Timeflies caught an error I made. I had forgotten to mention how Nadir and Murielle faired. While I was back in the story I went ahead and added a few more details. Thanks for catching my mistake.

Chapter Thirty-seven

One Year Later

"Trinity the train will not come any sooner if you wear a hole in the platform. There is still five minutes before the arrival time. If you do not sit you will wear yourself out."

Trinity was more excited about the arrival of their guests from France than Erik was. He did want to see Antoinette and even Meg. Raoul and Christine he could miss their visit and continue to live a happy life. It was not that he harbored any ill will toward either person. The fact of the matter was they held little interest for Erik at all. Erik's life was filled with so many other things an old flame or an ex-nemesis were just fading memories.

Erik shifted his son he had cradled in his arms. He looked down into that tiny perfect face and felt his heart constrict as it did every time he was in the presence of this little miracle.

At nearly six months the infant had shown himself to be quite intelligent in Erik's estimation. He had little conversations with him daily which Erik was sure were being stored away in that tiny mind for later reference purposes. Erik ran his hands over the head that had a head of thick dark curls. He thanked all the powers in the universe daily that his son had not inherited his deformity.

Hearing a gurgle coming from Trinity's direction Erik turned to see his daughter staring fixedly at him. She waved her little arms as if begging to be held in her father's own strong arms. That little siren's call Erik could never resist. His feet began to move before he had the thought to do so.

He went over to Trinity with a couple of long legged strides. His daughter noting her father's attention began to wiggle in her mother's arms.

"Erik I swear you have entranced your daughter. I am beginning to think there is some undetectable scent you have that is only affective on women. If I attend one more function where I have to fight off females circling around you like hungry dogs at the food bowl I will not be responsible for my actions." With a huff Trinity flopped down on the bench behind her.

Despite Erik's reticence on the matter Trinity had encouraged him to send off several of his compositions. They were well received and a letter asking for more soon followed. Erik had also begun his own business designing and building houses as well as public buildings.

He had just recently obtained a commission to build a new public library. Several of his musical scores were being presented in theatre houses around the country. Erik was becoming quite well known and respected.

To his credit it had little to do with the fact that he was the son-in-law of the wealthy Andrew Hardcastle. Erik had earned his fame on his own merit.

"My daughter and I have an understanding. I will love her completely and do as she wishes and she will always be daddy's little girl. Will you not sweet Grace?" Erik had wanted to name his daughter Grace for he thought God had granted him grace by allowing him to find happiness with Trinity. When his children were born healthy and beautiful he was thrice blessed.

Little Marcus feeling his sister was getting far too much of his parent's attention squealed loudly in his father's ear. Erik knowing the tactic well simply turned his head giving is son a stern frown followed by a quick flash of a grin that Trinity could not see. She bemoaned the fact that Erik could not seem to discipline his children. He gave in to their demands constantly. Granted six month old infants had few demands but the demands would grow as they matured.

Trinity warned him that they needed to set the foundation now for their behavior later. They needed to know what was acceptable and what was not. It was not acceptable to squeal as loudly as one could to gain what one wanted. It was not acceptable to fuss until one's father caved in sitting up reading stories long after bedtime had come and gone for the two little ones. It certainly was not acceptable to sneak treats into the little ones just before falling asleep at night.

Erik's defense was that they would only remain little precious gems for a short time. He would become the stern, no nonsense father later. Trinity had snorted in disbelief at his declaration.

Trinity let him have his way. Her father and her brothers were no better. With four doting males her daughter was destined to be a Prima Donna. Worse than that woman Carlotta Erik had told her about. Her son would have the best of all worlds.

His grandfather and uncles could teach him all the rough and tumblely things males should know while Erik tempered all that male machismo with the love for music, art and learning. Erik was not by any means unmanly or unskilled in any of the usual endeavors men liked to pursue, but Trinity felt Erik's past skills in the art of defense were better left in the past. She much preferred his artistic side.

At last they heard the train whistle in the distance announcing the train would soon be coming into the station.

Raoul, Christine, Antoinette and Meg were all due to arrive within the next minute. Nadir had not known if he could come a Mirielle had been unwell during the early stages of her confinement. She had a about four months to go before their child born. If she felt well enough they would come if not they would not visit until after the baby arrived and everyone received a clean bill of health from the doctor.

Trinity had promised to be on her best behavior. Erik had not extracted this promise from her. Her own father and brother Lucas were the ones who wished to keep things civil.

Her father and Lucas had corresponded with the Giry women quite frequently. Lucas had come home a changed man. He gently but firmly had informed all his lady friends that he was at last taken and would not be keeping company with them anymore. Lucas had commissioned Erik to build him his own home.

Andrew had in his own way made ready for the arrival of Antoinette. If his son had anything to say about it Meg would very briefly be staying in Andrew's house. That would leave Antoinette un-chaperoned. Andrew had invited a distant maiden cousin to come live with him. The woman, a poor single woman had leaped at the unexpected offer. When Abigail had been informed a woman would be staying with them in the future she had put two and two together. She did not care if she was to be a chaperone or companion as long as she was able to live in this luxurious house while she did so. Andrew had been very generous. He had told her to spare no expense when ordering new dresses and anything else she would need. He had given her the name of a boutique that Trinity had recommended.

Trinity was anxious to see at least three of the people who would be arriving possibly five if Nadir and Mirielle arrived.

Trinity had vowed she would always be cordial to Christine for Raoul's sake. Christine had gone to stay with a woman Raoul had hired as a companion and chaperone when everyone had left to travel to America. It was improper for her to stay with Raoul once everyone else had left. Nadir had stayed in Erik's home to manage things until Erik decided what to do with his estate.

Erik had thought he might sell it but Trinity had asked him to wait so they could discuss it for a while weighing all the pros and cons.

Trinity had hopes that Erik and Raoul would become a little friendlier perhaps even good friends. She herself could never see Christine in any other light than competition. She knew it to be unreasonable for the men to ignore the past when she herself could not.

Christine and Raoul had flaunted their nose at propriety the first time with disastrous results. This time they would adhere to the rules of morality.

When the letter came from Antoinette informing Trinity and Erik when they might be able to make the trip Erik and Trinity were both happy to learn everyone was safe. News reached the American shore from abroad long after events had already taken place.

The last year had proved to be a trial for the people of France. The food shortages did not affect those staying at the de Chagny estate. The estate was almost totally self-sufficient.

In her last letter Antoinette had indicated it would be some months before it would be safe to travel and now they were just moments from arriving. Trinity had come to think of Antoinette as a surrogate mother which could prove prophetic as her father seemed bound and determined to keep the woman in question here once she arrived. He had concocted all manner of inducements to persuade her America was the place she belonged. Egging Lucas on to hurry along his engagement and marriage had been just one plot he would exploit. If Meg were here changes were fairly good Antoinette would stay also.

Once the train came to a stop Erik and Trinity scanned the disembarking passengers. Trinity craned her neck trying to catch sight of a familiar face. She was about to give up when she spotted Raoul stepping down to turn and offer his hand to the woman behind him. Christine stepped down carefully followed by Antoinette then Meg. After they had exited Nadir stepped down turning to offer his hand to Mirielle. Once down on the platform he continued to hold onto her hand while he kept his arm around the back of her waist. The whole time he spoke solicitously to her.

Erik smiled remembering how he himself had worried over every step Trinity made. He had been afraid to let her out of his sight for more than a few minutes without tracking her down to enquire how she was or if she needed anything. He had given her countless numbers of back and foot rubs. He still did. Any woman consenting to be with him and bear him children deserved every bit of comfort he could provide.

All three women were standing solidly on the platform before Trinity reached them. Erik trailed slightly behind. He was unsure how his meeting would go with Christine.

He need not have worried. Christine had eyes only for Raoul. It would seem the ensuing months had brought about a change in Christine. She had matured. Being left somewhat on her own had given her the opportunity to inspect her life and feelings in great depth.

She had come to realize that what she felt for Erik had been more lust than love. He was the man who had awakened those feelings in her and she had not had the chance to explore them when Raoul had come back into her life. Then all the craziness with Erik had ensued which forced her to make decisions she had been unsure of. Now she was surer of her choices than she was of anything in her life. Raoul was the right choice at least for her.

Trinity noticed the way Antoinette and Meg looked expectantly around. It did not take much imagination to know who they were searching all along the platform to see.

To distract them Trinity said, "Antoinette I wish to introduce my son and daughter. This little sweetie is Grace Antoinette. Erik is holding Marcus Erik Andrew. A mouthful I know but I think it a fitting name. I do think he will grow into the name. One day he will be larger than life. Already he shows signs of his father's genius."

Antoinette held her arms out as she raised her brows in question. "May I hold her? Grace Antoinette? I do like that. I can already see her name in lights and posted on billboards." It had been a while since Antoinette had held anything this small. It felt wonderful. Babies seemed to always fill some empty place in a woman. At least that had always been true for her.

Christine looked shyly at Erik. She did not quite know what to say to him. When she remembered her past behavior she was appalled. She knew apologies were due to both Erik and Trinity. She had determined she would not let much time pass before she cleared her conscience of any guilt for what she had done to Erik and Trinity. She had vowed before she married Raoul she would make amends. Raoul wanted to marry while here in America. The trip back on the yacht would be their honeymoon.

It had been hard but both Christine and Raoul had agreed that all physical contact should be kept to kisses and gentle embraces. They would not share any further intimacies until they were man and wife. In that manner all things would seem fresh and renewed. The past could be at last firmly left in the past where it belonged.

Later that evening Meg and Antoinette both fidgeted much to the silent delight of the others. They had their lovers at their sides so they could afford to be amused at the nervousness of others expecting to see those they had not seen in over a year once again. Much to their disappointment Andrew sent a telegram to the effect that he and his sons would not be home on the day they had expected. He was damned irritated as was Lucas. Matthew had taken it all in stride as he had not been separated from his lady for a year.

Antoinette and Meg had gone to bed a little disappointed but determined not to cry. Giry women did not cry at the drop of a hat. At least not here anyone could here them. They cried after the lights had gone out in their rooms.

Andrew and his sons had been called away to attend a horse action. There were several horses going on the block they were interested in. They thought it would take less time if they transported the horses by rail which for the safety of the horses required men to watch over them. Andrew, Lucas and Matthew had to ride the train back which did not come in until today which was exactly two days later than the others had arrived.

A couple days later another telegram arrived. This one was to let them know they were headed home and would be there the next evening. To give both women credit they did not leap or show any outward unladylike behavior when the second telegram arrived stating they were due in late that evening and would come for a visit the following evening. Their eyes gave them away if anyone cared to know the truth. Everyone already knew what emotions were simmering just below the surface. The conversation had consisted of nothing the last few months on both sides of the ocean of when they would arrive, where would they stay, who would be there to greet them, and silently they wondered would they be staying when Christine and Raoul prepared to leave.

Raoul announced his intentions of marrying Christine before they left. Trinity was somewhat shocked but as the evening passed she came to realize that indeed Christine had changed. She had become a sensitive caring woman instead of the spoiled selfish child she had been.

She had asked to speak to Erik and Trinity alone for a few minutes. Christine had spared herself nothing when confessing her misdeeds and selfish acts in her past. She had offered sincere apologies to them both which they gracefully accepted. They agreed the matter was best left unspoken of again. All was forgiven, and if not forgotten at least put back where it could be kept from doing further harm.

In the end Antoinette and Meg both stayed in America. It would seem Erik had purchased a theatre that had closed due to bankruptcy. He had already begun renovations and asked Antoinette if she might recommend a ballet mistress and perhaps a budding prima ballerina.

Murielle gave birth to Nadir's son after having decided to stay in America. Nadir became Erik's partner handling the clients who needed a gentler hand as Erik still had little patience with most of mankind other than his family and a few close friends he and Trinity had made over the years.

Nadir and Murielle had three more sons. The oldest went on to law school eventually entering into politics. He became a senator years later. His daughter caught the eye of Erik's middle son much to Nadir's chagrin. He had thought his daughter should stay at home until she reached a reasonable age to be on her own. When asked what age that might be he said perhaps twenty-one. When Erik's son proposed he said perhaps thirty. Jasmina he thought would stay at home for quite some time. She was the only girl and the apple of her papa's eye.

Zachary Merlot had his work cut out for him winning Jasmina's hand. Her father made him jump through hoops to win his approval for him to court her.

Erik got his revenge when his youngest daughter caught the eye of Nadirs son Quentin. Sarah Isabella had just turned eighteen. Quentin had returned from a two year stretch at Oxford. Sarah's coming out debut just happened to be a few days after his return. Their meeting was history as they say. Erik and Nadir did at last end up being related in a round about way.

Too say they lived happily for many years would be a truthful statement. To say all was smooth sailing without any bumps in the road would be unrealistic. No major tragedies occurred but there were moments of strife as there is in everyone's life.

Fate it would seem had deemed Erik had suffered enough for his last days were filled with happiness. If asked he could not think of one thing his life lacked other than an unending lifetime with Trinity and his family. With Trinity's guidance he had come to know that even death would not be the end. They would live for eternity in the afterlife together.

No more Opera Ghost nor Phantom of the Opera. Those two entities had died when Trinity had joined her life to his. He had never regretted that aspect one single day. Never had he wanted to resurrect either one. The Opera Ghost had been his artistic entity while the Phantom had been his more deadly persona.

Trinity and Erik lived happily for over fifty years together. Trinity presented Erik with three more sons and one more daughter. With each new blessing Erik feared that fate would come and snatch away his newfound happiness. He never took anything for granted. He lived every day as if it might be his last, therefore he enjoyed each day more as well as those who shared them with him.

Antoinette did marry Trinity's father and Meg married her brother Lucas.

Raoul and Christine made many trips back to the States. Their children came along with them.

Much to her father's consternation Raoul's daughter took a shine to Erik's son Marcus. That boy was much like his father where talent and charisma were concerned. Raoul thought him much too handsome to ever be faithful. He was proved wrong in the end. Marcus saw no other once he laid eyes on Annabelle.

Many other matches were made between the different families. Antoinette was shocked to find herself with child within a month of her marriage to Andrew. He on the other hand strutted around proud as a peacock.

When she presented him with another girl he was over the moon. Another Little Dumplin' to spoil. His chest puffed whenever anyone took notice of his beautiful new daughter Miracle Andrea. Her name came about as a combination of names that had been suggested and considered. Miracle because she most certainly was a miracle. Andrea because Antoinette had wanted to have a son to name after Andrew. His solution was they would try again to have a boy. Antoinette had huffed and dismissed such a suggestion. One year later she presented Andrew with twin boys Adam and Andrew.

Lucas and Meg contributed their share to this mixed family. They had three boys and two girls. Matthew and his wife Rianne had two boys and two girls.

Erik's family had expanded over the years. Family holidays were wonderfully chaotic. He thanked God for every blessed one. Even when the noise level reached proportions where one could not think, he never wished for solitude or silence. He wanted each and every day to be filled with as much noise, laughter and love as possible.

He succeeded in all his wishes beyond his wildest dreams.


A/N: And so we have come to the conclusion of this tale. I hope it has ended as you wished with no disappointment. Please leave a review as to whether the ending was satisfactory. I really would like to know. That is how I can improve, with criticism. If you find anything I have left out or not addressed please let me know. Thank you again for reading.