Title: Chrysanthemum
Author: D.A. Maxwell
Chapter: 11
I know, I know, I know, this took me forever to write. -.-; I've had most of it done for ages, but I got stuck on the third scene from just no motivation, and then I ended up with a persistent writer's block partway through the last. And then after sonot was lovely enough to beta it for me, I edited the first 2/3 and then... got lazy on the last third again and put it off for a month. I'm sorry! ToT
Rawr. I'm really aggravated with Chrys. XD I'd rather work on two other fics, or draw pictures. Neji feels like cardboard to me. u.u
Just as a warning: a LOT of this is dialogue so it's really not as long as it looks. xD;
Thanks SO much to Sonot for helping me organize this chapter! The fic's been extended (another) chapter, and y'all have her to thank for that. :P (Personally, I just want Chrys to be over already... cries I'd much rather be working on Lethe or Sixty Percent!)
Which reminds me. I should post Sixty Percent...
Neji groaned as Shikamaru hauled himself out of bed for the third time that day to throw on a robe and go answer the door.
Yoshino had been the first to come over at 7:30 in the morning, dropping off some leftovers on her way to the market, and a messenger from Hinata with a dinner request had been second just after 9.
Through the open door, Neji heard Shikamaru grumbling as he went to glare at the visitor. The stream of complaints he'd expected, however, didn't follow.
"Welcome back. Do you realize what fucking time it is?" he heard Shikamaru ask before there was the sound of somebody entering their apartment. The door shut again.
"It's only a little before ten," a familiar voice defended, although it took Neji a moment to place who it belonged to. "Besides, I just get back from a month-long mission, and that's how you greet me?"
"It's a quarter 'til, and you're the third person who's come by today," Shikamaru sighed. "I hate getting up before noon even when I haven't just gotten back from a mission of my own."
"Mission? This morning?"
"No, last night."
"When did you get to bed?"
"Two A.M. Got back at 11, but had to stay up and finish writing the mission report."
"What? Why didn't you just put off writing it until the mor--"
"Blame Neji, okay?" Shikamaru interrupted with a yawn. "He hates unfinished work. Come on, sit down. Do you need a drink or something? Why are you over so early? You don't even like getting up before ten."
"Yeah, if you have some soda or something, that'd be great," Chouji replied, but his voice sounded hesitant. "Actually..."
"No soda," Shikamaru corrected. "Stopped buying it a while back."
"What? Why?" Silence followed, and from Chouji's following, "Oh..." Neji assumed that the Akimichi had been given a Look. "Well, water, then. Like I was saying, that's actually why I came..."
"For soda?" Shikamaru snorted.
"No! To ask about Neji."
"Yeah? What about him?"
"I was just wondering... well... we've all been noticing that he's been here a lot lately. I mean, I know that I've been gone, but before that, even."
"Your point?"
"Well, is he paying rent or something? Are you roommates?"
"No, and yes."
"Then... he's staying here for free."
"Pretty much."
"In a one-room apartment."
"Shikamaru..." Chouji sighed. "Ino said you guys say you're not dating, but... you know this looks really, really weird, right?"
"Is he here?"
"Yeah, he's still sleeping."
"In your bed."
"Do you sleep on the couch or something?"
"Are you crazy? Of course not. I like my bed. Paid good money for it."
"Christ, what?"
"You can't just-- just--"
"Just what?"
"You can't just be sharing a bed with someone and not expect everyone to think you're s-- sleeping together or something!"
"Your point being?"
"Look, Chouji--" The couch squeaked as Shikamaru took a seat beside his friend. "Have I ever given a damn what other people think? It's nobody's business but ours, okay?"
"I know, but the rumours..."
"What rumours?"
"Well... Kiba thinks you guys are... um... you know..."
"Kiba's got his own non-relationship problems to worry about."
"And Ino's convinced you lied to her, and you really are dating."
"Lied when? From Hinata's engagement party?"
"We weren't lying."
"Lee says Neji's really changed, and he thinks you're the cause of it..."
"People change all the time."
"Sakura thinks you guys are just in denial..."
"Sakura is often wrong."
"Hinata won't talk about it..."
"Hinata doesn't talk about a lot of things."
"Naruto says Hinata knows something we don't know, but she won't tell him, either..."
"When did you talk to him?"
"Well-- it's hearsay from Ino, but--"
"And I already told you Ino's wrong."
"So you're not s... s..."
"Sleeping with him?"
Shikamaru sighed again. "I sleep in the same bed as him. We're not having sex, if that's what you're asking."
"You're... not?" The relief was evident in Chouji's voice, and Neji couldn't for the life of himself understand why that tone irked him so much. "Then what... what is he doing here? Isn't he just taking advantage of you, staying over like this all the time?"
"Chouji, I'd be paying for the apartment whether or not he's over. What difference does it make if he's here, too? We get along well, and it's nice having somebody else around."
"But didn't you move out to not have anyone else around?"
"I moved out to not have mom around."
Unable to go back to sleep and starting to feel unsettled from the interrogation-- not to mention horribly embarrassed by some of the lattermost topics-- Neji pushed back the covers and got up.
At the squeak of the mattress, Chouji jumped and anxiously eyed the bedroom doorway. Shikamaru rolled his eyes and rose.
"Relax," he drawled to his old friend, disappearing into the bedroom. There were some quiet murmurs exchanged before both men came out, Neji now in a t-shirt and their usual capris. Shikamaru stuck to his shorts and robe.
Neji shot Chouji a wry look as they headed for the kitchen. "I'm not going to bite, you know," he said when the visitor fidgeted and avoided his gaze. "Is there something wrong with my staying here?"
"N-- no, of course not," Chouji mumbled. "It's just that... well... I wanted to know what was going on. I don't want Shikamaru to get hurt by what people are saying..."
"Let them talk," Shikamaru shrugged.
He turned on the stove to reheat some miso soup and began scooping rice into some bowls. Neji fetched a container of nattou and accepted the rice bowls, tucking some of the fermented soybeans into the middle. As he did, Shikamaru retrieved some grated daikon, mustard and soy sauce from the refrigerator and set them out on the counter before stirring the soup.
Chouji watched with a quizzical expression as they worked in effortless tandem. His brow furrowed, taking in a light touch to the older man's back as Shikamaru sidestepped him to get some chopsticks, and an easy exchange of quick smiles when they happened to catch each other's eyes.
The apartment was silent while the two men prepared breakfast, bringing it over to the couch on a tray. Shikamaru handed Chouji a bowl of nattou and some miso soup, assuming his friend would be as hungry as always, before settling down between the two brunettes.
Chouji remembered to thank them just before starting to eat. He was used to getting food from Shikamaru, but figured Neji would expect more courtesy. The three ate in silence for a while until, starting to feel uncomfortable, Chouji cleared his throat. "So you're really not dating, then?" he asked.
The other two paused and glanced at each other. Chouji's nervousness began to return as they seemed to carry out some sort of silent conversation before Neji finally closed his eyes, let out a breath, and looked away.
Sensing his tension, Shikamaru set down his chopsticks. He lightly grazed Neji's arm with his thumb, the small gesture hidden from their guest by his body. He turned to his old friend, seeming at ease despite Neji's discomfort.
"No... we are," he admitted to his old friend quietly.
Chouji's eyes went wide, but before he could speak, Shikamaru shook his head. "And no, I wasn't lying-- the last time I spoke to Ino about it, we weren't. It's been a... recent development. I'd rather you not tell her yet, though. We'd like to keep it to ourselves a little longer before she makes us the center of local gossip."
Chouji let out a slow breath. "I-- then-- but-- ... oh."
They went back to eating in silence, although this time it was noticeably more awkward. When they finished, Neji collected their empty bowls and took them to the sink to wash a little later.
Chouji fidgeted some more before speaking again. "Well... you guys just started dating, right? It's not like you're in love or anything-- nobody's expecting anything permanent this early on, so..."
Neji gave him a blank look as he returned to his seat. "Why would I date someone if I didn't think it would be permanent? Why waste my time?" he asked, a sincere confusion lacing his tone.
Chouji stared at him with his mouth hanging slightly open, wondering if Neji was serious. He's too-- well, I know for a fact a lot of girls would kill to get their hands on him, so this doesn't mean he's actually... never... does it...?
Shikamaru laughed quietly at Chouji's dumbfounded reaction. Neji scowled, hitting his arm sharply. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing..."
"Why were you laughing?"
"I'll tell you later."
"You'll tell me now."
"Yes, kitten?"
Chouji's head shot up in surprise. Neji's eyes widened in horror and his cheeks flushed instantly. He gave his boyfriend a violent glare. "I can't believe you just-- do not call me that," he hissed, his fingers gripping the arm of the couch until his knuckles turned white.
"In public?" Shikamaru added with a smirk. "It's just Chouji, relax. I've known him forever."
"I don't care how long you've known him!"
"He's not going to tell anyone. Besides, he's probably just as mortified as you right now. Right?" Shikamaru glanced back at his former teammate, who shook his head, nodded, and then paused in confusion.
"No, I-- I mean, well, yes, but-- I mean-- no! Not a word! Not a word to anyone!" Chouji struggled to get out. "I'd never--! Of course I mean-- I--" He stood abruptly, stumbling over in his haste to avoid the embarrassed Hyuuga's glare. "I think I have to go now!"
"Excellent idea," Neji agreed through gritted teeth.
Shikamaru rolled his eyes and rose, showing Chouji to the door. He locked up, then found himself suddenly turned and shoved back against the door. "Why did you call me that in front of him?" Neji snapped. "It's humiliating enough when we're alone!"
Shikamaru sighed. "So that I wouldn't have to answer why I was laughing with Chouji around."
"Was it that bad?"
"It would have been awkward."
"Worse than this?"
"Neji!" Shikamaru put his hands on Neji's arms, replacing them when the other man smacked them away. "Calm down, okay? He's gone, so I'll tell you. Just relax. Would I have said that if it wasn't the best tactic?"
"You've miscalculated before," Neji reminded harshly-- before instantly regretting it as a look of guilt flashed across Shikamaru's face. "Shik-- I didn't mean--"
"Yeah, you did," Shikamaru sighed. "But it's okay, you're right."
"It wasn't your--"
"Yes, it was," Shikamaru cut in. "I should have been more prepared."
"You had barely been made a chuunin, sent to go lead a mission with a handful of genin, without having a clue who the enemies were or what they could do," Neji stated firmly. "It wasn't your fault. Honestly, if anybody should have been more careful, it was Tsunade for setting the parameters in the first place."
Shikamaru shook his head. "No-- no other chuunin were available at the time, we were all she had. It wasn't her fault, either. I should have been ready for anything, but you're right, we didn't have the information up front. We're just lucky you and Chouji were strong enough to survive." He felt Neji's arms relax, and pulled him close with a small kiss. "It's always going to be something I'm going to regret, but I'm not beating myself up over it, okay?"
"Nobody blamed you for it, you know," Neji murmured.
Shikamaru hesitated before nodding. "I know."
They stayed like that for a few quiet moments before a gentle nudge from the younger nin prompted a wordless migration to the couch. They moved together with a synchronization developed through months of near-constant exposure. Shikamaru dropped down onto one corner, but when Neji moved to sit beside him, he stretched out to take up the rest of the length of the couch. "What--" Neji began.
He gestured for Neji to lie down against him. "Too tired to stay awake, too lazy to crawl back into bed," he explained wryly, giving his boyfriend a small smile. "It's annoyingly nostalgic having so many people dropping in unannounced."
Relieved that Shikamaru seemed to have moved past his guilt for the time being, Neji didn't argue. He settled down with his back against Shikamaru's chest. Yawning, the younger man draped an arm casually around Neji's waist and closed his eyes.
"... Shikamaru," Neji called quietly after a few moments of silence. He knew from the Nara's breathing pattern that the other hadn't fallen asleep yet.
"What was that about? Earlier, when Chouji was here...?"
"Why he came?"
"No, why he... gave me that weird look. Why you were laughing."
"Ah." Shikamaru sighed. "Because you think of dating as a waste of time if it's not permanent. It's very... traditional. No offense, but to our generation, almost naive."
Neji frowned. "Why is that naive? It makes perfect sense to me."
Shikamaru smiled. "I know it does. It makes sense to me, too. But you basically told him that you have no experience with relationships-- casual ones, anyway. The implication being that not only are you a virgin, but you don't pick up girls in general, and that not matching up with how most of the town sees you."
Neji sat up suddenly to stare at him. "What are you talking about? How does the town see me?"
Shikamaru rolled his eyes and gestured for Neji to come back. "Neji, think about it-- you're young, rich, smart and talented, and don't even try arguing with me because you know it and I know it," he interrupted when he saw Neji open his mouth to protest. Frowning, Neji lied back down. "You're easily one of Konoha's best-looking, and most eligible, guys around. Short of the couples who are already in committed relationships, practically anyone would kill to get their hands on you."
"But I'm not even from the--"
"Nobody but your clan cares about any of that 'main family' 'branch family' bullshit," Shikamaru informed him mildly. "So the idea that it never even occurred to you to take advantage of your fanclub-- that kind of oblivion to what most of our peers are doing in their free time-- was ludicrous to him."
By the end of Shikamaru's appraisal Neji's cheeks were slightly pink again. He tended to think of himself as a diligent, dedicated ninja, and considered those his strongest points. While he knew he wasn't bad-looking, he never paid attention to whether people thought he was good-looking, either. Of course he saw the looks he got from women but they'd never interested him.
Perhaps that should have raised a few flags, but he'd always figured that his indifference was simply owing to his assumption that he'd forever remain alone, or that he would end up in an arranged marriage where he and his spouse would spend most of their time avoiding each other. He worked well with people when he needed to but he was perfectly aware that he tended to be standoffish. Even with the interpersonal skills developed over the past month, he was still very much an independent worker.
How any of that translated into 'attractive' to others, he couldn't even begin to comprehend.
As he thought, there was another knock on the door, quickly followed by a few more sharp, curt raps. Neji and Shikamaru paused, glanced at each other, and grimaced. "You get it this time," Shikamaru sighed.
"It's your apartment," Neji reminded.
"You live here, too," Shikamaru pointed out, "for the most part. And everyone knows that. So go get the damn door."
Neji reluctantly pulled himself from his boyfriend's light drape to get up and take his turn doing door duty. He checked the peephole and frowned, then unlocked and drew open the door. "Ino."
"Neji," Ino mirrored cheerfully as she brushed past him uninvited to drop over the back of the couch. "Hey, lazybum, here's your book back," she greeted as she dropped an encyclopedia on herbal antidotes onto her friend. "And I'm bored!"
"So?" Shikamaru returned without moving, letting the tome fall unceremoniously to the floor.
Ino made a face at him, peering over her shoulder to glance at Neji-- who had locked the door and gone to the kitchen to start dishes-- before looking back. "You know... you guys've been keeping to yourselves a lot these days."
"I've always kept to myself," Shikamaru reminded. "So has Neji."
"It's different, though!" Ino insisted. "I mean, it used to be that if someone asked me, 'So, what's that lazy Nara brat been up to?' I could tell them something-- well, you're on this-and-that mission, you seem to be into these kinds of books lately, you're hiding away from your mom, you're going to o-miais. But now, I don't know anything. It feels like the last time I saw you for more than five minutes was at Hinata's engagement party ages ago."
"It's only been three weeks since then. Besides, isn't that your own fault? You're the one who always nosed around."
"Because you'd be available to nose at! You don't even go cloud-gazing at the park so much anymore, or to the shougi parlour, or anything!"
Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "Ino, we came out of winter not that long ago-- of course I haven't been to the park. Besides, I have a comfortable couch and open balcony here. Why would I go all the way out there to lie in the cold and stare up at drab, gray, winter clouds when I can do it from my own place?"
Ino leaned over the couch and gave Shikamaru's arm a semi-friendly punch. "Geez, you have no life!" she complained. "It's like you're married now or something, all holed up in your empty little sanctuary, doing nothing."
Neji blinked. Married...?
"How do you know I'm doing nothing?" Shikamaru drawled. "Didn't you just say you don't know what's been going on?"
"You're you. Of course you're doing nothing," Ino pointed out. "The most thrilling thing I can imagine happening around here is if Neji managed to beat you at go."
"We actually play shougi a lot more," Neji corrected as he dried his hands and joined them by the couch. He didn't know Ino very well, but the idea of leaving her alone with Shikamaru... bothered him. He knew it was completely irrational, but having seen how the girl tended to flirt with every attractive male she knew, he couldn't help but feel rather wary of her.
"Shougi! Same difference!" Ino cried, exasperated. "That's not the point! God, it's so boring here!"
"Boring...?" Neji and Shikamaru echoed in unison. They exchanged looks before Shikamaru grinned. Neji turned his head away as he bit his lip, clearly trying not to laugh.
Ino stared at them. "Okay, what's going on?"
"Nothing," Neji and Shikamaru chorused.
"Bullshit," Ino returned, narrowing her eyes. "Shikamaru..."
"It's just been an interesting month, okay?" Shikamaru sighed. "Leave it at that. Please."
"Why, what's been happening?" Ino went ahead and asked anyway. Shikamaru ignored her, and she frowned. "I haven't seen you around at all this past week so I assumed you were on a mission, but aside from that...?"
"It's a long story."
"I have the time."
"I don't have the patience." Shikamaru sat up and shook his head. "Ino, I'm tired, okay? You're right, we were on a mission. Neither of us was able to get much sleep, thanks to mom dropping in at seven-fucking-thirty. This is really, really not the time for an interrogation."
"Then what, I need to schedule an appointment to talk with you now?" Ino complained. "As if! But fine, I'll leave you alone. Geez, you're no fun anymore."
"I was never any fun," Shikamaru corrected. "Not by your definition, anyway."
"Well, duh! You don't go out with friends, you don't party, you don't date, you don't dance, you don't even go out to eat!" Ino ticked the asocial traits off on her fingers. "I've seen Shino around more than you. Him! The Aburame! The epitome of aloof!"
"Because Kiba drags him everywhere." Shikamaru frowned. "Ino, are you done yet? I'm sorry I've been absent lately, but really, today's not the day."
"It's never the day," Ino grumbled. "We should hang out again for old time's sake-- you, me, Chouji. Loverboy here can come, too, if you want."
Neji blinked. "Wh... what did you call me?"
The annoyed scowl on Ino's face finally slid away into a smug smirk. "Ooh, heard that, did you? Come on, everyone knows something funny's going on here."
"Something 'funny'? I resent that," the brunette frowned.
"Ino." Shikamaru cast the blonde girl an even look. "No offense, but go away."
"'No offense', he says," Ino huffed, crossing her arms as she abandoned the couch to go over to the bookshelf. "You know that only makes me want to tease you more. Sooo, how far've you--"
"All right, already, sheesh! No need to shout," Ino winced. "Well, I'm going to borrow one of your cookbooks."
"Go right ahead."
"You do realize I've been here for what-- ten minutes?-- and you're already kicking me out?"
"I'm tired. How many times do I have to say that? If it weren't too troublesome to bother, I'd barge in on you the next time you get five hours or less of sleep." Shikamaru finally picked up the cookbook Ino had dropped onto him, getting up to put it away.
"I never sleep that little. A girl needs her beauty rest, after all. You'd know that if you ever bothered to have a girlfriend." Ino selected a cookbook and glanced at Neji with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "But I guess you wouldn't-- apparently being into guys instead, and all."
"Whoever said that?"
"Your questionable friendship with the prettyboy Hyuuga here."
"Ino..." Neji growled in a low, warning tone, starting to feel severely irritated by her various titles for him.
"Ino. Beat it." Shikamaru turned her around and put his hands on her shoulders, leading her from behind to the door. "I promise I'll contact you later, okay? Right now, I don't want to do anything but sleep."
Ino swatted at his hands, sniffing as she stalked to the door. "Okay, I'm going, you don't have to push!" Shikamaru rolled his eyes and opened the door pointedly.
Ino waved. "I'll see you two around, then, okay?" Getting her playful glint again as she glanced at Neji, she tucked the cookbook under one arm, hopped up onto her toes, and unexpectedly placed a kiss against Shikamaru's cheek. "Bye!"
Laughing as Shikamaru stared blankly at her and Neji sputtered, she ran off down the hall, immensely pleased with herself for stirring up the young shinobis' assumedly mundane lives.
Shaking his head, Shikamaru shut and locked the door behind her. He turned and blinked to see Neji leaning against the back of the couch with his arms crossed, seething. What's wrong with... ohhh. Realization quickly dawning, he wisely stifled a pleased smile as he headed over. Jealousy looks good on him.
"You do know she was only playing, right?"
"Does she 'play' like that often?" Neji spat unpleasantly.
Shikamaru rolled his eyes and came to a stop in front of his boyfriend, sliding his arms around the older man's waist. He leaned in with a kiss, gently pushing Neji back against the furniture. "It was just on the cheek. She's like family-- believe me, she's not interested. Besides, she was just trying to get you riled up."
"Clearly, she succeeded," Neji drawled, hands resting against Shikamaru's arms. "The more that I'm exposed to her, the more annoying she seems."
"Oh, I agree-- she can be annoying as hell," Shikamaru confirmed. "But she's not really all that bad once you get used to her. She's a good person, anyway." He sighed and stepped back, tugging Neji with him toward their room. "Why are we discussing Ino? Let's just go to bed."
Neji's cheeks pinkened just the tiniest bit at how that suggestion would have sounded to anybody who'd walked in at that moment. He nodded and allowed himself to be tugged along. Just yesterday, the words would have been perfectly innocent and typical, but now...? It was all Chouji's fault, really-- putting strange ideas into his head, making him read implications that weren't there.
Come to think of it-- why hadn't they... had... um... done... well... ahem? After all, they were two young, healthy, adult men in a committed relationship-- what was missing? Why hadn't he thought much about it before? He knew Shikamaru had been in... mature... 'relationships' before, so why didn't he push for anything now? He could justify his own inactivity as never having dated before-- what was making Shikamaru hold back?
How would they go about it anyway? Of course, they had sex ed in school; Neji could recite what bits went where in heterosexual copulation as if quoting out of a textbook (which probably would be the case), but between two men?
God, even thinking about it was mortifying. Maybe this was why the topic never came up-- it was so embarra--
Neji jumped. He didn't know how long he'd been standing still, or how long Shikamaru had been calling him, but he found himself blinking into dark, worried eyes. "Wh-- what?"
Shikamaru furrowed his brow and brushed the back of his fingers against Neji's warm cheeks. "Are you okay? You feel hot, and you started spacing out."
"Oh-- no, I'm fine. I... I'm probably just coming down with a cold or something," Neji dismissed shakily. He pulled away from the gentle touch, wondering why his skin was tingling.
Watching him retreat into the bedroom without even noticing that Shikamaru wasn't following behind, the shadow nin tilted his head musingly. That was... strange. What the hell was he thinking about that made him so uncomfortable?
By the time he trailed in after his partner, said partner had doffed the t-shirt in favour of stretching out on the bed in just his capris, blankets halfheartedly draped over his waist. He was facing Shikamaru but his eyes were closed, and most of his hair was drawn over one shoulder to keep from getting caught and pulled painfully beneath him. A few annoying strands tickled at his cheek, earning a grimace as Neji brushed them aside with an idle hand.
Shikamaru smiled at the peaceful sight and set aside his concerns for the time being. Hanging his robe back up on the hook nailed into the door, he sank into the mattress and surprised his boyfriend with an unexpected kiss.
Neji stared at him. "Not that I'm complaining, but that was random. What was that for?"
Shikamaru shrugged. "I need a reason?"
"No, but you're not one to act impulsively," Neji pointed out, although a smile tugged at his lips.
"True. Well, then-- you just looked good," Shikamaru smirked, kissing him again. Understatement. He always looks good. Ignoring that dry voice of logic, he settled onto his back and pulled Neji on top of him. Neji hesitated for a fleeting moment before giving in and settling against his chest. That was strange, Shikamaru observed. "Something wrong?"
"No," Neji replied with a yawn. "Just tired." And distracted, and a little confused. God-- listen to yourself, Hyuuga, you sound like a crushing teenaged girl, not a man.
"I'm fine, okay? Just annoyed that everyone decided today was a good day to drop in. Again."
Uh-huh. Used to Neji's tendency to close off again when lost in his thoughts, Shikamaru mused on how to ground him back in the present. He moved his hand to Neji's side and reversed their roles so that he was the one lying against the older man's chest. "You sure about that?"
Neji looked away, feeling uncomfortably warm again. He'd grown accustomed to Shikamaru's casual draping months ago-- why was he so hyperaware of it now? Cursing Chouji for putting strange thoughts into his head-- and Ino for perpetuating them-- he let out an annoyed breath. "Yes, Yoshino-san, I'm sure."
Shikamaru grimaced at being compared to his mother and her nosy habits. He kissed Neji's neck in apology, the gesture lingering but light. "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll leave you alone."
Drawing away, he dropped onto his back on his side of the bed, leaving some space between them.
This time, however, Neji was the one to pull him back. He smirked at Shikamaru's startled expression, always pleased when he managed to one-up the brilliant younger man. "Whoever said anything about moving?"
Chuckling as he relaxed, Shikamaru settled back against him again.
They managed to get another two hours of sound sleep in before finally waking up too late in the day to rest properly anymore. Well-- too late for Neji to rest, anyway, as Shikamaru had proven time and time again invincible to the wake-up pleas of cawing birds and bright sunlight.
Eventually deciding that they shouldn't waste the entire day, they got up, took their showers, and got dressed. Feeling much more human, they spent the remaining hours of daylight reading, chatting, and generally enjoying their rest without further interruptions from the outside world. They made simple sandwiches for lunch, but took their time putting together a more elaborate dinner.
At half past nine, Shikamaru was washing dishes while Neji flipped through his sketchbook when there came another sharp rap against the door.
They groaned simultaneously.
Drying his hands on a towel, Shikamaru reluctantly headed over to open it, muttering something about investing in a "Do Not Disturb" sign for the door. Checking the peephole first, he sighed and let his forehead drop against the wood. Stepping back, he unlocked the door and dragged it open a few inches. "What now?"
Alone this time, Satou gave him an innocent wiggle of her fingers as a wave. "Mom sent me to come get some milk. Well, she sent me to go buy milk, but I don't want to go all the way down to the market and lug home a full gallon. So I thought I'd just bum some off you."
"The exercise would be good for you," Shikamaru pointed out mildly. At the obtrusive neighbour's familiar voice, Neji turned his attention back to the sketchbook.
Satou smirked. "Nah, it'd be way too troublesome. You can relate, I'm sure. Two cups?" She held up a large, plastic measuring cup.
"You would need to get milk later anyway." Still, Shikamaru accepted the cup-- it took more energy to get rid of her than do as she asked-- and shut the door, grimacing when Satou automatically opened it again to peer in.
"If I put it off, mom'll just pick some up the next time she goes to the market. Hi, Neji," she greeted.
Neji didn't respond, having learned long ago not to encourage her into conversation.
Used to his silence, Satou rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Shikamaru instead as he carefully began pouring some milk. "Anyway, mom got this new set of recipes from Aunt Purin, and we've been trying some of them out. We've had mixed results right now-- obasan's got weird taste sometimes-- but if anything's tasty, I'll bring over a sample. Soooo..." She let her chattering trail off.
The wicked glint in her eye went unnoticed by the two men completely ignoring her. Toying absently with the hem of her shirt, she continued, keeping her tone light and casual. "You guys screwing yet?"
There was a sharp clatter as the measuring cup tumbled loudly into the sink, followed by twin curses-- one from Shikamaru grabbing a towel to soak up some milk spilled onto the counter, and the other from Neji slicing his finger turning a page.
Satou stared at them, then peeked behind herself to make sure no other nosy neighbours were around. "Oookay, I didn't actually expect more than a glare, so either you just recently st--"
"Hey, you're the ones who reacted!" Satou defended, looking back in. Neji scowled at her from the couch, face red as he held the bleeding cut to his lips. Shikamaru wrung out the towel and washed the measuring cup and his hands before drying them off against his t-shirt.
Picking up what remained of the carton of milk-- a little more than two cups worth-- he went back to the door and shoved both cup and carton at the startled teenager. "You need to learn to mind your own damn business," he informed her in annoyance.
"I was just teasing!" Satou protested.
"Your 'teasing' goes too far more often than not," Neji opined from the couch, still horribly embarrassed. What was with everybody's minds being in the gutter? Was there something about it being spring that made people act so ridiculously twitterpated? First Chouji's paranoia, then Ino's taunts, and now this?
Satou stuck her tongue out at him. "Of course you'd think that, you still act so stuff--"
"Another word, and that milk's going out the window." If not over your head, Shikamaru mentally added.
The younger girl made a face. "I get it, I get it! I'm going." She sighed. "You're only two years older than me, but you're a worse grouch than daddy. Man, if all guys grow up to be as intolerant and boring as you two, I think I'll go become a lesbian."
"You do that. Scram." Closing the door on her and locking it firmly, Shikamaru shook his head and stared forlornly at the wet counters. "One of these days, I'm going to strangle that girl," he commented conversationally.
"I'll cover you while you do," Neji offered, before following the other man's gaze to the kitchen. "... Was that the first time I've seen you flustered?"
"Was that the first time I've seen you clumsy?" Shikamaru returned, glancing pointedly toward the papercut. "Oh-- no, wait, there was that time you fell off the tree..."
Neji gave him a mild look at the reminder as his boyfriend headed over to perch beside him on the couch. Shikamaru reached out to take his wrist and pull it closer, examining the cut. "Not as bad as what I expected from the curse," he observed.
"I blame overexposure to you and your blunt, foul mouth," Neji informed him with a snort, tugging his wrist back.
With a playful gleam in his eyes, Shikamaru held on. Neji frowned, but as he opened his mouth to ask what his boyfriend was doing, Shikamaru drew the wounded digit to his lips and lightly licked off the drops of blood.
Neji's eyes widened. "That... that was morbid. And unhygienic. And..." He tried to think of another excuse, but his mind had become rather distracted sending a rush of warmth through his body at the sight of Shikamaru smirking against his fingertip.
"I'm sure that bothers you immensely. That's why you're blushing?" Shikamaru mocked lightly. Laughing quietly as Neji's startled tension was easily dispelled with a glare, Shikamaru gave him an apologetic kiss as he slipped an arm around his back and pulled him closer.
Not that Neji needed to be pulled as he fitted himself in his partner's arms, papercut and wet counters mentally pushed aside. Ah, that's what we were missing all day, he mused self-mockingly, a healthy snogging session. He almost grimaced at the ridiculous words, but-- but--
Oh. Hmmm... dear god, what words were those again? Somehow, his ability to think coherently always seemed to flatline when Shikamaru nibbled at his lips like that.
Shikamaru grinned to himself as he brushed a hand up the brunette's neck, smugly aware of the effect that he was having on the other man. When they parted for breath, he tilted his head and began kissing down the other side of that lovely slim neck, tanned from their week spent in the sun and warm from his flush.
Neji almost jumped at an unexpected nip. His eyes widened. They'd kept their relationship very light, going no further than some deep kisses, so the sensation of lips and teeth working gently against his neck was... different. Not unpleasant-- not at all-- but while Shikamaru did that, what was he supposed to do...?
Bite his tongue to keep from making an embarrassing noise, apparently. He did just that as Shikamaru began sucking, working on leaving a dark claim against the base of his neck. "Shi..."
"Mm?" Shikamaru murmured without detaching from his work, tongue pressing against the darkening mark beneath it.
Neji shivered, nudging at his arms a bit. "Hey," he chided, laughing weakly. "That feels funny."
"Only 'funny'?" Shikamaru asked with a soft snort, drawing back. "Thanks. Should I stop?"
Neji halted him with a hand against the back of his neck, smirking as he pressed their lips together again. "Whoever said anything about stopping?"
Chuckling as he relaxed, Shikamaru settled back against him again.
obasan: aunt
Aunt Purin: purin "pudding"
Shikamaru's so rude. XD
So, uh, yeah. I've been debating this with myself since the eighth chapter or so, and while I have my inclinations, I still haven't 100 completley come to a decision. Smut scene or no smut scene? If yes, smut scene, then I'll put that next on AFF only, as a sort of Chapter 11.5 -interlude- or something; if no, then I'll proceed to chapter twelve.
I know most readers are likely to just be like, "ZOMG LEMON!" but I'm issuing a fair warning that I've never really written adult content of my own like that, so it's bound to be weird. x.X And awkward and stilted. XD Possibly too sappy, or possibly too technical. Being asexual myself, I don't really have any idea what I'd be doing. So please take that into consideration when you cast your votes. XD
FIRST-- to everybody who reviewed the prank chapter 11, I'm sorry and thank you. XD I've never pulled pranks before, but I just couldn't resist! Never have I been so delighted to be called horrible and evil and crazy. Ohhh... fun stuff.
Especially for those for whom it was their first time reviewing, welcome and thanks and I swear I'll never do it again. XD
Annieme - OH MY GOD! You are SO brilliant! A BETA! That's a wonderful idea! ToT Thank you! mwah
Ciar - XD Nope, I'm my own damn spammer. Thanks for the concern, though. XD
Dying Dreams - At least the title warned you something was wrong! XD Most people seem to have honestly been taken by complete surprise.
anabel sinclair: "Finally" indeed. XD I like slow easing, too. Whirlwinds of passion can be fun in their own place, but fer crissakes, relationships aren't all getting swept off your feet. XD Thank you. n.n
Aarien-sama: XD Thank you. And extra thank-yous for commenting on the illustrations! n.n -glomp-
rowanashke: I'm glad my OOC-ing of Neji is gradual enough that it works. XD And thank you for the analytical review. n.n I do so love detail! -hug-
JaeFire: :P I'm very glad that chapter ten made you that happy! (And I made your week two weeks in a row? WAHOO!) Also that you enjoyed Neji's train of thought. I was worried that I was rambling too much. n.n;;; Hee. As always, thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Jibun: I don't think I've ever made someone speechless before. : Thank you. n.n;;;
Helios: Please don't die! The story's over in a few chapters anyway, hang in there! XD Ganbare!
they are ghouls: The hard part for me isn't really keeping them in character, it's knowing what their character is. XD As you might be able to tell considering how often I avoid writing certain characters... heh. I really need to read the manga or something, but it's sooo loooong. And I'm terminally lazy. n.n; But thank you for your support! Happy reading!
I'mnervousabouttomorrow: "Bloody potatoes" - that's an expletive I haven't heard before. XD I like it. n.n Thank you!
GIGA: "cuz hell knows I need some cheering up" - Whatever problems you're facing, I'm hope they get better soon. T.T; -hug- n.n Always happy to offer some cheer!
Lady Mortis: That's a reassurance, then. :P In that case, I shall keep using footnotes like crazy. n.n I have a few issues with certain parts of chapter 10 myself, but that's coming from the perspective of the writer who got stuck like, five times while writing it. XD Happy reading!
serenity: Nagging is fine and unstressful as long as I'm not actually expected to update daily. :P Carrying ten editions of Playboy like that... kind of reminds me of Kakashi with his Icha-Icha. XD Mwahahaha. I would SO end up calling him Kaka-niichan. XD
Duchess of the Orient (1): Omg, omg, omg, thank you for your pile reviews. XD That was a surprise to get, but very amusing. But if it really brought tears to your eyes and you're not just saying that to leave a nice review, then I'm unbelievably delighted to hear! (To read?) Personally, I still prefer chapter 9 over 10, but eh. XD
Duchess of the Orient (2): Yay! I'm glad you like the illustrations. n.n Hinata was so-so to draw, but Shikamaru and Neji were fun. n.n
Duchess of the Orient (3): "cardiopulmonary reanimation" - very technical, very nice. XD If you're a lunatic, then I likes me some crazies. :P And thanks for commenting on Shino and Kiba as well, although I wouldn't go so far as to call them ShinoxKiba... n.n; I don't have details planned, but I'm sure there will be more Hiashi-being-mortified-by-Naruto in the future. :D You do indeed sound very hyper in this review, though, so maybe chocolate isn't what you should be having... XD
Duchess of the Orient (4+5): Daijoubu, daijoubu. XD I knew you meant Shino. And it really doesn't matter which chapter you review on, since I get them in the order that I receive them through gmail anyway. :D So no shooting yourself, onegai! n.n
BrevityOfWit: "Definitely surprised me"-- really?? That makes me VERY happy. I worry that I'm way too predictable. XD It's also relieving that their actions and emotions felt real rather than static or forced... I love roleplaying, so that might have a hand in it. n.n I don't necessarily think of mother-in-laws as traps, but the smothering, super-maternal moms... very much a trap. XD As always, thank you for reading and reviewing!
kichijouji: Thank you for loving it. n.n And for reading, and reviewing. XD Happy reading!
Kagome Raya: -biiiiiiiig hug- I ADORE how you listed what specific things made you go into coughing-snickering-fits. XD I'm sorry you're still sick, but that's such a funny mental image-- "Heh. Haha. Ahahaha-- COUGHCOUGHWHEEEEZE-- ahahaha." But if you were wearing the silly, idiotic grin that Neji was wearing in my head when I wrote it, then the sap did its job. n.n YAY!
Wing It: Ummm... once again, I said it all in e-mail. XD -hugs anyway- How are you? It feels like it's been a while since I've heard from you.
AttentionDeficitDisorder: Simple but sweet review. :D Thank you! n.n
Love Psycho: XD I liked how your entire review was about food. I prefer the vegetable dumplings myself, but I did grow up on the red bean. :P Pork curry dumplings are diviiiiine.
essenceofthedark: ... I talk to you regularly, so there's not really any point saying anything here. XD Thanks, as usual.
Falcom: Thank you, and thank you (x2)! n.n
Sanee: Sweetness makes you shivery? XD Judging by the happy crying, I assume they were good shivers, then. n.n Thanks, hon!
YUE-KonahasWhiteFang: Uhhh... I'm a Pisces, so I spend most of my time with my head in the clouds, daydreaming. And you're right, I don't really know CCS-- I saw an episode of it around seven years ago...? And it completely didn't interest me. But from what I've seen of it, I hate Sakura and I'd be more of a Touya/Yue fan. XD The only character I can actually remember liking was Syaoran and that blue-haired boy, if I correctly recall... Eriol?
wewilltakeyouwithus: Thank you! n.n
yaoi ad-ikt: It's okay, don't apologize! Wow, everyone really IS sick. T.T I hope you feel better by now! T.T!! -hug-goes back in time and offers you some tissues-
Uingusu: -laughs- It's funny-- I prefer serious fics, and adore angst (with happy endings XD) but fluff seems to be what naturally comes out when I write. O.o But thank you, and thank you, and thank you! n.n
Snape Goes Commando: Yes, your penname is very delightful. XD And yes, Neji decided that the Nile was far too cold and lonely without Shikamaru with him. n.n
shinidanie: Merci pour la lecture ! Et j'ADORE votre arte !
GoldenKitsuneHime13: The first? I'm so honoured! n.n I'm glad I was able to help get you into the fandom! YAY!
SaphirePhoenix: -laughs- Kudos to you, dear, for leaving a regular, comprehensive review despite that godawful gag chapter! n.n Thank you!
JaeFire: n.n; Ummm... here's more? And thanks for your warm welcome on LJ, too! n.n
Winterblazewolf: Thank you! ShikaNeji is a grand thing to love. xD
Ice Amaranthus: Your screenname is pretty. xD And-- yeah, two weeks. n.n; One beta reader sort of disappeared, while the other beta reader was gone for a bit on holiday. n.n; And then I just got lazy. xD -sweatdrop-
Faery Goddyss: XD I'm honoured that Chrys was worthy of a re-reading. n.n -blush-
Luna: O.o I'm being recommended? Uhhh. XD -blush- Well, thank your friend for me for getting you into it, please! And it's been so long, I keep forgetting about that prank chapter 11. xD
Bound2Darkness: n.n Thank your friend on my behalf as well! And I'm always happy to hear I pulled someone into the fandom!
NejiKikyoAnimeRose: n.n Thank you for your enthusiasm and love!
Chromde: xD I'm glad not everyone hates me for chapter 11. Um... I don't think there's much of a plot, personally, but thank you? XD
xXxjustbecausexXx: I'm sorry! I know, a lot of people have been waiting. T.T Sorry, sorry, sorry! I will try to avoid procrastinating on updating for so long again. XD
Rianne - ennaiR: Your review just killed me. I was at work when I got it and read it, and my coworkers stared at me like I'd lost my mind. I love you!
GaBo0: Thank you for your reviews! And no, the story's not completed. (Well, obviously, seeing as how I just updated. XD) As for what happened... ummmm, laziness and procrastination? Frustration? XD