NL: Hey, everyone!! Welcome to my latest original story!

Mystery: You truly are taking on too many stories at once…

NL: But you star in this one.

Mystery: I take it back!

NL: Yeah, this is a story about my OC team, Team Limit!

(cricket chirp, cricket chirp)

NL: Yeah. I'm writing it. I don't care. And I DON'T want any flames about me taking in too many stories! As you can see from Mystery's comment, I'm fully aware of that! Look at my profile!

Mystery: Right…enjoy the prologue!

Prologue: How Legends Begin

It was a rather bleak day in the city of Cartoontopia. It's been raining for the past three days. And the weather reports say it won't stop for another week. As such, many of its citizens stayed home unless called to work – which just annoyed the heck out of them. Such an exemplary case is at the First National Bank of Cartoontopia. Behind the counter of said bank was a bank teller named Gwen (from Ben 10). "Thank you for your deposit," she said halfheartedly to one of the bank's clients. She sighed as the person walked away, and rested her chin in her right hand. It was boring.


Or maybe it wasn't so boring after all.

Gwen squeaked as she quickly threw her hands into the air. At the bank's front lobby was a teenaged boy genius named Jack Spicer, who was carrying a laser gun. By his sides were his robotic minions. Jack activated a heli-pack on his back and flew over to the counter where Gwen is. "Hand over all the cash in this joint!" he demanded. Before she can even do anything, two of Jack's robots exploded. "What the heck? Are you pieces of junk malfunctioning on me?"

"No, but I'm surprised you can even build something that moves. Considering your intelligence."

"Hey! Who's there?!" Jack shouted in the air, hearing a voice.

"Up here, genius." Jack Spicer jerked his head upward. Above him was (believe it or not) a 13-year-old girl handing from the ceiling by her right hand and foot! She had long, flowing pink hair that hung lazily over her shoulders and emerald green eyes. She wore simply a pink, sleeve-less shirt, black jeans, and a pair of strap-on black gloves with claws coming from her fingers. You might think having pale skin was creepy. Not only did this girl have rather pale skin, but she also possessed a red-furred tail and cat ears on her head!

"What's up?" she smiled playfully as she waved to Jack, winking and sticking out her tongue.

"Holy Shen Gong Wu! It's Mystery!!" Jack Spicer screamed, but shook his head. "Whatever! Jack-Bots, ATTACK!!!"

Jack's robots reacted immediately. Taking into the air for Mystery, and machine guns emerging from their chests. "Come on, just your Jack-Bots? I'm offended," Mystery giggled. Putting both feet to the ceiling, she pushed herself away from the ceiling and launched herself to the Jack-Bots. With amazing speed and agility, she grabbed a hold of one robot and did a back flip, sending that Jack-Bot flying into another one.


Mystery landing gracefully on her feet, and quickly stood up. Though some sort of magic, she summoned a wooden bow into her right hand. Quickly holding it up, she aimed it at one Jack-Bot. She pulled on its string and an arrow appeared on it. Putting her sorceress' magic into the arrow, its head was set ablaze!! "Fire Arrow Spell!" Mystery shouted, releasing her bow's string and firing her magic arrow right into the torso of that Jack-Bot and destroying it. Running around her enemies, she shouted, "Fire Arrow Spell Bombardment!" With lightning-fast movement, she fired multiple Fire Arrows at the robots, each following the earlier Jack-Bots example and exploded into pieces.

With all the robots destroyed, Mystery held up her steaming bow and blew it like a recently fired gun. She turned to Jack Spicer with a smile. "Boo."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Jack screamed like a little girl, running straight out of bank and screaming for his mommy.

"Too easy." Instantly, the bank's citizens and workers surrounded Mystery, praising and thanking her for saving the day. "Aw, it's nothing. Really! Just doing what I think is right. I appreciate the offer, buddy, but I have to say no to that date." Mystery sweatdropped, stepping out of the bank and into the raining day.

After walking about a block away, Mystery rested against the wall of a building. She sighed as she slid down the wet wall and onto the even wetter cement sidewalk. "What am I doing here?" she whispered to herself, pulling her knees up to her chest. "Why do I care? Why do I always go help people when I really shouldn't? I don't even know what I am anymore." She reached into her jean's pocket and pulled out a little, blue case that one usually places their rings in. Mystery stared at it for a moment, but stopped as the rain came to a halt. She looked up into the sky to see the clouds clearing to finally let the sun shine down on Cartoontopia.

"Huh. Looks like the weatherman lied."

End of Prologue

Mystery: (dancing) Oh, yeah! Who's the badass magic-girl? I am!

NL: Yeah, yeah. Enjoy yourself.

Mystery: You better believe I will! Read and Review, please!