Autumn was Tenten's favorite time of year. The air was crisp and cool; the leaves were every shade of yellow, orange, and red you could imagine, it was as if the trees had caught fire. To Tenten, autumn looked how excitement felt, vibrant. Sometimes it was hard for her to not just stand in the woods all day, watching the leaves dance in the air.
Pulling her gaze away from the splendor of the forest around her, she quickened her steps, heading for the clearing where her team was practicing. Soon she would be able to practice with them again instead of bringing lunch for the three men. Though at least this way she felt she was contributing to the team.
Once she reached the training grounds, Tenten headed to where her Sensei stood, shouting encouragement at the whirlwind of leaves that tore around the clearing. Lee was running circles around his opponent. In the midst of the leaf tornado stood an unperturbed Neji, calmly assessing the situation and looking for an opportunity to attack. With a swiftness that still amazed Tenten after all this time, Neji struck, sending Lee to the ground. The leaves once caught in the wake of Lee's circle fell to the ground in a flurry of color.
Neji offered Lee his hand, which Lee refused, springing from the ground unfazed. The two men then joined Tenten and Gai, who had chosen an ancient maple tree to sit under. Tenten handed each man a bento box and chopsticks. With two shouts and one soft 'thanks for the food' they began their meal.
Before Tenten knew it Gai and Lee had finished their lunch and were racing off on some hair brained self inflicted test of endurance. Tenten just grinned, placing their forgotten boxes neatly to the side, and enjoying the rest of her meal in Neji's quiet company.
Finishing their meal, Neji and Tenten sat under the old tree, Tenten leaning her back against Neji's chest. A breeze played gently across the couple, rustling the leaves. Tenten let out a light giggle when she noticed Neji's hair. "Neji you still have leaves in your hair from your sparing match with Lee."
Tenten scooted forward as Neji stood. He shook his head, trying to dislodge the leaves, but they only seemed to cling more stubbornly to his hair. He then started running his fingers through his hair which got most of the leaves out. A few determined leaves still had a foothold in the back of his hair where he couldn't quite reach. The whole time this is happening Tenten is smothering the mirthful giggles that are trying to escape from between her lips.
Neji sat down with a loud "Harumph", turning his back to Tenten and pretending to sulk. 'Oh the drama,' Tenten thought as she rolled her eyes and knelt behind her teasing husband. "Neji sometimes you are just too funny for words." She said as she began picking leaves out of his long hair.
Tenten loved that she was one of the few people with whom Neji would tease and be silly around. Humming softly to herself she brushed the last leaf out of his hair and started combing her fingers through the silky soft mane. Neji sighed and leaned back to lay his head on Tenten's swollen stomach.
"I still think they could be wrong." Neji said, resting his hand lightly against Tenten's belly. "The baby could still be a boy."
Tenten frowned. "Are you really that upset that our firstborn is a girl?"
Neji sighed, "It's not that I'm upset, it's just I wanted to name our firstborn after my father."
Tenten gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind Neji's ear as she smiled down lovingly at her husband. "Not all firstborns are male you know. We'll name our first son after your father."
A leaf let go of the branch it had grown from and fell softly from the tree. Neji snatched the maple leaf by the stem before it could hit the ground. "What are we going to name her then? I was ready for a boy."
Tenten removed his forehead protector and kissed his brow. "I was thinking either Akiye or Kaede."
Neji twirled the maple leaf with his fingertips and smiled. "I like Kaede."
Neji and Tenten both gasped when their daughter kicked in what they felt was her approval of Neji's choice.
Tenten giggled, "Kaede it is."
A/N: Akiye means Autumn Painting and Kaede means Maple.