Author's Note: Once again, I own nothing but Miyuki. Everything else belongs to their respective owners. Enjoy.

Miyuki Talking

Sasuke Talking

Iruka's sitting on the other side of his bosses' desk coughing into a handkerchief. His boss is signing his transfer papers.

Alright, who's in?

Iruka is in. Iruka has developed a severe case of bronchitis and is applying for a transfer to warmer climates.

A day later, Iruka's grinning in the backseat of a taxi, watching the scenery as the 'Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas' sign goes by.

What about drivers?

I talked to the Hagane's yesterday.

The Mormon twins?

Utah County Raceway, Salt Lake City, Utah.

They're in Salt Lake City, off the job. I get the feeling that their having trouble filling the hours.

A black toy truck pulls up to the starting line of the raceway being controlled by a brunette with a blue bandanna tied around his head. Locks of hair are falling over one eye and Izumo's holding a large RC controller. The real life version of the truck pulls up next to it, and Izumo's older brother Kotetsu is in the driver's seat, his spiky black hair hidden by the helmet.

Izumo grins at his brother and extends the antenna for the controller. Kotetsu rolls his eyes and shrugs at his brother.

"Waiting, sweetheart"

"Good. Go"

"Waiting on you"


"Go, little girl. You're like a little girl!" Kotetsu snipes.

"Relax, man" Izumo snaps.

"I'm gonna get out of the truck and I'm going to drop you like third-period French." Kotetsu threatened. Izumo gives him a shit-eating grin.

"Relax" he said smiling as he presses down on the RC trigger, causing the little truck to take off down the asphalt.

Kotetsu slammed on the throttle and he and the RC are racing neck and neck down the track. He looks over his dashboard to spot the little thing when an idea hits him. He smiles mischievously and turns the wheel slightly and runs over his brother's toy.

Izumo's mouth drops open as pieces of his truck scatter over the track while Kotetsu is laughing his head off in the cab of the truck. He scowls after his brother and lowers the antenna, quietly seething. He starts muttering under his breath.

"I'm not gonna kill Kotetsu, I'm not gonna kill Kotetsu…" he goes on and on.

Los Angeles, California.

Two men sit down on a park bench, obviously both part of a mafia of some sort. Neither are aware of the surveillance team watching their every move.


Hinata Hyuuga. Hinata's been doing surveillance work for the FBI mob squad.

A young purple-haired woman is making notes in a book, while two agents sit nearby watching the mafia guys on a screen.

How are her nerves?

Not so bad that you'd notice.

"Move in a little bit" one of the FBI guys say. The other moves his hand to the control getting ready to mess with the camera.

"P-p-please d-don't t-touch that." The young woman stutters.

The agent looks at her.

"Why not?"

Hinata gulps a little and her face hardens into a glare.

"D-do you see me grabbing your g-gun out of your h-holster and waving it around?" she says bravely.

The other agent rolls his eyes.

"Dude, Radioshack. Relax" he said seriously.

Hinata swallows again and meekly goes back to her notes but glares at the agents while they aren't looking.

She goes on break a little later, but ends up getting tangled up with a woman on rollerblades and her dog. Across the street Sasuke and Miyuki are watching her, both sipping on expressos.

"Munitions?" Sasuke asks, making notes in his own notebook.

Miyuki's watching Hinata. She takes a sip of her drinks.

"Asuma Sarutobi" she says.


"No shit. On the job?"

"Skin cancer" Sasuke says matter of factly.

Miyuki gives him a look and plays with her cup.

"Huh. Did you send flowers?" she asked.

Sasuke smirked.

"Dated his wife for a while." He told her. Miyuki just shook her head and contemplated her mental list of contacts. She turns to Sasuke.

"Deidara's in town." She states.

Sasuke nods a little then pauses and looks at her frowning.

"There might be an issue with availability."

L.A. at night. No Name Bank.

A man leads a cable away from a vault door. The door has C-4 charges in little shapes stuck to it. Theres a bird, a dragon, a cow, and all sorts of animals, stuck 4 inches apart around the door. The man hands the cable to a young blonde who smirks and attaches it to a hand trigger.

"Allright assholes, hang on to your dicks, yeah. Geijutsu wa bakuhatsu!" he says gleefully.

The charges go off sequentially around the door. Deidara gets up and goes over to the door and it swings open easily, the locks falling to the ground. Deidara grins and rubs his hands together and does a little spin before stepping into the vault. The alarms go off and Deidara frowns and rolls his eyes. He turns to his crew.

"God damnit. You assholes, I give you one tiny fucking job to do, and you cock it up. Cock it right up!" he snarls.

The bomb squad drags Deidara out along with his comrades. The blonde is scowling, and blows the hair out of his face and gets pushed against the car and questioned by the officer, who asks if he set any more charges in the vault.

"Wait a fucking second. Are you accusing me of booby-trapping?" he says indignantly.

"Well, did you?"

"Booby trapping isn't Deidara's style, isn't that right Dei. Peck. ATF." says Sasuke walking up. He's dressed like a detective and he flashes a badge to the cop and throws a cigarette to the ground. He puts the badge away quickly into his pocket.

"Let me guess. Simple C-4 mainliner, back wound, quick fuse with a drag under 20 feet?"

Sasuke moved closer, and Deidara gives him a mock-annoyed look.

"Let me ask you this. Did you search this scumbag for booby traps on his person? I mean really searched him. Not just for weapons." He asks the cop.

The cop stutters a little, and get's ready to do as told and Sasuke waves him off with a smirk.

"Stand back" he tells him before slamming Deidara into the car.

"Great, here we go." The blonde says rolling his eyes. Sasuke pauses for a second and looks at the cop.

"Go find Griggs. I need him." He says.


"Just find him will ya!" Sasuke snaps.

The cop high tails it and Sasuke slips something into Deidara's cuffed hands and leans over the blonde, pretending to search him.

"Hey Dei."


"Can you put something together with what I gave you?"

"Done already"

Sasuke stands him up and starts walking away.

"Miyuki around?"

"She's waiting around the corner" Sasuke tells him.

"Fuckin' A. It'll be nice working with proper bad guys again, yeah."

The car Deidara had been pressed against starts smoking and the cops start panicking while Sasuke and Deidara run off. Deidara starts laughing, looking back at the beautiful explosion.

"Bet they weren't expectin' that shit, yeah?"

San Diego, CA

Sasuke and Miyuki are sitting in the audience of a circus show, watching Chinese acrobats perform.

"Which one's the Amazing Lee?"

"The Chinese guy." Sasuke says as if it's obvious.

Miyuki studies all eight of the Chinese performers and turns and glares at Sasuke before sitting back.

"Who else is on the list?"

"He is the list."

Miyuki watches the man in the green full body leotard and a bowl-haircut climb easily up a pole.

"I dunno, that doesn't look all that diff-"

Lee back flips from one pole to the other, holding on upside down before jumping down, flipping in mid-air and landing in a crouch. He got up and bowed to the crowd. Miyuki's mouth had dropped open and Sasuke was surpressing his snickers while sipping on his soda.

"We got a grease man." She says stunned.

"We got a grease man."

They leave once the show's over, heading over to Sasuke's green Fortuna.

"We're gonna need Tsunadei for this." Miyuki said.

"She got out of the game a year ago."

"What, she get religion?"


"You could ask her."

"Hey, I could ask her." Sasuke mimicked starting the Fortuna and pulling out.

St. Petersburg, FL

A middle aged woman with blonde hair picks up her tickets at the counter. She takes her paper and walks out to the track looking around. She looks at the paper really quick and continues to her seat, seemingly not noticing Sasuke leaning against a pillar watching him. Sasuke pushes himself away from the pillar and follows after Tsunade. He walks up behind the bench where Tsunade's sitting. The woman peels an orange, waiting for the race to start, her brown eyes focused on the fruit, ignoring Sasuke who was now leaning on her bench.

"I saw you at the paddock before the second race, outside of the men's room when I placed my bet. I saw you before you even got up this morning. You're getting slow Sasuke." The blonde said monotonously.

Sasuke smirked.

"How've you been Tsunade-san?"

"Never better."

"What's with the orange?"

"I need to increase my vitamin intake."

"Why don't you take vitamins then?"

Tsunade stopped peeling the orange and glared at the brunette over her shoulder.

"Did you come here to give me a physical?" she snapped. Sasuke just smirked and smacked her shoulder with his paper.

"Box seats. Come on."

They sat down in the box that overlooked the track. The handlers were loading the greyhounds into the launches.

"So are you going to go ahead and tell me? Or should I just say no and get it over with."

Sasuke stirred his fruit parfait and took another bite, still smirking.

"Tsunade, you're the best there is. You're in Cooperstown. What do you want?"

"Nothing. I got a duplex now. I got wall-to-wall and a goldfish. I'm seeing a nice man who works the jewelry counter at Macy's. I've changed."

A horn went off and the gates opened and the greyhounds took off around the track.

"People like us don't change Tsunade-san. We stay sharp or we get sloppy. But we don't change."

"Quit conning me, boy."

"That your hound way in the rear?"

"He breaks late, everyone knows this." Tsunade says, starting to get a sinking feeling she usually got when she bet on something, meaning she was probably going to lose as usual. She finally got fed up with the dogs and with Sasuke.

"You going to treat me like a grownup at least? Tell me what the scam is?"

Sasuke adjusted his suit jacket and leaned over to whisper Miyuki's plan into Tsunade's ear. He straightened up and set a airplane ticket into Tsunade's lap while the blonde stared at him wide-eyed. He patted her on the shoulder, smiled, and walked away. Tsunade sat there for a moment, staring at the plane ticket like it was a cobra, and she tossed a couple of Rolaids in her mouth.

Back in Las Vegas, a few days later.

Miyuki and Sasuke are watching T.V. Sasuke's laying on his folded arms on the bar, watching the screen and Miyuki's looking at the list sipping another Martini and glancing at the screen as they announce the fight that's going to be hosted at the Bellagio. Miyuki puts her drink down and smacks Sasuke's shoulder. The black haired man just blinks.

"And Tsunade makes ten. Ten should do it, don't you think?"

Sasuke doesn't answer her, he just watches the tv.

"You think we need one more?" she asks questioningly. Sasuke continues his silence, blinking again and staring at the screen. Miyuki takes another sip of her martini and sighs.

"You think we need one more." She states. Sasuke still treats her to silence and Miyuki nods.

"Allright, we'll get one more."

Chicago, IL

Miyuki's riding on a subway train. She's been watching a blonde all afternoon. The blonde is dressed up like a college student, and is pretending to study a textbook in his hand. The train jolts, knocking the blonde into the man beside him. Miyuki smirks watching the blondes hand sneak the mans wallet out of his trenchcoat and slip it into his own. The blonde apologizes for knocking into the guy who doesn't even acknowledge the bump. Miyuki looks a little impressed. She get's off at the same stop he does and follows him up to the street, and bumps into his shoulder, walking quickly as if she's in a hurry. The blonde doesn't even feel the slender fingers reach into his pocket and snag the wallet, leaving a business card in its place. Miyuki snickers internally and heads to a bar to wait on the blonde.

A block or so away, Naruto Uzumaki reaches into his pocket to see what the wallet had in it, but can't find it. He digs deeper and his hand closers around the business card. He pulls it out, seeing the back side where Miyuki had written 'Nice Pull, Emmet's Pub.' Naruto flipped it over to the other side that had raised black block letters spelling out Miyuki Taisho. His mouth drops open and he looks back at the subway station, before heading to the pub.

Naruto walked in and spotted the infamous black-haired thief sitting at a table, drinking a whiskey double on the rocks. She looks up, blue eyes dancing.

"Hello Naruto. Whose is this?"

"Who are you?" Naruto said, a little peeved.

"I'm a friend of Minato Namikaze's." Miyuki answered, pulling a airplane ticket out of her coat pocket and putting it on the table, pinning the younger blonde with a stern look.

"You're either in or you're out. Right now"

Naruto looked a little intrigued and he sat down at the bar.

"What is it?"

"It's a plane ticket….a…job offer, if you will."

"You're pretty trusting pretty fast."

"Minato has a lot faith in you."

Naruto shrugged non-commitally.

"Father's are like that."

Miyuki gave him a surprised look and Naruto chuckled.

"Oh, he didn't tell you did he? He doesn't want me trading on his name."

"You do this job, he'll be trading on yours. Don't, and you can go back to feeling up stockbrokers." Miyuki said. She looked over to the bartender and raised her hand off the ticket to get his attention.

"Can I get the check please?"

She turned back to Naruto, putting her hand back on the ticket when she saw it in his hand. She looked down at her hand, sitting on the bare table and Naruto was reading the destination on the ticket. Miyuki looked impressed.

"That's the best lift you've made yet."

Naruto ignored the statement and looked up from the ticket.

"Las Vegas, huh?"

"America's playground."

Naruto gave her a foxy grin as the waiter brought her the check.