Chapter 35: Alive

Heat. Soothing heat. Like the warmth of the sun's radiance on bare skin except felt on the inside. It wrapped her in tingling comfort and relaxed her muscles. It drifted through her veins and flowed through every crevice of her body.

She inhaled deeply, filling her nostrils and lungs with the sweet, thick smoke that lofted from the brazier in copious amounts. It smelled like wood and flowers and something salty she could not place. Ocean water? Or sweat? Whatever it was, it mixed with the other aromas present around her into a scent that was familiar and pleasantly intoxicating. It muddled her mind and made her warm body feel insubstantial and tranquil. Had it not been for the slight pressure around her hands, she would have thought that she slipped into some wonderful nirvana.

One of her crimson eyes opened slightly, shyly peeking at the male that sat cross-legged in front of her, his long arms resting limply in front of him and his hands holding hers delicately in the space between their knees. She had to bite her lip to suppress a grin as her eye wandered down the curves and ridges of his bare chest and abdomen. Dressed only in a colorful ceremonial kilt and ornaments around his arms, he looked quite enticing. His long red hair was pulled back away from his calm, handsome face. His thick brows were relaxed and his lips were curved into a soft smile around his gleaming ivory tusks. In the firelight of the brazier, his light blue, slightly glossy skin was illuminated in a golden glow. Her eye drank in his attractive form for as long as she dared to covertly stare at him.

A single brown eye was revealed as he raised one lid. When their gazes met, he gave her an impish grin.

She couldn't help but giggle softly, causing the third party in the room to clear his throat. Hurriedly closing her eye and stifling any other smiles or laughter, she forced herself to remember the seriousness of the ritual taking place. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, she diverted her thoughts from the wanton desires that had sprung to her mind and focused on the sensations within her.

The warmth was nothing that she hadn't felt before, yet, as with every time it came to her, she reveled in its blissful balminess. Beyond the touch of their hands, she could feel him. It was more than just his physical presence. She could sense the life within him, a strong aura that radiated from his powerful form like fire from the brazier. His pulse was steady and vigorous and the breath in his lungs sounded like the gentle roar of the wind.

Every sound his body made, every audible presence of his life essence, mirrored her own.

"The spirits have spoken."

The reverberating elder voice that spoke near them made her shift on the woven palette, squirming in anticipation. She felt the male in front of her squeeze her hands in equal eagerness.

"They whisper strong blessings around you both and deliver upon you their boon."

She could barely contain her excitement as gnarled but strong fingers placed themselves upon their joined hands.

"Akashii, son of Ak'rii of the Darkspear tribe. Ki'ra, daughter of Haben of the Zandalari tribe. The Loa have accepted your ardent prayers and have given their answer. By their will, you have been granted the life-long link of the Spirit Bond. Should you accept this unbreakable sacred connection, please present your intended mate with your offering."

Opening her eyes, Ki'ra let her vision slowly adjust to the dimly lit and hazy atmosphere of the hut's interior before looking at Akashii. She blushed softly as he stared back at her, his lips curled into a gentle smile and his own blue cheeks flushed with blood. Ki'ra averted her gaze from his warm brown eyes and looked down as she reached for one of the two woven necklaces lying on a square of colored mageweave between them. She delicately lifted the necklace, from which hung various colorful beads, brilliant feathers, and a single small glass bulb that was filled with a red liquid. Rocking forward onto her knees, she leaned toward the male that extend his head upward to allow her to reach behind his muscled shoulders and around his thick neck.

Ki'ra took her time fastening the necklace, letting her fingertips playfully stroke the sensitive portions of the flesh there. Akashii growled softly and she saw him peer at her with a lustful gaze. The elder troll that sat perpendicular to them cleared his throat again and Ki'ra suppressed a giggle before she quickly finished securing the necklace and leaned back. When she was finished, Akashii picked up the other similarly adorned trinket and reached forward. The smell of his body tantalized her as it towered over her seated form. She could feel his heat radiating from him. Ki'ra held in a soft moan when Akashii's fingertips brushed her bare shoulders as they drew away, leaving the necklace lying delicately on her chest just below the golden collar around throat.

"The beads and feathers you have adorned your mate with are symbols of spiritual blessings. The blood you have shed is an offering to the Loa and to your mate, a binding oath of life-long devotion."

Master Gadrin smiled as he placed his hands on top of Ki'ra and Akashii's again. "You are now spirit bound, mated for life until the Loa call you back to the elements. May they answer your prayers and grant you the blessings you have so reverently asked for."

Ki'ra looked up coyly and smiled at her new mate. Akashii smiled back at her, reaching out to put his hand behind her neck and thread his fingers in her hair. Gently pulling her close to him, Akashii brought his forehead to rest against Ki'ra's. She sighed, feeling the warmth of his touch cover her in comfort. Ki'ra rubbed her nose against his, a sign of affection among their people considered even greater than a kiss, and Akashii let out soft growl as he returned the gesture.

After they shared the tender moment together, Akashii rose from the floor and offered his hands to Ki'ra, helping her stand as well. His hand swept behind her back and he pressed her body into his, wrapping Ki'ra in a tight embrace. She buried her head into his muscular neck, the loose strands of his thick hair tickling her nose. He had held her many times before and she had always relished the feeling of his muscular form against her. Yet this time, it was different. It was more intense, wonderful and new as if it were the first time they had shared such a gesture. She loved it.

Akashii nuzzled his long nose against her once more and then took her hand in his. The pair smiled at one another before walking to the door of the small ritual room and exiting into the main portion of the elders' hut. As they approached the beaded entrance of the hut, a rising din of noise met them from outside.

When the newly mated trolls walked out onto the veranda of the hut, the villagers of Sen'jin that had gathered there cheered and whooped spiritedly, shouting traditional Zandali phrases of well wishes and congratulations. Musicians sitting nearby banged their drums and played their pipes; female songstresses sang along with the lively melodies, singing a tribal song of blessings upon the couple. The village elders dipped gathered strands of zevra hairs into bowls of ceremonial oils and flung them out over the crowd, showering them in the sweet smelling substance as they whispered prayers to the Loa.

Ki'ra and Akashii smiled and laughed joyfully as they descended the stairs of the hut and, surrounded by their friends and tribesmen, began to shake their hands and embrace them warmly. Kanna and Ura, wearing tribal garments of golden yellow and violet, excitedly greeted Ki'ra with hugs as Nok approached Akashii and shook his hand.

"Congratulations, mon," Nok said with a grin as he embraced his best friend. "Ya got one of da prettiest females evah…and she was crazy enough to be ya mate."

Akashii laughed along with Nok. "At least Ki'ra knows how to handle me. I feel mo' sorry for Kanna fo' wantin' to be wit' you," he retorted as he flicked the beaded and feathered necklace around Nok's neck. "Nevah t'ought I'd see ya two togetha. I t'ough fo' sure she was gonna end up killin' ya firs'."

Nok blushed fiercely and scratched his half shaved head. "I guess we both got lucky findin' females dat would put up wit' us, eh?" he chuckled. He leaned in close to Akashii and put a hand to the side of his mouth. "And to be honest wit ya, she's da one dat's all ovah me! She already talkin' 'bout havin' a whelp or two…"

"I heard dat."

Kanna was smirking as she, Ki'ra, and Ura approached the two males. The shaman put a hand to her hips and shook her head. "Do'na believe him fo' a minute, 'Kash," she sighed. "Nok's da one dat can't keep his hands offa me and was t'inkin' 'bout names fo' our first born da otha day."

"I can'na keep mah hands off ya Kanna cuz ya be so damn sexeh," Nok growled playfully as he wrapped his arms around his mate. "And I be talkin' 'bout names fo' our whelp cuz as much as you and me gonna be at it, it's gonna happen soonah dan latah."

Ki'ra, Akashii, and Ura laughed as Kanna blushed fiercely. "Ya big pervert," she muttered before rubbing her nose against his.

"All dis talk 'bout mates and whelps got me wantin' to settle down," Ura huffed as she folded her arms. "Here I was t'inkin' bout goin' back to Outland to be a healer in Lowah City, and ya got me wantin' to shack up wit someone!"

"It'll happen if it's meant to, Ura," Ki'ra assured the priestess and smiled at her. She turned to Akashii and nudged his shoulder gently. "If it is the will of the Loa, it will happen."

"Hmm," Ura murmured as she cast her narrowed eyes around the throng of villagers. "Mebbe I betta get to talkin' to deez single males den and find me a good one befo' dey all get taken…"

The friends laughed as Ura sauntered off toward a group of Barbarians that were rolling in large kegs of orc made mead that had been brought from Orgrimmar earlier in the week. "Oi, we betta get dis matin' celebration undah way!" Nok exclaimed spiritedly. "Everyone waitin' to give ya der blessins so we can start drinkin' and eatin'!"

Akashii squeezed Ki'ra's hand and met her bright gaze. "Den let's not keep 'em waitin, eh?" he said with a grin.

Ki'ra nodded and smiled with giddy happiness. "Let's not."

The dinner pyre was lit, as it always was in the evenings, and the musicians gathered to play their songs as they always did. Yet the jovial spirit that filled the Darkspear Strand was more vivacious and jubilant than it had been in a long time. Nearly the entire village had gathered at the coast of the Great Sea to celebrate the mating ceremony of the Zandalari priestess and the Darkspear warrior that was her Chosen. Several other visiting members of the Horde also joined in the festivities, warmly permitted by their troll brethren. Vol'jin, High Master of the Darkspear Tribe, came on behalf of the warchief and his advisors to offer his personal blessings and congratulations.

Sen'jin Village was alive and happy that night. The distant conflicts concerning the Burning Legion, the Alliance, and any other foes that darkened the days of the trolls and their comrades were completely forgotten. Generous plates of seared meats, hunted and prepared by Akashii and several males of the village in the days prior to the festival, were passed among the revelers. There were also bowls of glazed fruits and creamy cheeses, platters of roasted and herbed vegetables and potatoes, and pitchers, skins, and kegs of all manner of alcohol. The food was hearty and the drink flowed freely and everyone that consumed both was filled with a warm and euphoric spirit.

Ki'ra and Akashii laughed and talked light-heartedly among the group of their closest friends that dined with them. Zale's young son Kevo was in Ki'ra's lap, nibbling on a piece of pineapple as she talked with his mother and Kanna. Nok and Akashii were speaking with a group of Barbarians and warriors, dramatically retelling their battle with the Hex Lord Malacrass, the four Nature Loa, and the warlord Zul'jin. Nok was proudly showing off his scar and torn ear as his audience hung on to his every word in awe.

"Nevah t'ough a rogue would have dat much backbone, eh?" the Barbarian Burr chuckled with his comrades.

"Hey, not all of us slink in da shadows waitin' fo' our prey to drop der guard," Nok retorted with a smirk. "Jus' cuz we do'na always run in swingin' our axes like ya brutes do all da time do'na mean we can'na handle close combat. We be melee gods, ya know!"

The males laughed and drank from their cups. "Well I gotta hand it to ya. Nok, ya fought well," Burr said as he raised his mug to the rogue.

"As did well all," Nok replied, clinking his wooden cup against Burr's. He turned to Akashii and nudged his arm. "Wish I coulda been der to see ya beatin' on dat big lizard Hakkar. Sounds like we missed da best battle."

Akashii chortled as he swept a hand through his wild red hair. "It was intense, to say da least, mon," he said with a grin. His eyes looked over his shoulder at Ki'ra, who was giggling with the women that sat with her. "But I could'na have done nuthin' wit'out Atal'Zan's powah."

The trolls nodded in agreement. "Den I t'ank da Great Motha dat she chose da right champion," Nok said with a grin as he clapped his friend on the back. " Course, I woulda done jus' as good if not betta had she chose me."

"Ya wish, mon," Akashii snorted with a roll of his eyes. "I ain't sayin' ya ain't da great rogue dat ya are, but ya ain't no Champion!"

They all laughed heartily and continued to drink and converse heartily. At one point during their conversation about their predictions concerning the newly renewed Amani and the Horde, Nok nudged Akashii on the shoulder, his emerald eyes staring ahead of him across the crowd of those that gathered around the dinner pyre. "Well I'll be a sonuva kodo," he muttered with a smirk as he gestured forward. "Look who it is…"

The warrior turned in the direction Nok pointed. Outside of the large throng of people, a troll and a tauren were walking up the beach from the village. The troll was a shaman, wearing elaborate tribal armors of both his own culture and the tauren culture. His blue face was painted with yellow and white pigments and his long crimson hair was braided down his back, the ends of the knots decorated with feathers. As Akashii's gaze met his across the crowd, the shaman smiled and waved.

"He came!" Akashii exclaimed happily as he rose from his palette on the ground and brushed off his violet and red ceremonial kilt.

"Akashii, is that him?" Ki'ra asked, standing from her own seat and staring at the newcomer that was greeting a few of the villagers.

Akashii grinned and nodded. "Yeah, dat be him. Ya wanna go meet him?"

"Of course!" she chirped eagerly, grasping his arm. "Let's go!"

The pair of newly mated trolls walked through the crowd toward the shaman that was conversing with an elder of their tribe. As Ki'ra and Akashii approached them, he turned in their direction and smiled broadly.

"Spirits be wit ya, mon," Akashii greeted him with a smirk as he extended his hand toward the shaman.

The shaman's brow rose over his dark brown eyes and his lips curled upward around his long painted tusks. "May dey be wit ya as well," he responded warmly, grasping the younger troll's hand.

The two stared at one for a moment until their grins grew into large smiles and they laughed loudly. The shaman pulled the warrior toward him and embraced him. "Good to see ya, son," he chuckled.

"Welcome home, fatha," Akashii replied as he hugged him back.

When Akashii's father released him, he took a step back and looked his son over. "By da Loa, ya still look like ya be growin'," he said as he ruffled his hair playfully and nudged his cheek. "Ya lookin' even strongah dan befo', but I guess dat'll happen when ya become a champion of da Loa." His eyes moved to the female that stood at Akashii's side; they grew wide as he gasped. "By da spirits, is dis her, 'Kash?"

Akashii smiled as he put his arm around Ki'ra's waist. "Fatha, dis be Ki'ra of da Zandalari Tribe, Spirit Vessel o' Atal'Zan and mah new mate. Ki'ra, dis be mah fatha, Ak'rii, shaman of da Earthen Ring."

"It's an honor to meet you, Master Ak'rii," Ki'ra said politely as she swept her arm across her chest and bowed.

"No, it be an honor fo' me, Priestess Ki'ra," Ak'rii said with a deeper bow. "To meet da one dat not only defeated da devil Hakkar and saved our people, but also chose mah knucklehead of a son as a mate is truly a privilege."

The pair laughed as Akashii shook his head. "I was beginnin' to t'ink ya was'na gonna make it," he said with a grin.

"Me and Dokona had to make a stop at da Crossroads fo' some supplies, but der was no way I was gonna miss mah only son's matin' celebration," Ak'rii replied with a grin that was just as warm and playful as Akashii's. "Da spirits, dey say good t'ings to me about da two of ya. Ya Spirit Bond be truly blessed."

"Thank you, Master Ak'rii," Ki'ra replied with a smile as she exchanged a quick grin with Akashii. "It means much to us to have the spirits' blessings."

"Ah! Can'na fo'get mah gift…" Ak'rii reached into the bag hanging from his hip and began rummaging through its contents. He then brought forth a small totem carved from dark red-brown wood that was painted and decorated with feathers, beads, and engraved ruins.

"A rush'ala icon!" Ki'ra cooed as she delicately took the totem from Ak'rii and admired its craftsmanship along with Akashii. "Thank you!"

"Carved it mah'self," Ak'rii said proudly. "Prayed ovah it fo' t'ree days wit tauren shamans at T'under Bluff. It be blessed by Cairne Bloodhoof himself." He grinned and winked at his son and his mate. "I wanted its powah to be strong. I do'na wanna be waitin' too long fo' grandchildren. Ya two need to be gettin' to havin' some leetl'uns soon."

Akashii chuckled as Ki'ra blushed deep red and glared slyly at her mate. "Ya will hafta wait a leetl while, fatha," he said as he gave Ki'ra a suggestive look. "Da two of us, we got otha t'ings dat need to be taken care of first. Da Loa be sendin' us on a new journey already. Den afta dat, we gotta go to Zandalar to meet King Rastakhan and return to Ki'ra's tribe."

Ak'rii nodded with a smile. "Da will of the spirits always come firs'," he agreed wisely. "But do'na put off startin' ya family fo' too long. I do'na wanna be ole Gadrin's age when ya get to havin' whelps!"

Ki'ra and Akashii laughed with Ak'rii. "Will you come and eat with us, Master Ak'rii?" Ki'ra asked as she gestured toward the area they had been sitting at with their friends.

"Well o' course, priestess! Tales of ya victory ovah Hakkar dun already reached T'under Bluff and beyond, but I wanna hear fo' mahself everythin' dat happened. But, if ya do'na mind, can I talk wit mah son fo' a bit?"

"Of course." Ki'ra put her hand on Akashii's arm and kissed his cheek. "I'll be waiting for you."

"I won't be long," Akashii whispered to her as he affectionately let his hand drift to her waist. Ki'ra smiled at him, bowed to Ak'rii, and made her way back toward the dinner pyre.

When Ki'ra was far enough away, Ak'rii let out a low whistle. "Dat's a beautiful female ya got, 'Kash," he commented as he grinned at his son. "Da Spirit Vessel of Atal'Zan…not many can say dey got a mate like dat."

Akashii laughed and folded his arms. "Ya, she be somethin' special," he said fondly as he watched Ki'ra disappear into the crowd. "I be lucky to have her."

Ak'rii nodded and looked to the border of the village. "Walk wit me. I wanna get a good look at dat demon's head ya brought back."

Nodding, Akashii walked beside the older shaman as they distanced themselves from the loud revelry of the celebration. Dusk was just settling on Durotar and the sky was painted in brilliant warm hues of red, golden orange, and yellow. Violet clouds dappled the sky as the sun slowly settled behind the distant crimson mountains.

Ak'rii breathed in the smell of the ocean, sand, and foliage of the Darkspear Strand and lifted his nose to the gently blowing wind. "How I miss da village when I'm away," he murmured as he and his son continued toward the borders of Sen'jin. "It's been so long since I been back."

"Ya outta come 'round mo' often instead o' stayin' in T'under Bluff all da time," Akashii said with a grin. "Soon ya gonna start t'inkin' ya a tauren…"

The shaman laughed as he swept back a long lock of his braided hair. "I actually been in Ashenvale fo' a few months at Zoram'gar Outpost. A few o' us o' da Eathern Ring been meetin' to deal wit some nasty imbalances of da elements der. Dokona and I came here right aftah, so I ain't even been tah T'under Bluff fo' a while." He nudged Akashii's arm and grinned around his long tusks. "Tell ya what, mon. If ya miss me so much, make me some grand-whelps and I'll move back to da village."

Akashii chuckled as he elbowed his father back. "Ah, I nevah said I missed ya, ole man! And do'na rush me! I mean, I guarantee ya dat we gonna be tryna make it happen constantly; most o' da prayer totems we got from da villagers be fo' fertility, so it may happen soonah dan we want. But like I said, Ki'ra and I, we got t'ings to do firs'. I'd jus' be mo' worried if we was travelin' 'round wit a leetl'un in her belly."

"If da spirits got a job fo' ya two to do, I am sure dey will not bless ya dat soon den," Ak'rii said with a nod. "I jus' hope dat ya will'na have to do nuthin' as dangerous as fightin' a demon o' da Legion." Ak'rii stopped walking and looked upward. "By da Loa, 'Kash, ya truly was blessed wit da might of da spirits to bring dat beast down…"

Standing beside Ak'rii, the warrior's gaze wandered up the tall pole that had been erected at the entrance of the village just a couple of weeks prior. The wood was carved with warding runes as well as several lines of Zandali text that told the story of the Spirit Vessel of Atal'Zan, her Chosen, and the eight brave Darkspear trolls that ventured into the city of Zul'Gurub and destroyed the demon that had afflicted their people for centuries. Ritual feathers, beads, and other hanging items created a ward against demonic energy. Atop the painted post, speared by the sharpened end of the enormous log, was the white skull of the devil Hakkar. The giant maw was open, revealing rows of dagger like teeth, and the hollow eyes still held a ferocious and evil stare. Yet the skull had been purified by the Zandalari and the wards and icons around the pole would ensure that fel energy would never latch itself to the remains again.

"Ya done a great t'ing, son," Ak'rii said with pride in his voice as he put a hand on Akashii's shoulder. "Ya saved our people and da spirits from bein' threatened by dat demon. Ya earned a great honor from da Loa. Dey surround ya, 'Kash. I can feel dey presence all around ya, in addition to da might of da Great Motha inside ya." Smiling, Ak'rii looked over at his son. "Ya always made me proud, but I nevah been mo' fulfilled dan knowin' da son I made did somethin' so great fo' dis world. But…mo' dan dat, 'Kash, I be proud of ya fo' findin' a bond wit dat priestess and openin' ya'self to her. I'm glad dat ya was able to find happiness again."

Smiling faintly, Akashii nodded and lowered his head. "It's strange, t'inkin' dat jus' a couple o' years ago I nevah t'ought I'd be dis happy wit a female again," he murmured as he touched the necklace around his neck. "I always t'ought I'd wanna be alone fo' da rest o' mah life, dat I did'na need to be dat close to someone again cuz I'd only lose dem like I lost Sian. But when I met Ki'ra, I did'na realize dat from da beginnin' I was bound to her. Besides da destiny dat linked us, I did'na wanna leave her side. Mebbe it was'na luv right from da start, but it was somethin', somethin' dat grew and eventually made me believe I could be happy again…"

Ak'rii watched his son quietly, his brown eyes studying the young troll that had grown up so much in such a quick time. "I rememba when ya came to T'under Bluff aftah ya came back to Kalimdor," he sighed as his gaze went to the sky again. "I was glad to see ya, glad dat I would be wit mah son again aftah so long, but I was worried 'bout ya. I knew what happened hurt ya deep and I knew ya would'na be getitn' ovah it anytime soon." He snickered softly and shook his head. "Ya used to be jus' like me, 'Kash, and dat scared me. When ya mama died, I was lost. I did'na know what to do, especially bein' on mah own wit a newborn whelp to raise. I was young and to lose mah mate so early in life, I thought, was a bad sign from da spirits. Bein' surrounded by our tribesmen, goin' through all dat mess wit da Gurubashi, da Bloodscalps, and da Skullsplitters durin' da tribal war only made it worse.

"So I left. I used needin' to further mah studies as a shaman as an excuse and left when da tribe probably coulda used mah help mo' dan evah…and when ya needed a fatha most of all. I was ashamed I was so weak, ashamed dat I could'na step up to mah responsibilities because of what happened. Even when ya was olda and I started comin' back to Sen'jin mo', I still felt guilt fo' what I did. When ya came to T'under Bluff and said ya wanted to go travellin' wit me around Kalimdor, I felt ya was goin' down da same path I had. But I could'na give ya any advice 'bout how to get ovah ya grief cuz I nevah got ovah mine…" Aki'rii smiled and patted his son's back. "Ya done grown, 'Kash, and learned t'ings dat I only wish I knew when I was ya age. I'm proud of ya fo' movin' past ya sorrow and fo' learnin' da greatest lesson da Loa can teach us: we can'na change da past, nor can we live in it. Da past, it merely be da road behind us on da path we meant to travel."

Smiling sheepishly, Akashii ran a hand through his hair. "T'anks, fatha," he replied with pride and happiness in his voice. "It took a lot, gettin' ovah Sian…but Ki'ra, she helped me t'rough it, helped me in mo' ways dan she probably knows." He chuckled softly. "Dat ole Gadrin, he was right all along…"

Ak'rii laughed. "He usually is," he commented as he read the inscriptions on the totem. He and his son stood in silence, admiring the memorial that had been erected as a testament to the strength of those that had stood against the Soulflayer Hakkar.

"Well I dun wanna keep ya from ya pretteh new mate any longah," the shaman said after a long moment. He gave his son a sly grin and gently nudged his cheek. "Don'cha two get tah sexin' each otha up befo' me and Dokona can come and say prayers ovah ya hut. I'm gonna find dem two fossils Ura and Sora and get dem to help. It be tradition fo' da hut of a new couple to be purged of negative juju afta da ceremony."

"Well yah betta hurry da hell up cuz I dunno how much longah I'm gonna be able to contain mahself," Akashii replied with an equally mischievous smirk.

"Could'na blame ya, mon, with dat temptin' leetl'un. Ah, I can remember when me and ya mama firs' got mated. I dun t'ing we left our hut fo' a month. We both had such an appetite fo' each otha and I could'na keep mah—"

"Ah, dat's enough!" Akashii cried out as he held his ears closed. "I ain't tryin' to hear all dat!"

The two trolls laughed heartily and Ak'rii pulled his son into another hug. "I be proud of ya, 'Kash," he told him as he embraced him tightly. "Ya mama, she be proud of ya too."

Smiling, Akashii nodded silently as he thought of—and for a moment, swore he felt—his mother's spirit. "T'anks, fatha."

Ak'rii smiled and released him. "Ya go on back to da celebration. I wanna stand here fo' a bit longah and admire dis totem. When I get back, we gonna have a toast to you and ya new mate."

Akashii nodded. "Alright den, mon, but ya betta hurry. Nok'll have every drop o' alcohol gone befo' ya can get some."

Chuckling, the shaman tossed his head back, the ornaments on his long ears and braids tinkling. "Ya be right about dat." He smiled softly. "I'll see ya in a bit."

The pair waved to one another and Akashii began walking back toward the brightly lit edge of Sen'jin Village. He breathed in the pleasantly warm air of dusk, enjoying its gentle brush against his bare skin. Looking across the village to where his tribesmen celebrated joyously around the dinner pyre, Akashii's chest couldn't help but flush with happiness. He had so much to be grateful for. He had helped Ki'ra bring an end to Hakkar's tyranny and redeem the souls of his forest brethren. He had the love that he always wanted and it existed in a bond that was stronger than any simple affection between a male and female. His tribe was flourishing and proud. Despite all of the sorrows he had gone through in his young life, despite all of the horrors and injustices he and his people had suffered, he was alive and his life was good.

The Loa had blessed him.

Laughing, he shook his head as he thought of his father's promise to bless his hut. The idea was a pleasant one, him and Ki'ra sharing the home that he had built when he settled on Durotar's shores for him and his future mate. Though she was not the original woman he thought he would share his life with, he was more than happy he would no longer be living alone. The hut would be theirs. To have his father and the other shamans of the tribe ward away any remaining bad juju that may have existed within it would be a proper way to begin their new bond.

Akashii stopped walking as a sudden thought came to him. He looked into the village to where the vacant huts stood. He could see the roof of his own just beyond a line of trees.

Just like the shamans would prepare his hut for his new life, casting out old energy for the new blessings that would surround him and Ki'ra, Akashii had to prepare himself for such good fortune.

The warrior quickly jogged back to the Darkspear Strand to where the revelry was even livelier than before. He was about to go to the group of palettes that he, Ki'ra, and their friends had been seated at until he recognized her white hair and dark skin in front of the pyre. She was dancing with a large group of younger trolls, including Ura, Kanna, and Nok. Her hair was swirling around her like strands of pure light, the fire illuminating her bronze skin and deep purple vestments. She looked blissful, giggling as she and her two friends danced sensually around the conflagration to the upbeat tribal songs of the musicians.

Akashii watched her for a while, crossing his arms and smirking as he admired the graceful movement of her feet, the erotic curves of her spine, and the enticing gestures she created with her whole body. Desire was spreading through him like the tantalizing warmth of the sun and the pyre and he couldn't help but lick his lips as his eyes watched beads of sweat roll down the exposed parts of her skin. His mind was battling between remaining focused on his reasons for finding Ki'ra among the partygoers and the wanton fantasies that he was dying to indulge in with her.

Crossing through the crowd, he stepped into the clearing around the pyre reserved for the dancers and approached his mate from behind. "Hey der, luv," he greeted her in a rumbling tone as he put his hands at her waist. "Havin' fun?"

The priestess twirled around gracefully beneath his touch toward him. "That I am," Ki'ra replied, returning his grin with an impish smile of her own. She stepped closer to him, her hips continuing to sway and curve as she brushed against him enticingly. Akashii noticed that her bronze cheeks had a tint of red to them and her eyelids hung low over her crimson eyes. "Though I would have more fun if I could dance with my mate."

Akashii laughed and began to move with her rhythmic gestures and nimble steps. He placed a hand at the small of her back and pressed her body into his; the heat of her form burned against his bare chest seductively. The scent that lofted from her body—a mix of her usual flowery odor as well as the aroma of honey mead—further amplified the lust building inside his body.

He danced with her for a little while, twirling her in his careful hands as she laughed elatedly and pulled herself back to him to sway together in unison. It was clear to him that she was just as aroused as he was. The smoldering stare she gave him every time their eyes met and the quick, impish touches against his stomach and back were clear in their intentions. Even he was having a hard time keeping his hands from wandering to her backside or his mouth from lingering too long at her lips when she leaned in to kiss him.

"I gotta ask ya a favor, Ki'ra," Akashii spoke, trying with much difficulty to keep his already wandering mind from arguing with his body. "Come back to da hut wit me real quick."

"Oh, Akashii!" Ki'ra gasped, though she was giggling and flushing. "Don't you think it would be a little rude to leave all of the people that have come to celebrate our mating ceremony to go do that?" She smirked wickedly and he felt her soft fingers touch his muscled abdomen, one of them running along the space between his belt and his skin. "But if you insist…"

He let out a low rumble of lust as he grinned at her. By the Loa, she was making it difficult for him to focus. "I'm not talkin' 'bout dat, ya naughty leetl t'ing," he whispered to her as he bent down to press his forehead against hers. Another growl escaped his mouth as she playfully nipped at his bottom lip. "But if ya keep dat up, I'm gonna take ya right here in front of all deez people."

"Ooo," she purred, licking out her tongue to stroke his lips. The scent of her own arousal mixed with that of the sweet alcohol on her tongue only fueled the wanton desires of his body and mind. "You promise?"

Groaning, he took her hands in his to keep them from wandering any lower than his stomach. "I'm bein' serious, luv," he said with as stern a face as he could muster, though he couldn't help but grin at the impish smile she gave him. "I need ya to help me do somethin', somethin' dat I shoulda done a long time ago but only recently had da strength to."

The playful grin on her face faded and Ki'ra's expression became sober, her eyes wide and worried. He laughed again, amused by how quickly her mood changed. "Ain't nuthin' to look so troubled 'bout," he chuckled, cupping her cheek to assure her. "I jus' want ya to help me, dat's all." He nodded toward the village and took one of her hands in his. "Will ya?"

Her smile returning to her face, yet now much softer, Ki'ra nodded. "Of course, Akashii," she replied with a squeeze of his fingers. The warrior smiled and pulled her gently away from the dinner pyre and the crowd of dancing trolls.

"Hey der! Don't ya two go runnin' off to get naughty now! Der is plenty o' time fo' dat aftah all dis mead is gone!" Nok's intoxicated voice rang out nearby, followed by a collection of laughter from the other villagers around him. Akashii and Ki'ra only chortled in reply and waved to their friends before they slipped into the quiet village.

As the sky darkened into a deep azure blue, the last traces of sunlight fading into a mere golden glow above the horizon, Ki'ra stared out over the Great Sea. The gust of gentle wind that carried with it the smell of the ocean swirled her hair and long skirt around her, tinkling the many jewels that adorned her long ears. Breathing in deeply and filling her lungs with the pure air, she turned away from the gorgeous sight that surrounded her.

"Akashii," she murmured as she cradled the slightly heavy object wrapped in cloth in her arms. "Are…are you sure you want to do this."

The graveyard atop the hill overlooking the coast was somber and quiet. Even the jubilant noise in the troll village just beneath the mountainous rise could not reach the sacred area. It was not in Ki'ra's people's culture to bury their dead as other races did. The bodies of those whose spirits left the world of the living were burned atop a ritual pyre, their ashes spread across water and earth by the wind in a symbolic gesture of returning to the elements. The graveyard was a place of memorial instead. The numerous tall wooden totems bearing the names of the deceased, the families from which they came, and a short story of their lives created a forest of tall, shadowy figures that spread in every direction above the ground of the mountain. The dark reflections they cast upon the earth stretched far across the red soil like fingers reaching for the ocean. Yet there was a strangely comforting calm present in the graveyard. Ki'ra could hear the soft whispers of the spirits and feel their ever existent presence around her.

Akashii was kneeling by a newly erected memorial totem, one of three that had been placed in the ground just two weeks before. He gently touched the top of the carved marker, his fingers rustling the beaded and feathered necklace that hung from it, before standing to his full height and turning toward the woman. His axe Warbringer was held limply at his side, the remaining beams of golden light glinting off its razor sharp edge.

His eyes met Ki'ra's, dark and somewhat somber beneath his slightly furrowed brown. Yet he gave her a soft smile and nodded. "Yah, I do," he replied to her as he laid the blade of his axe in his palm and looked down at the massive weapon. "I need to do it. Der be no reason fo' me to hold on to mah past like this…I wanna move on.

Ki'ra's eyes fell to the powerful crimson axe. "You went through so much to earn it though. And this…" Her hands felt the weight of the object hidden beneath the swaddled cloth. "I know that they hold much meaning and memories for you."

Sighing heavily, Akashii nodded. His calloused hands fondly caressed the axe's blade. "Dey do…but da meanings and memories ain't nuthin' dat I can'na remember wit'out dem." His gaze looked up at met hers. "I found mah new path now. Ain't no reason fo' me to be lookin' behind me."

Staring at him silently, Ki'ra watched the wind move the blood red strands of Akashii's wild hair around his head and shoulders. His face was composed, yet she could see the smallest glimmer of sorrow beneath his stare. With his back to the setting sun, his form was cast in the faintest halo of light.

The priestess smiled and nodded. "I'm glad that you feel that way," she told him earnestly.

Akashii smiled as well. He then walked to the woman's side where she stood a few feet from the steep drop of land that descended into the deep sea below. Facing the distant horizon of the Great Sea, Akashii took in a deep breath as the muscles of his right arm stiffened and his hand tightened around the handle of his axe.

Recoiling his arm behind him swiftly, Akashii willed all of his strength into his shoulder and threw Warbringer with all of his might. The axe whistled through the air as it spun, the light of sunset glinting off its metallic surfaces. Despite its heavy weight, it flew a far distance before plummeting into the Great Sea with a splash.

After he watched the lapping waves of the sea wash over the spot where the weapon had fallen, Akashii turned to Ki'ra and reached out his hands. Carefully, Ki'ra passed the long bundle to the warrior. He cradled it as if is contents were made of glass, the end of the narrow item pressed into the crook of his arm as he slowly began to unwrap it.

The shimmering sword Stormcaller glowed pale in the remaining light of day, its engraved azure runes dim and unlit. The edges of its wickedly curved blade were sharp and deadly, yet Akashii handled it with familiarity and care. His thumb gently stroked its edges and the markings in its mirrored surface.

He held the blade longer than he had his own axe and Ki'ra respectfully let him have his moment of silence. Akashii's head was bowed as he stared down at Stormcaller, his eyes lowered and his body still save for the rustle of his hair and kilt. Finally, he turned again toward the sea and raised his head.

"I understand, Sian," Akashii whispered into the wind. "T'ank ya…"

The sword was lighter than its brother axe and as it followed the path the previous weapon had taken, it soared at a greater height and further distance above the sea. The sound the blade made as it cut through the air was like a soft cry, shrill and high pitched until it died beneath the roar of the waves. The light caught the runes in the blade, casting it in a pale bluish aura until Stormcaller plunged into the fathomless ocean.

When Akashii did not look away from the sea, Ki'ra walked to his side and reached out to take his hand in hers. He gave a slight jump when she came up beside him, slightly alarmed by her sudden presence as if he had been lost in some deep thought. When she smiled up at him comfortingly, Akashii returned the expression and squeezed her fingers gently. Together, the pair stood at the edge of the cliff and watched the sky further darken into night, quiet and reflective as they observed the twinkling distant stars fill the expanse of midnight blue.

"Do you remember what Atal'Zan said to you before she destroyed Zul'Gurub, when you asked her what she was going to do?" Ki'ra suddenly broke the silence.

Taking in a deep breath, Akashii let the air of his lungs hiss out from his nose. "I'll nevah fo'get dem words as long as I live," he murmured in response.

Ki'ra nodded. Inside her mind echoed the foreign language that had flowed from her lips when the Great Mother was preparing to take the lives of her children. She had felt the emotions of the Loa flow through her as if they had been her own. Perhaps they had been. In that instant, when the future of her people would be decided in the next spoken words of the spirit, she had experienced a wild dissonance of feelings and thoughts. Fear. Anguish. Rage. Despair. Yet when she heard Akashii's voice from her ethereal and disembodied existence somewhere between the physical world and the spirit world, there had been one emotion that cascaded through her spirit with marvelous heat that took her to a nirvana she still could not name.


" 'I love you, my children,'" Akashii spoke in the ancient and forgotten tongue of the great spirits. " 'And it will be with you that I leave your fate. May your renewal come by your own hands…for if you fall into your darkness again, it will come by my own.'" He snorted softly and shook his head. "It felt like an ultimatum."

"It was," Ki'ra replied with a deep sigh. She bowed her head and touched the collar at her throat. "When I was taken to the Spirit World, it felt as if I were only there for a fleeting moment. I would have never guessed that I was gone for almost two weeks. Yet while I was there, Atal'Zan spoke to me for a long while. We talked about the state of our people, the dangers that still threaten us, and what may have to be done to revive our links."

The priestess's fingers moved to the dark markings on her arms, fingers tracing the new ancient runes that had been etched on her body. "I do not know if she truly has faith in us," she murmured, recalling her seemingly brief stay in the spirit world as if it were a vague and distant memory. "I can tell she is wary and uncertain. Yet she is assured enough to allow us a chance to try and accomplish what so many before us could not for centuries. The words you spoke to her...they did something. I felt it." Smiling, Ki'ra looked up at him. "You saved us, Akashii."

A small laugh came to the male's throat as he shook his head. "Nah, luv, I jus' got a leetl hot-headed and smarted off to a spirit," he chuckled. He grinned at her and brushed a hand against her cheek. "You be da one dat saved us."

Blushing, Ki'ra leaned into Akashii's touch. "There is so much we must do. It is more than I or just the two of us can accomplish. Atal'Zan was right; there has to be a renewal among our people..." Her hand tightened around Akashii's. "Together and with our allies, I believe that we can defeat the external foes that have torn our people apart…but it is nearly impossible that we could unite all of the trolls alone. Our renewal must come from within; it shall be by our people's will that they are brought together as they once were thousands of years ago when Atal'Zan first walked this earth. Anything you and I can do will only be a catalyst, an offering of a fresh start and a new beginning for the tribes."

Growling softly in understanding, Akashii's eyes narrowed as he looked out over the cliff. "I can'na say dat I believe all da tribes will be willin' to seek peace with da othas. Da majority be considered hostile like da tribes of da Gurubashi in da Vale, no to mention da Vilebranch of da Hinterlands and da Atal'lai in da Swamp of Sorrows dat still worship Hakkar…" He drew in a deep breath. "It's been a while since any of doz tribes were friendly with mah own let alone each otha…but…it ain't impossible. I'm sure dat it can be done."

The ocean below the earth on which they stood roared, splashing loudly as it lapped against the rock. Whistling as it blew through the graveyard, the wind wafted around them with a gentle force. The sounds of Durtoar were loud in the silence that fell between Ki'ra and Akashii.

"…I'm scared."

Akashii turned to her abruptly to find Ki'ra staring at him. The tears at her cheeks sparkled in the moonlight and her crimson eyes gleamed as bright as the rubies at her throat. She bit her lip and bowed her head, feeling shameful that, for what seemed like the hundredth time since she had awoken from her trance, she was crying again. Yet the torrent of emotions that had returned to her along with her consciousness was almost too much to bear. They weighed heavily upon her, like the charge she had undertaken months ago and would continue to endure probably until her final breath.

A soft sob escaped her mouth and she shook her head, her long silky hair waving about her in the wind. "Akashii, I'm so scared…"

The warrior's heart ached for her and he grimaced at the sight of her sorrowful face. "Ki'ra," he whispered to her, drawing the woman into his arms as he wiped her cheek. "Da day dat da Loa sent me into Stranglethorn Vale to find ya was da day dat da future of our people was destined to follow a new path. You've already changed so much…da Amani, da Gurubashi, mah tribe…by defeating Hakkar, ya gonna change t'ings probably fo' all peoples. I have no doubt dat ya gonna continue to do great t'ings fo' dis world.

"I do'na blame ya bein' scared. Ya must feel overwhelmed wit what da Great Motha has charged ya wit." His hand cupped her cheek while the other burrowed gently into her long white hair. "But ya will nevah be alone. I'm gonna stay by ya side til da end, and no matta how dat end comes, ya will always have me to stand wit ya. Mah tribe, da otha allies ya have made, dey all gonna be here to help ya."

Sniffling, Ki'ra raised her head and looked into Akashii's brown eyes. He smiled down at her and her lips couldn't help but curl upward as well. The love, strength, and dedication reflected behind his gaze made the warm sensation within her grow hotter, pushing away the sadness welling inside and replacing it with the one thing that she would need most in the coming months if not years.


Touching her nose to his, Ki'ra smiled and put her arms around his neck. "Do you promise?" she asked in a bare murmur.

Laughing softly, Akashii stepped closer to her. "Ya nevah gonna be alone…" her Chosen whispered to the priestess as his head bent down to hers. She closed her eyes and felt the individual essences inside them meld into a single radiating light as he pulled her form into his.

"Akashii promise you dat."

From his perch on the rear veranda of the elders' hut, Master Gadrin watched the two black silhouettes against the dark azure blue backdrop of night. He smiled as the pair of figures standing atop the tall rocky hill known as Mueh'zala's Rise melted together into one shape that slowly faded into the serene darkness around them. They became one with the cloudless sky as their forms were swallowed by the star dappled blackness that spread above the shores of Durotar in all directions.

The creaking of wooden floor boards behind him drew the old troll's attention to the dark interior. He looked calmly over his shoulder at the dark figure that was revealed by the light of the torches.

"Yo, mon," Vol'jin greeted him with a grin and a wave, walking out onto the veranda with a cup in his hand.

Smiling, Gadrin chuckled softly. "Hey der," he replied in the same thick island accent of his people. "Ya ain't drunk are ya?"

Laughing, Vol'jin shook his head, the ornaments of his ears rattling like chimes and the hairs of his crimson mohawk swaying. "Not yet," he replied as he took another gulp from his wooden cup. "But I'll be der soon."

Gadrin snickered as the Shadow Hunter joined him at the rail. "Ain't ya got work to do back in Orgrimmar?" he asked with a playfully arched brow. "I do'na think Thrall gonna appreciate his second in command comin' back all hung ovah."

Vol'jin sighed and rolled his eyes. "Eh, he won't care. He was da one dat tol' me to come anyway since he could'na make it. Besides, I ca'na remember da last time I was able to come back to mah fatha's village and actually enjoy mah'self." He breathed heavily again as he placed his cup on the railing. "But I will hafta get back tomorrow at firs' light. You'll nevah guess what was delivered to us da otha day..."

The old witch doctor looked curiously at the younger one as Vol'jin reached to a small bag at his waist and began to rummage through it. After a brief moment, his hands returned from beneath the satchel bearing a small item wrapped in linen. When Vol'jin brought the mysterious object into the light of the tall tiki torches embedded in the earth near the veranda and began to unwrap it, Gadrin gasped.

"Is dat..." He murmured, gaping with wide milky eyes at the carved ebon stone icon in Vol'jin's palm. " Amani totem?"

Smiling, Vol'jin nodded as he passed the totem to Gadrin, who handled it delicately while his gnarled fingers passed over the engravings in the cool, smooth stone that shaped into the form of a snake. "It was delivered by a messenger dragonhawk 'bout t'ree days ago," he told his mentor. "Nevah thought I'd see da day we got a token o' peace from da Amani."

"Neither did I," Gadrin chuckled as he admired the craftsmanship of the small figurine, turning it over and holding it up to the light. "What was da warchief's response?"

Vol'jin leaned against one of the bamboo beams that supported the thatched roof of the hut, folding his arms against his leather-covered chest. "Surprised, to say da least, even though he had been hopin' da priestess's encounter wit' Zul'jin would bring about some response from da Amani. He had me carve a totem to signify we accepted his request to meet undah an agreement of neutrality. I t'ink he was sendin' a scout to hand deliver it along wit a letter dis mo'nin."

"He trust da Amani enough to send anotha scout to da Ghostlands?" Gadrin asked.

Shrugging, the Shadow Hunter took another sip of his drink. "He is optimistic, as he has been befo' about makin' amends wit da tribe his predecessor abandoned. Da warchief desires to have da Amani as a formal part of the Horde, but he will'na push da issue so soon. He is content enough wit da fact dat dey are willin' to meet wit him and will do anythin' he can to show dat we are grateful fo' bein' able to finally do so."

"Hmm," Gadrin hummed softly as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. He then smiled, his eyes turning upward again to stare at the now barely visible crest of Mueh'zala's Rise. "Dat leetl priestess, she did mo' fo' us dan I t'ink she evah meant to."

Vol'jin followed Gadrin's gaze, his keen eyes catching the slight movment of shadows against the dark sky. "Dat she did," he replied in a murmur. "Da way da Loa work t'rough a single person, it be amazin'. I prayed dat she would succeed in her quest, dat she and da ones she chose would be able to defeat dat demon Hakkar and bring some sort of freedom to our brethren and prevent any mo' trolls from fallin' to da Legion's evil. But I nevah fathomed dat, by doin' so, she would begin a chain o' events dat will bring much change to our people, da Horde, and mebbe even da otha races."

Gadrin nodded. "Even when da Loa sent us der instructions t'rough visions, even when dey tol' me dat mah young grandson would become involved in a great destiny dat would affect many lives, dey still nevah revealed dat dey and da othas dat fought wit dem would be literally savin' all of us." Smiling sadly, Gadrin touched the totem again. "Mah son, mah brave Kall, and da othas dat died fo' what da priestess did, der lives were a small but terrible price to pay. But I know dat all of dem would have still gladly accepted Ki'ra's charge had dey known dat dey would'na come back. Such was da way of our people long ago; we fought fo' each otha, fo' all of our brethren instead of jus' fo' our tribe, our Empire, or ourselves.

"I wonda if da Great Motha truly intended to take us all. She had to have known dat, if Ki'ra succeeded, dat much would be gained afta. But, mebbe she did'na. Da spirits, dey be not clairvoyant or know da far future. Dey simply plan and hope, like we do. I'm sure dat priestess surprised her much like she did us." Gadrin chuckled softly. "And I'm sure Akashii surprised her as well. He saved us as much as Ki'ra did. Truly da Great Motha was wise to choose dem both."

Gadrin looked down at the totem in his hands, his thumb gently rubbing against the stone's soft surface. "She is an amazin' female, dat priestess, one who will do much fo' us. I can already tell dat she will become a great leadah, a strong cornerstone of our people..." He turned slightly to Vol'jin and grinned. "...much like you became when da Loa called fo' you to do so."

The Shadow Hunter was quiet, his wild and intelligent eyes gazing upward to the round moon that hung in the midnight expanse of darkness. Gadrin watched him for a moment, studying his impassive expression and the tapping of his fingers against his muscular arm. A low growl escaped from his closed mouth and his brow furrowed.

"Is der somethin' wrong, High Masta?" Gadrin asked with concern as he noted the troll's change in demeanor.

Frowning deeper, Vol'jin sighed again. "Yah, der is," he muttered with a scowl. "I t'ink...I t'ink I shoulda taken dat priestess as mah own mate."

Gadrin stared at Vol'jin silently for a moment, blinking as Vol'jin's expression remained serious. Then, the elder witch doctor began to chuckle slowly, his shoulders shaking beneath his robe. "Yah, ya shoud have," he laughed as placed his free hand on the edge of the banister, the other grasping his tall wooden staff. "She woulda been a perfect match fo' ya. Two strong spiritual followahs of da Loa leadin' our people would have been a great benefit to our tribe. Of course, der be no reason dat ca'na happen. I t'ink she will be a valuable aid to yah in da leadership of da Darkspear Tribe as well as to othas dat may seek her knowledge."

Grinning, Gadrin touched the beaded necklace around his throat. "But she and Akashii will make an even greater force togetha. She was meant fo' him and he fo' her. Da Loa brought dem togetha not jus' to save our people, but to save one anotha. She changed him into da powahful defender of da spirits and da trolls dat he was meant to be and he gave her da courage to accomplish da overwhelming charge she had been given. Wit'out each otha, neither could have succeeded. It is wit him at her side dat she will continue to flourish and do great things."

Vol'jin nodded in agreement, but his scowl remained. "Dat be true, but still...a priestess of da Loa and a Shadow Huntah. We woulda been perfect togetha...not to mention she jus' so damn beautiful wit dat dark skin and cute leetl tusks and curvaceous, soft--"

The staff came down hard upon the top of Vol'jin's head with a hollow thunk and the Shadow Hunter cried out as his ears flattened and his hands flew to his hurting skull. "Ow!" He yelped, gritting his teeth as he glared at the elder troll. "What da hell was dat fo'?"

"I will'na have ya lustin' aftah mah grandson's new mate, ya lecherous whelp!" Gadrin snapped as he shook his staff angrily at Vol'jin, making the Shadow Hunter shrink away closer to the bamboo beam. "I'll have da spirits cursin' ya night and day if I even see ya starin' at her da wrong way!"

"Ah, okay, okay, I was jus' kiddin, mon, geez!" the younger troll snorted with a roll of his eyes, rubbing at the bump forming beneath his hair.

Gadrin scowled at Vol'jin for a moment longer before his wrinkled lips curved into a smile around his yellowed tusks and he began to laugh. Vol'jin's mouth cracked into an equal amused grin and he chuckled with his mentor as the two trolls turned back to observing the landscape of the Darkspear Strand.

Taking in a deep breath, Vol'jin spoke after a long moment of silence. "I know dat she is meant to be wit dat warrior. And ya be right, mon, dey gonna accomplish t'ings dat dey ain't even aware of yet. Mah fatha, he tol' me so."

"Oh, really?" Gadrin asked with great interest as he smiled, thinking of his long deceased friend. "And what did dat ole spirit tell ya?"

Shifting his weight slight, Vol'jin leaned against the sheath of spears at his back, feeling their ever comfortable weight and presence. Besides his limitless wisdom and the charge to lead their people to a new home and life of peace, they had been the last things his father had given to him before his death. " 'Together they will bear the seeds of change and plant them within the minds of our people'," Vol'jin quoted the spirit's words that came in a vision just the night before. " 'From the fruit that is born will come both life and death, bringing with it a great renewal that shall lead to an era of prosperity and power.' "

"Hmm." Gadrin smirked as he grasped his staff with both hands. "Dat Sen'jin, he always spoke in riddles."

"Too true," Vol'jin laughed. "But his words have always come to mean somethin' in da end. He believes in da priestess too, I can tell. Mah fatha nevah put faith in someone he don't believe could do amazin' things."

"And she will. She be precious to us, High Masta, mo' dan we will evah know until da time comes. Her journey is not ovah and der will be much strugglin' fo' her and her champion to endure." He smiled warmly and reached out to place a strong hand on Vol'jin's shoulder. "But fo' now, she deserves peace and happiness, as do we all. Come, let's go get some mo' of dat mead and ya can tell me mo' of da visions ya had. I got one to share wit ya as well."

Vol'jin grinned and nodded, offering his arm to the elder that braced himself on his staff as they walked back into the hut toward the exit. "Masta Gadrin," Vol'jin said after a moment of thought. "Did ya know what da Great Motha was plannin'? Did ya know dat da priestess would succeed in da end?"

His milky eyes gleaming like white stones in the dim light of the hut, Gadrin's lips curved into a soft smile. "Of course not, Vol'jin," he replied. "Da future is nevah open to us, nevah set in stone or truly known fo' certain. But da spirits, dey whisper its possibilities and guide us in da direction of da paths of fate dat are laid in front of us. All we can do is hope, young one, and keep walkin' wit our eyes lookin' fo'ward ratha dan back. Only den can we follow da will of da spirits and find da destinies dat are meant for us."

Nodding with an equally wise grin, Vol'jin patted Gadrin's weathered hand. "Well said," he told his mentor.

The two trolls walked through the hut and down the stairs to join their fellow tribesmen in celebration. The pyre that blazed brightly on the Darkspear Strand, surrounded by hundreds of jubilant revelers who laughed, danced, sang, and ate in the spirit of camaraderie and joy, lit the darkened coast like a beacon of light and could be seen as far as Orgrimmar or the other distant borders of Durotar.

The crimson flames burned well into the night, dancing upward to the sky with fluid grace and beauty. When morning finally dawned and the darkness was pushed away by sunset's light, a brilliant gold and orange aura spilled into the limitless dark blue blanket above the earth.

Yet, for any that watched the birth of morning somewhere in the red rocked region, the light appeared to come not from the sun, but from the brilliant fire burning on the coast of Sen'jin Village.



To be honest with you, I'm not even really sure what to say right now. I had planned to say a lot in this last author's note, but now I'm just kind of stunned that the story is over. One day shy of seven months of work, research, and creative thinking, and nearly 200,000 words later, I'm finished with the story that started out merely as a fun idea after watching the Zul'Aman trailer. The Fire Dancer was just a fun creative writing project for me, one that I started as I became more engrossed with WoW and sought to distract myself from stressful school work. Never would I have thought that I would have carried it this far and made it this epic of a tale. It's evolved so far from what I originally planned it to be. It's been a blast to write, as well as very difficult at times. Yet, as the first completed writing project I've ever undertaken, I've enjoyed this more than any other creative venture I have done before.

What makes finishing this story the most gratifying, of course, is you, my dear reader. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time to read this humble writer's silly little fantasy. Thank you so much for the kind words, the helpful reviews, and the glowing praise. Without you to encourage me, I would have never finished this story, let alone started it. A special thanks goes out to all of the readers who have read my story from Day 1. You guys are great for being so patient with me.

The only thing I ask from you is that if you have read this story and are now reading this afterword, please leave me a final review. Whether you have reviewed every chapter or just leisurely read whenever you could, I appreciate you doing so, but I would love to hear your final thoughts. Please ask questions about any loose ends you feel there may be or anything you may have been curious about that I didn't explicitly answer. I'd be glad to clarify and discuss anything.

All that being said, I'm happy to tell you that this is not the end of The Fire Dancer. Yes, it's the end of the story but I have fallen in love so much with the characters I have created and their histories that I am planning not only a sequel, but a few side-stories as well. They won't be started for a while, at least until Sirens of Azeroth is nearing completion, but it will be soon. I hope that, when I do post said stories, you will join me again in the continuation of Akashii, Ki'ra, and their friends' adventure.

Thank you so much again. You've really made this a fun journey.

Always yours, dear reader,

T. Mirai