Someone sent me a PM complaining that it was the new year and I hadn't updated yet. So I typed the rest of this chapter. I was going for something longer, but I ran out of time. So, anyways, lets start the new year off with a bang, yeah?


"Buh- wha- you're not- huh?!"

Standing before him was obviously Gaara but how was that possible? This guy was in the Chuunin exams but his name wasn't Gaara. At least that's not what the board said during the preliminaries.

"How can you be Gaara?!"

He smirked, just a barely upturning of his lip, but it was still there.

"I placed you under a genjutsu the first time you saw me. Whenever you heard someone say my name, it sounded like a different name to you. Whenever you read my name, you read it as something different then everybody else, whenever you spoke my name, you thought you were saying my 'other' name but the others just heard you say Gaara. I wanted to keep my presence a surprise for you. I do admit that every minute I was around you, I just wanted to take you into my arms, but I knew the end result would be just that much sweeter. And I was right."

Naruto just gaped at him. Then he glared, and lightly shoved Gaara's shoulder.

"You put me under a genjutsu? Teme!" He blushed lightly when he realized what he said.

The shove barely affected Gaara. Instead, he was looking at Naruto's very naked body. Naruto turned red when he saw Gaara staring.

"Pervert! Get out of my shower and go wait in the living room or something!" Bodily throwing Gaara out of the shower- not that he could have if Gaara didn't want to move- he quickly finished washing himself. Peaking around the curtain, he made sure Gaara had indeed exited the bathroom. Drying himself off and throwing that damn robe back on (he cursed himself for not bringing a change of clothes into the bathroom), he peaked into his bedroom.

No Gaara insight.


When he reached his closet, he let out an undignified sound (he did not squeak damnit!). Someone grabbed him around his waist -gee I wonder who- and threw him face first onto the bed. This someone then climbed on top of him and flipped him over. He glared up at the blank face of Gaara.

"What do you think your doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like you are about to get off of me and let me get dressed."

Gaara smirked.

"After all the time we've spent being intimate in our dreamscape, I wouldn't have guessed that you'd be shy in real life."

"You make it sound like we've had sex, you pervert!"

Gaara smirked at Naruto's red cheeks.

"Maybe not yet, but I intend to soon."

Naruto gaped.

"No way! We're barely even teenagers, we shouldn't be interested in doing that for a few more years. I don't think its normal for people to lose their virginity at 12 and 13, you know!"

"Hn. And since when have we been normal? I see that the fusion hasn't begun in you yet, but it has for me. Shukaku has started to share his chakra and body with me, along with his hormones, unfortunately. Kyuubi will start to do this with you as well, but only once he determines that you're ready. Because of this process, my body has started to mature past that of what a 12 year old's body should be."

Naruto blinked, and for the first time, really looked at Gaara.

He saw a mature face, with eyes that had seen far too much. Flaming red hair, broad shoulders, toned arms and chest, long legs and a very firm stomach. Over all, he looked at least 15 or 16.

Naruto openly gaped.

Smirking at his stunned expression, Gaara leaned down to nuzzle Naruto's supple neck- only to be shoved away by a hand in his face.

"Nuh-uh! You may have the hormones of a 16 year old boy, but I don't! Not yet at least!"

Naruto felt very smug about Gaara's growl of annoyance. This is, until Gaara pinned his arms above his head.

"It seems someone's forgotten who the dominant is in this relationship," He growled out, before nipping his mate's neck harshly. He dodged Naruto's kicking legs by slipping in between them, pushing Naruto's flimsy robe up his legs even further. When Naruto's struggling didn't stop, Gaara latched onto his neck with his fangs and released a warning snarl.

Naruto froze.

Even though he had never physically heard that growl, his instincts recognized it for what it was. It was orders from his dominate to knock it off. His body immediately started to relax- against his will of course.

"No damnit!"

He started lightly struggling again.

He was entirely unprepared for Gaara to throw open his robe, use the tie to bind his wrists together, and spread his knees thus forcing Naruto's legs even further apart.


Naruto gasped when Gaara started sucking on his sensitive nipples and tried to urge Gaara head away with his bound hands. It was borderline painful in its intensity. Instead of backing off, Gaara roughly thumbed Naruto's nipples and reveled in Naruto's scream.

"Remember your place my mate, I do what I want to your body and you don't have a say in it. You're mine!" Gaara whispered hotly in his mate's ears before continuing down his body.

Naruto's body nearly arched off the bed when Gaara engulfed Naruto's erection with his mouth. As much as he didn't want it, Naruto couldn't stop his body from reacting. All too soon, he found his release. His very first caused by another -physical- person.

As he layed gasping for breath, Gaara finally backed off.


"Kehehehehe good job showing your mate who's the dominant Gaara. I'm sure he's just going to throw himself you now." Shukaku cackled sarcastically. Opening his eyes and pulling his sight back from the outside world, he focused on his surroundings.

On three sides he was surrounded by solid metallic colored walls, in front of him he was trapped by metal-like bars.

Same old same old.

Wrapping his chakra around his form, he effortlessly concentrated it. His body quickly shrunk and turned humanoid.

He had short, sandy blond hair and glowing amber eyes. He had a healthy tan and his body was well muscled. His shoulders and chest were broad and covered with a white tunic and a brown, cloth belt. The tunic was loose and dipped low over his chest. The sleeves showed off his strong, tattooed arms.

His legs were covered by dark brown, loose pants. He had black ninja shoes and his calves were wrapped up with white cloth. Tan fox ears peaked out of his hair and he had nine tan tails swishing behind him.

Settling down on the metallic-like floor, he sighed.

Kyuubi was so close, close enough that he could feel him in the air, but he was still untouchable. Once Gaara and Naruto joined, Shukaku and Kyuubi would be together again. The bond between their containers would allow them to visit each other whenever they wanted.

With what Gaara just pulled, Shukaku doubted that Naruto would let him near his body anytime soon. Naruto was still young, and even though we was a boy, he hadn't reached the point of being ready for sex. Gaara may still be the same age as Naruto, but he was physically older by at least three years. His needs were different than Naruto now.

Of course, Gaara didn't understand this.

Shukaku sighed in frustration.

Yes, he wanted Naruto and Gaara to be happy together, but damnit, he wanted to be with Kyuubi! It had been twelve, twelve years since they had been together. Since Shukaku had heard his voice, had seen is smile, had felt his soft hair. It was killing him not being with Kyuubi.

He could't imagine what Kyuubi had felt when he had been taken from him. Taken from him and sealed within a human child, within Gaara. He really wasn't surprised Kyuubi went on a rampage across the country. He would have done the same thing.

He clenched his fist in anger.

Stupid power hungry humans. Hadn't they learned not to mess with the demons of the land? It wasn't like the demons hunted humans, in fact, the demons protected humans. There were far worse creatures from the spirit would that would love to have a human snack.

With all that the humans had done to the Protectors, he was starting to doubt the need for their position. Why not just leave them to the mercy of the spirit realm? It would certainly solve their problems.

He snorted. As if the King would ever consider that.

He perked up when he heard something strange from the outside. He smirked. More drama was just what he needed. It did get pretty boring doing nothing for twelve years.


As he caught his breath, Naruto grabbed his sheet and pulled it around his body. Ignoring Gaara's smirk, he very calmly grabbed his clothes and walk to the bathroom, slamming the door closed.

When he finally came out, Naruto ignored Gaara and walked to the kitchen, intent on making himself a meal. Fixing a bowl of cereal, he walked around Gaara and sat at the table. Naruto could feel Gaara's amusement as he sat on the couch in the living room.

Naruto growled when he felt sand creeping down the front of his shirt. Even though he was the Submissive, he was not going to put up with this crap.

Finishing his food, he tossed his dishes in the sink and headed back to his room to fix his bed. He stilled when he felt Gaara pressed up against his back.

"Don't be angry koi. Aren't you happy to finally see me after so many years of communication?"

Naruto didn't say anything, but he didn't push Gaara away when he wrapped his arms around Naruto's slim waist. Gaara frowned when there was no sign of an impending outburst. Normally, Naruto wouldn't shut up if someone pissed him off. Well, normally Naruto wouldn't shut up period.

"I told you no Gaara. You didn't listen to me."

Gaara frowned.

"So? You never had any problems being intimate when we were in our dream scape. Besides, its my right."

Naruto turned around in Gaara's arms.

"That was our dream scape, this is reality. Its different. Its real. I told you no, and you didn't listen! How do I know that you'll listen to me in other matters of our life? Are you just going to be the typical male of bulldoze over what I think and feel?!"

Naruto's voiced had grown louder as he had progressed.

Gaara didn't say anything, but he did wrap his arms around Naruto, pulling him closer.

"This is about the villagers isn't it?"

Naruto's silence gave him his answer. Gaara squeezed him closer in apology. They both knew that he wouldn't be able to give on out loud. And Naruto accepted it. Just as he was about to wrap his arms around Gaara to show he understood, there was a strange noise from the living room.

Naruto groaned in annoyance.

"What the hell, is today Sneak-Into-Naruto's-Apartment Day?" Naruto said under his breath. Before he could sneak into the living room, Gaara pushed him back and gave him a warning look. Using his sand, he created another eye, sending it to investigate. Making no noise at all, he pulled Naruto towards his closet and out of sight from the hallway.

Using sign language, he described the male in the other room. Naruto visibly relaxed when he finished.

"Phew! Its just Shino. He's my good friend." Giving Gaara a reassuring smile, he all but bounced into the other room.

"Shino! What are you doing here? You know, your like the third person to sneak into my apartment today! Did someone send out a memo that I was not aware of or something? Anyways, what are you doing here? I thought you had training today, what happened? Ohhhh, did training finish already? When did you guys start?! That must have been eeeeaaarrrlllyy! I didn't know you were a morning person! I'm definately not, I neeeeeed my sleep! Otherwise I'm grumpy and snap at everything! Sakura has smacked my quite a few times for that y'know. Would you like an apple? I think Kakashi-"

Gaara shook his head. How could someone so small talk so much? This Shino person didn't seem to be really bothered. Either that, or he was use to it. Gaara bet he was just use to it.

When Shino's head shifted slightly, Gaara was aware that Shino was looking at him now, even though he couldn't see through Shino's dark sunglasses. Gaara stared right back. Whatever Shino was looking for, he seemed to have found it as he gave a slight nod before turning his attention back to Naruto.

