Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice.
Mikan stomped all the way home, all the while muttering, "That idiot, he should die, just drop dead. The more he suffers, the better I'll feel. The idiot ruined my life. I hate him." And so she kept on cursing him under her breath, not knowing that the person she hated the most would be at her house when she opened the door.
"Mom? I'm home!" She yelled when she turned the door knob and stepped into her luxurious mansion.
Mikan's butler bowed, "Mikan-sama, your mother is in the living room talking with one of your school friends."
"Cool! Is it Hotaru?" Mikan asked excitedly.
"No, no. He is a guy. Apparently, his name is Hyuuga Natsume."
Mikan's eye twitched. School friends? Please, they were SO not. She dumped her bag on her bed in her bedroom and dashed down to the living room, her heart sinking as she spotted a mop of raven-hair and her mom sitting in the living room. He had indeed stepped foot into her house. This is it, from this day onwards, she would be grounded. Till she turned eighty. Why, WHY did she and that demon have to cross paths? "Mom?" She called tentatively.
"Mikan darling!" Yuka turned around and greeted her with a big smile. "Meet Hyuuga Natsume! He's your classmate, I hear!"
"And the most irritating out of all the idiots in class." Mikan mumbled under her breath, and forced a smile on her face. "Hi, Natsume." Her eyes twitched at the attempt to call him by his first name.
"Mom? Why is he here?" Mikan asked.
"Oh, just that he's new to the school, and so he asked his mom, whose a good friend of mine, to ask if I could get you, my perfect daughter to guide him around the school." Yuka replied cheerfully. "Originally I hesitated, but look at what a gentleman he is!" Yuka gestured towards Natsume, and Mikan rolled her eyes while Natsume smirked. "And because of him, I've decided." Yuka had this big grin on her face, and Mikan freaked out for a while. Don't tell me—"Not all guys are idiots like your stupid father, and therefore I've decided to give your friends a chance. They can, from now on, come over to our house and hang out and do whatever teenagers do. And this, of course, includes Natsume." Seeing Mikan's face light up, Yuka added, " Of course, there is a condition for this. You must give Natsume a tour around school, and guide him. The poor boy is very lost in the new school." She nodded in the direction of Natsume, while Mikan resisted the urge to snort.
Hah! Him? A lost boy? Pul-ease! He, a mega playboy a lost boy? God, this must be the work of the devil. For me to give him a tour around school and guide him. I wonder what would happen, say if I kill him and get it over with. My life would be so much better. Mikan's train of thoughts were interrupted when she heard Yuka inviting Natsume to stay for dinner. He eyes widened. What the—"That's settled, then! Mikan, show him to the shower. He must be worn out by now. Oh, and get him your brother's clothes please. I hope you don't expect him to go around naked in the house."
Mikan rolled her eyes, and started walking towards her bedroom where the shower was, and beckoned him to follow her. When Natsume entered her room, she told him to wait while she went to get some clothes for him. When she came back with Ryuu's clothes, Natsume had taken off his shirt, and the half-naked guy sat on the bed. Mikan stared at him, annoyed. Natsume smirked. "Like what you see, Polka?"
Mikan rolled her eyes. "No idiot. I'm used to this anyway. Ryuu and Ryoma do it all the time in the house anyway. Hotaru, Anna and Nonoko are also used to seeing them half-naked. Not that they care. I'm just irritated that your stupid butt is on my bed. Get it off, monkey." She handed him Ryuu's clothes, and sat down. "Hurry up and take a shower."
Natsume raised his brows. "Who's Ryuu and Ryoma?" He asked, and for a second, Mikan almost thought she heard a tinge of accusation in his voice.
"My brothers, idiot. And they are WAY hotter than you, moron. Not that I'm interested in my own siblings, of course. Just showing you that there are people hotter than you." Mikan replied, as she shoved Natsume into the shower. "Get in already, idiot. Dinner is going to be ready soon and I can't appear at the table unless you come with me. You are the guest, after all. So hurry up, slowpoke!" She grumbled as she sat down at her table and started working on her language homework.
When Natsume exited from the bathroom, Mikan half-dragged him to the dining room, where Yuka, Kikai, Ryuu and Ryoma were sitting at. When Kikai saw him, she said enthusiastically, "So, Mikan! This HOT guy is the one everyone assumed that you were with? God, you don't know what you are complaining about!"
Yuka raised her eyebrows, and Mikan shot Kikai a death glare while Natsume smirked, making Kikai swoon, but Ryuu and Ryoma merely ignored him and took more crabs off the plates, and continued their talk. "He's your boyfriend, Mikan?" She asked, in a voice that made Mikan feel she was on shaky ground. Her mom only talked in this manner when she was about to burst in excitement the next moment or erupt in the next second. Mikan hesitated, trying to figure out what was coming up next, but before she could answer, Yuka exploded.
"Mikan! You've grown so much! I'm so happy that Natsume is your boyfriend! You have great taste in men! I mean, Natsume is such a gentleman!" She said excitedly, clapping her hands, while Mikan restricted herself from snorting at her comments. Natsume, a gentlemen? God, her mother must have been blind. Either that, or Natsume must have covered up the fact with so many layers of lies it managed to conceal the truth, like the way Sumire covered up her ugly face with a heavy foundation.
Besides, didn't Yuka promise to ground Mikan if she ever got a boyfriend? Looks like her opinion changed ever since she met the Hyuuga Natsume in person. Of course, she had only seen the hypocritical side of him. She rolled her eyes, and went to sit beside Ryuu, the hotter of the two. Ryuu had light brown hair and emerald-like eyes. Ryoma had raven hair and brown eyes. Needless to say, Ryuu stood out the most. Ryuu turned around in his seat and greeted Mikan, "Hey sis! How's your day?"
Mikan glared at him. "Need you ask? I thought it was pretty obvious that a certain monkey ruined my whole day!" She threw a glare at Natsume, who had pulled up a seat beside her, and he put his arm around her. "Get your hands off me, monkey." She hissed at him, as he smirked.
Luckily, Ryuu saved her day by removing Natsume's arm around her shoulder and said coolly, "No PDAs around here, please. People are eating."
Thanks to her mother, Yuka, who ruined her day as soon as Ryuu saved it, she chirped happily, "No no, let the love birds do what they want! We shouldn't interrupt in their relationship!" Mikan could have killed her for saying that. And for the rest of the dinner, she kept attempting to burn holes in her mother by shooting death glares at her when she wasn't looking. Fate could be oh-so cruel.
The morning at school—
"Mikan!" Yuu called out, waving to her happily, as she smiled back at the class representative.
"Good morning, Yuu." Mikan greeted him as Hotaru, Anna and Nonoko made their way to him. Just then, she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist, and looked to her right. Sure enough, Hyuuga Natsume was there, smirking as always.
"SAKURA MIKAN!!" The fan girls' shrieks were unbearable, and Mikan wanted to kill them for almost making her deaf.
"She's taken, Tobita. So if you don't mind…" Natsume told linchou coolly, as Mikan burned holes in him with glares. He put his arm around her shoulders, and walked Mikan to her seat, while Koko and Mochu wolf-whistled.
"Back off!" Mikan hissed, when Natsume plopped down on the seat that was supposed to be Ruka's. "We are NOT together! I told you before that guys were idiots who get a girl's heart, hold it like a treasure, then heartlessly walks all over it!"
"What if I don't do that?" Natsume asked her.seriously.
Mikan raised an eyebrow. There was no way that could happen! I mean, all guys cheat on their girlfriends at least once, right? "The answer's still no. I'd rather marry the laptop. And I mean that literally." She told him, and he smirked. Well, you should have known by now that Hyuuga Natsume was not like any ordinary guy you would see often.
And then, just at the moment Mikan thought he was going to leave her alone, guess what he did? He tilted her chin up with his thumb and index finger, and kissed her. He KISSED her. Right in front of everyone. Could you believe it? Okay, at least I can. He's known for being unpredictable, after all. Everyone stared at the two in silence. You could hear a pin drop in the classroom. No one could believe what they were seeing. Mikan fumbled for a while, before finally realizing what was going on. Then, she did the most unexpected thing. She fainted, right on the spot. When the poor traumatized girl came to, she found herself in the school's hospital. Hotaru, Anna, Nonoko, Koko, Mochu and Yuu were sitting by her bedside.
"What happened?" She asked, dazed for a moment, as she attempted to collect her thoughts, having gone through an unbelievable event earlier.
"You freaked out when Hyuuga kissed you and fainted in the classroom earlier." Hotaru stated emotionlessly.
"Oh, yeah! I remember!" Mikan recalled, then, as if on cue, she panicked. "NO! Please, tell me that was NOT real! I did not just kiss a guy! My life is ruined; I'm tainted for life!" She shrieked, going into hysterics.
"Mikan, calm down." Yuu sweat-dropped."You could always get that Natsume to take responsibility."
"No! I'll rather die! Asking that guy? My life is already a living-hell, what with my own mother thinking that Natsume is my boyfriend, and he pretending to be my boyfriend, and you want it to get worse? Seriously, how sadistic can you get?" Mikan gave Yuu a death glare, as the poor guy attempted to blend in the surroundings so he wouldn't be noticed and face the wrath of the particularly dangerous Sakura Mikan as of the moment.
"Oh yeah, Mikan-chan, I remember that you mentioned that your mom has started allowing boys to enter the mansion. Is it okay if we go to your home after school?" Koko piped in.
"Go ahead," Mikan grumbled. "Now get out! I want some time to myself!" She got out of bed and started pushing them out of the room.
Then, she sat back down on the bed and touched her lips with her index and middle finger. I don't get it. I was positive there was a spark when he kissed me. And his lips were minty. She gave a sigh and leaned back on the wall. What is this feeling?
MikanXNatsumefan101: This ends the chapter for today! Compared to my previous chapters, this is rather long! Hope you are happy, because I spent all my free time on this, ensuring that the characters were not OOC. Now you know that Mikan's starting to develop feelings for a particular raven haired boy! I loved this chapter! It was one of my favorites! I hoped you liked this too! Please review after reading! Thank you to all the reviewers for my previous chapters! Especially one who reviewed all the chapters! You know who you are! Special thanks to you! And hopefully I'll update another chapter soon! School's being a bitch these days. Ugh. :)