Hello, everyone! Just wanted to put this up in case those of you who are reading this story haven't checked the new summary and the like.

The One Piece Attempt is dead. Well, this version anyway. In fact, by the end of next week, it'll be down, along with Elliot and maybe a oneshot here and there.

Now, before you freak out, the reason why I'm taking it down is because I've been rewriting it. I've even posted it up here! In case you didn't know. Look for TOPA: To Run and Fight, then click and enjoy! There have been changes. MANY changes. But I do hope you enjoy it!

By the way, for those of you who hoped that it would be SanjixOC all along and were upset when I switched it back, don't worry...

... Actually, do worry. In the end, I have no effing clue who I'm gonna pair Amie up with, if she gets paired up with someone. But she does seem like someone who could use teh love... I dunno.

Anywaaay, check out the rewrite! And remember: This story goes down this coming Friday!