Now, if you have read up to this point and have not reviewed a single chapter, I ask you to go back and review every chapter. If you have not reviewed the majority of the chapters in this story, it is highly unlikely I will accept your character for Dominance 2 unless I really like it.

Kizers POV is first.

Chapter 50: Dominance (Man, that felt good typing the Five O)

I smiled as Doug's headless body was kneeling before me, the blood and pieces of skull covering my hands only made the smile larger.

"Not Every Fairy Tale has a happy ending Doug" I said bringing up my foot against his chest and kicking him harshly into the dirt.

I looked around as the arena's crowd was in a uproar of cheers. Doug had been defeated. Lord Tera will surely reward my troubles.

"Kizer, there has been a ship seen to the north" Kulth, my assistant who had brought Doug to the arena said.

"Ah, must be Xavier. He is far too late to save his friend….Everyone leave the island" I said, watching Kulth's eyes expand in surprise.

"What shall you do Kizer?" he said.

"My army needs to be the best if I want to become the first demon captain. I will have no causalities with my fight with Xavier" I said, smiling as I cracked my knuckles.

Within minutes of my order the island was deserted. I remained at the center of the arena, next to Doug's body. Awaiting there arrival.

"This isn't right, something is wrong" I heard a voice, feminine but familiar.

"Ya really Hee?" A male voice….which I could distinguish even if I was blind, deaf and stupid.

"Third Demon Captain, Jack Frost!" I yelled out, making my voice echo though out the entire arena.

"Ah, there you are, I was thinking you put your tail between your legs and fled" Frost said with a confident smirk.

I then heard Eve, Xavier's bitch, gasp as she saw Doug's body. I looked down at it then back at Frost.

"He wasn't any fun at all, didn't beg for his life, so I took it effortlessly" I said, moving my gaze to Eve. Her eyes now seemed to be glowing slightly. Frost had his hand out stretched to the side. Although I doubt he would be able to hold her back if she lunged. She knew the gesture to stay back and think practically.

"Frost, still trying to get some?" I asked, trying to hit a weak spot.

"Of course Kizer, don't have forever ya know" he replied cheekily

"No, you don't" I said, watching as Frosts Fists quickly tensed up. "It seems you have lost some of your sins, they are the only thing making you a demon".

"I am still more demon than you Kizer" he said with malice.

I just came to my senses to notice Eve was slowly walking around me. I didn't look in her direction but I kicked some dirt towards her. I received a growl in return.

"So, its going to be two on one. Isn't that a bit unfair Frost?" I said sarcastically.

"That's how I like it, three bunched up tight fighting to breath" Frost said, unbuttoning his collar.

"We still talking about this fight, cause I'm sure you got lonely in that castle, and Tera did visit you sometimes, did he do anything you didn't like?" Bang, that hit the spot.

"FUCK YOU KIZER!" Frost yelled out, quickly swinging his arms to his side, making the bone blades stab out his wrists. In a instant he was rushing towards me.

I spun around delivering a quick jab to Eve's chest sending her rocketing backwards, then with shear reflexes I brought my right foot up spinning around knocking Frost on the head sending him straight to the ground. The ground underneath Frost seemed to crack around him from the force.

I remained on the spot, laughing slightly at their pitiful attempts. Frost was up within seconds kicking my ankles as he jumped up. As I fell I put out my hands and back flipped around. Making my foot make contact with the side of his face. Sending him off in the same direction Eve went.

I looked over there to see Eve standing in the open as Frost slowly got up off the ground behind her, using his blades to help him.

"Kizer, you have taken far too many lives, your terror ends here" Eve said, as she clapped. Making a glyph appear in front of her.

"Give me your best shot" I said, leaving my chest wide open.

"disambiguation" Eve yelled as a large black pulse was shot though the glyph. As she expected it hit Kizer, exploding him into thousands of pieces. But then the pieces were attracted together again like a magnet to metal. Reforming Kizer.

"Such a big word for a young one" I said, cracking my neck side to side. I could see the anger in her eyes, and it only made me want to hurt her more.

I then felt a strange feeling in my stomach. Looking down I saw the end of Frost's bone blade sticking out of me. I could hear him smirk behind me.

I reached down and grabbed the end.


I heard Frost scream out as I broke the end off, just like breaking a arm. I quickly lurched forward and ducking down, only to kick off the ground and uppercut his jaw with my fist. And as expected, I elbowed Eve in the faceas she tried to strike out(OUCH, think about that- Authors note).

I felt blood on my elbow, this made me turn around to see her slightly crouched over with blood almost pouring out of her nose. Must of broke it.

"Eve!" I heard Frost yell out as I felt lacerations on my back from the remaining blade.

I hit my fists together, exploding the energy around me, throwing both Eve and Frost to opposite ends on the arena, which was now quickly breaking apart.

Eve quickly burst out of the rubble, now in her vampire form. Her small black wings stuck out gracefully from her back as her finger nails shined sharply. Her eyes now red instead of the strange blue color. I could see her teeth when she snarled slightly. Her clothes replaced by a rather skimpy leather one piece bikini looking armor.

"That's hot" I heard Frost say behind me

I looked around to see him looking at Eve while brushing dust off himself.

"Transformations, although the most draining magic, its opens the possibilities of endless power" I quoted as if reading a book. "Time to end this pointless endeavor".

The ground around me quickly turned black and started to bubble. Pyreflies slowly started rising and sinking into my body.

"His using the lives of the dead…." I head Frost say as I continued to suck in the power.

My silver hair starting to move slightly as the aura around me started to flow. I looked straight up, bearing my yellow teeth. My skin started to turn black as my muscles started growing. My tongue now snake like, tasting the air around me. And a tail now grew off my lower spinal column. My knuckles had spikes growing out of them as my feet had small curved blades on the top.

"You really do have a tail?" Frost said as he cut the end off of his other bone blade on a angle so it was sharp again. He grimaced in pain as he did so but.

"Now you will see the true power of a Demon Captain!" I yelled out rushing towards Eve and unleashing a barrage of kicks and punches. She skillfully blocked about half of them, however the other half were clearly starting to weaken her.


I swiped my right foot around making contact with Frosts blade as my fists continued the onslaught with Eve. Although for now I was winning for now, I could feel the situation changing.

Eve jumped backwards as Frost brought up his knee into my side.

"Fulminating Darkness" Eve yelled as a beam of green and black energy came towards my exposed side.

"Dammit" I yelled out as my right arm was blown off. I started to gather the particles when I was hit again by the blunt side of frosts blade. I doubled over onto my knees.

"If we don't let you regenerate, than your helpless Hee" Frost said pointing his blade at my face.

"This is far from over Frost" I said quietly.

Then my tail quickly came up stabbing though Eve's chest. Frosts guard dropped as I punched the ground with my fist, causing small rock spikes to stab out of the ground.

Frost quickly jumped into the air. He pulled out his handgun and fired at his own head. "Envy". A giant black fire bird descended from the sky and flew underneath Frost.

My attention went back to Eve who was currently propped up on my tail. I wiped around and sliced her neck with my foot. Sending her back into a wall.

I gained enough time to regenerate my other arm. Just in time as I rolled to the side, avoiding a fireball which rained from above.

"Oblivion" Eve yelled out as the ground under me turned black, similar to how it done with my transformation, however this time I fell though.

Eve awaited me in her transformed state. Her Feet and sharp nails glowing with a red aura. I was unable to move as she rushed towards me kicking and punching me with explosive impacts.

It all ended and I rose from the black circle. I opened my eyes to see Eve in front of me.

"You will not destroy me, there is a reason that no one is on this island" I said.

Eve's hand outstretched and grabbed my neck tightly, lifting me off the ground.

"This is your end Kizer, I will find great pleasure in ending your life" Eve said as her claws pierced my throat.

"Not today……..BITCH" I brought my fist up, breaker her arm with a sickening crunch. I was slung to the ground but I landed smoothly. I then brought both of my fists down onto the island. Causing a large explosions to happen all around the island.

"Eve!, we must leave!, the island is sinking!" Frost yelled out from the firebirds back.

"We will finish this later Kizer" Eve said, clutching her arm as her wings opened up and she flew upwards.

I watched as Frost and Eve flew away, leaving me to sink on my island.

"A captain goes down with his ship….."I said with a smirk.

"That depends if that captain can learn to follow another's orders" A voice behind me said.

I whipped around to see a tall man with blacked spiked hair. He was wearing a armor I had never seen before.

"And you are?" I questioned, cracking my fists.

"The Dark God, Asura, I have witnessed your display of power, join me and I shall give you the power to destroy your enemies" Asura said, crossing his arms with a satisfied grin.

"You think I am really trapped on this island?" I said, shaking my arms to get ready to fight.

"No, but you want more power, you need more power. I can grant that Kizer" Asura said.

"What is stopping me from destroying you?" I asked.

"Ha, you are mortal compared to me. Even Tera works under my command. I see more potential in you then Tera. I even brought Xavier back to life to destroy Tera" Asura said, as he swung his arm behind him, opening up a black portal.

"Join me and see your true potential, surpass Tera and Xavier and become my second in command" he said.

"If Tera is your puppet, then I have nothing to lose now" I said with a grin as I walked past Asura, into the portal.

Eve's POV

"Frost, take us to Xavier…….Now!" I demanded as I sat on the black fire bird in my human state again.

"He would be at the Omega ruins by now" Frost said, he sounded annoyed about something, probably because he wasn't able to defeat Kizer.

"Then lets go there!" I yelled.

"Yeah, I was already going there, cant let Xavier finish everything with out me Hee!" He said, his voice changing back to its normal tone.

Frost was still strange, I couldn't quite grasp the concept of his creation. Was he a human controlled by seven sins?, or a demon who was crazy. Whatever the reason was, he sure was strange.

"Something's wrong…" Frost said as the bird slowed to a hover

"What?" I asked, now getting annoyed.

"The island, its missing…" Frost sound, now confused.

"What do you mean missing, you sure your stupid ass didn't get us lost" I said, looking around the horizon.

"NO!, this is where it is you stupid bitch, don't question my directions!" Frost yelled, quickly getting frustrated.

"Me the stupid bitch, who has us flying on a fire bird in the middle of the ocean looking for a island that isn't there!" I yelled.

"Look, this isn't getting us know where, just shut up and let me think!" Frost said, putting his hand to his head.

"Great, we are going to be here all day………." I said rolling my eyes

Ok, fight one is done, that is 2000 words of almost pure fighting. Next up is Kel and Camazotz.

Camazotz POV

held up my hand, absorbing the pulse and then shooting it off into the distance.

"Give it up Kel" I said, raising my hand up again to Kels level.

"It is only just starting" Kel says with a smile.

"My strength surpasses yours Kel, leave now and you will survive" I say, a black ball of energy starting to appear above me again.

"SUPER CHARGE FAULT" Kel Yells, electricity quickly flowing all around him, changing his skin to yellow and making his hair turn blonde and grow into some huge spikes all over his head.


A loud whizzing noise is heard as we look over to see the air ship taking off from the hanger.

I bring my hand up and salute the ship, they seem to get the message as it rises higher and starts to take off.

"I see your friends are leaving you" Kel says, smiling a bit

"You are the strongest opponent I have fought, if I cannot defeat you, I will never be able to defeat Tera…I will find my own way to the Omega Ruins" I say, clenching my claws.

I quickly roll so the side as a lightning bolt exploded the area I was standing moments before. Within a instant I am leaping again, avoiding the lighting bolts being thrown by the 'Overlord' Kel.

"You cant dodge forever" Kel said, throwing lighting bolts over his shoulders with both arms comically.

I stopped in a kneeling position and brought up my palm in front of me, creating a black force field. Which absorbed a few of the hits before shattering. By this time I had already moved four meters to the right.

"You may be fast, BUT IM FASTER!" Kel yelled, fazing out and appearing in front of me. "TEN THOUSAND AMPS!" Kel yelled out as his hand out stretched, grabbing my face.

I felt nothing, everything went numb as I felt my entire body shutter with electricity. I was shot backwards into a metal pole. Which didn't help much as I was instantly magnetized to it.

"You really are special, you see, amps are the fatal part of electricity, three amps is enough to stop the human heart" Kel said.

"Stop your squabbling, I need not to hear your voice" I said, discharging negative energy to neutralize the positive attraction.

I fell from the pole landing on the ground. I stood up, my huge black wings folding up behind me.

I rushed towards his glowing yellow body. Swinging my claws along his face. They passed though him as his fist extended out. Although the hit was relatively weak, I felt a electrical charge pulse though my body. It numbed me for long enough for him to bring his foot up into my gut.

Again his physical attacks were not harming my body. But at this rate I'm not going to be able to attack. I purposely fell backwards to avoid his next strike. As soon as my wings hit the ground I opened them, springing me towards Kel. I charged up my fist with dark magic. Two can use elemental attacks.

My hit caused Kel to flip backwards and land harshly on the ground.

"You winged faggot!" Kel said, jumping up in a flash. Shooting a large beam of electricity in my direction. "HIKE" Kels body then turned into a bolt of lighting, shooting towards me.

I opened my wings up and darted into the sky, the bolt quickly curving up and pursing, gaining distance easily. I quickly spun my body around and held my fists together above my head. Just before Kel reached my I unleashed all the energy I had built up.

Kel was shot to the ground like being fired from a cannon. I smirked in satisfaction, however it was short lived as I felt my energy draining from my last attack. I attempted to get as low as possible before my wings turned to smoke. I dropped suddenly but still landed half gracefully on one knee.

I looked towards the rising dust cloud for signs of Kel. I saw a figure walking out, but it wasn't glowing so things looked pretty good.

It was Kel again, back to his original form, wearing gold arm bracers.

"That was a stupid thing to do, you have lost your strength while I have many tricks up my sleeve" Kel said.

"GO KEL!" I looked over to see his demon looking partner, Etna jumping up and down with cheerleading pompoms. Where did she pull them from?

My attention went straight back to Kel as he hit the bracers together, shooting a large red beam towards me. I ducked out of the way, missing it by centimeters.

"Demiaga!" I yelled, throwing a large ball of gravitational energy towards Kel. He held his arms in a cross formation in front of him. The attack hit him directly but he seemed unfazed from it.

"You need to do better than that" Kel taunted as he summoned a giant odd looking key.

"Demiaja!" I shouted, making sure there was always distance between me and Kel. Although the key looked like it would have trouble piercing balsa wood, I knew that if Kel had it, then it wasn't ordinary, or normal…

As I had guessed, he deflected the spell with the key, sending it off into the Kilikan sunset. The key then transformed into a bazooka, on the end of the missile there was a smiley face drawn.

My eyebrows shot up as the thing was fired. My natural instincts came in and started to leg it, and fast too. I heard a loud whiz as it buzzed past my head, exploding meters in front of me.

I was slung back like a rag doll in my human body. I rolled along the ground before coming to a slow stop. I heard a large shell hit the ground, then the metal scraping of another missile being loaded. In a heart beat I was up on my feet and running to the nearest airship hanger.

I ran inside and ducked behind some crates as I felt the building shake violently.

"You cant run forever Totz" Kel said as I saw a bright flash from his direction.

"Demiaja" I shouted, exploding the crates using my finger tips, slinging the energy towards him.

Just as I had thought, he had changed the bazooka into a machine gun with the flash of light, however he didn't have time to change back to the key blade as the force struck him, bending his mind and body out of proportion before roughly slamming him into the ground and crushing his bones.

Etna then ran over to Kel and tried to help him up, he jumped up quickly before she could help him.

"Ah!, I don't need help, I was just caught off guard" Kel said, shrugging her off. Although he was acting tough, I could see that my attacks were starting to have effect on him. If only I could have just that bit more power….

I will give you the power to defeat your enemy

"Huh" I looked around, trying to find out where the voice came from, and how they read my mind.

In my moment of confusion, Kel had punched me in the face, sending me flying backwards into some more crates.

"You looked a bit out of it" Kel laughed.

You can defeat him, you just need a little push in the right direction

I shook my head, hearing voices was the last thing I needed.

"Don't think you will have another chance Kelvin" I said, as I stood from the wreckage around me.

"There will be plenty more times when I get to kick you ass" Kel said, swinging his Key blade in front of him.

Accept the power I grant you, destroy him from this world, he doesn't belong

"I'm not getting involved with anyone I cant see" I said.

"Yeah, but im standing right here, so you got no choice" Kel said, looking at me strangely.

"Not talking to you" I said, holding my hands in front of me, summoning my crossbow.

Just accept it, your brother did

Hearing those words made me smile, it gave me the confidence that he was still alive. Maybe this person can take me to him.

"Il take it" I said smiling, pointing my crossbow at Kel. I smiled as I let a crossbow bolt fly.

Kel seemed to expect the bolt and swing his key blade at the incoming bolt. On contact there was a massive explosion. Almost outstretching the size of the island. I could feel the flames all around me but was being unharmed by the ongoing inferno.

I then saw a figure walking towards me.

"I am Asura, join me to have access to this power" Asura said, crossing his arms, the inferno not affecting him as well. I would hate to be Kel right now…

"How do you know Xavier?" I asked

"He is one of my, Commanders you could say" Asura said.

"I will join him them" I said. I knew this man had far more power that what he had given me. Xavier must of realized this as well and is using his power to defeat Tera.

"So be it, the food for the dog" Asura said with a strange smile, as he swung his hand in my direction as a black portal opened in front of me.

Fight 2 is done, Kel has been defeated, but it was by a Gods Power. That was the hardest chapter yet I think. I was looking back on Kels fics to get moves and stuff, but I only wanted the best moves.

Fight 3 is now beginning.

Xavier VS Tera

I walked the fog filled corridors of the Omega Ruins. I could see many different types of Demons hiding in the fog. But none stepped out to face me. I guess they knew there powers where trivial, as I have been here before. And I slaughtered the lot of them.

My black robe was blowing out behind me as I continued to walk. I had Camazotz's Katana strapped to my back and my curved blade on my hip. My arms where crossed over my chest with my hood down.

"Lord Xavier, you have been expected for some time" A familiar voice said.

I looked over to see Razer, the first Demon Captain, sitting idly on a rock twirling his ghurka blade between his fingers.

"Are you going to challenge me Razer?" I asked, keeping my tone serious.

"You've got to be kidding me, Although I am powerful, I cannot match up to Asura. That's right, I know all about him, Tera's shadow and even you Xavier. I would have gladly fought you in Luca, but now, I would just be setting myself up for death" Rizer said as he continued to pick at his fingers with the blade.

"You're a smart man then, now, move aside or you will be destroyed" I said, putting my hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Asura is using you, you do know that right?" Razer asked

"Where is Tera?" I asked, unlatching the blade from my hilt on my hip.

"After Asura is finished with you, you will be used again for his dirty work, maybe on Spira, maybe not" he said.

"Where is Tera?" I asked again, my voice now demanding as the sword was thrusted in his direction.

"I hope you and Tera kill each other, then I will take over this place when Asura leaves" Razer said

"ANWSER ME" I yelled rushing forward at the speed of lighting and grabbing his robe and holding him up, positioning the blade to his neck.

"Razer, your job is done" A feminie voice said.

I slowly turned around to see Mayia, her eyes blood shot and a dark aura surrounding her.

I dropped Rizer back onto his feet as he dusted himself off. He then turned and walked away. I guess he was trying to get as far as possible.

"I see you found a new body Tera" I said, looking directly at the seventeen year old girls body.

"Yes, it is older than my first body, it will be able to handle far greater strengths" Tera said as I felt his aura increase around him.

I drew both blades out and began pacing around Tera.

"So, Asura has granted you power as well, I can feel it flowing though you, untapped in its current state" Tera said, standing on the spot with its hands at its sides. Tera was always one for magic.

"Asura wishes us to fight like dogs for his entertainment, if he wants a fight, then I will give him one" I said, holding the swords out stretched to my sides.

"We begin Xavier………AERONORAH!" Tera yelled, holding both is hands in front of him, one palm on the back of his hand.

I was instantly ripped though about eight rock formations. Although the pain in my body could be felt, I had far too much energy to allow fatigue to happen already.

I rushed towards Tera, fazing out to avoid another cyclone of wind shooting towards me. I spun around in a circle above him, striking his forehead with each sword three times. Throwing blood all around the area.

It felt odd cutting one of my shadows acquaintances, I felt like I knew them but I had no connection to them at all. Perhaps that is how I was able to slash her throat with the back edge of my own blade.

After my frenzy of slashes, Mayia's body was stitched back together similar to how the little girls body was when we first met Tera on the highway bridge in Zanarkand.

"FIRORAH!" Tera yelled out, causing all of the fog in the Omega ruins to catch fire. I felt the flames around me burn as I jumped into the air, gathering energy to transform.

"MESSIAH!" Tera yelled as all of the demons around him died and there life energy was sucked into Tera's body.

"Argh!" I yelled out, exploding my aura around me.

I had transformed into my dark angel form, with one black bird wing and one red bat wing.

"This is the end of the line Tera" I said, holding out my sword.

"Many things will end here Xavier, Beginning with your life!" Tera yelled holding out his fingers as black electricity discharged from him.

I pulled out Camazotz's sword and stabbed it in the ground in front of me to act like a lighting rod.

"Your not as good as you thought Tera" I said, folding my wings behind me.

"Don't get too full of yourself!" Tera said, pulsing more energy into the sword. I could feel the ground starting to get hot from the energy being dissipated in it.

"Lets stop the games" I said

The games have only just begun

The ground started exploding all around us, I quickly took to the skies watching as Tera was engulfed in flames.


Mayia's body then hovered out of the explosion, her skin was starting to peel off and her tears of blood stained to her cheeks.

I looked down on the island as it started to sink. This was Asura's doing, that I am sure of.

"BLIZZORAH!" she yelled, the air around me quickly freezing, I could feel the feathers in my angel wing frost up. If I didn't do something soon I would fall.

"Fulminating Light!" I yelled, shooting a large beam of yellow energy from my palms hitting Tera in her chest, causing her to flinch and lose concentration.

In that moment I had already appeared in front of her and had sliced her neck.

I then grabbed her head and slammed it against my knee. Causing blood to splatter everywhere. This was followed by a flurry of kicks and punches before exploding my aura around me again to throw her towards the red sea below us.

Tera slowly raised out of the water. Mayia's human body already destroyed and being held together from Tera's power. Which as I have recently found out, belongs to Asura. Who coincidently is also helping me.

"Help me" I could see Mayias eyes revert back to normal for a second, but that quickly vanished and was replaced but a sick and twisted grin.

"I will end your pain and suffering" I said as my wings slowly flapped to keep my airborne.

"So you will kill another human Xavier?" Tera asked, her grin only widening.

"I would kill hundreds if it means the end of your life" I replied, holding my sword in front of me with one hand as it started to glow.

That can be arranged

In the blink of a eye Tera and me where standing in the middle of the Zanarkand business district. Within seconds there was mass panic and sirens going off. I guess a teenaged girl bleeding everywhere and a dark angel stood out.

Kill hundreds

"ULTIMAORAH" Tera yelled, making one of the sky scrapers explode with the familiar toxic green gas of the ultima spell remaining in the air. Killing anyone who had survived the explosion.

"You Bastard, Banishing Blade!" I yelled in aggravation, swinging my sword towards paved ground. Cracking it open and releasing four dark spinning shuriken looking discs.

They flew towards Tera and cut off her arms and stabbed into her chest. Although they separated from her body, they did not fall to the ground as they seemed to be stuck in a gravitational vortex around her.


The blast quickly knocked me off my feet, scorching my right side. Forcing me to drop my sword.


I held up my black wing as I didn't have time to move. I felt the feathers burning and knew I would not be able to fly now.

"HELL EATER!" I yelled out. My faithful summon burst out of the ground around Tera, giving me time to grab my sword and cut off the remaining part of the black angel wing, it was only dead weight now.

I looked over to see the Hell eaters jaw torn in half. Tera stood in the middle with his hands outstretched and smoke slowly rising from them.

"Bushido" I said, plunging the curved blade into the ground once more, however this time I caused a napalm like blast to come out of the ground where Tera was standing.

The skin was now starting to peel away for Mayia's body, leaving the soft flesh underneath. If there was a time to strike with my sword, it would be now.

"Omnislash!" I yelled as wind gushed around me. I held my sword high in the air as energy was sucked into the tip. The windows in the buildings were cracking all around us and all of Zanarkand's electricity was being sapped away. Billboards were short-circuiting and within moments Zanarkand was in darkness, the only light came from my sword and Tera's own glowing body.

I then rushed towards Tera, slice after slice, after slice. All perfectly timed and all cutting though the exposed flesh. I finally flapped my single bat wing, giving me enough air above him to charge the remaining of my energy into the final blow.

It came down, slicing vertically though his body and came out between her legs. I then swung it around and carved across horizontally, splitting the body into four parts.

The pieces of flesh dropped aimlessly to the ground. I then felt my fingers crack and fall off, dropping the sword in the process.

I dropped down into my knees clutching my hand. Cracks started travelling up my entire arm before it crumbled to dust. I could feel the cracks appearing all over my body.

Don't fight it Xavier, there is far better places you can reach in death

"I….cant.." I said slowly, clenching my left fist until it cracked.

I have a job for you, I will be bringing a few friends to work under you

"No, take my life, not there's" I said with my eyes closed as my left leg crumbled to dust.

Goodbye Xavier

"No!" and then I felt it, the cracks had finally reached my chest area. Pain, sadness, anger. All had vanished. Nothing mattered now. I watched on as Zanarkand soldiers crowded around me, all in kneeling positions with rifles.

I smiled, might as well go out with a bang……………



Ha, that is the final chapter of Dominance FFX. You may be asking, "WHAT, THERE IS STILL UNFINIHSED SHIT!

Like why Eve and Frost are flying in the middle of the ocean, what happened to Kizer?, What happened to Camaztoz?, Where is Mogpod?.

The answer to these questions lies within Dominance FFVII !! The release has been set, it will be out!!

The main point about my stories is the fact about readers submitting characters. Yes, Dominance 2 is going to have these the same thing!

Check the FF7 section for Dominance FFVII for the Bio sheet. I will only be submitting the best characters into the story, so no half arse work.

Other Characters that are still in the story are:

Eve- Strawberry

Jack Frost- NotJackFrost

Kizer- EvilSoundNinja

Joe- xxjosephinexx

Lavah- best with breadsticks

That's all that comes to mind. Now you can submit updates for these characters as well as totally new characters.

So remember, check the FF 7 section for Dominance FFVII

Oh and this chapter is 5850 words, so consider your selves lucky even though it is late….