Authors Intro:
Eyeheartmusik: Hey guys. First off, I'd like to say that I'm really excited to be bringing you this new story. And I'd also like to let you know that I've co written it with Tay0720, who happens to be the sloth to my cow(I won't even try to explain) aka my best friend. This story is very different in the way that it's written and I think that's why we've enjoyed writing it for you so much. The entire thing is told in Blogs, IM's, Emails, and some first person narration. We hope you like it and look forward to any feedback you might have.
Tay0720 says: Word.
Summary: Spencer is a senior at King High and is very popular: she's the senior class president and a member of the Step Dance Team. Her parents divorced when she was a child and her mother has remarried Ben, who had one child by his first wife. Her name is Kyla. Yes, it is THE Kyla. Spencer and Kyla are not close. However, Kyla is best friends with Ashley Davies, another outsider. Their worlds are all turned upside down when Spencer decides to create an OurChart account to meet new friends. Prepare yourselves for a rollercoaster ride of emotions and unexpected twists in this cyber-themed romance.
Pairings: Spencer/Aiden, eventual Spencer/Ashley, Ashley/Random Ho, Spencer/Random Ho
Rating: PG-16 (because I said so) to Strong R and beyond. But for now, PG-16.
Helpful hints: Spencer's username is TrojansNotNeeded. This first entry is her Ourchart profile survey and her first blog entry. It may be lengthy but it's all worth it I promise! I(eyeheartmusik) will be writing from Spencer's perspective and Tay will be writing from Ashley's. Hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 1: All Again For You
Name:Just call me TrojansNotNeeded
Nickname:Well I don't really have any. I get yelled at a lot in the halls, cutie or baby. But those aren't nicknames I mean, I know that. Ugh. My nickname should be Spaz.
Birthdate:sometime in the year 1990. I hate birthdays.
Birthplace: Wow, stalker much?
Hometown:Again with the stalking.
Eye Color & Hair Color:Blue and Blondish.
Height & Weight:Tall enough and a lady never tells.
Occupation / School:Well aside from my very successful donut factory run by small immigrant children? rolls eyes I'm a senior.
Righty or Lefty:Both actually, like that's supposed to be impressive or something.
Heritage:I think there is some German in there somewhere.
Favorite Color:I really like red, there is this girl in my Spanish IV class who always wears red and it makes her look so...I mean she looks really cute in it. Great color for her skin.
Favorite Animal:It's a tie between a lion and a lamb.
Favorite TV Show / Movie: The L Word/Debs but that doesn't mean anything. I mean they're just movies right? I'm just here for someone to talk to.
Favorite Cartoon: Doug. I miss Doug a lot. Everything was so simple when you wore khaki shorts and green sweater vests.
Favorite Song: I really can't have a favorite ever, but currently it's Heartbeat by Stereo Skyline. Just don't tell Madison.
Favorite Sport: Obviously I like basketball and football. But I love to dance.
Favorite Actor / Actress: Ellen Page is really...talented.
Favorite Musician: Hayley Williams is... also talented.
Favorite Athlete: I don't really have one. They're all so inspirational. Mia Hamm. There. I'm a closet soccer freak.
Favorite Comedian: Dane Cook is boss.
Favorite Food: I love love love cinnamon toast.
Favorite Drink: I haven't really had anything but Sprite and water since 7th grade.
Favorite Number: 32...
Favorite School Subject: I really love English and creative writing.
Favorite Clothing: Hollister is pretty much my life; their blazers are so hot right now.
Favorite Book: Everybody Poops. You think I'm kidding but I'm not.
Favorite Snack Food: Carrots and Ranch, my mom is kind of a health nut.
Favorite Season: Fall. I love the way the air smells so crisp and clean. It makes me miss home.
Hobby:I love to write, I guess that's kind of why I'm here. I'll most likely be blogging a lot.
Talent: Still looking for that.
Age of first kiss: Oh god. 13. His name was Bobby and when he kissed me, I kept thinking, really? Is that it? But I mean that doesn't mean anything right? That's normal, not all first kisses are great.
Age you lost your virginity: Oh wow. Getting really personal, I'll pass on that.
Age you got married: Thank God I'm not married.
Age you had your first kid: Oh I was about 8. I don't have kids. I'm only 18!
Have you ever been drunk: Unfortunately yes, I have zero alcohol tolerance. It runs in the family, my step sister has one sip of champagne and starts screaming about planet of the apes. Whatever that is.
Have you ever gotten high: Hugs not drugs.
Have you ever been arrested: I haven't but it's up there on the list of things to do
Have you ever been in a fight :Not like a fist fight, I'm not very violent but I've seen my boyfriend in plenty.
Have you ever been in an accident: No unless you count my birth.
Fears :Being alone and unhappy. Unfufillment.
Most important possession(s): My laptop and my iTouch.
Pet Peeve: Chewing gum really loudly. I hate that. God my step sister is such a cow sometimes.
Number of Tattoos: You'll have to find out
Number of Piercings: Just my ears and nose.
Best quality: I can be a really good listener and I try to accept everyone. Even my step sister's weird friends. And my step sister.
Best physical trait: Everyone tells me it's my eyes.
In the opposite sex...
Cute or Sexy: At this point, I'll take either or both.
Taller or Shorter: I like someone a little shorter. It's sexy to bend down and kiss someone.
Lips or Eyes: I'm most attracted to lips. Especially to people who bite their lips.
Petite or Big: It doesn't matter. I like a nice muscular tone though.
Sweet or Caring: Both will do for me. Though sometimes I like someone a bit rude, a little bit of jackass in someone is hot.
Easygoing or Serious: Seriousness is required for me, I'm a serious student. I can't wait to go to USC.
Sensitive or Loud: I really love someone who is sensitive, because like I said, I like to listen.
Thoughts on...
Abortion: Pro Choice. Everyone has the right to choose their own path. Though it isn't a decision that should be made lightly.
Gay Marriage: gulp
Gun Control: Psh whatever, I mean if people want to shoot each other that's their business.
God: I think that someone is watching out for us.
Aliens: Oh my god yes. My step sister will never shut up about aliens from Roswell. She cried when I told her the show wasn't real. I mean she was 12 but I guess I shouldn't have. That Isabelle... I mean Max guy was hot.
January 23, 2008
Time: 7:43 PM
Mood: Entertained
User: TrojansNotNeeded
Okay so I'm assuming that this will feel less awkward the more I do it. I haven't ever really written a blog before but there's a first time for everything. That's not why I'm on this site though, the first time for everything. Well, actually it could be. I'm not too sure; I just need someone to talk to. The L Word is one of my favorite shows and OurChart seemed like a good place to meet friends. I'm straight though. I have this boyfriend, let's just call him Addison, we've been together for a long time. Almost two years now and he is really great. Technically, he's everything any girl could want but I just feel like there is something missing. If you asked me what was wrong, I honestly couldn't tell you. Maybe it's just me, maybe there's something wrong with me. Has anyone else ever felt like this? I feel like every move in my life is being plotted and planned out without my input.
My mother is a doctor and all I've ever heard from her was when and where I was going to medical school. What age it would be appropriate for me to marry Addison and how many children we are going to have. It's like I have no control over anything in my life. I don't even want to go to medical school, and I really don't want to go to UCLA. When my parents were still married, my father used to tell me to follow my dreams. But I don't see him that much, anymore. In some ways, I envy my step-sister. Trust me if you knew her, you would know how ridiculous that is. I mean, here I am Senior Class President, with a gorgeous boyfriend and pretty much perfect grades. I'm jealous of a girl who sits in front of a computer all day playing World of Warcraft, thinks overalls are still in style, and gets mad when the Reparo spell doesn't work on the frames of her horn-rimmed glasses. Yet, no one is trying to control her life. My step-dad barely ever looks at her, much less dictates which college she's going to attend.
If it were up to me, I would be going to USC Annenberg. I hate science and math; the dissections in Biology have always made me faint. Freeze-dried frog intestines make me want to vomit, how could I possibly be a doctor? Nothing adds up but apparently, I don't have a choice in the matter. As for Addison, he is set to receive a basketball scholarship from UCLA as long as he isn't injured this season. I can't help but be proud of him. Except, he keeps talking about our plans and our future. It's freaking me out. Like earlier today, he came up to my locker and put his big muscular arm around my shoulders and said, "Have I told you how much I love you today?"
"No," I replied hastily shutting my locker quickly and removing his arm from my shoulders and placing my small hand into his larger palm. He grinned and pecked me on the cheek. His lips were so soft against my cheekbone it could have been mistaken for a small puff of air. A small girl with glasses bumped into me and looked up apologetically.
"I'm sorry," she muttered. She looked familiar but I couldn't place her. "I guess there's not much room for walking when the Queen is in the building."
"Do I know you?" I asked. Although I tried to be nice to everyone, my friends weren't always so accommodating, so it wasn't unusual to find someone who was less than a fan of me or my crowd.
"I'm in your Spanish Class." Oh yes. Now I remembered. The girl who always wore red. "I dated your friend Taycen."
"Aha Well in that case I'm sorry," I said putting my hand on her should as Addison chuckled. "She's a total slut. If I had known, I would have warned you."
"Babe, let's go. We're gonna be late," Addison said hauling me away from the girl I now remembered to be named Brooke. Before we entered the English Lit room, he bent down and placed a finger underneath my chin, bringing our lips together. No sparks. Yet again. "I can't wait until we can be together forever."
Talk about squirming in an oily pool of unease. I mean seriously, he has to stop with the future talk. But that's enough about my kind-of-love life. Let's get to my friends. By the way, I've changed the names because I really want to be honest here and I don't feel like getting my ass kicked if I want to talk some smack.
We'll start with the easy best friend first. Not easy in the sense of getting laid easy but easy as in easy to be friends with. Did that make any sense? He and I have known each other for a long time. When I first moved to LA in grade school, I was a bit of a misfit. First of all I had long stringy dishwater blonde hair and crooked teeth marring my appearance, plus I had the worst speech impediment in the history of impediments. I'm talking like Princess Bride preacher impediment. But Parker saw through that during lunch on my first day and he saved me. From a flying carrot drenched in ranch dressing, that is. Little did I know that the flying vegetable missile would cause us to bond quicker than crazy glue to human skin.
The origin of the carrot projectile weapon brings us to my other best friend. Before we were best friends, Taycen and I were mortal enemies. She was my rival in everything I did, whether we were playing dodge ball in PE or drawing unicorns in Art Class: Taycen had to be better. And of course, like every elementary school queen she had an entourage. Madison and Sherry followed her everywhere like little chubby pint sized bodyguards. I don't know when it happened, but one day Taycen started eating lunch by herself. I think it was the beginning of sixth grade, about the time that we were all getting boy crazy, and her entourage suddenly melted away, revealing a quieter shier Taycen. At first, I was overjoyed at my nemesis' apparent fall from grace. But then I heard the rumors about the summer. Long story short, Taycen was gay and everyone hated her.
Personally, I didn't think it was fair for someone to be judged like that, especially right before Junior High. The first day I sat down with her, she looked at me like I was crazy but she wasn't mean like I remembered. After that, Parker and I adopted to her into the Thundercats. Now it sounds really lame but by the end of sixth grade, everyone wanted to be a Thundercat. With our newest additions, Addison (who moved to California halfway through the year) and Taycen we made a fearsome foursome. That's right; we have all been best friends since sixth grade, which explains our untouchable status now. We're kind of a big deal.
But back to why I'm here. It isn't that I'm unhappy with my friends that I have, but I just want somewhere where I can feel like myself for once. Parker is great when he pretends like he isn't in love with me and Taycen is always good for a fun time (not that kind of time, she's like a roller coaster and I am not down for that ride) but I just want to be me. I want to figure out who that is. I'm looking for someone to help me.