Chapter 4

Hey guys!! This is my new story, Successor's Scroll!... It's mixed humor, adventure, friendship, drama, and of course, ROMANCE!... I hope you guys will like my new story… please review on it!... This isn't like the other stories that you've read… It's kinda like a mixed up…. Ninjas, teenage romances, adventures, missions, etc.! Thanks!... Ailabxouo all… And oh, for those who are asking if I'm a Filipino, YES! OPO!... Pinay ako!... Mabuhay ang mga Pinoy!... Haha!... Thanks again!.

Disclaimer: Okay, let's be clear with this!... I do not own NARUTO!... even if I wanted to own it, I can't… huhu!...


After 5 years of waiting, he came back… I mean… Uchiha Sasuke -- the only survivor of the infamous Uchiha Massacre beside Uchiha Itachi, the so-called prodigy, the bestfriend of Uzumaki Naruto, and the bastard who left me at that freakin' bench 5 years ago. Despite of all those stupid confessions I made, all he had to say was a simple, "Thank you, Sakura"… AND a knockdown punch on my back, I might add -- anyway, he came home to Konoha WILLINGLY after killing Uchiha Itachi and Orochimaru / Kabuto.

Of course, he received so many punishments and underwent certain hearings thanks to Konoha elders. But still, because he killed a very powerful sannin / apprentice, and an Akatsuki member (Inner self: Hey! We also killed an Akatsuki member!) and vowed to Konoha that he will forever stay, unless there's a mission of course, and promised not to betray the village. Tsunade-sama, the Konoha elders and the whole village accepted him again.

I really don't know what the hell is wrong with me but there is really something that's bothering me ever since he came back. I'm pretty sure I'm over him, or not…


Chapter 1

The blazing rays of the sun hit her face as her bright blue-eyed, blonde best friend opened the pink blinds of her windows. Along with her is a girl with dark chocolate hair tied up in two buns that resembles the color of her eyes and a girl with bluish-black hair that perfectly match her lavender pupils.

"Who the hell opened the windows?!" Haruno Sakura, the pink-haired kunoichi, apprentice of the Godaime, and the captain of the ANBU medical squad, opened slightly her emerald orbs looking at her friends.

"Wake up, forehead!" Yamanaka Ino, the blonde girl shouted. Sakura just muttered something then went back to bed.

"Sakura, you gotta wake up now!..." Tenten, the so-called bun-girl, said as she pulled out Sakura's comforters.

"Five more minutes… I just came home from a freakin' S-class mission for Kami-sama's sake!..." she muttered trying to pull back the covers.

"But Sakura-chan, Tsunade-sama said that she needs the report of your mission yesterday…" Hyuuga Hinata, the lavender-eyed girl explained.

Sakura got up then spoke, "I'm pretty sure that after I give that report, she is so gonna send me to another mission." She said grumpily as the girls giggled. After Sakura washed herself up, they headed their way down to the hokage's office.

Tsunade then heard a knock on her door. "Must be the girls," she thought.

"Come in!" she yelled.

"Good morning, Tsunade-sa--" Sakura paused when she saw four guys leaning on the wall of the office. Uzumaki Naruto, the one with spiky blonde hair with cerulean eyes, beside him was Nara Shikamaru, the troublesome guy with spiky black hair tied up in a high ponytail and lazy dark eyes, beside him was Hyuuga Neji, the one with long coffee-brown hair with the same eyes as Hinata, her cousin and last but not the least, the so-called prodigy with spiky black hair with alluring onyx eyes, Uchiha Sasuke.

"Umm… Why are you here?" Sakura asked pointing to the boys.

Naruto went to the girls and put his arms around them. "We all are having a mission together!" He

"Oh… Hmm… Goodluck!" She said as she handed the written report to the Hokage.

"No Sakura… Naruto said "WE" as in "WE" girls with boys…" Tenten explained.

"Ohh… you girls and the boys… umm… okay! Gotta go! Bhu-bye!" she replied but before she could even walk out of the office, someone grabbed her hand.

"Eek! Oh, Sasuke! Is there a problem?" she asked while tilting her head obviously pretending not to get what they meant.

"You know Sakura, for a highly-ranked intelligent medic-nin, you sure are pretty dumb…" he teased knowing that she is just pretending.

"Say what?!"

"Sakura, you are included in this mission." Tsunade interrupted.

"Argh! Just what I thought!" she complained.


"But Tsunade-sama, I just came home from a SOLO S-CLASS MISSION!! Kami-sama! Can't I take a break?!" she complained.

"Sorry, Sakura… but you are the only medic-nin capable of doing this mission together with Ino, and these 6…" Tsunade explained.

"Wait… we're only 8?!... I thought everybody's goi--" she was cut of by Tsunade.

"Sai, Chouji, Lee, Shino, Kiba and Akamaru are all on an A-class mission… They are all expected to be back maybe in 6 months or so…" Tsunade explained.

"Oohh… That's why Lee was begging me to go out with him last week… He said that maybe that date would be the last time he's going to see me…" Sakura chuckled. Sasuke's eyebrows' twitched. This didn't go unnoticed by Ino.

'Hmmm… Interesting…' she thought.

"And you accepted?!" she asked Sakura.

"Unfortunately, I have reports to do that day so I wasn't able to come with him…" she replied. Twitching eyebrows here…

"Next time, you should at least give him an hour or two, he deserves it and besides, he loves you!" Ino said hoping to tease Sasuke, who felt a twinge in his heart. Sakura was also shocked.

'She is up to something…' Sakura thought.

"Let's just get on with the mission…" Sasuke interrupted. Ino smirked.

"Okay… so the mission is an S-ranked mission… This is in relation with the Akatsuki. They are after this scroll," Tsunade explained while holding out a scroll.

"What's with that scroll?" Sakura curiously asked.

"Nice question, Sakura. This scroll is one of the most dangerous scrolls ever made by the successor of the very first ninja in shinobi world."

"So, what's so dangerous about that, Tsunade-baachan?!" Naruto abruptly interrupted.

"This scroll CAN ELIMINATE the ninja world, all at once…" jaws dropped.

"Are you freaking serious?! " Hinata blurted out.

"H-Hinata-chan… c-calm do-down…" Naruto stuttered as he put his arms around his girlfriend which caused her to blush 7 shades of red because of embarrassment.

"O-Okay, Na-Naruto-kun…" she muttered.

"Anyway, as what I've said, Akatsuki are after this scroll because of that. Now, the Konoha and all our allies decided to destroy this scroll for good. And that will be your mission." Tsunade slightly explained.

"What's the 'S-class' in that?!" Tenten asked.

"Yeah… We could just burn it right away here…" Ino continued.

"Well, of course, there's a twist!" Sakura started to bring out her pen and notebook knowing that Tsunade will be explaining a lot of things.

"This scroll, can only be burned on the peak of Mount Kouji, 10,000 miles, North, away from here. This will take about 2 months of journey from Konoha…" Tsunade explained.

"And, that's not all?!" Sakura supposed.

"Exactly, when you've already burned this scroll, on Mount Kouji, another scroll will appear, that scroll must be burned on top of Mount Jincha, 20,000 miles, East, away from Mount Kouji. When you've finished that, it will be the end of your mission. Of course it will not be that easy knowing that Akatsuki is around. The whole mission will take a minimum of 6 months to be finished. Your journey from then going back to Konoha will take about another 6 months. You 8, will take turns in holding this scroll." Tsunade fully explained while giving the scroll to Shikamaru. "And I want you to be the first one to hold it."

"Troublesome…" he muttered while getting the scroll.

"Goodluck to all of you, and I hope to see you all, ALIVE, after this mission. Meet in the gates in an hour. Dismissed." Tsunade said as the 8 ninjas disappeared in a flash.

"Ano, Tsunade-sama, are you sure they could do this?" Shizune asked worriedly.

"I know they can…" she softly replied.


A/N: Okay guys!... This is the MAP!

MOUNT KOUJI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -20,000 miles- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOUNT JINCHA





I 60,000 miles






A/N: gets?! Hehe! Please review!...