OOC: Here we goooo! So, I'm in the hospital now. I had various heart tests done in the past couple weeks and they (as in the white coats) decided to keep me in the hospital. Apparently, I have a bad heart. Anywhoo, I've come to write a nice long chappy to get my mind of things. But first, shout out to the hero's who reviewed my newly updated story. Ya'll are the best, thank you :) So, lets get to it now, yes?

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. AND, warning, this chapter is going to rated R for various reasons. If you don't like graphic lemon, then just go ahead and skip.

Blood and Blossoms: Chapter 24

Sakura stepped outside the restaurant, zipping up her vest from the night summer breeze. It was dark outside, and she pondered on just how long they had been talking. They as in the famous Kakashi Hatake copy ninja. She had known him for quite some time now, she had almost forgotten how famous he actually was. It seemed whenever they had an opponent, his reputation was brought up, and he was like a celebrity to these people. They feared him.

Dare she say she was in love with a feared man?

Sakura felt the warm wind ruffle her hair, just as if Kakashi-sensei himself had done so many times in the past. She smiled, feeling his presence beside her. He was a quiet man, knowledgeable and understanding. She knew that the silence between them was nice, not awkward whatsoever. A gloved large hand slipped around her's fingers sliding down her palm, and delicately slid between her fingers. Sakura stared up at him, and she gave a smirk. There he was, reading his book again. She squinted at him, wondering how he could read with just only the street lights, but he always had his ways.

Reciprocating the hesitant act, she allowed her fingers to curl around his hand, enjoying the warmth that came from it. This was new, and she soaked up every joy that came from it. She knew he was doing it because it was dark outside, and there were barely any people out and about walking around. It was safe, for the both of them. Pushing negative thoughts in the back of her head, they continued forward, towards his apartment on the edge of the city.

Kakashi was skimming chapters he had already read, more using this time to think deeply about the situation. He had to admit, the book was almost like a security blanket to him. He had tried to dive into it, to seek a distraction from staring at the petite female who was slowly stealing his heart. Or whatever was left of it. He kept having flashbacks of sliding her onto the bed, parting her legs and growing a deep desire with each passionate kiss they shared. She was different. Cliche as it sounded. Usually, he took his women to the couch or the bed and fucked them until they were satisfied, before he allowed himself to release his energy ontop of them. There was no kissing, or name calling, there was just passion in its purest form. And lately, he had been satisfied with that.

But Sakura was a different breed. She was innocent, and unknowing. Sweet yet sassy and stubborn too. He wanted to explore her, with his hands, his tongue… The silver haired jounin snapped the book close, shooting a look down at the female beside him who was sharing the same confused look.

"Ah, sensei..?"

She had her hand on the door knob in front of them. He blinked realizing they were in front of his apartment. Before she knew it, the key was in the lock, and the door swung open. He smiled, inwardly wondering how long he had been lost in thought for. They had some walk over here, he hoped he hadn't seemed rude with his nose in his book. Throughout the trip over, he had let his thumb caress her hand, giving pressure every now and then to remind her he was still thinking about her. She seemed to enjoy the silence, which was easy for him to give. Before she released her hand to walk in, he tightened, causing her to whip her head, eyes wide and curious as ever.

"It's Kakashi. When it's just you and I. Okay?"

Ushering her inside, he closed the door and released her hand. Locking his entrance, a finger slipped up and slid the mask down to reveal his face. He had a slender long nose, proportionate and symmetrical lips that looked inviting. Sakura gazed at him, never fully getting used to seeing this different man, who was still the same ole Kakashi.

"Y-yes." She nearly choked at how beautiful he was.

He gracefully walked past her, squeezing her shoulder in a reassuring manner. Sakura eyeballed him for a moment as he walked over to the blinds in the kitchen to close them. She smiled lightly, sliding her jacket off her shoulders.

"Thank you again for dinner."

"Of course."

Kakashi padded around his home, making sure things were locked and secure. He was private like that, as if all of Kohana didn't know already. He figured she was just about ready to go to bed soon. Grabbing the remote he switched the TV on for background noise, he knew she liked to hear the news in particular. He grabbed a sofa cushion, about to tear apart the couch to turn it into a pull-out bed, where she slept comfortably.


Sakura breathed aloud, watching him the whole time. His movements were so languid, and smooth. Everything in her being just pulled her toward him, her empty arms yearning to be held. The older man stopped, turning his head to stare at her, curiously.

She stood awkward, thinking of the words she wanted to say. They had come so easily in her mind, yet her mouth and tongue refused to work together. They stared at each other for a long moment before she whispered.

"I.. I want to.."

"What was that?"

Before she knew it, he was before her, neck craned and looking down upon her shrinking frame. As if a spotlight had been placed on top of her, allowing the world to wonder what she was going to do next. Fidgeting, she put her toe to the ground, twisting it. Delicate hands wrung each other out, eyes adverting toward his knees. She inhaled, holding it for a moment before letting herself continue to try and be loud.

"I.. I want to.. I want to sleep… with you… tonight."

Her eyes glanced up at him, as he gazed down on her. His face was plain, almost trying to analyze what he was going to say.

Duh! Of course he didn't want too. He wanted his personal space, not to be around her all the time. He was a private guy and-


A finger tapped her lips shut, careful not to hurt her, but enough to make her eyes snap up and observe. A big smile rested on his lips, his eye crinkled.

"I would like that a lot, actually."

Sakura blinked. It worked? It really worked! She smiled as he cupped her chin, before slipping past her, opening the door to his bedroom. He opened his arm, as if to escort her inside giving a sly grin.

"Your chamber awaits you…" He purred, trying not to snicker as she turned beat red, giving his ribs a playful punch.

Sakura walked inside, familiar with the sight of his bed. Not too long ago they had been here, fooling around. And thats all it had been. Did she want more? Yes. It was a shameful thought, because she knew she should say no. Saying no was the right thing to do, but her heart said yes, and it was a tough battle to side with. She slipped her boots off, and unbuttoned her skirt, glancing nervously at him.

"Would you like me to leave?"

"No." She simply stated, holding her breath before she started to slide her skirt over her spandex.

Kakashi was trying to be a gentleman, he really was. Yet she had stated, in a sense, that he didn't have to turn around. Kakashi slid his headband off, both eyes staring at the beautiful girl take her skirt off. Of course she had spandex on underneath, so she wasn't completely bottomless. By the time he had gazed from her hips to her legs, she had slipped her shirt off, her back facing him. The curve of her spine, and the muscles of her shoulders made his fingertips start to itch… Quickly, she threw on a large bed time shirt.

Sakura felt truly alive, her heart racing. And all she had done was change into her pajamas. She gave him a side look, observing how he already had some lounging shorts and a tee shirt on. He was a modest guy, but she knew underneath that shirt he was pure muscle. She had seen it once or twice, during the hottest days of summer. When it was training time, the boys always took their shirts off. And she was stuck in the sticky sweat of her own shirt. She blinked out of her own thoughts, stepping away from the pile of her clothes she had dropped. The pink haired female heard the faucet in the attached bathroom.

"Fuyou can set on da bed if fuyou whant, Shakhura."

Kakashi grinned at the female, brushing his teeth leaning against the doorway watching the girl stand there awkwardly. You could tell he was laughing at her, trying to stifle it. She was such a cautious creature, always careful about where she stepped. Sakura giggled, raising an eyebrow at him, her shoulders at ease. Okay, so Kakashi was normal in some aspects. He was content with himself, and very comfortable with her, taken the pleasure to brush his teeth in front of her.

The pink chunin felt her uneasy manner fly out the window, which was open, and she took a leap at the bed. A down comforter puffed up around her, and she could have sworn she saw a feather poof out and bop her on the nose. She grinned, hands under her chin as she watched him brush his teeth, lazily leaning on the door frame.

Kakashi traced the outline she made in the bed, and the little feather that landed on her nose had been so adorable. In a flash he was spitting out the excess paste and rinsing his mouth out. The lights flickered off and casually he sauntered out of the bathroom.

"Sorry, not enough room!"

"I'm sure I can squeeze in."


Sakura had flushed red at his comment, giggling and throwing a pillow at him. She had been sprawled out on his bed, but as he came closer, she seemed to slide away, unsure for a moment. She was nervous for sure. He most definitely was expecting her to put out, right? She wasn't even sure if she was ready! What if she had flashbacks? What if she just wasn't good enough?! Sakura felt her toes curl, in a not so good way. She watched the silver haired jounin smoothly move the comforter and slide in. He had his arm extended out, leaving the space next to him wide open.

"Come here."

He was not stern, or pushy. Rather calm actually, giving her a genuine smile. He… he wanted to cuddle?! Sakura blankly stared, but blinked and did as she was told, no questions asked. Scooting over she came close, hesitated for a moment, before she slid against his side. Her leg automatically slid over his thigh, a hand crept onto his chest testing the waters. Large nervous green irises stared up at him. He wasn't snickering, or amused with her cautiousness.

Kakashi was respectful, maybe slightly blunt and to the point sometimes. But always respectful. Things would be at her pace, always her pace. Calmly, he let his arm wrap around her, letting her head rest against his shoulder. And suddenly, he felt all her nerves seep out of her skin, her body relaxing fully against him.

Sakura was in heaven. She snuggled against him, her cheek gently rubbing his shoulder and she smiled, and even giggled lightly.

"Something amusing?"

"No… I'm just happy."

"Then I'm happy too."

Kakashi was genuine about it, and he did not feel afraid to express what emotions he had with her. She was more than honest with him about what she wanted… so he did the same. With a gentle hand he took her chin, raising it off his shoulder. Craning his neck to the side he placed a chaste kiss on her lips. So sweet… yet, she was burning on the inside, he could tell. The way her fingers fidgeted with his shirt, her knee sliding higher and higher on his thigh. If this would take him to hell, then he never wanted to stop…

Sakura kissed back, experimenting with letting her tongue slide on his lips. He caught on with an almost expert speed and returned the favor, yet letting his tongue push past her lips, into her mouth. She gave the lightest gasp, tilting her head, and grasping his shirt.

He was surely going to die with all the little noises she was making.

But she wanted more, no matter how hesitant she felt, how nervous and afraid she was. Because in the end, she knew he would make her feel safe and ready. Within all this thought, she hadn't realized she was on her back. A very bare chested Kakashi sensei was above her, his hands beside her head, long muscular arms which led to broad shoulders and chest, but met with a slender waist was right above her. She felt his hips rest against her. She grasped his forearms with her little hands, shooting a look up at him.

"Is this okay?"

His voice was calm, but concerned. She swallowed her nervousness and nodded, unable to speak.

"Use your words, Sakura."

He mused, smiling down on her. His face… his face was beautiful. She stared in awe, looking at how ruffled and soft his silver hair was falling at his side.

"Yes.." She breathed out, in a whisper. Their lips met and she took another leap of faith. Hands slid up his arms, exploring his shoulders and chest. She even dared to feel the muscles of his abdominal, which she could clearly wash her linen on. And for the first time, she felt Kakashi shudder, breaking the kiss. She smirked, letting her fingernails delicately roll over the sensitive area close to his hips. His hand slithered from her shoulder to her neck, letting a few fingers guide her head to the side her ear fully exposed. Kakashi dipped his neck, first lips, then teeth having a nibble at her ear lobe.

"Is this okay?"

He whispered, letting that hand rest on her stomach, slowly slide up her midsection getting dangerously close to her ribs. The young female hitched her breath, electricity racing at the places he touched her. She let out a soft yet strangled moan, egging him on. Yet, he paused freezing his hand where it was at. Wildly, she looked up and noticed one eyebrow was raised.

"Y-yes!" She gasped, relieved to feel his hands continue to wander. He kept her busy by exploring her neck and ear. Before she knew it, Kakashi let his fingers slide over her nipple, which had been hard for quite awhile. He made a noise, almost as if he was satisfied and slowly grabbed her chest, getting a good grip on natural plump breast. Sakura felt him press into her hips, and to her surprise, she felt herself lift up at him.

"Ka-Kakashi." As soon as she had opened her mouth to speak, he had stopped moving.

He dared not to move, as he had expected this to come at some point soon. She was done, and she wanted no more. And it was perfectly okay-

"I-I want more…please."

She whispered in his ear, lifting her head up and kissing his neck. The hair prickled on the back of his neck, and in a swift movement her shirt was off. She gasped, realizing that his ninja skills weren't only used in combat… Bare chested she flushed, a soft pink across her face. Kakashi took in the beautiful sight of her hair messily scattered across his pillow, her hands resting by her head, and those beautiful perky breasts begging him to taste them. He gladly obliged, licking her nipple, then taking it in his mouth.

Sakura couldn't explain what was happening to her. She had braced herself for a numbing and unpleasure in this experience, but she felt the complete opposite. Her loins burned with a roaring fire, her legs wrapping around his waist. It was weird she knew exactly what to do, as if it was just coming natural to her. He let out his first groan as she did so and he pressed himself into her hips.

Wide eye'd she felt what he had in store for her. The length that was in his shorts was full grown and very predominant. A blush crossed her face, his fingers curling around her spandex. But he stopped, as if he was thinking. She lifted her hips up at him, already giving him his answer. Smiling into her lips, he grasped the spandex. His lips left hers, and he sat up on his knees. The sight before him was tantalizing, his eyes soaking her sight in, and they stopped at her spandex. He gave her one more glance and she curtly nodded, pleading him mentally.

Kakashi skillfully slid her spandex off her body, getting her feet out of it and tossing it to the side watching the spandex fly across the room. He turned back to look down at her and laughed at what he saw.

Sakura had her hands at her head, gripping the pillow she was laying on, her knees together hiding what he had just tried to reveal. She seemed embarrassed that he was laughing, she turned away, feeling a deep red come to her cheeks.

"No! Sakura… I'm sorry. You're… you're just so cute."

"I'm nervous." She whispered, adverting her eyes.

"I know. It's at your pace, Sakura."

Kakashi felt his hands rub her kneecaps until slowly she released the pressure, and allowed herself to relax. Her legs parted and she revealed herself fully to him. She couldn't help but recognize the pure awe in his face. The silver haired fox let his eyes flicker to hers, and he lost his smile all seriousness coming to his voice.

"So beautiful."

He breathed out, keeping her eye contact. She smiled sweetly, adverting her eyes because she was embarrassed. He eyeballed her body for a second before grasping his shorts, the third leg in his trousers very noticeable. She stared, and stared hard. She wasn't sure what was big and what wasn't but she knew regardless he would make it worth her while.



Sakura scolded him and he slipped off the bed, sliding his shorts off. She gazed with wonder, never actually seeing a grown man's privates before. He was shaved, his length reaching up nearly touching his belly button. Her body was on fire, and she needed it to be quenched.

The silver haired jounin climbed on the bed, getting halfway up her before letting his own finger slip into his mouth. She watched curiously, wide eye'd as usual. He let the wet finger trail from her belly to the small faint patch of pink fuzz that was her pubic area. He kept going down, and down, till she gasped. His lips twitched with enjoyment, watching his finger slide between the already slippery folds at her apex. She moaned at the simple touch, and he approved of her responsiveness. Just when she was comfortable with him touching her sensitive spots, she felt a finger slide in. Her legs parted wider, and she bucked just faintly at his hand. What- What was she doing? His twitched smile turned into a grin and he let another finger enter.

Sakura hand one hand gripping his biceps and another the pillow behind her. She watched him explore her and after a few minutes of pleasurable torture she gasped.

"Please… now, please. Kakashiii."

Sakura begged and whined. She didn't realize it till after and he was staring up at her. She was taken back for a moment as she watched his sharingun start to spin. She didn't feel any different, perhaps it was just him getting ready. He took no time to get himself above her, a hand slipping under her lower back, adjusting where she was to him. He paused, holding himself over her entrance and looked up to her, watching the apprehension crawl back on to her face.

Leaning over, he placed a delicate kiss on her lips, then her forehead. She blinked, and he responded softly, whispering against the skin of her forehead.

"Let me take care of you."

Sakura made a small noise, as he went back to his work. She felt his head prod at her wet entrance, she caught her breath. There was nothing to be afraid of. This was Kakashi. He was going to take care of her.

The jounin slid himself against her, prepping her for what was to come. And slowly, he aimed at her folds, and pushed in. Slowly and slowly, he pressed and slid back out. She gasped, her chest rising and falling. Her noises grew louder, and he finally got the head in. He gritted his teeth, knowing damn well he wanted to pound into her. But with restraint, he crept into her, letting her stretch and take in his length with ease. She moaned as he was halfway in, her fingers digging into his chest.

"Ka-Kaka…shi.." Sakura purred opening her eyes to see him staring at her. He was being good for her, and she trembled, craving more. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and after closing her eyes she pulled him into her. She nearly screamed, and it sounded like a strangled moan.

Kakashi finally let out a deep groan in her ear, loving the feeling of her tightness keeping an almost vice lock on him. The wetness inside her was what was letting him slide in and out. He couldn't help it, he slid halfway out and pressed into her. Everything about her was perfect, he closed his eyes letting his face hide in her hair. As soon as she was used to the motion, he sped up the pace. Her noises, moans, gasps and breathing egged him on further, destined to make her experience true bliss.

Sakura couldn't believe what was happening. When she never thought she'd love again, here she was, sharing a special moment with this extraordinary man. The bubble that was deep inside her was being prodded, and prodded by a wave of bliss that headed her way. She panted, knowing the feeling was coming closer. After trying to hold off for awhile, a sea of white erupted in front of her eyes, and she screamed her claws clutching his forearms.

The silver haired man moaned feeling her become incredibly wet and tighten her muscles around his shaft. It didn't take much longer before he felt his own feeling, and gave her a few good thrusts, going a bit deeper. He came closer to her, whispering raggedly in her ear,

"Inside you?" He groaned, trying to hold himself off. Sakura was still riding on her own orgasm, and yelped out something along the lines of 'yes,yes,yes,yesssss'. And so, he released inside her, clutching the sheets around her body, and giving his last good pumps.

Sakura was seeing stars as she laid there, clutching the panting man on top of her. She had never felt so complete in her life. She refused to compare what had happened to her then to what had happened to her just now. There was no comparison. She hadn't even realized that Kakashi was kissing her face, all over the place, moving down to her neck. She moaned and giggled, watching him glance up and smile placing a kiss onto her breast.


Kakashi exhaled, sliding off of her, grabbing towels from the nearby closet, well aware that Sakura was checking out his ass. He had cleaned himself off before he walked back into the room, and she was gone. With the bathroom door closed he smiled, laying back down in bed the same way he had started. A timid Sakura poked her head out the door. He waved her over, closing his eyes. She took her chance and tip toed over, sliding back into bed with him. With a twist of a knob from his other hand, the light flickered off. They laid in the afterglow of what had just happened, Sakura nestled into the nook of his chest and arm. She was about to say something before sleep had taken over, and her mouth breathing "snoring" had started.

Kakashi felt his eyes adjust to the darkness, and he could see nearly everything in the room. But through all the darkness, he felt this little light laying down next to him. And she was beginning to become his only light. He grasped her tighter, kissing her forehead tenderly.

OOC: SO? 4k words later, and bam! Please review and tell me you liked it! I worked forever on it, so go easy if you didn't like it. Just don't read it again ;) Should I continue? Drop a review and let me know?