Kate has been working at NCIS for three years now. One night, Kate and Gibbs slept together. (Twilight, in my opinion, never happened. Hehehe)
Chapter 1
It's been six months since she, NCIS Special Agent Caitlin "Kate" Todd, slept with her boss and since then, things have not been the same. She has been working for NCIS for three years now, after she quit the Secret Service. Although it was obvious that there was an attraction between them, her boss, Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, had rule # 12, never date a co-worker or another agent. For three years, they have kept it professional until one night, after a really hard and emotional case involving a young girl, the team decided they needed to go out and just have a drink. After a couple of hours at the bar, they called it a night. Tony offered to drive her home but Gibbs said he'll take her home, to both Tony and Kate's surprised that he volunteered to take her home without even asking. What took place from the parking lot of the bar to the front door of her apartment is hazy. The next thing they knew, they were inside her apartment, and all over each other. From her living room, they quickly moved to her bedroom. The first time was quick and frantic. The second time that night, was slow and tender. And the third time, it was gentle mixed with desperation. What happened the following day, is what has been happening for the past six months. She woke up to an empty bed and when she got to the office, it was obvious to her that he never wants to speak to her what happened the night before. For the first week, she tried to talk to him and get him alone, but he would only walk away and not speak to her. The next few months, Kate accepted that night was a mistake but she cannot accept the treatment he has been giving her. Gibbs puts her either with McGee or with Tony and never with him. They never joked around and nothing personal was ever spoken between them anymore. And when conversations between the team got personal, Gibbs would either say something irritating or unprofessional towards her. The other members of the team noticed the tension between them but they were afraid to say anything. Abby tried talking to Kate, but Kate just said not to worry and that he was just being his usual self, grumpy. Abby, the NCIS Forensic Scientist, have become a close friend to Kate and has observed her closely the past few months. She could see that Kate lost some weight and the sparkle in her eyes is gone. The Kate she loves and cares so much for is slowly starting to break and she's afraid that Kate will leave soon. Whatever Kate is going through she knew it had to do with Gibbs. Abby tried talking to him but he only glared at her.
After finishing a case, the four agents were in the bull pen gathering their stuff, getting ready to go home.
"Hey, Kate Steve is in town." Tony said.
"Steve Adler, my frat buddy."
"Oh, sorry Tony, say Hi to him for me."
"Why don't you say hi to him yourself, Kate? Come with me, we are meeting for dinner and drinks. He asked about you and begged me to take you along tonight. Please, Katie."
"Oh, I don't know Tony, I'm kinda tired."
Gibbs listened to the conversation quietly, pretending not to care what his two agents were talking about but deep down inside, it was killing him.
"Kate, come on, do it for me please."
"All right, I'll go."
"Thanks Kate. Let's go."
Gibbs watched his two agents and not a word were said between him and Kate.
The following day, came in to the bullpen with Tony. She had left her car here last night and Tony drove her home.
"I'm telling you Kate, Steve likes you a lot. You should give him a chance, you know. He's a really nice guy. He's a lawyer, and he's ready to settle down."
"Tony, he lives in New York. I live here in Washington, D.C. Long distance relationship will never work."
"How do you know until you try it?"
"I have tried it in the past Tony. I was in college and my first boyfriend from high school, he was going to Yale and I was going to USC. We had been together for over a year and he got accepted in Yale, he didn't want to break up and was so sure we can make it. But after a year, I had to break it off."
"Kate, that was in college. This is different."
"Are you two ever going to stop yacking and start working?" Gibbs shouted at both of them.
"Sorry boss."
"Kate just think about it, okay? He's here for two weeks."
Kate nodded and went back to her desk.
Another week past and they were working on a case. It was almost 5 o'clock and Gibbs got another lead. Gibbs entered the bull pen to find his two agents getting ready to leave.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Abby found something. We're staying here until we figure this out. Well, not unless, your date with your lawyer boy toy is more important Agent Todd?" Gibbs said to her with a glare.
"Boss, you're out of line there." Tony cuts in and stood closer to Kate who was close to tears.
"Did I ask you for your opinion, Dinozzo?" Gibbs walked up to Tony, and they are almost nose to nose.
McGee just watched the scene uncomfortably in front of him.
"You didn't Boss but what you said to Kate and how you have been treating her is very unprofessional. I'm not gonna stand here and let you ridicule my partner, Sir. Special Agent Caitlin is damn good at doing her job and she deserves respect even from you."
Gibbs knew Tony was right but he has too much pride to admit defeat so he stared Tony down and left.
"Are you okay Kate?"
"I'm fine Tony, thank you. Listen, I need to talk to Director Sheppard. Why don't you and Tim go down to the lab and see what Abby found. Just fill me in later."
Tim and Tony watched Kate go and both shook their heads. They could see that Kate talking to the Director isn't a good sign.
Kate knocked gently on the door and opened it when she heard the Director's voice. Director Jennifer Sheppard used to be a field agent. According to the rumor mill, she and Gibbs were involved but she broke it off. Kate found her easy to talk to and it was nice to have another strong female in NCIS.
"Agent Todd, what can I do for you?"
"I was wondering, actually I'd like to be transferred somewhere else, Director."
"What's going on Kate? Is there a problem that I am not aware of?"
"I know you're not blind and you're not deaf either, and you used to be an agent, so I'm sure you have an idea what's going on."
"Jethro is the problem, isn't it?"
"I can't work with him anymore."
"Something happened between you two and he's put his defensive walls up. He's insufferable and pushing you to your limit."
"I don't deserve to be treated like this Director."
"Call me Jenny. I understand Kate. Well, what do you have in mind? Right now, the only openings we have are all overseas. There's one in Italy right now, do you speak Italian?"
"I actually do, Jenny. I also speak Serbian. My Dad is half Italian and my Mom is full Serbian. My grandparents spoke Italian to me when I was growing up and so did my dad."
"That's good Kate, that way the language won't be a problem. Are you sure you want to do this? I can give you a few more days to think about it. You have to commit at least a year and then if you decide you want to come back here or stay there, then you'll have to let us know."
"I'll keep that in mind. I don't need a few days to decide. My decision is final. When do they need me there?"
"I will call them and tell them that I have an agent for them. You could fly there next week. That way you can get yourself acclimated. I can ask them to arrange a place for you to stay, if you are okay with that."
"Good, the sooner the better. Thank you so much Jenny."
"I will tell Gibbs about your transfer. You're a fine agent Kate, we're sorry to lose you."
"Thanks Jenny. I really appreciate this."
"You're welcome."
Jenny watched Kate go and let out a sigh. Telling Gibbs about Kate leaving won't be easy but he had this coming. Gibbs is a good man, but he is a real bastard at times.