Hey everybody this was just a story idea that I had. Hope you enjoy.

Summary: Haley, Nathan, and Lucas used to be best friends since they were kids. Nathan and Haley even first loves... But one fatal moment just out of highschool, she turns him away and they lost eachother. Now twenty-five and out of college, Haley has returned to her hometown, to her old friends, and her old life... But can she repair the friendship that was lost and love that was broken?


Haley sighed, grabbing the shiny framed photo off of her nightstand. On it was the image of a scrawny little boy with blonde hair and another little boy with jet black hair, both of which had their arms around the shoulders a brown-haired little girl. She smiled remembering the day this picture was taken. She was just about seven years old and the two little boys next to her were her best friends. She had met them on the playground when she was in the second grade. She grinned remembering the scenario.


"Stop it, give me back Princess Zeya!", Haley screamed, stomping her feet at the two little boys in front of her.

"Awww is baby Haley goin' to cry 'cuz she can't have her dollie?" Both boys laughed as tears streaked down Haley's face.

"Giver her her doll back", someone said behind them causing the boys to turn around abruptly.

"Well if it ain't Nathan Loser Scott."

"Give her the doll Chris", Nathan warned, his fists clenching at his side.

"Or what? What you gona do? Throw a basketball at me?" Chris taunted, high fiving the boy behind him.

"No, I'm gona do this." WAM!

Before Haley could register what was happening, Nathan had thrown back his fist and slugged Chris in the face. Stumbling back and triping over the boy behind him, Chris began to wail, blood dripping from his nose. The boy that had been standing besides Chris--which Haley now recognized as Tim Smith, sprinted off into the other direction, fear plastered on his face.

Nathan picked up the doll and handed it to Haley who was drying her eyes on her flower patterned dress.

"Thank you." She smiled, a small blush creeping into her cheeks.

"Do you want to come and hang out with me and my brother", Nathan asked pointing to a blonde haired boy hangingin upside down on the jungle gyms.

"Uh, I-I-", Haley stuttered, not sure if it was such a good idea. She was a girl afterall and girls didn't play with boys--atleast that's what her brothers had told her.

"Come on." Nathan grabbed her right hand, tugging on it gently and leading her towards the jungle gym.

Stopping a foot away, Nahtan let go of her hand, taking a few steps further and calling out to the boy above him.

"Luke come down here, there's someone I want you to meet."

Lifting his lean lanky body and sliding smoothly down, Lucas walked up to Haley, Nathan trailing behind.

"So this is the girl you ditched me for."

"I'm not just a girl, I'm Haley James", Haley replied, putting her hands on her hips.

"And... I can see why. I'm Lucas." Lucas outstretched his skinny arm, waiting for Haley to accept his greeting. Looking at his hand, she scoffed, scrunching up her face.

"There is no way I am touching that! It's all wet and gross! Ew!"

Confusion plagued Lucas' face as he turned his hand up to examine it. Realizing the sun must of caused his fingers to sweat, understanding dawned in his eyes and he wipped his palm off on Nathan's shirt.

"Hey!", Nahtan yelled, smacking Lucas's hand away.

"There we go, all better." Lucas held out his hand again for Haley to take and this time she finally shook it, causing Lucas to give her a toothy grin. Seeing he had about four teeth missing,
Haley laughed histerically at the goofy smile.

Lucas joined in with her.

"Yeah I know, I always get that reaction when I smile."

"Uh hello, I'm still here", Nathan said besides them, waving his hand in the air. Haley looked towards him and smiled.

"Of course you are silly." She grabbed his hand along with Lucas' and pulled them towards the swings, where the start of a beautiful friendship began.

-End of Flashback-

Haley set the picture back down on the wooden table and gently wiped away a tear that managed to escape her eyes. She remembered that day so clearly, so vividly in her head that it felt like it happened just yesterday. But it didn't and it was no longer there; it was the past. Her eyes began to wander around, landing on a bunch of pictures on the left wall.

Getting up off of her bed, she walked towards them, running her fingers over the glass frames that blocked the photos from her touch. It was again another picture of her, Nathan, and Lucas-
this time a little older though; twelve to be exact. They were standing on the beach. Nathan had her lifted into his arms as Lucas threw water over both of them.


"Nathan! Nathan stop!" Haley yelled running away from the raven haired boy as he chased after her, prepared to throw her in the water.

"I am not going into the ocean. I'll get eaten by sharks and don't you dare touch me!", she shrieked, hiding behind a huge rock that connected to a cliff. Nathan rolled his eyes, continuing his chase.

"Haley, you're not going to get eaten by a shark I promise! Now stop moving!"

Grabbing ahold of her leg, Nathan pulled Haley out of her hiding spot causing her too fall to the ground, luckily though there was sand to breach the pain.

"Nathan quit!" Nathan paid no attention to the screaming girl as he pulled her body through the sand, inching towards the water. Haley kicked and flailed, but too no use. Spotting Lucas making a sand castle, she called out to him with a desprate plea.

"Hey! Lucas help me!" When she got no answer, not even an acknowledgement in return, she started to panic.

"Luke! Help me please! I'll-I'll give you pudding!", she threw out quickly, grasping the sand like it was something to hold onto only to have it slip through her fingers. That got Lucas'
attention as Haley new it would since he was a big fan of snack pack.

Running over to her side, he pushed Nathan causing him to let go of Haley's leg, which was nearly in the water, and stumbled back. He pulled Haley up and they both ran as fast as they could to the docks. Lucas helped Haley jump up just as Nathan reached them.

"You traitor!", he shouted, glaring at his brother.

"Sorry, she has snack pack", Lucas put his hands up in surrender, pointing to Haley.

"Yeah he's my white knight at my beck and call!", Haley said. holding her head up in triumph.

"When she has snack pack", Lucas put in.

"Yeah, when I have snack pack."

"But... I thought I was your white knight", Nathan said dejectedly, lowering his head to the ground. He turned away from both of them and began to walk off. Feeling guilty, Haley jumped off the docks and ran after him, taking ahold of his hand, which stopped him in his tracks.

"You're my real white knight Nathan", she smiled sweetly at him.

"Aha!" Nathan grabbed her, lifting her in his arms. She was so small, he could probably carry her with one arm. Squealing, Haley began to scream again, trying to pull away from him.

"Nathan stop! I'll do anything! Please!" Hearing her say those words, Nathan came to a halt, but still held onto her, looking down into her face.

"What?", she asked.

"Did you really mean what you said? About doing anything?"

"Well... that depends."

Turning away and proceeding to drag her towards the water again, Haley surrendered.

"Okay, Okay! I will, I will!"

Stopping, he smirked putting her down and stood back from her, holding onto her shoulders.

"Let me kiss you."

Blinking feverishly, Haley looked at him in suprise, biting her lip nervously.

"B-But I've never kissed anyone before Nathan."

Shrugging his shoulders, Nathan stepped closer to Haley, bending down towards her face, mere inches away from her lips. She had seen Nathan kiss plenty of other girls, being only twelve never stopped him.

"It's okay, I'll show you", he whispered huskily, softly pressing his lips onto hers. He deepened the kiss, biting onto her lower lip as she moaned into his mouth. It continued onto what felt like forever to Haley. Finally the need to breathe became an issue and they pulled apart. She had always known Nathan was a good kisser--even though she never experienced one herself, she'd seen him kiss girls, he was good. Real good. Maybe it was the fact that they always had a big smile on their faces afterwards, or it could of been the way his lips moved over their own.

"Wow.. that was...", Haley replied with loss for words.

"Good", Nathan finished, smirking as Haley's cheeks turned a bright shade of red. He loved that he could make her do that.

"Okay um-", she was cut off by Nathan lifting her up in his arms and pretending to head towards shore.

"Nathan! You said you wouldn't do that if I did anything!"

"I never said that Hales, in fact you just implied that that's what I meant."

Haley wiggled in his grip trying to break free, but to no use, even as a kid Nathan was strong.
Somehow it turned into tickeling as Nathan, wiggled his fingers into her belly.

"Ah, aha Nathan, Nathan!" Just as he was beginning to give in and let her down, Lucas came up behind the both of them, throwing a bucket of water over their heads.

-End of Flashback-

A bright smile shown off of Haley's face as her mind came back to reality. She remembered that day as well like it was yesterday, when in fact it was fifteen years ago. Moving over a little, she went to the next picture smiling at it sadly. It was the last picture she had of the three of them together as best friends. It was their graduation picture, all three of them stood together in the blue Tree Hill High robes, huge grins on their faces.


"We did it Hales. We are now officially college students." Lucas said, pulling the auburn haired girl into a tight hug. Haley hugged him back, smiling at her best friend. They were now eighteen and there highschool years were just about over. Haley pulled away as Lucas drapped his arm causually over her shoulder and they walked away from the crowd.

"So, how do you feel now that we are no longer kids, but 'young adults'", Lucas emphasized the last word. Sighing Haley shrugged.

"It feels kinda good actually, although I'm sure that'll change once we start college." Lucas chuckled.

"So where is Nathan?" Haley asked.

"Who me?"

Lucas and Haley turned around to find Nathan grinning at them as he walked in between their intwined bodies.

"Okay big brother, you're done. Now it's my turn", he said, throwing his arm over Haley's shoulder and hugging her to his side. Shrugging, Lucas shook his head.

"I got to go anyways, I'll catch ya later", he retorted, spotting Peyton walking, and wanting to catch up to her, immediately ran after her.

"Sooo where have you been?", Haley asked, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Ah me, just chattin' it up a few, you know now that I'm in college got to keep my profile high,
he winked, causing her to giggle in return.

"Yeah, Okay."

"So what do you want to do tonight, I mean it's graduation and I don't want to spend it a party",
Haley mumbled.

"Yeah I know, somehow a party isn't to thrilling."

"Maybe it's because of the millions of ones, we've been too since we were in highschool."

Chuckling, Nathan nodded.

"Yeah I think that's it."

"Haley." Haley stopped at the sound of her name coming out of Nathan's mouth. Turning to look at him, she smiled.


"Let me kiss you."

Rolling her eyes playfully, Haley threw her head back in silent laughter.

"B-but I've never kissed anyone", she imitated her younger voice.

Stepping closer, Nathan smirked.

"I'll show you." He leaned down, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. Haley's breath started to come out more rapidly as she nervously looked into his eyes. He softly, but slowly captured her lips into his own, running his hands through her hair. Haley wrapped her arms around his, neck enjoying the feeling of his lips on her own. The kiss grew heated and reluctantly Haley pulled away, trying to catch her breath.

"Yep, that was-"

"Good." Nathan cut in, smirking as that familiar blush floated into her cheeks.

"Hey! Nathan, Haley! Come on! Let's take a picture!", Lucas yelled, waving the couple towards him. Grinning, Haley grabbed Nathan's hand as the two made there way towards the front of the school. Lucas threw one of his arms--now no longer skinny but toned, over Haley's shoulder as Nathan threw his arm over her other shoulder, his as well very much toned; and the three smiled into the camera.

-End of Flashback-

Tears were now streaming down Haley's face. It brought back so many memories to be here in her old room again. She turned away from the photos, vigoursly wiping the tears from her eyes. The worst part was knowing that they were no longer best friends and she'd probably never have that again. She still talked to Lucas, and they hung out every once and awhile, but what with him being away at college and her at her own, they rarely had the chance to see eachother. Nathan on the other hand--that was a whole different story. Her and Nathan no longer kept in tuoch at all. She couldn't blame him, it wasn't his fault. She had pushed him away when they both needed it the most and it hurt him deeply. She knew it too, it hurt her as well--and because of that, she never apologized or even said another word to him. She felt like she didn't deserve to be able to talk to him again.

Sighing, Haley walked to the door of her room, looking back only once more to linger in the past for a few seconds. Then she was gone, heading out of her old room and out of her old life.


Thanks Please R&R.