
Four years ago Sam moved in with her Aunt Sue in San Francisco from Nevada When all in one day the love of her life cheated on her and her beloved horse died.

Four years ago Jake watched his true love fly away hating him for something he never wanted, he watched the hatred fill her eyes when she pulled that vile tramp Rachel off him.

Where are these two characters now? Good question read and find out.


Sam now lives in the dorms of San Francisco State University studying to be a lawyer. She works at a local bar nightly to help pay for tuition. She does everything from that night's entertainment to bar tending to playing waiter to braking up fights. She was no longer the little girl who had left broken from her home state of Nevada. She is a strong woman who depends on no one but herself.


Jake now roams the world with the other Marines he's with. He joined right out of high school knowing that he had nothing for him back in Nevada. He had lost the love of his life four long years ago when Rachel had kissed him moments before his love had come out. He hadn't even been there while she had held her dying horse, and for those reasons he hated himself. He knew that he had lost her and he would never see her again. Except in the dreams of her that plagued him every night.