A.N.: Peyton and Lucas are amazing together, I hate Lindsey…sorry. Read and Review –Anna

I'm in the business of misery

Let's take it from the topShe's got a body like an hourglass

That's tickin' like a clock

It's a matter of time before we all run out

When I thought he was mine

She caught him by the mouth

I waited eight long monthsShe finally set him free

I told him I couldn't lie

He was the only one for me

Two weeks and we'd caught on fire

She's got it out for me

But I wear the biggest smile

Peyton and Lucas stood in the Raven's Gym, kissing, he began to murmer into her ear.

"Peyton, do you remember to first time we ever spoke?"

"Of course, it was the firt game if the season, you dropped the ball, and I said 'nice hands'" He cut her off…

"And I said 'Nice legs.' I liked you then ya know. I tried to pretend we were just friends, but we never were, we never can be just friends can we?"

"Never." She smiled kissing him again. Peyton started thinking about the night after that game. Brooke and Lucas got closer, they started dating, and Peyton was with the wrong Scott.


It was eight years later, Luke was with Lindsey, and they stood in the gym once again.

Whoa I never meant to brag

But I got him where I want him now

Whoa it was never my intention to brag

To steal him all away from you now

But God does it feel so good

'Cause I got him where

I want him now

And if you could then you know you would

'Cause God it just feels so...

It just feels so good

Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change

What's a whore you're nothing more, I'm sorry, that'll never change

And about forgiveness, we're both supposed to have exchanged

I'm sorry honey, but I'm passin' up, now look this way!

Peyton was in love with Luke, she always had been, but now he was with Lindsey. They were getting married, and in this world, Peyton was the bad guy, but she didn't care, she loved Luke, and he loved her. Lindsey wasn't his type, she could never be bad like Peyton. She would never vandalize the basketball court with Lucas, and if Peyton had a say in it, she wouldn't have the chance to be a chapter in Luke's next book…

A.N.: What did you think? Review! -Anna Song: Misery Business, By: Paramore. I own nothingg!