Elichi wanted a fic with SquallSora using the sentence: "He hated water." So here we go. I hope you like it. I hope my German is correct…
No, I haven't gotten rights yet.
Er hasst Wasser
Sora ran into the house gasping. He braced himself with a hand on the arm of the couch, letting himself settle down. He had run here all the way from Ansem's study as if Cerberus was chasing him down.
If Riku had actually come after him, he would likely have faired better with Cerberus.
Chuckling to himself, he released his hand and walked toward the kitchen. As he did, Leon came down the stairs. The sable-haired man frowned at Sora for a moment and the teen simply laughed and patted his chest as he passed him. "Man, Leon, you totally missed it."
Giving the teen a questioning look, Leon watched Sora enter the kitchen and go immediately to the ice box. Sora opened it and searched for a moment before straightening up and frowning. He looked at Leon, face deeply troubled.
"There's nothing to drink."
Leon shrugged at him. "There's water."
Pouting, Sora nearly slammed the fridge shut. "I hate water."
"How can you hate water?"
"It's… gross." Sora waved a hand.
Leon folded his arms, lifting an eyebrow quizzically. "How can water be gross? It doesn't have a flavor and you need it to live."
Sora began searching the pantry. "Don't you have tea or something?"
"There's coffee."
With a groan, Sora turned and fell back heavily against the wall. "Okay, that's gonna have to change. If I'm gonna live with you, there's going to have to be some kind of soda here at all times."
Leon rolled his eyes. "Soda's bad for you, Sora. You can learn to drink water."
The teenage pouted again.
Leon gave an audible sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Of all the people for him to fall for, it just had to be not only a teenager but one whose childish antics where becoming frighteningly enduring. Yeah, he was screwed.
"I'll buy you some flavoring."
Sora perked up a little. "You mean like Kool-Aid?"
Leon had no idea what Kool-Aid was but shrugged. "Whatever."
Biting his lip, Sora grinned. He then jumped away from the wall and ran for Leon, wrapping his arms around the man's waist. "Okay."
Shaking his head slightly, Leon returned the embrace. He had a feeling he was going to end up buying soda in the near future but it did not really matter. Anything that made Sora happy.
The teen pulled away and looked up at him with laughing eyes. He then began pulling Leon from the kitchen and toward the front door. "Come with me to the store. I'm thirsty and I need a bodyguard."
Leon chuckled as he let Sora lead him outside. He still had not heard what exactly Sora had done to his best friend but he did know that Riku would definitely be plotting revenge. "You realize if Riku comes after you, you're on your own."
"Yeah, but he might think twice before just flat out killing me." Sora laughed loudly. "Oh, but it was so worth it!"