Title: My Angel

Rating: T

Genre: Romance

Pairing: Buffy/Angel

Author notes: Hey….this is a little scene I envisioned between Buffy and Angel, linked to my Love Bites universe…so be kind and please let me know what you think, comments are always welcomed…just not too harsh :D

Summary: AU. Buffy and Angel are married and have a daughter. Buffy spends a little fluffy moment with her husband.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel characters or worlds…unfortunately, if it was up to me Buffy and Angel would never have split sigh

My Angel

Buffy tiredly made her way down stairs, but before she could reach the bottom she caught a glimpse of her much loved husband sat on the couch. She paused for a while, forgetting about everything as her eyes indulged in the sight of her Angel. As she continued her way to the end of the stairs, she could see that he was drawing. Curious to see what masterpiece he was working on now, she thought about walking over, but she didn't want to disturb him. He looked so peaceful; it wasn't often she saw him completely calm and relaxed like this. Before she could finish debating with herself, she heard that voice that she loved to hear.

"Are you coming in or are you just going to stand there?" Angel called out with a hint of sarcasm in his soothing voice, still staring intensely at the drawing pad propped up by his bent knee.

"Sorry, I would have come over but you just looked so peaceful. I didn't want to disturb you" Buffy answered slouching herself onto the couch next to Angel.

He placed the drawing pad on his lap and embraced her petite body softly yet securely in his grasp, as though any moment she was going to be taken from him. Spending every minute with Buffy as though his time with her was limited. Buffy returned the hug and buried her self deeper into his arms resting her head against his chest.

"So, are you going to show me what you was drawing or am I going to have to fight you for it?" Asked Buffy with a chuckle, lightly sitting her self up right trying to snatch a glimpse of his artwork.

Angel nervously lifted the pad so Buffy could clearly see it. As the page came to view there laid a portrait of his wife comforting her daughter, whom in his eyes was his world. He had captured them perfectly, the movement of their hair, the spark in their eyes, their beauty, but most of all he had captured their bond, their strength and their love for one another. Buffy stared at the picture for a few seconds until the she finally broke the comfortable yet long lasting silence.

"Angel, I don't know what to say. This is beautiful"

"Well I had such beautiful women to work from; it isn't much of a surprise that I can draw you so well, you are my life, my family. You are all I hold dear, all I think about".

Buffy looked into her husbands hypnotising brown eyes, and he quickly returned her glance. She lightly caressed the side of his face, tracing the outline of his jaw with her finger tips. She leant in closer and touched his lips with hers, holding him close, Buffy whispered in his ear

"You truly are my angel".

Well...what did you think? Hope you liked it :D