
A/N: Ohayou minna! I'm very sorry for the long update. It's just that I revised my story. For the readers who had given me song suggestions, THANK YOU. Don't worry because I'm still going to put the songs up at future chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice!

Chapter 1

The sun was shining brightly on a Saturday morning. A girl was getting dressed up in her small apartment and her name is Sakura Mikan. She was smiling brightly while dressing up.

"Hotaru is such a nice bestfriend! She gave me this dress and then she's helping me to find a job! I can't wait to see her today!" Mikan said to herself as she zipped her dress up and looked at her mirror.

She was wearing a pale pink spaghetti strap dress that reached up to her knees. For her footwear, she wore a pair of pink baby doll shoes. And lastly, for her make-up and hair, she applied a light blush and cherry-flavoured lip gloss and hr hair was tied up in pigtails. Mikan smiled once again, in front of the mirror.

"What a cute dress!" Mikan said, twirling around happily when suddenly, her cellphone beeped. She went to her bed and picked her cellphone up.

1 New Message Received

She pressed 'open' and saw that it was from Hotaru. She read(past tense) it and huffed, she was slightly annoyed at the text message.

Baka, I'm in front of your apartment. Let's go. –Hotaru(Note: she's not literally in front)

She remembered that she couldn't wait to see Hotaru again and she wanted to thank her. So Mikan shrugged her slight annoyance towards Hotaru off and took her out a small purse from her closet and dashed out of her apartment. She saw Hotaru's car parked not far from her apartment. Hotaru turned her head towards Mikan and looked at her emotionlessly. Mikan ran towards Hotaru's car.

"Ohayou Hotaruuuuuuu!" Mikan said attempting to hug Hotaru. (Note: I forgot to type in that Hotaru's car is a convertible. That's why she can hug Hotaru from outside. Gomen!)

"Stop" Hotaru said, looking emotionlessly at Mikan who fell to the ground. Mikan groaned and whined at her.

"Mou Hotaru! You're being mean again! Hmph!"Mikan said, crossing her arms and looking away from her.

"Urusai. Stop your whining and get in the car. I found a job for you." Hotaru said. Mikan turned to her with her eyes glittering. Hotaru just thought of one thing.


Mikan immediately hopped into the car, smiling ever so brightly at Hotaru.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Hotaru!" Mikan said, her voice so full of happiness and glee.

"Whatever baka." Hotaru said. She started the engine and drove to where she was taking Mikan.

30-45 minutes later

"We're here."Hotaru said, still emotionless. Mikan didn't respond to what Hotaru said. She just sat on the leather seat of Hotaru's car, staring at the house – no. House is not the appropriate word. It was a MANSION. A huge mansion to be precise.

"Sugoi Hotaru!! This is where I'm going to work? It's so big!!" Mikan said happily but frowned at Hotaru's answer.

"Yes. But you're going to be a nanny for a 3 year old boy." Hotaru said. Mikan cried with crocodile tears while throwing her arms up in the air.

"A nanny?" Mikan asked, who was still crying crocodile tears. Hotaru sighed at the sight of this.

"B-b-b-but…" Mikan continued.

"Look. That's a real big mansion there, right? Which only means that this family is rich and they are related to me. That 3 year old boy is my cousin and he's pretty tough to get along with. Oh and could you stop your whining? Being a nanny here is a really good job. The salary that they give out is very big. It would help you a lot." Hotaru explained to Mikan. She knew that Mikan was too dense and was completely oblivious about the world around her.

"Yosh! This job would be fine for me! As long as I can earn money!" Mikan said, standing up on the leather seat, doing a heroic pose.

"Oi Oi. You're making the seat dirty. Would you sit down?" Hotaru said pulling out a square cloth out of nowhere and then wiped off the dirt from the leather seat. Mikan sat down as Hotaru said.

At the gate, a guard appeared and eyed the two girls. He noticed Hotaru and quickly opened the gates.

"Good Morning Imai-san." The guard greeted as Hotaru just glanced at him and bowed her head quickly and turned back to the wheel.

"Mikan, this is the Hyuuga mansion. This is where you'll start working." Hotaru said emotionlessly looking at the mansion in front of them. Mikan was once again filled with astonishment and was completely awestruck.

The mansion seemed to be big from afar but it was humongous when near to it.

"Let's go inside." Hotaru said who still remained expressionless after all this time. She turned the engine off, went out of the car and went in the mansion with Mikan. Mikan's jaw dropped to the floor when she saw the interior of the mansion.

It was very spacious. It was a very big living room containing couches, which was covered with highly expensive cloth and a flat screen plasma TV. It was also full of Antiques that came from different countries and also some from Japan. Mikan looked at the Antiques carefully and started to make faces. They were so shiny that you could see your reflection already.

"Sugoi!" Mikan squealed in delight. Hotaru sighed but not loud enough for Mikan to hear. She pulled Mikan's wrist and dragged her towards a room.

"Hotaru! Where are you taking me?"Mikan asked, pouting because she was being dragged.

"To meet the parents of my cousins of course. You'll also be meeting my cousins." Hotaru said, continuing to drag Mikan. Hotaru opened the door of the room. Mikan got out of Hotaru's grasp, stood up and dusted her dress. Mikan looked up to see Hotaru's relatives.

"Mikan, this is the Hyuuga family. Auntie, Uncle, this is Mikan Sakura, the one I told you about." Hotaru said.

"Oh, Sakura-san, It's a pleasure to meet you." Mrs. Hyuuga said, a soft and gentle smile appearing upon her face. Mikan smiled radiantly and bowed her head as a sign of respect.

"Hyuuga-san, it's a pleasure to meet you too." Mikan said politely and turned to Mr. Hyuuga who looked a bit stern but he was actually a nice person.

"Hyuuga-san, it's a pleasure to meet you." Mikan said, once again bowing her head in respect.

"Likewise, Sakura-san." Mr. Hyuuga said. Hotaru's cellphone suddenly ringed.

"Excuse me. I have a call." Hotaru said, exiting the room.

"Would you tell us your name again please?" Mrs. Hyuuga asked Mikan.

"My name is Mikan Sakura." Mikan answered with a smile.

"Oh, yes. Hotaru-chan told us a lot about you. She said that you are in need of a job. Well, we are in need of a nanny for our son Youichi." Mrs. Hyuuga said looking at Mikan from head to toe, examining her carefully.

"Ou eldest son is Natsume, the second is our daughter Aoi and lastly, Youichi, the youngest." Mr. Hyuuga said to Mikan looking at his three children.

"Well, Sakura-san, what do you do at your home?" Mrs. Hyuuga asked. She was asking Mikan this question because she wanted to know if she was really qualified to be Youichi's nanny.

"Well, I'm the only one that lives in my apartment so I do all the cooking, laundering, washing and cleaning. And I also experienced taking care of little kids and elders." Mikan said with a smile on her face.

"Ok! You're hired Sakura-san!" Mrs. Hyuuga said to her happily.

"Hyuuga-san, you shouldn't be really formal with me. Please call me Mikan." Mikan smiled once again.

But then she felt a pair of eyes looked at her intently. Mikan guessed that it was Natsume Hyuuga. The eldest son of the Hyuuga's. She turned to him and squeaked softly. Auburn met Crimson. Mikan could see emptiness in his eyes but then when he was looking at her a while ago she felt so much anger coming from him. This made Mikan very confused when suddenly a knock was heard.

Hotaru came in again. She still looked emotionless just like her her cousin Natsume.

"Auntie, Uncle, Please excuse me. I should leave now. I have a business meeting to attend. Ja." She said.

Hotaru proceeded to the door and exited the room.

"Well, these are our children. The eldest is Natsume, the second is Aoi and the youngest is Youichi." Mrs. Hyuuga said.

"Youichi is not like the other kids. He is not really sociable but sometimes he is. Good Luck. Ja." Mr. Hyuuga said, walking to the door with Mrs. Hyuuga following him.

"Hi! I'm Aoi and I'm 8 years old! How about you?" Aoi introduced herself cheerfully to Mikan.

"I'm Mikan and I'm 16. Hajimemashite Aoi." Mikan said, a smile forming in her lips.

"Oi. Come here." A gray-haired kid said, namely Youichi Hyuuga. Mikan pointed to herself, asking if he was calling her. Youichi nodded. Mikan bent down before him. Youichi hugged her.

"Nee-chan" Youichi said in a muffled, cute voice. Mikan was surprised, Aoi's jaw dropped and Natsume's eyebrow was raised.

"N-n-nee-chan?" Mikan asked, her body becoming stiff. She didn't move a centimeter away from Youichi.

"Youichi, what do you mean by this?" Natsume asked Youichi. Natsume's mind was blank.

"She's now my nee-chan, Natsume-nii." Youichi answered breaking his hug with Mikan.

"Can I call you nee-chan too?" Aoi asked, with a smile on her face. Mikan just nodded. Her mind was the same as Natsume's, it was blank.

"Yay! I have a nee-chan now!" Aoi and Youichi said happily.

Mikan and Natsume just seemed emotionless. But then Mikan broke her trance and realized what was happening. Her eyes widened.

"Nee-chan?!" She yelled. Good thing the room was soundproof. Natsume's left eyebrow twitched.

"Stop yelling, Polka-dotted panties girl." Natsume said, smirking at Mikan.

"NOW I'LL NEVER GET MARRIED!!"Mikan screamed in the room. The other three covered their ears.

Mr. and Mrs. Hyuuga heard a scream from the office. They shook their head guessing that Mikan was the one who screamed loudly. They sweatdropped because even if the room was soundproof, Mikan's noise was still heard from the room.

"Kids… We'll never understand them." They both muttered, letting out a loud sigh.

A/N: Yay! I finished this chapter! Please review and tell me if I should continue my story or not. I want to thank these people for their reviews:















Yamashita Michiyo






Anonymous Reviewers:






I also want to thank Way Too Smart For You for the "flame-ish" concrits. That's all minna-san! Thank You!