished never ended. I noticed all the pink and knew it was a girl.

"Can I hold it?" Trunks was so happy to see me hold his child. Pan just walked out the room saying she had to go to the bathroom.

"She looks like you doesn't she?" Trunks was leaning against the doorway.

I just made a noise. I was going to say more than you know but I thought it would be best to just shut up.

"Can I be alone with her. And could you bring Pan in here." Trunks just gave me a strange look. He nodded and called for her.

"Why are you here Vegeta? I figured you wouldn't want to see her." Pan sat on the floor across from me.

"Did you really think I wouldn't come see my own child?" I let out a sigh as I looked at this beautiful bright eyed child. "And I had to see you."

"Vegeta, why are you making this so hard. You have to move on. I had to." Pan just looked at the ground.

"How do you feel about me now?" I asked her. I had to know if she feels the same way or it was really just a crush.

"Vegeta please don't do this to me."

"No, Pan, please tell me."

"I still love you. I miss you so much. I want to be with you so bad. But you know it can't be."

I nodded. Handing the baby over to Pan. I kissed Pan softly on the lips.

"Why didn't you kiss me like that, that night?" Pan said in tears.

"Because I love you that much. I had to let you go so you can be happy."

Pan just stood there. She was holding back so hard. I smiled and walked out. There was nothing more to say, it would just hurt worse.

Now I just have to live my life and watch Pan and my daughter from afar. As I look upon them they will always remind me of my happiest weeks of my life. But unlike all those fairy tells I didn't get my happy ending.