Disclaimer: If you've played Clue before, you don't have to read this. For those of you WHO HAVE NEVER PLAYED CLUE, here's the legist of the North American version. Mr. Boddy gets murdered in his 9 room mansion. There are 6 suspects, who include: Miss Scarlet, a young attractive woman; Mrs. Peacock, a lady in a blue outfit; Mrs. White, the maid; Colonel Mustard, a man in a yellow suit; Professor Plum; a young man with a purple suit; and Mr. Green, the grumpiest looking guy in a green suit. There are 6 weapons as well. You then sort the cards into three groups (Suspects, Rooms, and Weapons). Then one card from each pile is put in a CONFIDENTIAL folder. Afterwards, the cards are mixed and dealt out. Notepads are used to keep track of the cards you and other players have. If you use it, you'll eventually figure out everything. You then have to go from room-to-room, trying to figure out the Who, Where, and What by the process of elimination.

A/N: This was an idea I had a while ago. Originally I was going to have a refrence to it in my story It's A Small World After All. But now I've decided to do several chapters of it. Read, review, and enjoy!

It was a dark and stormy night in the city of Paris. Rain lashed at the windows and lightning cracked, lighting up the sky. Six characters from the Disney version of Hunchback of Notre Dame were sitting in a study. A wine bottle was open and a fire crackled in the hearth. Leather chairs were scattered amongst potted plants. The carpet had gone threadbare was age. You could barely make out the intricate designs on it.

"Nice weather, isn't it?" Esmeralda joked. She was wearing a sexy red dress, drinking deeply from a wine glass.

"Why do I have to wear this?" Quasi moaned, picking at his maid's outfit in disdain.

"It's because it was the only outfit left in the trunk," Phoebus explained, admiring himself in a mustard-colored suit.

"Isn't it weird that there were only three outfits for boys though?" Esmeralda pointed out as she sat in a leather arm chair.

"Yes, but I still think you look lovely, Quasimodo," Madellaine said sincerely.

(A/N: For those who don't know who Madellaine is, she's the girl Quasimodo falls in love with in the direct-to-video-sequel Hunchback of Notre Dame II)

"That blue dress looks quite nice on you," Quasi remarked.

"Are you sure? Because I think it makes me look fat," Madellaine whined twirling around.

"Oh stop your complaining Madame Madellaine. Your sugar-coated niceness makes me want to throw up," Frollo snapped, adjusting the collar of his green suit.

"I wish this outfit was more flexible!" Clopin complained, prancing around the room in a purple suit. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Quasimodo, could you get that?" Frollo asked.

"Yes Master," Quasi bowed, hurrying to open it. In walked three girls, looking quite grim. They were soaking wet, wearing T-shirts, jeans, and sneakers.

"What's the matter?" Clopin asked, looking concerned as he approached them. Tears were streaming down their faces, but they suddenly squealed and tackled him to the ground.

"What did I do?" Clopin asked as the girls attempted to smother him with kisses.

"You did nothing wrong! At least, as far as I know of!" one of the girls said breathlessly. She had dark blonde hair and had a winged horse across her shirt.

"Who the hell are you people?" Frollo roared.

"We are detectives," piped up a girl with glasses, "My name is Opaque Opal and these are my friends: LazyChesnut and theatreChick1794."

Her friends waved eagerly, still eyeing Clopin with lust.

"Wait, why would detectives come here?" Madellaine asked.

theatreChick1794 gave her a look, "It's because we have some bad news you dumb blonde!"

The blonde people in the room (which included everyone except Clopin, Esmeralda, Frollo, and Quasimodo) gave her a deadly glare.

"I meant dumb blondes like Paris Hilton," theatreChick1794 clarified, blushing furiously.

"We're in Paris France now! Surely that would mean there's another country with Paris as its capital?" Phoebus asked.

"ARGH! Just get on and tell us why you're here!" Esmeralda yelled. LazyChesnut lowered her head, staring moodily at the ground.

"The Archdeacon has been murdered," she confessed.