Disclaimer: I'm going to be alluding to a lot of other peoples work in here, so please DO NOT BE OFFENDED. It's called a parody for a reason

A/N: Sorry for the long update everyone! I hope you enjoy the final chapter of my story!

Everyone stared at the Puppet in disbelief. How could this little piece of cloth (who ironically looked like the sexiest gypsy alive) have enough anger to kill the Archdeacon?

"You're the murderer, Puppet?" Esmeralda asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"That's right, bitch!" Puppet said proudly, puffing out his chest.

"DON'T CALL HER A BITCH YOU MULTI-COLORED RAG!" Phoebus roared, squeezing him around the middle.

"But Puppet? Why?" Opaque Opal cried, tears staining her eyes. He gave her an acidic glare of hatred.

"Do you understand what its like to have every emotion you've ever felt being controlled? DO YOU?" he shouted. Blue yarn began to come out of his eyes, symbolizing tears.

"Well of course! I had to read 1984 and that was all about a totalitarian society. God that book was a bore. Apparently 2 plus 2 equals 5 in that book," theatreChick1794 exclaimed.

"What's even worse is they had to wear overalls! Those are so out of style!" Lazy Chestnut said in a bubbly-like manner.

"THAT'S NOT THE SAME!" Puppet wailed, crying even louder then before.

"Look I'll make it up to you! I could put you on strings if you'd like!" Clopin offered hopefully.

"That'll make it worse, you acrobatic bastard."

Puppet experienced a mood swing quicker than a PMSing girl (or guy). Going insane, he took the dagger he had murdered with and hurled it at Clopin's leg. His master cried out in pain as it sank less than 2 inches into his leg.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the authoresses sobbed, sinking beside the wounded Gypsy King.

"Jeez. I wish someone would cry dramatically over my wounds that weren't life threatening," grumbled Frollo.

"Give our friend Lily a call then!" Opaque Opal said, whipping out a cell phone.

"Opal you KNOW that isn't historically accurate for the time period," theatreChick1794 warned.

"Oh who cares?" Lazy Chestnut said, "Apparently kung fu was around in France way back then and they sang Gimme More by Britney Spears."

"I'm going to kill you all!" the Puppet vowed, cackling maniacally and breaking up their conversation.

"No you're not!" theatreChick1794 ordered.

"Oh yeah? Who's gonna make me?" Puppet challenged, crossing his felt arms. His sneer made him look like Angelina Jolie with a bad lip job. Improvising, theatreChick1794 took off her sneaker.

"Do you have any gum from your back pack Opal?" Lazy Chestnut asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Cause I have an idea."

Several moments later, the authoresses had constructed a sock puppet. Despite it being striped and had partially-chewed gum for eyes, it looked cute.

"Ta da! Meet your new girlfriend by the name of Sockmantha!" theatreChick1794 said happily.

"Oh come on! That's not going to stop him from going all psychopathic on us," Madellaine argued. But the laws of love had different ideas. For at that moment, Puppet was hugging Sockmantha as if she were his new best friend.

"AWWWWWWWWWW!" everyone cooed.

"You're love has overcome my evil. Now I'll never kill anyone again," he said lovingly.

"Really?" Lazy Chestnut asked. Puppet experienced another mood swing, an evil glint in his eye.

"Nah, I'm just screwing with you!"

He lunged for her throat, attempting to strangle her.

"NOOO!" the authoresses cried, trying to pull him off their friend's throat. The Hunchback of Notre Dame characters stood off to the side, still confused as to what was going on.

"Hey! I called that Lily girl you were talking about!" Frollo called over the ruckus. Meanwhile, Lazy Chestnut was going bluer in the face. Even more surprising was the fact that Puppet had an extremely tight grip.

"Who will save me?" Lazy Chestnut wheezed. Suddenly, glass shattered from across the room. Wind blew in from the storm outside as two figures arose from the mess.

"Who goes there?" Phoebus asked.

"It's me, LilyHelsing!" said a cheerful girl. She had short brown hair with electric-blue highlights. On her feet she wore black high tops and jean shorts.

"And look who I bought with me!" Lily added. A muscular man with a beard stood before them, wearing exercise clothes.

"IT'S CHUCK NORRIS!" the authoresses screamed.

"Who the hell is Chuck Norris? How will have save Lazy Chestnut?" Clopin asked in exasperation.

"He's only the greatest person EVER!" Opaque Opal said obnoxiously. Apparently she was right, for at that moment the ever famous actor/fitness instructor ripped Puppet off Lazy Chestnut's throat.

"What are you doing?" Puppet squeaked angrily.

"Ending your wrong doings forever," said Chuck simply. And with that, he ripped Puppet into many pieces and threw them into the fire.

"Hooray!" everyone cheered. Lily Helsing waltzed over to Frollo, shyly playing with a lock of her hair.

"Are you the Lily person I called?" he asked.

"Yes! Take me I'm yours!"

They passionately began to make out, disgusting everyone else in the room.

"That was totally random," Lazy Chestnut remarked, massaging her throat.

"Yeah, but everything is! We're just glad you're okay!" theatreChick1794 and Opaque Opal said, hugging their friend.

"Is this game over with?" Esmeralda asked.

"Yeah, you guys can go back to your every day lives now," Opaque Opal said, gathering her things.

"Thanks for participating!" theatreChick1794 added, hugging them all good-bye.

"Lily, c'mon! The time machine's outside! You don't wanna be late!" Lazy Chestnut insisted, trying to pull her and the ruthless Judge apart. She finally broke the kiss long enough to say, "Chuck Norris helped me get here. He's so great he can defy the laws of science without a time machine. I'm gonna stick here for a while."

"Suit yourself," Lazy Chestnut shrugged. And with that, the authoresses (minus LilyHellsing and Chuck Norris) left the room and never came back.

"You know," Quasi remarked, "I've seen a lot of weird Hunchback things in my time. But this by far tops them all."

"Yeah. When else are we going to see you in a dress?" Frollo laughed, breaking his kiss from Lily. The hunchback hung his head in shame.

"Well, cross-dressing is a lot better than having food thrown at you. Believe me; I wear dresses all the time!" Clopin giggled. Chuck Norris, who was standing off to the side, cocked his eyebrow in confusion.

"Come on Lily. This place is way too weird. I didn't know this shenanigan was going to involve cross-dressing gypsies and hunchbacks!" he said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her away from the Judge.

"TAKE ME WITH YOU!" Frollo sobbed as the pair disappeared in a puff of puce colored smoke.

"Let's get out of these ridiculous outfits," Madellaine exclaimed. Randomly, a song began to blare throughout the room.

"LIKE FIRE, HELLFIRE!" Frollo sang.

"GOD HELP THE OUTCASTS!" Esmeralda cried.

"OUT THERE... THERE IS HEAVEN'S LIGHT!" Quasi trilled, trying to harmonize both of his songs.


"What?" he shrugged, "I have 3 songs! I must incorporate them all!"

"I don't have a song," Phoebus said sadly, looking on the verge of tears.

"Here we go! This is perfect!" Madellaine exclaimed, pulling out a boom box. She pressed the play button and the song Hoez Get Naked by DJ Assault blared throughout the room and the mysterious Clue adventure ended happily ever after.

A/N: If you didn't like the extremely random ending, I'm sorry. Hopefully a little essence of Chuck Norris made you giggle (my guy friends think he's like the greatest thing ever, so this is for them). Thank you so much for all your kind-hearted reviews. Flames will be extinguished but constructive criticism is appreciated.