Ok Ok!! I'm back. Sorry that took so long. I got a couple Mary-Sue complaints so I'm gonna repeat the warning I gave in Chapter 1, there will be a Mary-Sue in this story.

I'm sorry if that stops you from reading it. KK lets get started!! Disclaimer:

I don't own Prince of Tennis no matter how much I try… Here we go!

Chapter 2: All Out

"I can't believe two seventh graders are competing in the ranking matches! And one of them is a girl!" Cried the annoying voice of Horio, "There is NO WAY a girl can beat our senpais!!"

Just at that moment, Akane and Ryoma rounded the corner. Akane glared a Horio.

If looks could kill, Horio would be dead.

"What was that about girls?" She asked with a menacing voice.


'That's what I thought big mouth."

"It's so amazing that you two are playing." Kachiro exclaimed with a smile.

"Yeah! We'll be cheering for you!" Katsuo said, grinning.

Akane smiled, "Thanks, someday you two will definitely be regulars." Kachiro and Katsuo blushed. Akane turned her eyes to Horio, "you on the other hand…"

Ryoma rolled his eyes and pushed her in the center of her back, "Come on Akane-no-Baka or we'll forfeit."

"Oh! Right!"


After the morning matches, all the regulars had perfect scores.

There were only two other members of the team with the same score and those two were the Echizen twins.

"You two are doing great so far!" Katsuo said encouragingly.

Akane Grinned, "Yup." She placed her hands confidently behind her head.

Ryoma just ignored him as he walked over to the vending machine.

"Ryo-chan, grab me a mango ponta will you?"

"Sure, whatever" he murmured as he walked off.

Just as Ryoma left, four of the regulars walked over.

"Hello Echizen-san, would like to eat with us?"

Akane looked at them. The one who was speaking had an extremely strange haircut. She was ninety percent sure his name was Oishi.

She grinned, "I would love to and it would be my pleasure to speak for my brother." She cocked her head, "your name is Oishi-senpai right?"

"Yup." He said smiling.

"Cool! I'm right! Now let's see, you're Kawamura-senpai, you're Kikumaru-senpai, and you're Inui-senpai." She smiled, "How'd I do?"

"That's exactly right!" Eiji yelped happily.

At that moment Ryoma returned form the vending machine with two cans in his hands.

"Hi Ryoma, guess what?"

Ryoma immediately paled, he hated it when she got like this.

"We're going to eat with the senpais!"

He narrowed his eyes, "We are?"

She grabbed the ponta from his hand, "Yup." She replied.

Eiji grinned and grabbed her hand. "Come on!" he yelled as he pulled her away, "we're eating over here!"

The twins sat next to each other and pulled out their bentos from their tennis bags.

Akane cracked open the ponta and held it in front of Ryoma. He sighed and carefully poured some of his own grape ponta into the can. After he stopped she poured some of her drink into his. The did this repeatedly until the drinks were mixed.

"Ewwww!!" Eiji squealed, "That's soooooo disgusting!"

"Eiji!" Oishi gasped.

Akane chuckled and Ryoma smirks, "Mada mada dane." They said in unison.

"99.9 Chance that mada mada dane is a family saying." Inui said pushing up his glasses.

Akane chuckled again, "Uh huh." She looked at Kawamura "I'm playing you next, aren't I?"

"Yes," he repaid, blushing.

She turned to Ryoma, "I'm glad you have an easy match after lunch (1). You can watch me play!"

"I watch you play all the time." He murmured. Pulling his cap over his eyes."

"Yeah, but not against a Seigaku regular, this may be challenging."

Kawamura blushed, "Don't worry, I'll take it easy on you."

There was a deathly silence.

Ryoma coughed and scooted away from his sister.

Akane's eyes narrowed, "You're going to what?" Here voice was quiet now. The playfulness was gone, her tone was deadly.

"I-I-I though y-you might w-want me to…" Kawamura stammered.

"To do what? Take it easy on me?" She asked, keeping her voice even. "why do you want to do that."

"B-because I thought you might want me t-to… I-I mean…"

"Don't you dare take it easy on me. I've seen enough fools do that in the past just so they can have an excuse for when I win." Her hazel eyes glowed.

"O-ok…" Takeshi stuttered.

Akane stood up.

"Where are you going?" Ryoma asked.

"To warm up."

Ryoma let out a relieved sigh.

Oishi's eyebrows furrowed, "What is it Echizen-san?" he asked.

Ryoma pulled his cap over your eyes, "Trust me senpai, that could have been a lot worse."

(1) He's playing Kaido in the morning.


There it is!!

Not my favorite in the world but...

Hopefully it's not tooo bad.

Pleeeaaase Review
