A:N/ Damn

A:N/ Damn. It's been a very long time since I've updated. Well, I've got half an hour until the season premiere of One Tree Hill so I'll get some done now I suppose. There will either be one or two chapters left.

When Callie woke up she had a hard time remembering what had happened the previous night. She knew that she was in Reid's house and evidently, she was wound up in his arms. Her head hurt a lot and she groaned when the bright light coming from the window hurt her eyes. She hated having hangovers and knew that it was the thing that she didn't miss about her party days. But she did remember saying that she would be with Reid. Had she been that drunk? But Callie truly did care about Reid and she did want to be with him, so she supposed that the alcohol had only made her think more clearly.

She squirmed around in his tight embrace and tried to get up from the couch where they had fallen asleep. Callie sat up and saw that Reid was still fast asleep despite the fact that she was no longer in his embrace, and couldn't help but to smile.

Finding a piece of paper and a pen she wrote a note to Reid and left his house.

Later that day……

A knock came from Callie's door and she looked up from the book that she had been reading; something that Carmen had suggested. "Come in," she called.

Reid walked in with a smirk on his face and the note that Callie had left him earlier. "Went back to study. Feel free to come by?" He asked, reading off the note.

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't want to wake you up," she explained.

He walked over and sat down on the bed next to her. "That's not what I'm talking about. I was talking about the studying part."

Callie chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I'm not really studying." The truth was, Callie had too much of a headache to really study. She was surprised that she was even able to read without making her head hurt any worse.

"You could have stayed," Reid informed her.

"I know," she said. "But the sun hurt my eyes and it was sort of hard to fall back asleep when I was awake." Why was she feeling so nervous around him all of a sudden?

Reid leaned in and kissed her, softly grabbing the side of her face while he did it. "We didn't have to go back to sleep," he said after pulling away.

Callie sighed and leaned against him. Reid grabbed her hand and their fingers intertwined. She smiled, thinking about how it was nice to have a boyfriend that she could trust; and she did trust Reid. She just, didn't exactly trust herself around him.

"I am crazy about you Callie, you know that, right?" Reid asked out of the blue.

She looked up at him, into his gorgeous blue eyes, and she nodded her head. "I know," she said. "Otherwise you wouldn't have given up, right?" She smirked as she was able to recall something that he had said last night.

Reid smirked back at her and nodded his head. "Exactly," he said.

They sat there for a few moments, not saying anything. All they really needed was to be with one another and that was enough for the both of them. Time passed, and it seemed like hours until someone said something.

"I love you."

Callie looked up at Reid, stunned by his words. They had only just gotten together the other day and he was already telling her that he loved her? Callie wasn't quite sure how to react. "Reid…" Callie began. "Being crazy about someone isn't the same as being in love with someone." But how could she know?

Reid looked down at her, stunned by what she had said. He had just told Callie that he loved her, and she was telling him that he didn't? How was she to know how he felt? "Callie I do love you. I've been crazy about you for a while and my feelings for you have just grown stronger." Clearly, Reid was hurt by Callie's lack of an 'I love you too'.

She sighed, unsure of what to say now. She did love Reid, she really did. But she had never said it before, and was nervous. What if he expected more of her? What if he got bored with her too quickly? Callie wanted to be with Reid for a long time and if saying I love you meant that they wouldn't be together for that much longer, then she would never say it. But what if it was just the opposite?

"Reid," Callie began again. But this time she didn't have a chance to say anything back to him. Instead, he crashed his lips onto hers and gave her a passionate kiss. Clearly, Reid did love Callie and he wanted to show her that he did love her.

"I…I…I love you," she said and smiled softly, straining her neck a little to give him a kiss back.

He smiled and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "Good," he said and kissed her again.


A:N/ I know that was probably an awful ending and one hell of a short one, but I feel bad for everyone that's been wanting more. I cant really write this story anymore because of how old it is and because I'm not connected to it anymore. So please, no bad reviews on how much it sucked.