Eric walked to the junk yard with his uncle.

"Might want to keep an eye out for Shelly's old man," Ben seriously.

"You mean that big bully of a guy standing up there with Shelly," Eric keeping his eyes on her and her boyfriend, Eric saw the guy slap Shelly, it pissed Eric off and took a step toward them, Ben put his hand to Eric's chest, Eric's pecks were twitching, he looked at Ben upset,

"Son, if you try to stop it he'll only hurt her worse," Ben seriously. Eric stared back up at Shelly, she glanced at Eric, he walked away and started to look for a bike, he found the perfect one, it was a Ducati.

"This is it, who do we pay," Eric asked,

"His father," Ben pointing at Shelly's boyfriend,

"You have got to be kidding me, I didn't know that excuse for a man had a father," Eric trying not to look at the guy.

"Yeah, where do you think he learned it all from," Ben asked,

"Here, its not over $100 is it?" Eric asked,

"No, usually they are $25 or $30," Ben knowing by the way Eric acted he didn't want no part of seeing Shelly's boyfriend, or his father, because he knew he had the strength to put them both in the hospital and if he couldn't stop himself they both would be underground. Eric let Ben take the bike and the money as he walked off, he took one look up at where Shelly and her boyfriend still stood, Shelly glanced at Eric, even as far as they stood from each other Eric could see the hurt and feel pain radiating from her, with that Eric turned and walked towards Ben's place.