Disclaimer: I do not own this anime/manga, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

AN: Hi There, I've posted this story before but I saw so many mistakes and I added a few things to it….. But its been so long (yeah like over three years) so all you new readers tell me what you think! PLEASE REVIEW IT'S MY ONLY JOY IN LIFE!!!!!!!!

Chapter One

I'm going to say first, that this story isn't going to have a happy ending. I'm just saying this so you don't get your hopes up. As much as I wanted it to be happy, my life never goes that way. Let me give you a little background information to support my point. I am the prince of all sayians (like that isn't pressure enough) I have all that on my shoulders. Then my planet is destroyed. Then I come to earth to be defeated by a third class Sayian. Continue to live on earth and watch that clown win battle after battle while I'm still second to him. The only good things that come out of this earth are my son and daughter, and I must say Bulma. I never told her but she was really great in a sense. She gave me my children and put up with me for all those years. Until she got fed up with me and left me. I must be honest I wasn't the best man to her. I'm just glad it's over.

Let's move on to my next dilemma. I'm in love with a woman that I can't have. Yes, I said it. I'm in love. The first time I ever felt that way. Don't get me wrong I loved Bulma in a way. I loved her for what she gave me not for who she was. But this woman I think about her day and night. I even think about her when I train. This dark haired beauty makes me want to drop everything and just be with her. Yeah, I can't believe I'm saying this either. I feel so weak but it's just something I can't control. Since that one day a year ago Pan changed my life forever.

About a year ago everything settled down between me and Bulma she allowed me to live in the cc property (I had a little house next to hers.) Bulma and I rarely spoke and when we did, you guessed it, fought about everything. Not like I wasn't used to it. I still had my gravity room and that's all that mattered (at the time).

I knew Trunks and Pan had been dating. They started when she was sixteen. Gohan finally realized she wasn't his little girl anymore and he also knew Trunks was a good guy. When she turned eighteen Trunks asked her to marry him and the when she turn nineteen they were planning the wedding.

This begins my story. Everyone was at Bulma's house planning the wedding. I just stayed in my house. I figured I shouldn't crash the party. What am I saying I didn't give a damn about what was going on there. Later that night my door bell rang. I answered it and was shocked to see that it was Pan, standing there just smiling at me. At this time I wasn't attracted to her at all. I asked her what she wanted. She just shrugged and said

"Nothing. Just wanted to see what you were up to." This wasn't unusual for her. She seemed to always like me even when she was a child. I just rolled my eyes and went and sat back down on the couch. She sat in a chair that was across the room.

After a while of awkward silence. "You're boring." She said as she slumped down in her seat.

"Well, please forgive me." Anyone else that would do this to me I would have kicked their ass out of my house.

I sat there looking at her, look at me. Her happy facial expressions quickly changed to a face that looked as if she was about to cry.

"Vegeta do you mind if I stay here for a while?"

Of course I was going to let her stay. I just had to mess with her for a bit. "Why do you want to stay here? Thought I was boring."

"I need a place to think for awhile. This whole wedding thing is about to make me go crazy." She said slouching in her seat and making a pouty face.

"Yeah, Bulma will do that to you."

Pan just laughed. "No, it's not Bulma. What a surprise, huh? It's just the wedding in general. I'm scared. I mean scared out of my freakin mind. You don't understand I think about this every day. Which isn't unusual for a bride but I think bad things. Like is he really the one? Am I really this lonely? Am I freakin' crazy for doing this? I can't even answer my own questions." She laid her head on her knees and started to give off those fake crying sounds and moans.

I didn't know what to say. I never got married. "It would be scary to any woman to marry Trunks." That got her smiling again.

"Did you have doubts when you got married to Bulma?" I let her think about what she just said for a minute. "Oh yeah, duh. I feel dumb." Pan rubbed her head just like Goku.

"Are you having doubts?" I don't know why I was asking her this. At the time I could care less. I guess I was just in a good mood.

Pan just looked at me with a blank face. I told her "You know I won't say anything, but if you don't want to tell me then that's fine too." I crossed my arms pretending like I didn't give a shit.

"No, I trust you, ummm..." She began playing with her hair. "It's just I think there is someone else out there for me. But I love Trunks and I don't want to feel like I'm settling on him. I really love him more than anything I really, really do. I don't know what to do! I want to pull out my hair." She started to get tears in her eyes. And I couldn't handle Pan crying because she starts breaking things.

"Pan, calm down. I honestly don't know what to tell you. Just follow your heart. That's what I've always done. It was not always right but it made me not regret life."

She took another deep breath and smiled. "You know Vegeta. I always had a crush on you. Don't know what it is but you're really something."

Okay where in the hell did that come from. I didn't even say anything. I just kept my stone cold expression.

She let out a little giggle and walked towards the door.

"Thanks Vegeta. You really helped me." She gave a little wave and shut the door. Leaving me to wonder.

For the next couple of weeks Pan and even Trunks would drop in and visit. Mostly Pans ideal of course. Then a night I will not forget happened. It was late at night and I was training I heard a loud voice from the outside. I looked and saw a really drunk Pan. First I was surprised to see her drunk, and then was even more surprised that a saiyan could get that drunk. She must have drunk all the alcohol she saw.

"Vegeta!" Pan ran, well stumbled, towards me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Why in the hell are you so drunk?" I led her inside the house and made her lay on the couch.

"Me and umm Bura was throwing a little party. And I think I had a little too much to drink."

"You think? Stupid girl."

Besides being a little upset about Pan being this drunk. To find out that my own daughter was throwing the party pissed me off even more. But I had a bigger problem on my hands.

"Just lay here. And please don't throw up on my couch." She gave a thumb up as I went and got her a glass of water. When I came back she was setting up.

"I told you to lie down. Don't you freakin listen to anyone?" She just smiled. She waved to me to come closer. I sat down next to her. She grabbed the water and put it down on the table.

"Vegeta, I really want to thank you for being there for me. This past month you have just let me vent. That means a lot to me."

"Yeah whatever." I just crossed my arms. She was so drunk I didn't really want to listen to a word she says.

Next thing I knew she had grabbed my face and kissed me. It was a quick and sweet kiss that you would remember to your last days. When she stopped the kiss she giggled and passed out. I just let her sleep. What I really wanted to do was wake her up and say 'what are you thinking!" but instead I just went to my room saying to myself. "What the hell just happened?"

Another couple of weeks went by without speaking to her. I thought it was over but I was terribly wrong. I was training in the Gravity Camber when I heard a knock. It was Pan (of course) telling me to turn the gravity off. I turned it off and watched her walk in. She was wearing a tight white tank top and a very short black skirt.

"What are you doing here?" I said with my back turned to her. All I could think of was the kiss she gave me and how I wanted another.

"I wanted to come and say I'm sorry." She kept rubbing her hands together. I know she was nervous.

"Why are you sorry?" I didn't know really at first what she was sorry for but I had an idea.

"You know what for. The kiss I gave you while I was drunk. I hope I didn't cross the line."

"I can't believe you remember." I sat down on my bench.

Pan just let out a giggle.

"Did you like it?"

"Well, of course... Wait why do you care? You should be sorry that you kissed your fiancés father."

"I should, shouldn't I?" She gave a devilish smirk while playing with a strain of her hair. "I'm mostly sorry for passing out before I got to do what I really wanted. " She walked slowly up to me. I was trying to conceal my emotions but It was hard to watch something so beautiful walk towards you like that. I was so confused. What the hell is going on?

She straddled me causing her skirt to move farther up her leg. I took a deep breath. You wouldn't believe what was going through my head. I wanted to push her off but then I looked into her eyes and I couldn't bring myself to do it. If only I pushed her off and said no. How would things be now?

"What did you really want to do?" I could barely say those words. She could see me sweat. She knew she had me wrapped around her finger. She just smiled and grabbed the back of my neck pulling me closer towards her face.

She whispered in my ear.

"Do you want me?"

Do you want me? What kind of question is that to ask a guy? Oh god yes! But I couldn't say it like that.

"What do you think?"

She thought for a minute then smiled and she looked in between my leg. And believe me I was ready.

I could hardly move. I was almost afraid to. I thought if I did I would wake up from this dream. Not to mention if I touched her then I would be betraying my son. Like I'm not now?

She began kissing my neck and sucking on my ear lobes softly. I can't tell you the way I felt physically and emotionally. I hadn't had a woman touch me like this since well I can't remember.

I couldn't help but let out a soft moan. Without me realizing it. She ripped off my tank and began to rub her soft hands all over my chest grazing over my nipples making me almost jump her but I couldn't I had to let her do it. I had to make sure SHE really wanted to do this.

I didn't want to ruin the moment, god knows I didn't want any of this to stop, but I had to ask.

"What about Trunks?"

"What about him?" She took off her shirt exposing herself just in a thin white bra.

I almost forgot what I was trying to say. "Are you not together? Why are you here with me?"

"No, we are still together, but were getting married in less than 2 months and I have to get you out of my system. Now can you please shut up and let me fuck you."

I complied and just let my mind go blank. I was going to enjoy this because this may probably be my only time to be with her. What can one time hurt?

She got on her knees and took my shorts off throwing them across the room I just closed my eyes to enjoy the experience even more. Next thing I felt almost made me cum. Her small warm mouth tightening around me. Going deep down moving her tongue around all the right spots. Moving slowly over my head. She continued doing this as she took her bra off exposing the soft supple breast that I've been waiting to see.

She stopped and began licking her way up my chest. Even giving my nipples a little attention. She grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. A kiss anyone would die for. Her tongue mingling roughly with mine. Taking control just as I like it. I couldn't help myself I had to touch her. I had to cross my own personal boundaries. I grabbed her breast squeezing softly hearing her moan and call my name. At that instant I couldn't stand it anymore. I threw her down to the ground. She gave one of her smirks and said "I was wondering when you was going to touch me."

I just smiled. I moved on top of her. Biting softly at her neck. I fondled her beast, sucking on them. I tried to not be too rough but she seemed to like anything I did. I moved down and pulled off her skirt. I was surprised to see she wasn't wearing any underwear. I guess she really wanted me. I needed to know what she tasted like. I moved my mouth to her hot center licking at her clit. She let out her moans and commanding me to continue. I moved my fingers in her. First just one then two. Moving them in and out at the same time as playing with her clit. After a few short minutes of her moaning she came. Her body letting out a fierce shiver. She laid there trying to catch her breath. I waited.

She sat up and looked at me.

"What are you thinking?" I said trying to sound seductive.

She smiled and pushed me down on the ground and climb on top. I can't describe to you how sexy she looked at that moment. Her hair tussled, her cheeks a rosy read, and a gleam of sweat all over her body making her look as if she was glowing.

I couldn't help but tell her "You look beautiful." I know it was out of my character to say that but if you were with a girl like her, you would say crazier stuff.

She just gave a smirk and said "I know."

As she said that she put me inside her. I let out a loud sigh. She felt so good and tight. Again I can't even explain how good it felt. I could sometimes hear myself say "Oh god Pan." And she rode me hard and fast. I grabbed her hips moving her up and down faster and faster.

"Vegeta!" Pan cried out.

Hearing her say my name turned me on more than anything. I cried on last time as I came. I pulled her close to me feeling her chest against mine.

"Oh god," I said almost in a whisper. Then the next words that came out of my own mouth shocked me (see a pattern) "This was so wrong." What happened to me having no morals?

"I know, I'm sorry, but better now than when I get married to him." She said still panting trying to catch her breath.

"Isn't this just as bad." When will I learn to shut the hell up?

She got off me and began to get dressed. Even though I didn't want her to. Her body was so gorgeous she was like a painting.

"Since when do you care anyways Vegeta? I thought you were cold hearted. What happened? Did Bulma make you soft?"

"I don't know!" I said hatefully. I wanted to say more but I didn't want to fight with her.

"Well, then don't worry about it." She put back on her shirt and headed towards the door.

"This is the first and only time. So your right there's not much to worry about." I said almost feeling better.

"Who said this is the only time? There's still six more weeks till the wedding." She blew me a kiss and shut the door.

What was I going to do now? Continue this affair for six more weeks. What would you do if you were dealing with a woman like her?


AN: Now that I look at it I'm not sure if it's all that great... the sex scene sucked but I tried... maybe someone can look past that and think it's a good plot ::shrug::

Now PLEASE don't look at the grammar I'm sure it's all jacked up just review about the story...

This story is complete I'll just add a new chapter everyday!