A/N: Hey. Sorry it's been so long since I updated but I've been sick for quite a while and the hospital had no place for a laptop. Which sucks. Majorly. Is that a word? Anyway, I'll try to make up for that, as well as pick up the pace. See, I do listen to reviwiers

Chapter 2 Houses

The hubbub was chaotic as students ran down the aisles, looking for friends and belongings. Teddy noticed none of this as he scooped up his kitten and disembarked. People stared at him as he passed. The younger kids gasped and giggled at his hair, while he could swear the older kids looked at him with less friendly eyes. All in all, it was a relief to hear Hagrid's booming voice and for his silhouette to walk too when he was lost in the crowd. Hagrid thumped his great hand on Teddy's shoulder as he bellowed for the 'firs' years' to follow him down to the oddly still lake.

Climbing into the back of one boat, Teddy had barely sat down when two other boys crowded in behind him. They chattered none stop to each other as Teddy sat huddled in silence. He began to forget his dour mood when the first turrets and lights began to peak over the horizon. By the time the group of children had entered the Entrance Hall his mouth was hanging by a hinge.

A tiny man with glasses and a balding patch entered into the ante room the first years had been huddled into.

"Evening, children. I am Professor Flitwick, Deputy Headmaster here at Hogwarts. You are all welcome to our great school. In a moment we will all head into the Great Hall, so you should all take a moment to check your appearance and smarten up. You all ready? Right, well, follow me."

They exited the ante room and the giant doors opened onto a sea of black robes and pointy hats. The first year students lined up along one side of the room as Professor Flitwick carried a stool of the same size and a battered looking hat. He placed it in front the head table where the other teachers were seated. An old woman with a stern face and pursed lips sat in the largest chair that was gilded with what appeared to be birds, lions, serpents and badgers.

The brim of the hat opened and the starting ceremony began. In what felt like the blink of an eye it was Teddy's turn to wear the hat and sit on the stool. And the hat began to talk in his ear.

"Hm, interesting. You wish for Hufflepuff or Gryffindor? Yes, I see it. It's all here in your head. Want to follow your parents? You have bravery here, and a diligent spirit, but mostly what I see is brilliance. I think the house you belong in is RAVENCLAW!" The last word was shouted out loud, and as Teddy yanked the hat off his head a great cheer rose from the far left long table. The bands on the end of his jumper and the stripes on his tie had been white, but now they turned blue. The Ravenclaw crest materialised on his chest.

Teddy made his way down the aisle to a free seat next to a girl with a shiny silver badge above her crest. It was emblazoned with a H. As he took his place his giddiness felt laced with a tinge of disappointment. His mother had been in Hufflepuff, his father in Gryffindor. Everyone expected him to follow in one of their footsteps. They had been taking bets, Uncle Harry was sure he'd be one of the red. Had he let them down some how? Would his parents be disappointed? His Nan said that they were always watching him. Did they feel how sorry he was?

" Hey, you look blue." The girl beside him nudged him in the shoulder." I don't mean your hair." She was pale, her hair was long and blonde. She smiled at him. "You know, your hair went green when you put the hat on. Were you hoping for Slytherin?"

"No!" Teddy was aghast. He'd heard all about Slytherin.

"Ah, so you were just feeling queasy then?" She nudged him again. "Hey, chin up." Teddy scrunched up his face. With everything that had happened, he was close to tears. "I'm the Head girl for Ravenclaw. If you have a problem, you can tell me." Teddy had never been one to bottle up his feelings.

"My parents weren't in Ravenclaw."

"And you think you're letting them down?" She had a kindly face.

"My dad was really brave. So was mom. They died to save people. I want to be like them."

"You can be like them. Listen, every house has a distinguishing characteristic. Maybe bravery isn't your greatest strength, but that doesn't means it's not there."


"Look, I'll help you send an owl tomorrow to your family. I'm sure they'll tell you everything is alright. That they're happy for you. Raven claw's a great house. Being chosen shows you have a gifted mind. Use that. Ooh, food." The gold goblets and platters became flooded with food. Everyone at the table began to tuck in, so Teddy decided he should eat, though he wasn't all that hungry. The girl beside him had turned towards the person on her other side. Teddy became lost in watching the other people eat and gossip. After a time the sound of someone tapping a glass permeated the room.

The stern woman at the head table was standing with a glass in hand.

"Welcome, all of you, to Hogwarts…." the speech was short and to the point, and soon they were all dismissed to their rooms. He followed the head girl through the winding stair cases in a daze, weariness dogging his feet.

"Remember, everyone, the password is bezoar. You need that to get in, so don't forget." A tall boy with another silver badge led them through the common room and directed them to their dorms. Teddy barely managed to undress before falling asleep, exhausted from what the day had made him feel.

A/N: know this chapter was pretty dry, but I haven't written anything in months and I need to get back into the groove of things. Sorry.