A/N: I'm so sorry it's been so long between updates, the Navy life hasn't been easy on my writing. I hope to have the last chapter of this posted soon, but don't hold your breath. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Blaise and Draco were waiting for Ginny as she apparated into the entry room of Malfoy Manor. She was glad that they didn't crowd her. A smile bloomed over her face and she walked toward them, enfolding them in her arms. "He's going to fight me with everything he has. He'll probably even try to turn my family to his side." She buried her face into Blaise's neck and sighed.

He laughed and turned them both toward Draco. "We may even make the front page of the Prophet tomorrow too." Ginny glared at him.

"Don't even say that. I don't exactly want my family finding out about us in the evening post." Draco stepped closer and enveloped both of them in his arms.

"I suppose the question then is how you want them to find out." He listened to the deep breath she drew and pulled her closer. "When do you want to see them?

"I need to talk to George first." She pulled away from both of her lovers taking a step back to look at them. "He's the only one I ever told about you two or the dreams. He's the only one who knows how unhappy I was with Harry. He'll know what to do."

Ginny walked up the grand staircase and down the hall to Lily's room with Draco and Blaise trailing her. When she opened the door Lily scrambled up from the floor by her tea table and looked decidedly guilty. When Ginny narrowed her gaze on her, Lily looked down at the floor.

"I found her wandering around in the garden. I know I should have asked if I could bring her in but she looked so hungry…I'm sorry." She glanced over at Draco as a skinny ginger tabby jumped on the table.

Behind Ginny she could hear Draco trying to hold in his laughter, her glare move to him and he quieted immediately.

"Lily you really should know better than to bring stray animals into the house without asking the owner of the house."

Knowing that her mother wasn't the one to plead with at the moment, Lily ran to Draco who picked her up without protest. "Please daddy, can I keep her? I'll take care of her and everything, I won't let her out into the house and, and…please?" She added watery eyes for effect.

Ginny looked over at him. "She needs to learn that she can just get whatever she wants, Draco."

"How about this, we take her to the vet and if she gets a clean bill of health she can come back home?" Having Ginny angry at him wasn't going to be fun, but for the moment it was worth it to have his daughter smile at him.

Ginny shook her head for a moment then gave up. It was like they had said last night about the jewelry, they had years to make up for. "Lily would you like to go with us to visit with Uncle George?"

"Will he give me experiment candies like he did last time?" The girl asked with trepidation. She hadn't enjoyed being a product tester the last time they'd visited George.

"You don't have to eat anything he gives you. I told you that last time and you didn't listen to me." Ginny admonished, ushering her daughter toward the fireplace in her study. She grabbed a handful of floo powder, "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!"

"George!" Ginny stepped out of the floo already calling for her brother, Lily in tow. She didn't wait for Draco and Blaise to exit the fireplace before leaving the room to track down her brother. "There you are," she said stepping into his workshop. She could hear Draco and Blaise whispering down the hall.

"Ginbug, how are you darling?" He exclaimed getting up from the wooden bench to gather his sister and niece in his arms. The excited squeal from his niece brought a smile to his face. "And how are you Tigerlily?" She was still just light enough to pick up without trouble.

"Oh Uncle George, I'm so good. Daddy and Blaise gave me a whole new room and said I could keep Pickles if she's good at the vet and the manor is so big. Daddy calls me his little princess and, and…" She broke off at the confusion on her uncle's face.

"Lily, honey, Uncle George and Mummy need to talk. Why don't you show your daddy and Blaise around the shop?" As she scampered away Ginny added, "And remember not to let them eat anything."

Ginny couldn't quite meet George's eyes. "Have you been getting the Prophet?" When he nodded she bit her lip, "They're back George. I guess they actually never really left. All of those dreams I've been telling you about over the years…they were real. It was a spell that allowed them to stay with me."

She took a deep breath and sat down on the recently vacated bench. "Harry's been cheating on me this whole time. I served him with divorce papers a few hours ago." Her eyes were bright as she looked up at him. "They put a spell on Harry all those years ago to protect me from being hurt by him. The children aren't his." She gaged the reaction and saw comprehension dawn on his face.

"Draco is Lily's da?" When Ginny nodded her brother laughed, but he quickly sobered. "Gin, why have they been gone so long?"

"That's funny, I don't think I've even asked them that. I've just been so happy." Ginny's face shone like the sun, "Scorpius is still alive. They've had him this whole time."

"They didn't tell you? This entire time they just let you believe your son was dead?"

Ginny's eyes widened. "No George, they told me I even spent time with him in the dreams, but I thought I was just dreaming about loved ones I'd lost. They told me I just couldn't believe in the truth."

"Oh," The anger disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. "Do I get to meet these men you love now that they're back from the dead?"

"Of course you can, but will you go with us to visit mum? I need to tell her what's going on and I think I might need the moral support."

The smile he offered her this time was a bit darker. "I wouldn't miss it." He offered his hand to help her up and they walked to the front of the shop arm in arm.

"Blaise, Draco come meet my brother." Ginny called out to her loves.

They appeared around the corner of one of the aisles with Lily leading them. Draco offered his hand and George released Ginny to grasp it.

"My sister looks happier than I've seen her in a very long time and I want to thank you for that." Blaise was next to take his hand. "I also want to know why you haven't been here the entire time though."

Draco was the one to speak, "Lucius was still alive until last week. I couldn't kill my own father but he would have killed us if he had ever found out that we weren't dead."

They had flanked Ginny without her even realizing it until she felt their body heat beside her. "If we could have been here with Ginny we would have, I swear that to you." Each of them grabbed one of her hands.

"Ok." George didn't need any more of an explanation from them, he'd met Draco's father before. "I suggest we get over to the Burrow before Harry gets a chance to brainwash them."

And he led the charge through the floo to the only place Ginny had considered home until a few days ago. "The Burrow." he called bringing them up right in front of their surprised parents sitting on the couch.

"George, Ginny what are you two doing here?" Before Ginny had a chance to answer Draco and Lily stepped out of the fireplace followed by Blaise. "Ginny?"

Ginny ignored the questioning tone in her father's voice and hugged her mother. "Mum just stay there I've got some stuff to tell you both."

The nervousness in Molly's eyes made Ginny feel guilty for scaring her mother, but she turned away and took a deep breath. "Mum, Da, I need you not to interrupt me, please I just need to get this out and you can say whatever you'd like when I'm done." When her mother nodded she started her story. Leaving out some of the more graphic details she told them everything that had happened since Hogwarts.

"When they told me the only reason that Lily, James, Severus, and Scorpius were theirs and not Harry's I had divorce papers drawn up in a muggle lawyer's office. I gave them to him yesterday while his face was buried in his secretary's bosom. Now Lily and I are living at Malfoy Manor and as soon as the divorce is finalized the three of us," She grabbed her lovers' hands, "Are going to be bonded."

There had been several points during Ginny's story where George had but a restraining hand on Molly's shoulder to keep her from interrupting, but with the last bit from her daughter she was struck speechless.

Arthur, however, was not quite as silent. "Do you both love my daughter?" He turned to watch them as they answered.

"With all our hearts." It was a heartfelt declaration that made Arthur smile in satisfaction and Molly cry. Ginny went to her mother.

"How did I not know you were so unhappy, darling? I'm your mother, I should have known." She sobbed as Ginny held her.

"Nobody knows except George, mum. I didn't let anybody else even guess." There was a sound from the fireplace as Harry stepped out. Arthur was up and before anybody else could react had punched Harry square in the nose.

Blood poured down Harry's face even as he gripped the appendage and tried to staunch the flow.

Draco and Blaise flanked Arthur as he shook out his hand. "You bastard, you were part of this family. We loved you like another son and you go and cheat on my daughter. Get out and don't even think of coming back."

Molly and Ginny stared wide eyed at the gentle man in front of them who had always let Molly be the disciplinarian, shocked. Lily looked at her granddad with wide eyed wonder. Arthur turned back to the couch and sat down next to Ginny as Harry flooed back out of the Burrow. "Good riddance to bad rubbish."

"Oh da, you didn't have to do that. I know you loved Harry like a son; I just didn't want him to turn you two against me. That's why I told you everything."

"Gin you're our only daughter, we would never let any man treat you like that and get away with it."

Later when Blaise, Draco, Ginny, and Lily returned to Malfoy Manor, Ginny felt absolutely drained. "I didn't expect that to go quite as smoothly as it did."

"I don't think any of us did, but it was a good thing, kitten." Draco agreed as he walked up the stairway to tuck his sleeping daughter in.

"How do you feel, kitten?" Blaise swept her into his arms, walking toward the bedroom.

"Good, bloody exhausted, but good." She curled her head into the crook on his shoulder. When they got to the bedroom Ginny let him lay her on the bed and undress her slowly.

"Let me tuck you in." Ginny knew that he wanted more, but she was too tired to do anything more than lay there as he pulled up the sheets. "Go to sleep Ginny, I'll wake you up in the morning." He kissed her forehead and went to his closet to put her clothes in the laundry and take his own off.

Draco tucked Lily into bed, watching her sleep for a moment and letting the day sink in. Meeting Ginny's family had been an experience and seeing Harry had made him almost as livid as Mr. Weasley. His daughter and Ginny were home with him now though, so he couldn't be too upset.

There was a soft meow before Pickles was on the bed with Lily curling into a pile of orange fur in her strawberry blonde locks. He smiled, walking away from Lily's room to the two people waiting in bed for him.

Ginny woke to strong hands massaging her scalp as feather light caresses ran over her breasts and abdomen occasionally flitting down to tickle at the juncture of her legs. Her thighs parted instinctually.

"Looks like our Kitten's awake." She could hear Blaise's low voice in front of her and Draco's light chuckle in response. The hand slipped between her legs, softly petting her downy lips until she was squirming, the heat building, wanting so much more.

"Kitten, open your eyes." Ginny did as she was bid. Somebody had closed the drapes so the room was dark and cool. Draco looked down at her. Blaise moved down her body with his lips, uncovering her as he went.

His tongue thrust inside of her drinking deeply of the sweet nectar she offered as Draco lowered his lips to hers to smother her moans.

They were slow with her, bringing her right to the peak time after time but drawing back each time her back arched and her thighs quivered on the verge of something extraordinary. "Please, please." She finally begged and they both began entering her. The first thrust had her clenching around them as her climax rolled through her, but they didn't stop moving. Soon the peaks melted together and as Blaise and Draco finally came Ginny turned into a boneless mass of quivering muscle tissue.

"Mummy?" The next time she woke Draco and Blaise were dozing on either side of her and Lily had climbed on top of the covers.

"Good morning honey, did you just get up?" She yawned and put her arms out for her daughter to crawl in. Draco moved over to let Lily lay between them.

"I had a nightmare mum, da…I mean Harry took me away from you and locked me in a tower."

"Did you have to grow your hair out really long to escape?" The smile she'd intended to invoke wasn't forthcoming.

"It's not funny mum, I don't want him to take me away."

"He won't honey, your dad and Blaise and I won't let him." That seemed to be enough to allow her to sleep. Draco smiled at Ginny over Lily's head and they both watched as she slipped back into slumber.