16) Trouble

The air was thick and heavy with rain by the time Naruto and Sakura had managed to out maneuver Konohamaru and his little gang. Naruto tumbled onto the ground, rolling around as he let out the laugher he'd been hiding for what felt like ages, "That was excellent!" Naruto choked out, tears leaking out of the side of his eyes from the laughter.

Sakura had to lean on the nearest vertical object to keep her feeting as she clutched her gut, "Those poor kids! We could be kicked out of Konoha!" She threw her head back and laughed nearly as loud as Naruto.

"They'll never be the same!" Naruto yipped, trying to get up but he just collapsed into another fit of laughter, "Their faces were priceless! Sakura, we have to do that again sometime!"

The pink haired girl shook her head, "I'm not going to do anymore pervy things with you!" but her voice didn't hold any promise and they just continued to howl with laugher until the rain did come down in thick, fat drops, but that didn't even damper their spirits.

17) Naked (NaruSasuSaku)

Naruto liked to be naked. He blamed it all on kyuubi, "Damn fox," He'd curse, "Likes being natural or something." He would squint his eyes and rub the back of his head and Sakura would let out a harsh puff of air.

"That doesn't mean you can just walk around without anything on!" She'd scold, puffing out her chest and pursing her lips, "It's indecent and wrong, you perv!"

Naruto would pout and scuff the ground with his hair, "Yeah, well, don't you like not wearing anything?"

Only the wind answered and Naruto felt maybe he shouldn't have asked as he spotted a blood vessel about to pop on Sakura's forehead. She was flushed in anger and her fists were curled around into a formidable ball, "If that was," She growled, her voice holding so much promise as to pain, hurt, and blood, "What I think it was then you're going to get it."

"If it was Sasuke you wouldn't mind half as much," Naruto coddled, jutting his lower jaw out and crossing his arms, "Besides, Sasuke isn't nearly as la-"

Sakura's shriek of blood-lust tore through Konoha and the breaking of a stone wall was heard shortly after.

18) Fatality (gen)

Breathing was hard.

It sapped so much of his energy that he could maybe twitch a finger if he put all of his power into it. His world was bleeding in and out of reds and browns, blood and dirt. He saw a little orange, maybe a little pink, but he couldn't be sure because everything was so hazy.

His eyelids felt so heavy, so very heavy.

So he closed them.

19) Effort(SasuSaku)

It took effort to deal with Sasuke, he was as prickly as a hedgehog and about as cute as one. But Sakura felt it reasonable to deal with him, so she did.

20) New (gen)

It was a new deal, no deal kinda thing. If he said no now there would be no future but if he said yes the future would be damaged beyond repair. New deal no deal and it wasn't fair that it was all his choice and not someone else's but he decided to grasp onto the pink and blue charms he had in his coat pocket and he step up to the spot light and say, bravely, "New deal. I'll figure out how to fix it."