Hey people, this is just a little something I wrote when I was bored.


Ah, Birthdays, a time for celebrations, laughter, and friendship...

"Zack get your spineless ass back here!!!"

... or not...

"There is no way in the seven hells I'm wearing this!!!" Cloud screeched waving his arms up and down to emphasis his point.

The blonde Cadet was sporting a seductive French-Maid Outfit with it's skirt barely reaching mid-thigh, it had puffy little sleeves and was filled with bows and frills, he also had on fishnet stockings with strappy high-heels. Cloud was even wearing a small white apron and had a cute lace head dress in disarray on his head.

To say the least he was one sexy unhappy camper... Who was currently beating his best friend with a feather duster.

"Oh, come on Spike, don't you want to get Seph the BEST birthday gift ever?" The Soldier asked.

Cloud scowl melted into a pout, that wasn't fair, of COURSE he wanted to get Sephiroth (A.K.A the General and hid current boyfriend) an awsome gift, and if the bastard wasn't so hard to shop for he wouldn't have turned to Zack.

"O.k. fine, you win," Cloud snapped, glaring at the violet-eyed man, "what are we gonna do now?"

Just then the door flew open and Sephiroth waltzed through Zack's front door, holding a stack of paperwork.

"Zack you left... some... things... Cloud?" The General asked, gazing at his lover in shock, he dropped the load of papers as all the blood in his brain rushed down South. Then, he did the most logical thing any gay man would do in his position.

He pounced.

He pushed Cloud into the wall and began a heated kissing session, prying his tongue past Cloud's coral lips and coaxing the blonde's tongue out to play. Cloud moaned into the General mouth and pushed his body flush up against his lover.

"Um... guys...?" Zack said weakly.

Sephiroth slowly caressed Cloud's back and brought his lips down against the teens neck, nibbling the sensitive flesh, causing Cloud to arch his neck and whimper in pleasure.

"Um... seriously... you're goin' a little far here..." Zack stammered.

Cloud moaned again as Sephiroth nipped at his earlobe. He traced his fingers delicately down the General's chest til he reached the man's pants, feeling the erection begging to be freed. He began to unbuckle Sephiroth's belt when suddenly...

"DUDES!!!!!!!!!!" Zack shouted, desperate to stop the images of his two best friends flying through his head.

Sephiroth faced Zack and cocked an eyebrow.

"Is there a problem?" Sephiroth questioned huskily.

"I believe your house is that way," the raven haired Soldier replied irritably, pointing to his front door.

Sephiroth shrugged and threw Cloud over his shoulder, smacking the blonde's butt to silence his cries of protest. He nodded his good bye to Zack and hurried home. Once in the privacy of his own bedroom, he threw Cloud on the bed.

--------------------------------------------------Sorry have to keep it PG ; ) --------------------------------------------------------

Sephiroth hummed in approval as he caressed Clouds thigh and massaged the Cadets abused entrance. The blonde kissed the General's collar bone and smiled lazily.

"Happy Birthday."


A/N: And that's that people. Now...



