Disclaimer: This is the last chappie, you already know what I do and do not own, anyone who can tell me will get a virtual pet frog!

Chapter 40: No Day Is Uneventful

"Shar." Ryan said to his sister, when they arrived in the cafeteria, "We need to– woah." They stopped and looked around at how the cafeteria was decorated. The tables were removed from the room and the floor and steps of the stairs were covered in fuzzy purple carpeting. The windows were covered by matching purple curtains with the Wildcat mascot on it. The white pillars and the railing on the stairs and upper area of the cafeteria were decorated with red and white streamers. The area where the skaters normally sat was covered with fluffy red and white seat cushions. The kitchen area was decked out with red and white party platters filled to the brim with party foods. There was even a disco ball on the ceiling.

"I don't even recognize this place." Sharpay whispered in awe. "Thanks." They heard Zac's voice from behind them. The twins turned around to see Zac and Rachael walking up to them. "Zac did this." Ryan stated knowingly. "He sure did." Rachael explained proudly, "We got here first and realized that the decorating committee couldn't make it, so we stepped in and Zac touched it up a bit." "Actually, I completely recreated it." Zac began with a smile, "So, do you like it?" "Yeah." Sharpay told him, smiling back, "You're definitely one of us." "It's kind of a…retro funk look." Ryan mused before realizing, "Where's Cloe?" "Boo." Cloe stated as she walked up behind him, "Miss me?" "Oh…yeah, of course I did." Ryan said as he turned to face her with a smile, "Where were you?"

"Oh, I was just hanging out by the sound system I set up in the back." Cloe answered with a smile as she grabbed his hands, "I was programming it so we wouldn't need to worry about changing CDs and stuff." Ryan listened as the music started and a crowd of people walked into the cafeteria excitedly taking in their surroundings. "I think you did an excellent job." Ryan told Cloe, who blushed slightly, "You definitely have excellent taste in music." "I know." Cloe responded with a small smile, "I don't mean to intrude on your thoughts, but it seems like you need to talk to someone alone."

"Oh yeah…I almost forgot." Ryan remembered, "You wouldn't mind if I asked you to make sure Zac and Rachael didn't interrupt us, would you?" "Of course not." Cloe reassured him before letting go of his hands and calling, "Zac, Rachael…lets join the party." "Sure." Zac agreed, "Let's blend in a little." "Come on, you two." Cloe laughed, "We'll go mingle." "Just don't mingle with the wrong people." Ryan playfully warned her, "Or I might have to beat them up." "I wouldn't count on it." Cloe giggled and walked off into the crowd behind Zac and Rachael who'd left a few seconds earlier.

Ryan turned to his sister and sighed. "Listen, sis…we need to talk about this sooner or later." He began and Sharpay turned to him, "What's on your mind?" "Think about it, Ryan." Sharpay sighed in confusion, "It just doesn't make any sense. We are the best, most serious, most dedicated, most talented actors in this entire school. And we still get beat by the two most horrible amateurs in the history of horrible amateurs. They can't act more or less sing." "I know that bothers you and it really bothers me a lot, but why are you being so mean?" Ryan asked the blond, who kept staring at him in confusion, "You've been treating a few people very harshly, lately. Even I think you might be overdoing it."

There was a pause in which neither of them spoke, not knowing what to say. Ryan was pretty sure they looked really stupid standing in the middle of a party just staring at each other blankly. Then, he remembered the cookies he'd stashed in his pocket. He pulled them out and handed them to Sharpay, who reluctantly took them. "But Ryan…" she began to complain, 'My diet!" "They're the ones from Zeke." Ryan told her, "You owe it to yourself to try one." "I can't." Sharpay argued, not wanting to risk it, "I just…I–" "Excuse me, Ryan." Cloe interrupted, approaching from behind Sharpay, "There's a slow song coming up next. Do you want to dance with me?"

"I'd love to." Ryan answered gratefully, silently thanking her for showing up at that moment, "And not a moment too soon." "Oh, I'm kind of thirsty." Cloe told him, "Would you mind getting me some punch?" "Not at all." Ryan quickly responded, realizing it was his escape, "Be back soon." With that, he headed in the direction of the punch bowl. "Take your time." Cloe called after him before turning to Sharpay, "Okay, I can sense a little girl talk is needed." "Why would you say that?" Sharpay questioned though she thought she knew the answer. "Remember the reason I talked to you this morning?" Cloe began slowly, "Well, it looks like Troy and Gabriella are official. They were sort of making out near the kitchen." Sharpay's face fell in disappointment, "I knew it. No boy would ever like me. I'm just not good enough."

"Again…you're plenty good enough." Cloe stated reassuringly, "And there is one boy that really likes you, but you don't take much notice of him. He gets the back end of it from you all the time, but does that stop him? No. He keeps on trying." "Who is it?" Sharpay asked curiously. Cloe just smiled at her, "Think about it. He's told you in so many ways about how much he likes you." "Couldn't you just tell me?" Sharpay pleaded with the brunette who shrugged. "I could…but I'm not going to." Cloe answered softly as the music slowed down and Ryan returned with the punch, "Thank you, Ryan." "Let's dance." Ryan told her as he handed her a cup of punch. "Try talking to Zeke." Cloe told Sharpay, "He will know."

With that, Ryan led Cloe farther into the crowd, so they could dance. Sharpay walked over to the seats with the fluffy red and white seat cushions, chose a red one, and sat down to think over to herself what Cloe had said. She fiddled with the cookies in the plastic bag she was holding. Who had told her in multiple ways that they liked her? Who had gone out of their way to try and impress her? And why would Zeke know who it was? She thought about it as she continued to play with the cookies. Who had she always ignored? Who had always gotten the worst of it whenever she was mad? And who moved on and forgave her for it? Then, another question crossed her mind. Why did Zeke bake her cookies? What did Zeke have to do with any of this?

It was all so confusing. Why couldn't a guy just come outright and tell a girl exactly how they felt? Why didn't they just give her gifts and try to make it obvious? Wait…he did make it obvious. Every day he made it obvious. Sharpay opened the bag of cookies and pulled one out. Staring at it, she debated whether or not to eat it. She got up and headed towards the door. The moment she reached it, she sat down outside in the hallway just staring at the cookies, when the door opened and Rachael came out. "What are you doing out here?" Rachael asked curiously, "The party's inside." Sharpay sighed before standing up and handing Rachael the bad of cookies, "I just needed to clear my head. Do you know where Zeke is?" "No…why?" Rachael responded as she looked at the cookies in her hands.

"I just need to talk to him." Sharpay explained quietly, "It's sort of personal." "Oh." Rachael said with a shrug, "Try in the gym. I haven't seen him since the game. Do you want me to take that for you?" Sharpay looked down at the cookie in her hand, "No, I'm going to take this with me." "All right then. Hurry back." Rachael stated with a smile, "Zac's waiting for me back inside, so I better go." "Have fun." Sharpay told her, "I won't be long." Rachael went back inside and Sharpay started heading in the direction of the gym.

Could it actually be possible that Zeke was the one who liked her? She stopped in the middle of the hallway as she stared at the cookie she held. Why shouldn't she just try one? She might actually like it. Sharpay lifted the cookie up to her mouth and slowly took a bite. It almost seemed to melt in her mouth as the flavor tickled her taste buds. Immediately, she started sprinting in the direction of the gym. It was definitely Zeke and she was determined to find him. Maybe she did like him after all. She just hoped that he'd be there.


Zeke was standing in the middle of the gym, string at the red balloon in his hands. He was thinking about Sharpay. He knew who she liked and he wasn't all that happy about it. Maybe, since Troy was no longer available, Sharpay would like him instead. No…Sharpay was way too determined to get what she wanted. That was one of the things Zeke liked about the blond. Her determination, that untouchable essence that you could feel radiating from her skin, the way she laughed, it made her all the more attractive. But would she finally notice him? Zeke sighed and took a few steps forward before he heard someone run into the gym sounding out of breath. He looked up and saw Sharpay panting, holding one of his cookies in her hand.

"These cookies are genius." She yelled, "The best things I've ever tasted!" She threw the cookie behind her, staring at Zeke, who was confused. "Will you make some more for me, Zeke?" Sharpay asked before running towards him through the sea of red and white balloons on the floor left over from the game. Zeke, not knowing what to do, backed up a bit as Sharpay lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his torso. "I might even make you a crème brulée!" Zeke told her with a smile. "Oh!" Sharpay sighed in relief as they stumbled forwards momentarily losing balance. "What made you change your mind?" Zeke asked curiously as Sharpay released her grip, "I thought you'd rather stick pins in your eyes than watch me play ball." "I guess I…" Sharpay began without really having an answer. "It was because of Troy, wasn't it?" Zeke asked knowingly, "I really admire your persistence, but why are you here?"

Sharpay looked at him and took a deep breath before saying what needed to be said. "I'm so sorry for everything I've ever done to hurt you. I never really meant all those mean things I said to you. You have every right to want to hurt me and I probably deserve it." Sharpay said quickly, "Is there any way you could forgive me because I just realized you're a really nice guy who doesn't deserve to like a girl like me?" She took slow relaxing breaths trying to calm down. Zeke just stared at her in shock. Sharpay had just apologized, begged, and complemented him all in one breath. "Sharpay, I…I don't know what to say." Zeke stuttered, still trying to figure out what was going on. "Then don't say." Sharpay panted, "Just do."

With that, she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. Zeke had dropped the balloon he'd been holding in surprise. She was actually kissing him…onthelips! Dreams really did come true. He placed his hands on her waist and kissed her back. Their lips were moving with each other almost molding into one synchronized movement. For a moment, they just stood there connected by the mouth. Zeke pulled back first. Sharpay looked at him surprised, "What's the matter?" "This doesn't feel right." Zeke told her, "I mean, I like it, but we're not together and, if anyone were to come in here and see us…"

"Don't worry." Sharpay stated with a smile, "I know where we can go." She grabbed his hand and led him out of the gym and down the hallway. After going up on flight of stairs, they stopped in front of a door Zeke never remembered seeing before. "No one ever goes in here, but me." Sharpay explained as she opened the door and led Zeke inside, "I usually come in here to practice my routines for the musical, but it can be used for different things as well." Zeke looked around the room at the CD player in the corner, the bean bag chair sitting next to it, and the rack of CDs on the wall above the CD player. "Wow." He said to break the silence. "It's not much, but it's good enough." Sharpay stated as she quietly closed the door and turned back to him, "It used to be a large janitor's closet, but the never got around to fixing it up so I took the liberty of cleaning it and using it."

"What were they going to put in here?" Zeke asked curiously, turning to face Sharpay, "An elephant?" Sharpay giggled, "I don't think so." "It could certainly fit one." Zeke replied as a matter-of-factly. "Maybe a baby one." Sharpay told him quietly, "But I'm pretty sure we didn't come here to talk." "Right, but are we…you know, together now?" Zeke asked hopefully, "Because, you know, if we weren't I –" "I think we're together now." Sharpay told him softly as she moved closer to him and put her arms around his neck, "That is, if you still want to be with me." Zeke put his hands on Sharpay's waist again and pulled her closer. "Every second of every day." He told her and kissed her on the lips.

Sharpay continued to kiss him back, realizing how much she enjoyed being with him. He wasn't like all the other jocks. Zeke was different…confident, persistent, hopeful, everything she was. They were perfect for each other. Soul mates. Sharpay pushed Zeke onto the bean bag chair and she sat on his lap. Zeke continued to pull her closer to his body. He was just as needy as she was. They were both desperate for love, desperate for each other. Exactly alike. Soul mates. Just like Ryan and Cloe; Sharpay broke the kiss. "Oh my gosh!" she suddenly realized, "Ryan! I completely forgot that I was supposed to get back to the party and meet everyone. Oh, I'm so stupid."

"No, you're not." Zeke told her reassuringly, "You're smart, pretty, and we just lost track of time is all." "I have to get back. I promised them I wouldn't be long." Sharpay stated quickly getting up, "We should probably keep this a secret for now." Zeke stood up and they walked over to the door. "So, we're together but we shouldn't tell anyone about us." He quizzed, hoping he understood it. "Yeah, I'm really sorry, but it's only until we're sure things won't blow up in our faces." Sharpay explained apologetically opening the door and they walked out of the closet, closing the door behind them, "I really enjoy being with you, Zeke. I just need time to adjust first."

"I understand." Zeke began to say as they walked down the stairs, "It must be hard for you…since Monday when Theresa abducted you." Sharpay stopped in her tracks and turned to face the jock who also paused to wait for her answer, "What are you talking about?" Zeke sighed, knowing exactly why she was pretending not to know about what he was talking about. "You don't have to pretend or anything." He told her quietly so no one would hear, "I was there. I saw it. I know all about your 'special abilities' and the spell on you. I just want to help." "Tell me what you saw and heard." Sharpay demanded, leading him back up the stairs, "Don't leave out any details."

"Well, I was looking for you and sort of followed you guys when you went outside. When the sky turned purple, I stayed inside trying to figure out what was happening. That was when the vortex opened up and the pigs and monkeys flew out of it. Then, Theresa appeared in mid-air." Zeke told her in a low voice, "I was scared, nervous, concerned, and confused. Then Theresa went on about being locked up for 20 years because she killed a king of some place called…Magicath. Then, I heard about you, Ryan, and Rachael having powers…and that Cloe's psychic. When she said she kidnapped your mothers and was planning to destroy you, I panicked. Then, she said she put a spell on you when you were little that made you…suicidal and depressed. I just want to help you."

Zeke looked her in the eyes, trying to get her to understand how much he really wanted to help her. "Watching you get sucked into the vortex and risk your life for the people you care about made me feel more respecting of you, yet scared for you at the same time." He told the blond, "Listen, Sharpay. I really care about you and I want to be there for all of you as best as I can so please tell me what's going on. I want you to know I'm there to talk to, if you need me." "Did anyone else see or hear anything?" Sharpay asked him quietly, "Does anyone else know about what you saw?" "Nobody was around at the time…and I didn't tell anybody." Zeke responded slowly, "I'm not that kind of guy who cracks at the first sign of danger. Why would you think that?"

"Hey…I never said that." Sharpay responded quickly. "You didn't have to." Zeke retorted as he stepped closer to the blond, "I waited for you to return to school, believing you'd be strong enough to escape, hoping I could ask Cloe or Rachael or someone about what I witnessed and I haven't said anything to anyone, but you. I'm willing to bet most anything that Cloe knows about me knowing." Sharpay remembered that Cloe told her to talk to Zeke and that he would know. "Yeah…she knows." Sharpay sighed, realizing that Cloe wanted him to know for a reason. "Wait, if she's psychic…" Zeke realized, "Does that mean she knows about –"

"She promised she wouldn't meddle in my personal life." Sharpay reassured him, understanding his concern was about their make out. "So am I allowed to be told about what's going on?" Zeke asked her hopefully, "I mean, can't you just mind wipe anyone who overhears us?" "It doesn't work that way." Sharpay laughed softly to herself. "Why not? "Zeke pouted, trying to get her to give him a reason. "It's complicated." Sharpay mumbled, looking down at the floor, "Besides, we've taken care of Theresa. She's locked up, so we're safe for now." "We should probably get back to the party, then, before Cloe decides to sneak a peek at what's taking you so long." Zeke suggested quickly and started to walk past Sharpay, who grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Wait, Zeke." Sharpay stated, lifting her head up so she could look at him, "Not yet. I don't want to go so soon. I'm sorry about not telling you everything, but you already know everything there is. Please, let's stay here for a few more minutes together." Zeke turned to face her again and walked over to her, looking into her pleading eyes with a straight face. There was a small pause in which he stared at her. "Whatever you say." Zeke smiled at her, "As long as we're alone." "That, I can handle." Sharpay laughed happily as she led him back into the closet.


"Where's, Shar?" Ryan asked a bit worried that something had happened to her. "Don't worry, Ryan." Cloe told him, "She's fine. Just try to stay calm and enjoy the party." "You're right, Angel." Ryan responded, taking a deep breath, "Lets find Zac and Rachael before something blows up." Cloe held onto Ryan's arm as they walked through the crowd in the cafeteria while searching for Zac and Rachael. When they'd almost reached the doors, they found the couple kissing as they stood amongst a pile of confetti. "You know…"Ryan said, making the couple separate and look at him, "This time, I won't ask." "You're such a party pooper." Rachael complained in frustration. "Come on." Zac added, "Live a little, Ryan."

"I can't." Ryan answered, "Sharpay isn't here and I can't find her." "Loosen up, Drama Boy." Rachael told him, "I saw her leave a while ago to find Zeke. She'll be back sooner or later." "So, Zeke's the one she's going to break into pieces." Ryan said as he turned to Cloe, "Did someone meddle?" "Yes, but I have a perfectly suitable reason and a well-known reason why I meddled." Cloe objected as the three turned to her with identical expressions of impatience, "The well-known reason is because Zeke totally worships Sharpay and they're exactly alike. The best reason is my suitable one though." "Let's hear it." Ryan stated as the others waited expectantly.

"You'll love this one." Cloe began slowly, "Zeke knows about us…from what Theresa said on Monday." Ryan and Rachael almost passed out in shock. Zac just laughed, "I get it. You told Sharpay to talk to him, so he would tell her what he knew." "Yep." Cloe sighed happily, "They're made for each other…and Zeke really seems to bring out the best in Sharpay. Plus, Sharpay will finally have a boyfriend and she won't need to keep herself from him." "What if she doesn't go for him?" Rachael asked, snapping out of her shock, "What if he spills?" "Well, it's just like with me and Ryan." Cloe explained fondly, "There's a natural attraction between them. Zeke isn't telling anybody anything that would hurt Sharpay. Trust me."

"I'll go for it." Rachael answered with a shrug. "I told you she'd find someone." Zac muttered to Rachael. "Maybe I should look for her." Ryan suggested, "Then we can get the two of them back here." "No." Cloe and Rachael argued back. "If anything, you should call her." Zac suggested quickly, "It saves you from a confrontation and it gives her a chance to pick up. Just don't ask too many questions; she'll be distracted." "I'll go do that." Ryan said, pulling out his phone from his pocket, "Thanks, Zac. I'll be right back." With that, he walked out of the room, leaving the three to look at each other. The girls turned to Zac before Rachael asked him, "How did you get so good?" Zac just shrugged.


Sharpay and Zeke were on the floor of the closet. Sharpay was on top of Zeke and they were kissing. "So, have you ever been in a relationship before?" Sharpay asked Zeke when they separated. "No. I uh…" he responded, "I was saving my chances for the right girl. And I think I found her." "That's really sweet." Sharpay cooed before rewarding him with a soft kiss. "So, what about you?" Zeke asked curiously, "Has there ever been a special man in your life that I should know about?" Sharpay giggled at that. "Unless you're counting people I hold close to me for special reasons, then no." she answered with a sigh, "No guy would be crazy enough to actually date me."

"Well, call me crazy." Zeke stated still smiling, "It's too bad all those other guys couldn't see how amazingly wonderful you really are. I guess that means I have you all to myself." He continued to smile at her as he gazed into her soft brown eyes. "You know. You really are one of a kind." Zeke told her softly, "There's no one else out there exactly like you." "No, there are people out there like me." Sharpay retorted quietly, 'They're just looking for the perfect moment to make a move." "Lets just think about right now." Zeke suggested and kissed her on the lips again.

Suddenly, Sharpay's phone rang and Zeke reached into Sharpay's pocket so he could hand it to her. "Oh, it's Ryan." Sharpay complained as she took the phone from Zeke, "He's going to want to know where I am." "Answer it, so he doesn't get suspicious." Zeke suggested softly, "I'll stay quiet." "Okay." Sharpay groaned before answering her phone, "Hey, Ryan." "Oh, Shar…for a minute I thought you weren't going to pick up." Ryan answered her, "I just got worried and wanted to know if you were all right." "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." Sharpay reassured, "Why were you worried?" "Well, Rachael told me you were coming right back and I haven't seen you." Ryan explained, "Is everything all right?" "Everything's fine, Ryan." Sharpay told him, "There's nothing to worry about. I just need a little time to myself is all."

There was a small pause in which Ryan sighed. "Fine." He said, "As long as I know you're safe. When do you want to leave?" "Late." Sharpay responded, "I'm kind of in the middle of something important, so I'll need some time."

With that, she closed her phone, ending the call. She looked at Zeke with a smile as she dropped her phone and she threw her arms around Zeke's neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "When is 'late' exactly?" Zeke asked her softly with a smile. "Who cares?" Sharpay told him before they kissed each other again, holding each other so close they almost molded into one. As it turned out, fairytales really did have a happy ending and the princess didn't always claim her knight in shining armor…until a better one came along.

(A/N) 80s music ROCKS! You can tell what I'm listening to right now. WOW! Last chappie! About a year or so later and this fic is finally done (though it took me much less to write it, the posting was just the long part)! WOOT! Congratulations! You finally reached that 200 review deadline/demand thingy! Okay, so what did you think? Here's the deal…you've been waiting for that surprise I mentioned right? RIGHT? Did any of you guess what it was? Well, you don't know yet cuz I said it would be in this note and I haven't told you yet.

What would all of you say to a sequel? Yeah, that's right, I just said there's gonna be a sequel! What do you think? I'm going to call it Shatter Glass. That's the name of a book my older brother read that I've never heard of before but I thought the title sounded cool so I don't own the title. Teehee. :D But it's gonna be awesome! Can anyone guess what will happen? Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, or comments so far for me? I'd appreciate them and as I've often said will accept them with open arms.

Chocolate frogs for everyone who reviews and I'll post the sequel after I get at least 10 reviews from ppl telling me they wanna see one. K? Trust me…you will want to see it. Cuz it's a-mazing! If I don't say so myself. Teehee. :D So, plz review and tell me what you thought of this whole fic as a story and what you wanna see happen in the sequel and if you want one. It involves a little book I like to call The Evil Overloard's Handbook. Has anyone ever heard of it? When I find the link, I'll post it in the sequel for everyone to look at. K? Luv all yas for reviewing and sticking with this fic 'til the end. Means so much. Hugs! So leave me loads of pretty reviews and I'll see ya'll l8rs!

Loads of blessings for all of my many faithful readers. Hope to see you all soon. L8rs!

Lots of luv from,

Girly 411

~ …

P.S. For those of you who haven't visited the first chapter of this story in a verylongtimeand therefore haven't checked for updates on the initial author's note, disclaimer, etc… Congratulations on reading this to the end. If you've made it this far and actually likedwhat you read, you've either written a story like this before, favorited/read/enjoyed stories like this before, or – and this one's my favorite – realized what I was trying to do by writing this horrid story and laughed along with me the entire time. Regardless of which category you've fallen under, I'd suggest you skip back to the first page after finishing this note.

As you'll soon find out by reading the FYI on the first page, this story you've just struggled through and read is a horridly accurate parody. Of what, you ask? Well… of all teen fanfictions that are written on the premise of premature out-of-whack hormones. *shrug* Yeah… In case you couldn't already tell. =P I was initially testing you by not pointing it out, but I soon (eventually) realized that was very stupid because most everyone who reviewed tried to take this story seriously and failed. *sigh* Yeah… I apologize for my Fridge Logic. That was stupid of me… so I've fixed the issue.

If you've just come back after several years to finish reading the story – or reread it – because I sent you a PM explaining myself and apologizing like a maniac (only less creepily) for unfairly testing you, then I both commend and thank you immensely for giving the story another try. If you're new to the story and this news is a total shock to you? Well… O_o The only thing I can say to that is perhaps you should start reading the author's notes more thoroughly. XD Heheh… ;P

Alrighty… As is stated in the FYI on the first page, there's a revamp of this story called "Social Suicide: Revival" on my profile page amongst my other stories. Please do check it out. It's been rewritten to make more sense and it's sort of a parody of this parody… So, essentially a rewrite… only 10 times spoofier and it has much better grammar and formatting and characterization and… You get the point. It also explains a lot more that this one doesn't. There will be an eventual sequel to this story (the true parody)… but for now, consider the revamping # 1½ in the parody "series". K? Heheh…

If you choose not to read it, that's okay. You'll be missing out on a lot, but… I can't force you. Thank you to everyone who actually made it this far. A review would be nice so that I know someone's at least gotten my message. I apologize once again for my insanely unfair Fridge Logic. =/ I'm horrible, I know. XP

I do hope to hear from you soon. *bows politely* Ciao, my doves! And remember to go back and read the FYI and Official Disclaimer on the first page of this story if you haven't already done so as of 10/21/11. *waves and pads off*

Original post: 1/31/10

Revised: 6/30/11 & 7/8/11

Reposted: 10/21/11