Hey I'm just making something out of boredom. Hope you like it! This is mainly for Midnight Crystal Sage. Thx for posting my chapters, MCS!

Some possible pairings include: Link/Peach, Marth/Zelda, Roy/Samus, Pit/Peach, Link/Samus, Popo/Nana, Young Link/Nana, Ike/Zelda, Ike/Samus, Marth/Samus, Pit/Samus, and Ike/Peach.

Those were only possiblities! They may not happen. Or they MIGHT! Oh well, ENJOY!

It's Only Starting

The Smash Mansion. Home to all of the Smashers. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Usually days like this got ruined by retardness or attack of fans who are enraged because of the Super Smash Brothers Brawl delay. Other than that, it was a typical retarded day.

Outside, Link, Roy, and Marth were finishing their training. Roy finally pushed Link off the cliff.

"GAME! The winner is Roy!"

"And the Hot Flame wins again!" Roy cheered.

"What Hot Flame?" Link finally managed to climb up the cliff. "The only Hot Flame around here is your's truly!"

"Oh puh-lease!" Roy yelled.

Sigh. Here they go again. Marth thought. Arguing who's the best. They clearly have absolutely no mind at all.

"Oh my dear Godesses! Stay away from mee!!"

Pit, all dirty, bruised up, and face covered with smeared pink and red stuff came flying to the swordsmen and clung on to Marth.

"They came back! They came back!" the horrified angel sobbed. "Protect me, Marth! Protect meee!"

"Get offa me," Marth said calmly, irritated and pushed Pit off his suit. "And get that stupid lipstick off your face."

"Lipstick?" Roy asked.

Then the siren came up. It was roaring louder than an explosion. Soon, all of the Smashers came running outside and to the Smash Mansion gate. Link ran up to Samus, who was putting all of her gears on.

"Samus! What the heck is going on?" Link yelled.

"We're under attack! It's the-"

Samus was interuppted by a huge explosion sending Luigi high up in the air.

"Mama Miaaaaaa..." Luigi's very distant voice cried out.

"I need to go." Samus put on her helmet and ran to the gate with the others. Marth started to run towards the gate, being the brave little prince he is.

"I'm going outside the gate to fight!" he yelled.

"Marth, wait up!" Link and Roy came running after him.

It was no longer when Marth saw that the gate was already broken through. In front of the gate was a bunch of teenage women who had played Super Smash Brothers. Marth stared at the crowd and dropped his sword in fear.

"F-f-fangirls..." he mumbled to himself.

"Oh my God!! Look! It's Marth!" One of the caffeine-ridden girls screamed. A lot of the other girls screamed and ran after him. Marth picked up his sword and ran. The girls were screaming as they were catching up to him.

"Marth! Choose me!"

"Marry me, Marth!"

"I want to be yours forever!"

Then, Marth stopped himself. I can't run! I have to fight! That's what a real, true prince does.

Marth turned around and raised his sword. The girls came running up to him. With his knee's shaking, Marth closed his eyes and prepared to attack-

"Nayru's Love!"

Suddenly, a blue force field surrounded Marth. Marth opened his eyes and saw Zelda right beside him. She smirked. The fangirls ran into the force field and half of the crowd knocked themselves out. Marth was astounded.

"Come on! I don't have much magic left." Zelda said. "Follow me!"

Marth ran with Zelda to the basement of the Smash Mansion. Inside was other Smashers that were mauled, raped, or seriously injured by the fangirls. There was the Nana, who was bandaging Popo. Fox, trying to get off the spunky pink diamond collar, the baby blue sweater, and the five hundred bowties. And there was Pikachu, who had a tuxedo with a top hat, and Pichu, who has a baby bonett, a passifier, and a diaper. There were more Smashers with all those problems, but I surely can't name them all.

Outside, the fangirls were arguing over Young Link. His hat had been ripped off, the girls were playing with his dangerous weapons, and two girls were pulling Link by the arms and legs.

"He's my little hero!"

"No, he's my little swordsman!"

"He's being ripped apart!" Young Link yelled at the girls.

Then, a green flash came at hyperspeed and snatched Young Link away and replaced him with a bomb. The girls looked at eachother and the bomb blew up, leaving smoke behind. The girls got out of the smoke, with soot all over their faces, and saw the handsome hero in the shadow sort of look that you normally see in comics or manga. He glared at the girls with sharp, fierce blue eyes.

"Stay away from my little bro," he awesomely said.

"Oh my God it's Link!" the fangirls screeched.

The hero instantly went out of cool shadow mode and went into O.o mode. "Oh no..."

He picked up Young Link and ran away. Fangirls screamed and ran after them.

Meanwhile, Samus was trying to prepare the blast when she got a transmission. Samus opened up her built-in radio transmitter.

"Samus Aran here."

"Samus! Samus is that you?!"

"Falco! What the hell are you doing?! Your partner, Fox, has been turned into a freakin' Paris Hilton Puppy!"

" Yeah, yeah I know that! Listen, I'm going to prepare THE plan."

"Oh no. You don't mean..."

"I mean it! Go warn everybody! You have one minute!"


Samjs turned off the radio transmitter and got a megaphone. "Everybody! Return to the basement! THE plan will start in forty seconds! Go! Go! Go!"

All of the Smashers ran to the basement. Samus, Peach, and Pit helped with the injured ones. Once everyone was inside, they all watched through the small window to see THE plan start. The fangirls were looking for the missing Smashers.

"Ugh. Where are they?"

"I'm right here, baby!"

Suddenly, an Arwing flew from the ground. Inside was Falco. He was flying around like what you normally see in air shows. On the very tip of the wing was a small tag that said, "Property of Fox McCloud"

"Hey! You lousy stealer!" Fox shouted.

Outside, Falco looked through the window and saw on fangirl with a T-shirt that said: "I support Fox/Falco!" and has a picture of Fox an Falco... together...

"That's it, they die!" Falco shouted. He shot lasers, missles, and every sort of weapon imanginable at the fangirls, hoping to rid of them once and for all.


About three hours later, Link pushed Roy outside the safe and secure basement. Roy carefully looked around. He scanned the area and poked his head back inside.

"They're gone! They're gone!" he shouted.

Delighted, all of the happy Smashers ran outside. Soon, their happiness came to an end. Sure enough, every single fangirl was gone, but nearly the whole front yard was destroyed. The Smashers were still smiling, but smiling in retard freeze position.

"The Master Hand is gonna kill us!" Link said.

"Not if he doesn't find out!" Pokemon Trainer tried to hatch an idea.

"And what if he does find out?"

Slowly, all the horrified Smashers turned their heads around. The huge, floating glove was behing them, in a tight fist.

"M-M-Master Hand! Sir! They were the fangirls! And-"

"I know it was the fangirls!" Master Hand yelled so hard all of the little Smashers ran behind the crowd.

"You're very, very lucky that I just got to go tour Europe for a Super Smash Brothers Brawl interview. Or else I would've been pissed."

Then Capt. Falcon popped up from nowhere. "Does that mean we get to go to Italy?!"

"Hooray!" All of the Smashers yelled!

"Actually," Master Hand said. "For your punishment, you shall stay here and clean up this mess."


"I shall be gone for about four months. I need this yard as clean as you slackers can make it before I come back! If you do not, I will bring Crazy Hand to babysit you."

"No! Please!" Pit yelled.

"We'll be good! We'll be good!" Luigi said.

"Okay, then. I shall be leaving in about fifteen seconds," Master Hand declared.

Popo pulled up his sleeve to look at his watch. "Three... Two... One..."


Master Hand disappeared in a huge poof of smoke. As soon as it faded away. Fox turned around to see his precious Arwing down on the ground, its nose completely smashed from the impact landing Falco had to perform.

"Falco! You are dead!" Fox tackled Falco and started strangling him like crazy.

"You are wrong, Fox." Falco managed to choke out. "It's only starting."

Well, that was super retarded so far.

Fox: You crashed my Arwing! I got it when I was only seven!

(pulls out puppy accessories) Careful, I'm armed!

Fox: ...Okay I'll shut up.