Title: Now the Secret's Out!

Summary: What happens when a person no one knows besides Harry shows up at Hogwart's and asks him for his help? And what does she has to do with all the strange thing's going to happen inside Hogwart's? And just HOW is she important to the war?

A/N: Yes I'm back again with a new story!! I just wanted to let you know before you start reading that the writing in Italic will be singing okay? Just so no one is confused by that! Enjoy! (So hard to write, listen to music and dance in my seat all at the same time!!! TT)


Chapter two: I don't like you! No I'm not going to take it off!

The girl frowned at Dumbledore but didn't say anything.

"Albus! Leave this girl alone! She need's to rest and get her strength back!" Poppy snapped as she stood in front of the two hugging teens protectively.

McGonagal also stood next to the raging mediwitch. "I will not let you pester this girl!" she snapped out also.

"What's up with Aunty Poppy and Grandma Minny?" the girl asked confused.

"Harry?" Hermione asked confused a fwe feet away from them with Ginny and Ron.

Harry sighed and shook his head. "Take a seat this is going to take a while," he said leading the girl to the Gryffendore table.

All the students and even Severus followed as Minerva and Poppy fought with Albus and Fillus -don't ask how Fillus got dragged into it.

"I'm going to ask that all question wait until after we explain" Harry said tiredly, everyone nodded their agreement even the girl.

"What are you nodding about? You're helping me with this!" Harry huffed out angrily.

The girl just rolled her eyes at him. "Well where to start? Hmm... how about the beginning? Well I was born sixteen years ago in-" the girl started off.

"Not THAT beginning you dork! Here I'll start off" Harry sighed shaking his head.

Most of the girls and some guys laughed at the two of them.

"We met when I got back to the Dursely's for summer break. I was getting my usual 'You're a freak and there for don't get fed until your near dea, only then getting a piece of moldy bread and some water'. I got fed up with what was going on and told the Dursely's to piss off and go fuck themselves" Harry began.

The girl gave Harry a warning look and took over. "I was walking down the street when Harry stormed out of his Uncle's house yelling about being doen and fed up. When he looked up we saw each other and just walked together for awhile" she said lowly holding Harry's hand.

"We walked around for a few hour's and I followed her to her house. Turn's out she was on vacation and was staying at a hotel. I spent the night and we started talking. Later in the evening when we were completely smashed -which by the way wer are doing tonight" Harry cut off saying looking at the girl seriously.

"Yeah, yeah get on with the damn story," the girl muttered moodily.

Harry rolled his eyes and snorted, "Anyways, when we were completely smashed we started talking. I told her about the Dursely's, their treatment of me and abou tbeing a wizard and everything else that came with that" he said boredly.

"I then told Harry about my life. I've lived in group homes my whole life, I have no known family. I was on vacation by the money I had saved up over the years so I could get away from everything. As you can tell by now I'm from the States and not England. I heard that Surrey was a nice quite town to relax in. From then on Harry and I spent everyday together" the girl explained.

"Any questions?" Harry asked rubbing his eyes with his free hand getting ready for the on coming headache.

"What happened to get you all banged up like that before you came here?" Ron asked seriously confuseing everyone alone for a few people.

"The firl fidgeted and then cleared her throat. "Well you see... I'm a run away and the group home I've been staying in doesn't... like it when one of the kid's they've claimed leave" she said pausing at some parts.

"Claimed?" Hermione asked confused.

"Well you see the group home she stayed in was a vampire one. They let her stay there when she wandered in the pub they were at getting something to eat as they moved. They claimed her as one of their own and... didn't take it lightly when she up and left" Harry explained slowly.

"What's your name?" Ginny asked before anyone could first.

"Umm... I don't have a name actually" the girl said lowly and looked down into her lap.

"You don't have a name?" Neville asked shocked.

The girl nodded her head and chewed on her bottom lip.

"Stop or you'll bite right through it again," Harry commanded as he tugged on the girl's hair.

Poppy could be heard in the background yelling, "IF YOU LAY ONE HAND ON EITHER ONE OF THOSE CHILDERN I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE SURE YOU ARE PUT INTO ST. MUNGOS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" followed by a loud thump letting everyone know one of the woman had hit the headmaster.

"You know their really starting to scare me," Ron muttered lowly as he eyed the two enraged women.

"Just goes to show, keep you friends close bu tkeep your enemies coser" Harry said seriously.

"I thought it was, any enemy of my enemies is a friend of mine" the girl said confused.

"That too dear, but not in this case" Hermione said shaking her head.

"So you don't have a name?" Susan Bones asked her eyes sparkling excitingly.

The girl frowned and scooted closer to Harry having a bad feeling about the brunette.

"I say we give her a name!" Hanna Abbot squealed out.

"OH! I know the perfect name!" Susan giggled out clapping her hands together. "Angola!" she giggled out.

"I rather he gave me a name" the girl interrupted the two giggling females.

"He? Who?" Ginny asked curiouslu, as Susan and Hanna frowned.

The girl pointed to Severus shocking everyone. "I have rather the same train of thought he usually has, so I think any name he comes up with would suit me better than yours would" she said honestly.

Everyone looked at Severus as he thought for a moment. "Sin" he said finally.

"Sin? What is she part of the bible?" Hermione huffed out her eyebrow twitching.

Everyone looked to the girl and saw her shake her head. "As much as that name does suit me it doesn't seem like the right one" she sighed out.

"How about fine piece of ass?" Draco snickered out.

Harry growled loudly in the back of his throat and moved to stand.

"Harry, he isn't worth it," the girl said sternly kepping him seated by sitting in his lap.

"Shadow" Severus said drawing all the attention to him and away from Draco and Harry.

"Shadow" the girl whispered testign the name out. "I like it" she said after a moment.

"Shadow, it suit's you well for everything we know about each other" Harry muttered lowly.

"And everything I can do" Shadow said lowly as well.

"Well then Shadow!" Poppy said happily as she made her way through the large crowd to them. "Let's get you set then! You and Harry can have a room to yourselves since niether of you trust anyone else around you!" she teased out winking at the two teen's.

"We're not together and won't be getting together Aunt Poppy" Harry said frowning.

"And why do you say that?" McGonagal asked curiously coming to stand behing the mediwitch.

"Harry's gay and I don't date, I fuck" Shadow said simply.

Everyong was quite again in shock.

"Well at least she's honest" Ron said breaking the silence.

Harry grinned at Ron and laughed.

"If you two aren't tpgether then why are you so... possessive of each other?" Ginny asked confused.

"You mean we didn't tell you?" Shadow asked innocently.

"What did you forget to mention?" Severus asked darkly as his eyes narrowed.

"Why were blood brother and sister" Harry said also sounding innocent.

"Explain" McGonagal ordered sternly and raised her fist in warning.

"Well you see... since I lived with the vampire's and they claimed me I can change into a vampire whenever I want..." Shadow said trailing off.

"AND?" Poppyasked tapping he rfoot impatiently.

"...I turned Harry into one as well" SHadow finished then she and Harry ran from the Hall.

"WHJAT!?" McGonagal and Poppy bellowed out.

"WE LOVE YOU!" Shadow and Harry yelled over thier shoulders a they ran through the Great Hall doors.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER AND SHADOW! GET YOUR ARSES BACK HERE THIS ISTANT!" Poppy and McGonagal bellowed running after the two teens.

Shadow laughed as Harry dragged her through the castle. "Where are we going?" she asked happily her eyes sparkling.

Harry grinned over his shoulder at her and whinked. "You'll see! You're goign to love it here fore sure!" he promised as he ran up to the stone gargoyle in charge of protecting the Headmaster's Office.

"Hey there boy! Do you think we could go up and see Samuel?" Harry asked as the shouting was getting nearer to them.

The gargoyle rolled his eyes at them. "What did you do this time Har?" he asked boredly.

Harry grinned and winked at Shadow. "Oh nothing just conjoured up my sister here and told the parent's that she turned me into a vampire, no biggy" he said happily.

The gargoyle looked at them for a second before laughing. "Oh boy, how many more times are you going to go out and come back with something new to let those get enraged about?" he asked chuckling as he moved to the side.

Thank you!" Shadow called as they ran up the stairs and barged into the Headmaster's Office, that was empty of any people.

"Samuel?" Harry called looking around.

"What Harry?" the sorting hat aaked up on the high shelf.

Harry raised an eyebrow at Samuel. "What did you do this time Sam?" he asked curiously.

Samuel frowned and huffed. "What maked you think it was my fault this time?" he huffed out angrily.

Harry smirked and didn't notice the Professors come in behind them. "It's always your fault Sam" he said mater of factly.

Samuel frowned and hopped down from the shelf and over to the two teenager's. "So what can I do for you?" he asked getting down to business.

"Shadow need's to be sorted into a house so that way she can attend here" Harry said seriously shocking a few of the Professors.

"Oh really? Shadow is your name?" Samuel asked looking at Shadow curiously.

Shadow nodded happily and smiled widely. "Sevvy named me" she chirped out causing Severus to glare at her back.

Poppy and Minerva smiled at each other as Dumbledore stood behind the two wary.

"Hmm... I guess I can sort you into a house... but you have to ket me resort you Harry" Samuel said seriously.

All the Professors looked at each other confused.

"But Sam! If I let you do that then our plan will be all messed up!" Harry whined out childishly.

Samuel just looked at Harry like he was stupid. "You really think I care if I mess the plan yo? I lpaned on messing it up!" he said hotly.

Harry sighed while rubbing his forhead. "Alright you can resort me Sam. But sort Shadow first, alright?" he asked tiredly.

"Sure! Now just lift me up and put me on your head!" Samuel said laughing as he wiggled around on the desk.

Shadow made a face as she picked Samuel up and placed him on her head. "You do realize that what you said sounded so wrong?" she asked pouting.

"Of course I do! I've been saying that same thing for year's trying to see who would get it!" Samuel laughed out then went still.

"What is it Sam?" Harry asked curiously.

The Professors behind them all looked on curiously as well.

"Shadow... do you know who you're parent's are?" Samuel asked ignoring Harry's question.

Shadow looked confused as she cocked her head to the side. "No I don't know who any of my family is, besides Harry that is" she said the last part smiling.

Harry smiled back at her as Minerva and Poppy closed in for the kill.

"Shadow... you're parents ar every well known in the Wizarding world. They died well over a hundred year's ago..." Samuel said trailing off.

"Really? Who are they?" Shadow asked curiously as she tried to look up at Samuel.

Right before Minerva and Poppy could grab the two teenagers Samuel spoke causing them to stop in their tracks.

"Shadow... you're parents are Salazar Slytherin and Michelle Pierre" Samuel said seriously.

"What?" Harry gasped out shocked.

"Think about Harry. Shadow has no family, she's been in family home's all her life... she matches you, even out power's you. Everything fits" Poppy said lowly startling the two teenagers.

"But how is Slytherin her father? He died hundred's pf year's ago" Severus muttered confused to himself.

"It was said..." Dumbdledore started off to get everyone's attention.

Once he had everyone's attention did he carry on.

"It was said long ago that Salazar and Michelle had a child. But no one had ever seen the child or heard of her before. Some say that when the child was born a great seer came to see them and told them a prophecy," he said lowly and stopped to let what he said sink in.

"What did the prophecy say?" Harry asked seriosuly his green eyes darker than usual.

Shadow stared at Dumbledore with her eyes starting to glaze over.

"They say the prophecy told of a newborn who will help save the world. But the time the child was suppose to be born in is the future and not the present. When Salazar and Michelle heard the prophecy they at once knew it was about their child..." Dumbledore trailed off looking at Shadow.

"How did they know it was about their child? Dumbledore? Dumbledore answer me damn it!" Harry snarled as his teeth lengthened into fangs.

"Harry... look at Shadow" Minerva whispered out shock.

Harry looked at Shadow and instantly stopped snarling.

Shadow's eyes were completely glazed over and she stared ahead of her seeing something the other's couldn't see.

"Shadow? Shadow hunny? Shadow... please talk to me" Harry begged quitely slowly inching towards the other teenager.

"Don't touch her!" Samuel hissed out.

Harry jumped back shocked as if burned and stared at the hat with tears in his eyes.

"Why? Why can't I touch her?" he whispered out sorrowfully.

"Harry... she's rememebering... she's remembering everything" Samuel said sadly as he looked down at Shadow's face.

"Why?" Shadow whispered out catching everyone's attention.

"Why did they throw me away? Why did they love me if they could never have me?" she whimpered out as tears filled her again for the second time that day.

"Shadow... they didn't want to leave you. They had no choice; you weren't destined for that time... you were destined for this time. To be here... with us" Samuel tried to reason with the depressed teenager.

"No... they knew what they were doing. They knew what would happen when they placed me in that portal. What I would go threw and what would happen in the future. They did nothing to try and save me from all of them" Shadow spat out hatefully.

Harry had tears streaming down his cheeks, as did Minerva and Poppy.

Severus and Dumbledore looked on at the scene trying to figure out what all was going on.

Harry rushed up to Shadow and hugged him to her tightly. "We will get revenge on all of them. I swear it to you sister, I swear it" he whispered out in her ear.

Shadow's eyes cleared and she hugged Harry back just as tightly. "I know we will brother. But before that happened we must prepare for the battle's to come" she said wisely pulling away.

Harry pulled back as well and nodded his head in understanding.

Poppy and Minerva rushed forward wrapping the teens up in their arms.

"My poor babies!" Minerva sobbed out as Poppy sobbed with her.

Shadow and Harry shared a look before they both nodded.

"Samuel, what house is Shadow going into? As along with Harry for that matter?" Dumbledore asked smiling widely.

Samuel looked at Dumbledore blacnkly. 'You knew what would happen didn't you, you bastard? Just for that I wil help them with what they are planning. You will not get away with this a second time' he thought venomfully.

Severus stared at the two teens as they continued to look at each other. 'What are they doing? Can they talk to each other through their minds?' he asked himseld thoughtfull.

Samuel suddenly grinned confuseing everyone. "Why Headmaster! they bother are apart of no house!" he snickered out gleefully.

Dumbledore's eyes widen as he realized what Samuel was saying. "You can not possibly be serious," he said coldly.

"What do you mean by not being serious?" Harry asked confused.

"He mean's that both of you are High Power's" Poppy said shocked.

"But there hasn't been a High Power in over three hundred year's... let alone two at once" Minerva said shocked as well.

Samuel just snickered as he hopped off Shadow's head and onto the high shelf again.


Ha! Yes I am ending it here. I only want each chapter to be about 9 pages long or so. Hopefully nothing like 3 or 4 pages! That would really suck! But I have good news! I have chapter nine and ten written out for G.R.F.T.R.W.!!! Now all I have to do is type it up and put it on here! Well R&R please! Flames are allowed!