Disclaimer: Not mine.

Title: The Little Things that Matter

Challenge: All Aboard the Love Boat

Paring: Luna Lovegood and George Weasley

Prompt: Gnomes

"Ow!" George flung his finger around into the nasty little creature flew off, flying over the fence into the next yard.

Sucking on his finger, he shot an angry glance back at the house. "Ugly, fowl things. . . . Says she wants a house with gnomes and then she doesn't even help get rid of them."

Sighing to himself, he bent down to search the bushes around the fence for more gnomes.

He wasn't sure why he always let her have her way. Anything she asked for, he'd let her have, despite the fact that he might groan and fuss and moan about it for hours because it was definitely something he could live without.

But so far for the last six years (worked together for one, lived together for one, dated for two, married for two) she had gotten everything that she had wanted from him. She got to pick the wedding place, the date, the colors, their honeymoon . . . even the rings! And because she picked all that, she picked the house too . . . a house out in the quiet with tons of gnomes, something he had hoped he left at the Burrow.

He hated gnomes, always did. He had hated it when his mum had forced him outside to get rid of them and he had hated it when the bit him and acted like they owned the place. . . . What he wished he could do was just take out his wand and blast all the little monsters away into oblivion. He already knew what spells and hexes he would use just for that special occasion. He even had a couple of potions he'd like to use on the little things.

Another one of the nasty little buggers snapped its sharp teeth at him as it ran away laughing. "Smart-arse little –"


George turned as Luna came down the porch steps, the bulge of her stomach just visible underneath her shirt. And even though his finger still hurt, he was hot and sweaty, and just a tad bit angry, a small smile came to his face.

It was the little things, he realized, the little things that mattered to her. She had wanted an outdoors wedding (the back of the Burrow, preferably) because she believed the sun should shine down on such a wonderful day. She had wanted the wedding to be at the end of spring, just before summer started, just so the sun would shine and so a nice cool breeze would rush through the air. She had picked purple and white for the colors just because those were her favorite colors. She had picked the States for their honeymoon because she loved that it was different. And the rings . . . the rings were simple wedding bands, gold with a strip of silver through them, each of their initials engraved on the inside. They were perfect for the two people who didn't need fancy rings to prove they loved each other.

Even if the engagement ring he had given her was a bit more extravagant.

"What's up?" George asked standing up straight.

"Just checking to make sure you were alright," Luna said, looking up at him. "I heard you yell but it took me a while to get down the stairs."

"I'm fine, just, trying not to get all my fingers bitten off."

"Do you need help?"

He looked down at her, at how she glowed when she smiled. That's why he would do anything for her and let her have her way. She had asked his opinion in every aspect of their lives together but he had let her decided because he couldn't possibly fight with her (not to say that he didn't). She had wanted the house with the gnomes because she felt it made it fell more like home, give them something to care of on those boring random days. It wasn't like he was always out her de-gnoming the garden; she helped often, laughing as she spun and spun before flinging the gnomes away because she loved to do it.

And because she believed gnomes were some sort of secretly intelligent culture simply trying to introduce themselves to the human race. He had found her trying to talk to

"No, you should be resting for now," George told her, smiling. "I've got it."

Luna frowned. "You'll make it sound as if I'll drop from exhaustion at any second now."

He leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. "Just taking care of you, Luna. I can handle this. Go rest okay?"

"I'll go inside but I'm not laying down," she pouted, turning on her heel.

George watched her go, chuckling to himself as he turned back to the bushes. One of the gnomes blew a raspberry at him. He grabbed it quickly, spinning and tossing it over the fence.

"Oh, George!" George looked back to see Luna looking out the back door. "Do be careful. That could have been the King of the Gnomes!"

George smiled, rolling his eyes slightly. Luna Lovegood was some piece of work.

But he loved her.

He cried out as another gnome bit him.

Lucky Luna was pregnant. He was going to need some kids to force to de-gnome the garden.

A/N: So this is just the beginning! I hope you guys like it so far. I know it's a very random pairing but I just love random pairings like this, those unexpected. It took me forever to chose this one. I was going to do Draco and Hermione and then Hermione and George, but I thought to myself, everyone always uses Hermione. Why not give Luna a chance every once in a while? I like Luna (not to say I don't like Hermione but you hear nothing about Luna in the Epilogue; You don't hear about George either). So here goes my go at a challenge. Let's see how it turns out, shall we? Thanks for reading and stay tuned.

p.s. none of the chapters will be in any specific order, just how I feel like going. Thanks for reading.