AthiraMoon: Hey my second story on this site. So as I explained in the A/N I put up I am rewriting this story. I'm only going too update the chapters so slowly 1 too 3 will be changed before moving into the new stuff.

Discalmier: I DO NOT own anything from Tales of the Abyss Namco Bandai have all the rights. Damnit all.

'Within the light, there is an entenal shall shine, lighting the path to everlasting glory and peace.' Luke started up at the sky. This was the new thing he has been hearing from the voice in his head. Lorelei can be a strange one sometimes. Or at least Luke thinks so. Watching the fonstones in the sky liked he used to do back at the manor he sighed trying too understand what he meant.

Guy finished helping the group pack up from resting before looking over at his friend sitting on a rock. Walking over he smiled at the shorter male who seemed off in his own world.

"Hey Luke what you are thinking about?" Guy asked as Luke blinked finally bring his eyes down from the sky and looked into the other.

"Huh? Guy what did you say?" The red head youth asked looking at his oldest friend, Guy sighed.

"I asked you what you were thinking about. So what are you thinking about?" He asked Luke could be a bit slow but it was one of the quirks he liked...sometimes.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Luke replied smiling. It was a lie and he knew Guy could see right trough it but he couldn't help it. He didn't want too tell him what he has been hearing till he knew what it was about and if it was important. Guy made a face then wrapped his arm around Luke's shoulders. Luke sighed and rested his head on Guy's shoulder.

"Sorry for worrying you."

"Don't be its all right Luke." The blond lord said smiling resting his head on Luke head and sighed 'Luke if you only knew how I feel…would you better then this?' Guy wonder looking at his master and friend. Guy has had feelings for Luke for awhile now. Once the hatred left him he found a new light within the male that he wanted too protect...but soon that grew into something more yet he had no idea how too go about it. Will Luke be happier too have someone like that around him or will it hurt him more?

"Guy what's wrong? Now it's my turn to be worried." Luke said with a small giggle as he pulled a way and put his hands on his hips making Guy blush slightly. "Okay why you blushing Guy?" The younger boy asked grinning at his friend.

"Nothing! Nothing at all I swear." Guy said rubbing the back of his head laughing lightly. Luke made a face. Which in Guy's mind was just too cute for words.

"You're lying Guy I can tell." Luke said frowning 'Even if I am lying too.' He mentally sighed then smiled. "Tell me or else…" Luke threaten making Guy gulp.

"Hmm Luke I don't think that is a good idea…" 'What would you think? Would you hate me?'

"Come on Guy tell me please!" Luke pleaded giving the kick puppy dog look.

"Guy! Luke! Come on already." Natalia said looking at the two. Guy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Coming! Come on Luke let's go." The blonde said hoping to get away from the subject, Luke pouted.

"I'm not done with this Guy sooner or later your going to have to tell me." He said grinning before he hopped off the rock and ran towards the others.

"Ohh Luke I want to tell you sooner but it looks like it will be later." He said to himself watching Luke run on ahead, sighing Guy followed then frowned as Luke groaned.

"Asch?" 'What the hell is he doing here?' Luke thought looking at his original. Luke still wanted too prove too Asch that he was useful but it was always a pain to deal with him as well.

"Asch what are you doing here?" Tear asked looking at the God-General.

"I found something and need your help…while all of you but him." Asch said looking at Luke making the replica wince. Asch watched his replica seeing the wince made him want too smirk had also added a ache in his heart.

"Luke comes with us rather you like it or not." Guy said glaring slightly at the God-General once he was with them standing close too Luke.

"Guy, don't talk like that." The princess said scowling the other blond. The others watched all with frowned, all but Jade who had his normal smile on.

"Man what's wrong with these two?" Anise asked making a face as Ion blinked looking at Anise then at the others.

"Poor Luke." The Fon Master said looking at Luke who looked lost and hurt. "After all that happened so far Luke has been looking for forgiveness and us to help him but…"

"But with them…Guy is Luke's friend but not Asch's who is the real Luke, and Natalia cares deeply for Asch cause he is the real one and Luke isn't, and Asch just hates Luke. As for Luke himself well..." Jade trailed with a shrug. "I do feel sorry for the boy but what can you do?" He asked no one.

Luke frowned looking at the two then Asch and blinked in surprised to see Asch was looking at him. Luke winced again then looked away. Asch listened too Nataila and Guy argue but his eyes stayed on Luke, seeing the second wince he frowned, 'He can't even look at me damn he's annoying…but still…' Asch frowned more then looked at Guy and Natalia.

"That's enough I don't care if he comes I just don't want his help." Asch said glaring at the two. He just wanted them too shut up, Guy and Natalia froze looking at him.

"Fine." Guy said looking at Luke then smiled putting a hand on his shoulder making the smaller male smile a bit.

"And what would that be?" Jade asked bringing everyone back to the reason that Asch is here. Asch frowned at that before he pulled out a book and tossed it at the Colonel who caught it.

"I need you guys to help me find something that has too do with that book." Asch answered looking at them.

"And what would that be?" Tear asked moving forwards so she was on the other side of Luke.

"I can't tell you...but it should help everyone and bring a stop too Van's plan." He didn't want too say a word about what he has been hearing and how it appears in the book as well, but unlike Luke he believes it is important since Lorelei doesn't say anything without a reason.

"Okay we'll help you." Luke said suddenly looking at Asch slightly. Asch stared at the male knowing he has heard the words as well.

"You sure jumped quickly on that one." Anise said smiling at Luke who looked flustered.

"So? The faster we get started the faster it will end." He said glaring a bit showing his old self a bit.

Asch smiled for the first time today. "Right so let's go."

Athira: So's a bit longer and with a bit more insight on what is going on with everyone. I hope it makes more since and the grammer are better.