Tihs is my first fan-fic, an a short story about Bella thinking of her wedding, and possibly her change. Expect more chapters.

Disclaimer: I'm not Stephanie Meyer, and I don't own Twillight.

It had been a little over a week since the wedding, I thought. The wedding had been beautiful, even if it was a little fancy. Luckily, the weather had been cloudy, so Edward and I were married in the backyard of the Cullen house, with 'Pastor' Emmett presiding. He'd kept a straight face- only after many threats from Rosalie and Alice.

At first, Alice had invited all of Forks and La Push (minus the werewolves), as well as half of Phoenix. Luckily, Edward had walked by as she was counting the number of guests in her head (he said she was already in the high triple digits) and ordered her to clip the wedding list. So, in the end, only people I knew were there.

White silk ropes had roped off the area of the wedding. It was fairly simple- rows of folding chairs. The chairs at each end of the rows bore a simple decoration- a white ribbon tied around a red rose. A simple wooden arch marked the altar. It was beautiful though- painted with golden paint and covered in various beautiful climbing flowers Esme has grown. A small red carpet marked the aisle I walked down

The dress had been beautiful. Alice admitted it was designer, but refused to elaborate. It was white, and hugged my body at the top. Near the bottom, it flowed out gracefully in pleats. The upper part had had some crystal and pearl embroidery. (Alice had tried to get diamonds instead of crystals but had been refused- evidently it was hard to stitch diamonds.)

The day itself had been pretty nice. I'd been woken up at 9 o'clock sharp from my house, and one car ride later, had been at the Cullen house eating an enormous breakfast. Meanwhile, Alice and Rosalie had been arguing over last minute details.

"Rosalie, we absolutely have to make a last minute change to Bella's makeup. We should change to Dusk instead of Sahara."

"No, I think we should go to Caramel…"

I sipped my orange juice. It had been freshly squeezed, after Emmett had accidentally pummeled a dozen other oranges into a soggy pulp. He'd never really tried the squeeze orange juice since his change.

"Do we really have to eat? I know it's a big occasion, but we'll be leaving soon, what does it matter?"

"Don't you always say 'Appearances are Everything, capital E'?"

I had greeted Renee and Phil, as well as some other guests. Renee was taking it pretty well- she was convinced that after all the 'Wait Until You Get Married' speeches, I must really love Edward to get married so soon.

I got to greet no more guests, as I was whisked up to be dressed.

Alice, Rosalie, Esme, and Renee fluttered over me. Really, Renee did more watching than anything. The first thing on was the corset Rosalie insisted on me wearing. The dress came over that, with matching flats- Alice had had visions of me tripping in heels. Then came the make-up. A little eyeliner, and mascara, but nothing heavy. My hair was last. Most of it was twisted up into a perfect bun, but some were only half pinned up and allowed to fall down over the bun. The veil was placed over me, and I was ready.