Disclaimer: If I owned this I wouldn't need to write this! D:

Damsel in Distress

The sound of tennis balls being smacked resounded across the many courts of Hyoutei while Gakuto stood off to the side his eyes watching uninterestedly. Ever since the day before he had been deep in thought, something highly usual for him, and the acrobat felt entirely confused with what he was even thinking or feeling for that matter. Thinking was never his strong suit, it was Yuushi's, but lately he had been forced to a lot.

Ignoring the fact that the acrobat was supposed to be practicing with Hiyoshi he kicked at the ground a frown set upon his face. He didn't even have a clue why he had even bothered to go to practice in the first place, the idea of skipping it seemed so much better. But yet he was here now and there was no use leaving until practice was over.

Wandering over to the bench were Jirou was sleeping the redhead distractedly sat down beside him a frown still etched onto his features. His racket had been long forgotten in his locker and with the exception of his uniform Gakuto had absolutely nothing he needed for practice. Hell if he cared if Atobe yelled at him for at the moment tennis was the last thing on his mind. Atobe could go boss someone else around for once.

Not even bothering to check and see if his teammate was sleeping, Jirou always slept at practice, the redhead mumbled to himself his mood at an all time low. "Why didn't Yuushi tell me sooner damn it?" Feeling the edges of his lips move into a deeper frown the rather short male kicked absently at the ground continuing with his muttering. "That Gekokujou idiot and I could have never been paired together in the first place and Yuushi would still be here."

Finding that the 'what ifs' were all to easy to think about his mutterings continued and absently he realized that he was starting to act a bit like Ibu Shinji. Never a good thing for a member of Hyoutei not that Gakuto really cared in the first place. Though before his current thought processes could continue a sudden stirring distracted him.

With a downward glance he realized that his previous sleeping teammate was now awake and both yawning and staring at Gakuto oddly. Blinking for a moment he simply stared at the curly haired blonde who stared back still half asleep it seemed. "...Er what?" Asked the acrobat who had finally found the situation slightly uncomfortable for his tastes.

"Nothing, you just talk about Hiyoshi and Oshitari too much. You sure you don't like them both?" Replying with his usual non thought-out statements and questions Jirou blinked at the other before reaching out to poke him.

Right eye twitching slightly Gakuto huffed softly to himself before retorting. "Baka. There just annoying idiots that cause problems for me." Scooting slightly away from the blonde, he disliked being poked, his eyes wandered over to the many members of the tennis club that were practicing. What an annoying time for Jirou to be awake and have heard him he couldn't help but think to himself.

A pair of arms reached out to wrap around the redheads waist as Jirou obviously refused to let Gakuto move away from him. "Gakutoooo," the narcoleptic whined slightly with a look that the other took to mean he wanted to use him as a pillow. "You're just too blind to see it." Defending his previous statement and placing his head on Gakuto's lap a small frown now lined the taller males features.

Rolling his eyes in slight annoyance Hyoutei's acrobat chose to ignore that he was now being used as a pillow. Oddly enough he was slightly forgetting his previously depressed mood and as proof his frown had disappeared as well. "No I'm not, your just wrong," was his stubborn reply because he refused to think of Jirou as being right. He was definitely not going to think about the prospect of liking Hiyoshi too, Yuushi he knew he did, but Hiyoshi? No, no damn way.

Beginning to fall back asleep the narcoleptic still frowned softly as he mumbled back an answer. "Am not..." And with a yawn he was sleeping again, still on Gakuto's lap, leaving a slightly annoyed yet confused Gakuto.

"You can't like two people," a certain redhead whispered to himself deciding that taking a leaf out of Jirou's book wasn't so bad.

Waking up with a jolt one Mukahi Gakuto wondered what had woken him up until he realized that there was a hand on his shoulder. Blinking rather slowly, he was still half asleep, he glanced to see whose hand it was on his shoulder and stiffened immediately. Of all the people to be woken up by it had to be Sakaki the person he least wanted to see. "Sakaki-sensei," he muttered after a moment or so.

"Mukahai," greeted the coach his hand still lingering on the much younger male's shoulder. "Are you feeling alright?" Asking in a concerned way he paused obviously waiting for Gakuto to reply.

Shrugging the redhead glanced away realizing that practice had ended awhile ago and that Jirou was no longer sleeping on him. Wondering how long he had slept he replied to the older male, "fine, just tired." Which was actually true, he hadn't been sleeping well since Yuushi quit the team, and it was the only response he could think of. Eyeing the hand that was still upon his right shoulder Gakuto considered getting up in an attempt to remove it from there.

Arching a brow at this the coach lowered it soon after taking the response in with a nod. "You should try getting more sleep then, seeping during practice will result in loosing another match Mukahai." Hinting not so subtly at the Hyoutei regulars policy of being kicked off if they lost a match the blonde older male finally lifted his hand from the others shoulder.

Attempted to fake indifference the acrobat internally thought over getting kicked off the regulars, it was the last thing he wanted. Although it was obvious that he thought he had worked far too damn hard to simply get kicked off the regulars for loosing yet another match. Personally he blamed Kikimaru for that loss anyways, damn idiot didn't know what acrobatics was. Though Gakuto wasn't even sure he wanted to be on the regulars anymore, not with Yuushi gone and having to play doubles with Hiyoshi.

Glad to be rid of the hand upon his shoulder Gakuto figured the coach would tell him to leave but he didn't. Sakaki only continued speaking, "how is your doubles with Hiyoshi proceeding?" Asking a question that the acrobat least expected he merely blinked for a minute before trying to think of a suitable excuse. After all he didn't really think saying that he hadn't even practiced with the 2nd year would go over very well. When he ended up not being able to and a small stretch of silence dragged on Sakaki arched an eyebrow once more looking a tad...unhappy.

Deciding that now would be a great time to excuse himself and go agonize over what to do about Hiyoshi and Yuushi, Gakuto stood up finally. "Sakaki-sensei I should be heading home now," he muttered as an excuse and turned around intending to walk away. Although before he could even take a step he was stopped by the same hand being placed upon his shoulder again, effectively holding him in place.

"Lets go to my office shall we Mukahai?" Sakaki questioned rhetorically as it was obvious that Gakuto has absolutely no say in the matter.

Eyes widening slightly as the shortest member of Hyoutei remembered all too well what Yuushi had told him the other day. Though before he could even fully process any form of thought he found himself forcefully guided into the coaches office. Definitely not good at all...

Now within an office he had never actually been to, a good thing he was sure, his violet eyes took in his surroundings as soon as he was 'led' inside. Basically it was an ordinary office, bland, full of office stuff, and other things that fully disinterested Gakuto though that wasn't the point. The point was that he heard the click of the door soon after and was more or less trapped inside the office with his coach who most likely had rather unpleasant plans.

"Er..." Attempting to think of some excuse or something similar that would get him out of this office he failed miserably as soon as the syllable left his mouth. The only thought running through his mind was a constant mantra of 'fuck' and images that certainly didn't help the situation any. Since practice had ended awhile ago, so he assumed anyways due to no one being around, there wasn't any hope of being found here. That and he didn't think anyone but Atobe would go into this office anyways.

Deciding that he was wasting time the redhead turned around in order to face the older male who had an impassive look to his features. Blinking a few times, rather useless he knew, Gakuto unconsciously took a step back finding that the office was rather small. Though as soon as he took a step backward Sakaki took a step forward making him even closer then he was before since his steps were larger.

Without even thinking he continued taking steps backward while the coach took steps forward until the redhead felt one of the walls against his back. Apparently trapping people into a corner was Sakaki's thing. Cursing mentally his eyes darted momentarily towards the door finding himself creeped out by the silence that filled the room. Despite the few minutes they had already been in there the coach had yet to say a single thing.

Still trying to think of a way out of the situation he jumped slightly as he felt the others hand tug at his shirt. Immediately bringing himself back to the current situation, hell he was an idiot to let himself be distracted, he decided to continue his stupidity by his next question. "What are you doing sensei?"

Yup, really smart of him to ask that.

Instead of receiving a verbal response Sakaki's previously impassive face took on a cocky look to it. One that reminded Gakuto of a lion about to pounce on its trapped and helpless prey. Lovely image there that was. Keeping his hand on Gakuto's shirt the blonde male tugged at it and before Gakuto could think of what was happening he found his shirt to be ripped in two and on the floor.

Glancing down at it for a moment his attention was soon brought back to his predicament when the coach's hand was replaced this time on his chest. And damn his hand was cold. Shivering for a moment at the touch he locked his eyes on Sakaki debating on if he had a chance in pushing him away from him or not. Yeah, absolutely no chance in that being successful so trying seemed laughable.

Looked like Gakuto really was becoming like a girl for right now he needed to be saved. Before what happened to Yuushi happened to him

D: Okay so here is the very, very, very late update for this fic! Sorry it's not really any good or anything but at least I updated right? nn Mainly I was spurred on by random reviewers who actually seem to like my story so congrats to you all!

Though this fic is coming to a close soon, I plan on having 10 chapters total, maybe adding an epilogue at the end. So yeah you can look forward to Gakuto's inner conflict being resolved...or maybe not :P R&R to make me update faster