Hey guys! So, I feel bad leaving all these stories without updates. I'm working on it! Here's a chapter thing here.


The phone rang in the middle of the night. I hated that sound. Nothing good ever came from a phone call in the middle of the night. My eyes flew open, and I fumbled for the annoying buzzing object. My heart was thundering in my chest when I managed to answer. "Hello?" I breathed.

"Mom, there is someone coming for you. Somebody knows that you know about us, and they are coming. We need you to leave now. Don't tell Phil where you are going. It will put him in danger. You will be safe, as long as you come here." Bella sounded like she was just barely keeping it together.

What did that mean, someone was coming for me? Did I do something wrong? I couldn't think of anything. "Bella, I don't know who would know. I didn't tell anyone!"

"Mom, are you sure? Someone knows," she stressed.

"Oh my God," I breathed. "You are going to be so mad at me. Oh… I sent an email, Bella. An email to someone who had an experience with the vampires in Washington."

"You what?!" Bella yelled.

Before I could respond, another voice was on the phone. "This is Carlisle. I need you to stay calm and listen to what I'm about to tell you. There is a plane ticket waiting for you at the airport. Your plane leaves in an hour and a half. Do not tell Phil where you are going. You do not have time to pack. We have things for you here, but you need to leave right now."

"I just got home!" I exclaimed.

"We will be waiting for you at the airport," he finished before she could argue any further. There was a click, and the line was dead.

I sat in the bed for a second, trying to process what was happening. How was any of this even possible? There was no way that this could be happening. I wrung my hands and glanced down at Phil. He was a deep sleeper, and he had not yet woken up. I jolted him a little. "Phil," I whispered frantically. "Phil, I need to go."

Phil snorted awake. "What, who, why?"

"It's important. I will be back, but I need to go right now."

Fifteen minutes later, we were in the car on the way to the airport. He asked multiple times where I was going, and if everything was alright. I didn't tell him. I didn't want to put him in danger. In the end, he surrendered and offered to at least drive me to the airport. He saw how terrified I was. He knew it was important. He went to park to drop me off at security, but I refused. There was no way I was going to let him have a chance of seeing where I was going. He stopped in the loading zone.

I kissed him goodbye. "Phil, trust me. Everything will be okay. Thank you for putting up with me. I will be back, and I love you very much."

When I was finally on the plane, I took a deep breath. Bella was with crazy people. Not people, vampires. Bella was with crazy vampires, and now there were crazy vampires after me. This was going to be the longest flight in the world.


The flight to America always felt like the longest flight in the world. I usually had no problem flying, but that tone… My head was singing at me. Someone was out there, almost begging to be found. Apparently this person was in America, because the closer I got, the louder the singing became. I growled and put my head in my hands.

"Can I get you anything, sir?" asked the flight attendant. I blinked, annoyed that I had to use a commercial flight at all. Heidi had the flight for one of her hunting trips. She said she was feeling like something exotic, an Ethiopian, she said. So the obvious thing to do would be to use the company jet for personal reasons.

I turned to look at her and smiled. "No, thank you."

She blushed and turned away.

When we finally landed, I pulled up the hood on my jacket. It was almost night, but the sun was still out. Phoenix was a horrible place to send an undercover vampire. I got off the plane, and had to loiter for a little while before I could finally leave.

After the sun had finally set, and I was sitting in my rental, I was finally able to focus. Where was this woman? I was able to pull the tenor of her mind apart from all the others after a few moments of focus. In the background though, as always, was that second song.

The woman had already left Phoenix. I sighed. She was somewhere north. I switched on the car and pulled out of the lot. There was no way I was sitting on another plane again. Judging by the sound, I could probably make it to her in about twenty hours.

The singing grew louder, and my stomach did a flip. I was never prone to such emotion, but I seemed to be nervous. Excited, maybe? Definitely confused. The woman with the mind who sang to me… she was in the same place.

I pressed the accelerator to the floor.


When my mom got off the plane, she looked awful. Her hair was standing up in a million places, and she was shaking.

"Mom!" I called.

She looked over and ran towards us.

"Honey, I am just saying, that was one of the most awful phone calls I've ever gotten. Who is after me? Why am I safe here? Why are they after me?"

Carlisle put his hand behind her back and guided her towards the exit. "There is a family out there, sort of like ours. They see themselves as the protectors of vampire kind. Humans who know about us are seen as threats."

We were at the curb then, where Alice was waiting with the Volvo. Carlisle opened the backdoor, and my mom and I slid in.

"How did they find out about me, though? I don't think that one email would alert them!"

"It's a website that they made themselves. They sort of trap humans that way. It's horrible, but very easy to fall prey to," explained Alice, as she accelerated away from the curb.

My mom couldn't stop shaking. "Bella, what have we gotten ourselves into?"

Carlisle looked back at me, frowning.

"I'm so sorry, mom. You'll be safe, I promise."

I felt horrible promising her, because in reality, I had no idea…

It's been a long while, so I sort of forgot where this story was going. I think I've found my way now, though! Review, please?