I Don't Own anyting



"So should we tell her about our news?"

"Yeah if she hears it she is gonna fight harder"

"Okay let's do it"

Maria took a deep breath and took Gabriella hand in hers and caressed it "Honey we have some news for you, your dad and I are back together and he is gonna live with us again"

Gabriella's heartbeat started to beat pretty fast and the nurses and doctors rushed in "You have to get out now!" The Montez's walked out of the room and in the hallway Maria started to cry and John pulled her into a hug and let her cry in his chest


Maria and John walked back into the waiting room and all the others saw that Maria was in tears

"Maria what happened?" Troy walked over to them

"She..she..her..her..I can't tell them John" Maria walked away from them

"Gabriella's heart started to beat really fast and the doctors rushed into the room and told us to get out and when we walked out I heard a steady sound"

Troy couldn't believe it "Is she dead?"

"We don't know Troy we don't know" John sat down on the chair and put his head into his hands

15 minutes later the doctor came to them "Mr & Mrs Montez?"

Maria and John stood up and walked over to the doctor to a private spot

The doctor told them to sit down "Mr & Mrs Montez we lost your daughter for a few minutes but we got her back but she isn't breathing on her own so we had to put her on life support and we are giving her medicine's but we don't know how she is gonna react on them but from now on we have to wait to see what is gonna happen I am sorry" The doctor stood up and Maria was pulled into a hug by John and she cried into his chest for a long time


"What the hell is taking so long" Troy was getting frustrated he wanted to know how his girlfriend was doing

"Troy sit down and calm down maybe they are with Gabriella right now" Lucille said to his son and Troy sat down next to her "Mom what if I lose her I can't lose her she is my everything"

"I know honey"

Troy sobbed into his mothers shoulder and got a flashback


Taylor walked in with Sharpay "Troy, Maria we have to tell you guys something"

Troy looked over at Maria and Maria looked at Troy and Troy thought"What could it be?"

Sharpay closed the door and walked over to Troy's bed

"What is it" Maria asked them she was worried

"Well during lunch break Gabriella told us something" Taylor started

"When we heard it we where in shock but this would be a bigger shock for you guys" Sharpay said

"Okay what is it then?" Troy couldn't hold it any longer he wanted to know what it was what Gabriella didn't tell him

"Okay here we go "Sharpay looked at Taylor and she took a deep breathe

"Gabriella is."Taylor started

"Gabriella is what?"

Sharpay looks down and mumbles "Gabriella is pregnant"

Maria and Troy looked at each other and they both were shocked

"What?" Troy said hoping they would say anything else

"She is pregnant" Taylor said "She wanted to tell you tonight"

End Flashback

Troy pulled away from his mom and Lucille looked at her son worried "Troy what's wrong?"

"THE BABY!!" Troy got up and started to pace back and fort "The baby we forgot about the baby!!"

John and Maria came back to them

Lucille saw them "How is she?"

Maria sat down and John looked at them sad "Gabriella's heart stopped beating and they lost her for a moment but got her back again but she isn't breathing on her own so they had to put her on life support and they are giving her medication but the don't know if she is gonna react on them or how she is gonna react on them and they can't do anything the only thing we can do is wait"

Troy started to let his tears come down his cheeks and walked away to a private spot

"Troy!" Lucille stood up and wanted to go after him but she got stopped by Jack "Let him be Lucille"

Jack pulled Lucille into a hug after a few minutes she pulled back "John, Maria did the doctor told you something about the baby?"

John looked at Maria and Maria looked at John they totally forgot about their daughter being pregnant "I am gonna ask the doctor right now" John walked away

John sees the doctor coming out of Gabriella's room "Doctor!?" The doctor turns around "Mr Montez?"

"I have a question"

"Well go ahead Mr Montez"

"Well before my daughter got kidnapped she told her friends that she was pregnant and I want to know if the child is still there"

"Well because I didn't know that I haven't check that so I am gonna check it for you and I'll tell you when I know"

"Thanks doctor" John walks back to the rest of the gang "The doctor is checking how the baby is if there is still a baby"

20 minutes later the doctor came to them and Troy came back to them too

" I have some bad news, your daughter isn't pregnant and when I examined I saw that someone had probably took away the baby but we don't know you have to ask your daughter if she wakes up"

"But what if she doesn't wake up?" Troy said

"Then we will never know"

The doctor started to walk away "Doctor wait!" Troy ran to him "Can I please go see her?"

"Uhm yeah you can follow me"

Troy and the doctor walked to Gabriella's room and Troy went into the room and sat beside her on the chair "Baby Brie please come back to me I need you, I can't live without you, you're my everything, if you leave I'll have a hole in my heart and I know it is never going 

away ever again, just please come back to me, I need you and the gang needs you too and your parents need you too, I believe in you, you have to stay strong" He kisses her hand and caresses it and looks at he face and thought "This isn't my Brie she looks so pale and she has bags under her eyes" Troy sighs deep and lays his head on the bed and starts to fall asleep

3 months later….

Gabriella still hadn't woken up and the doctor talked to Mr & Mrs Montez about switching the life support of but the couldn't do it and the doctor told them if she wasn't going to breathe on her on in a month he hospital had to take it off

Troy has visited Gabriella everyday for the past 3 months and begged her to come back to him

Troy sat with Gabriella in her room looking at her face and holding her hand caressing her after a few hours he had fallen asleep and didn't feel that Gabriella stirred a little

Gabriella opened her eyes and stroked Troy's hair

Troy stirred and looked up at Gabriella to see that she had her eyes open

"Gabriella?" Troy smiled at her and on that moment the doctor came into the room "Miss Montez your awake, I'll call a nurse to take the tube out of your throat and I'll call your parents to tell them you're awake" and with the that the doctor left

A few minutes later the nurse came into the room" Okay Gabriella I want you to blow as hard as you can while I'll take the tube out, ready and blow" Gabriella started to blow and the nurse took the tube out of her throat when it was finally out Gabriella started to cough "Okay I'll switch the life support of and we'll hope you will breathe on your own"

The nurse switched the life support and she waited a few minutes to she what was gonna happen to Gabriella when nothing happened she smiled "Well you are gonna be fine I guess well I'll leave you two alone"

"Brie I thought I lost you" Troy sits down next to her on the bed

"Well I thought I lost you too when you got shot because I didn't know if you were still alive and I hated it to not know if you where alive or not" Gabriella started to cry

Troy sat next to Gabriella and pulled her into a hug with on arm "Shh your safe now and I promise you that this is never gonna happen ever again" He kissed her on her head

"Troy it was horrible there I prayed every night and hoped god heard my prayers but I guess he didn't and when he stabbed me I was afraid that I was never gonna see you again I was scared to die"

"I know honey if your in danger I'll die for you to keep you safe

"I love you Troy"

"I love you Brie" Gabriella cried into his chest for a half an hour and then Troy find to courage to ask her about the baby "Gabriella the day you got kidnapped did you wanted to tell me that you were pregnant?"

Gabriella looked down ashamed "Yes Troy but the killed it he started to beat me in my stomach and after a while he stopped and I started to bleed and hurt like hell then they kidnapped a nurse her name was Angela and she helped me but after I sent you that text message they killed her because they found out and he wanted to punish me but she wouldn't let him and then the killed her and let me watch I couldn't look away because they had a hold of my head and after that they went back upstairs but a few minutes later they came back and two of them took Angela's body away and Jerry he started to undress me he…" Gabriella was crying hysterical by now

"Shh you don't have to tell me" Troy rubbed her back

"No I want you to know so he started to undress me and he kissed me on the lips and forced himself into me it hurt a lot and I couldn't scream and that went on for a week he raped me everyday but the last day after he raped me he stayed with me and he wrapped his arms around me what was the first time he did that and told me that he was hoping that the didn't get the money so that he could start a family with me"

Troy's blood was boiling he was angry that they raped his girl his love of his life and that Jerry wanted to start a family with his girlfriend"

The door went open en Mr & Mrs Montez ran into the room and Troy pulled back from Gabriella and got of off the bed so that Mr & Mrs Montez could hold their daughter

"Baby, your back" Maria kissed her head a few times and hugged her tight

"Mom, I can't breathe" Maria pulled back quickly and John gave Gabriella a hug "Hi daddy"

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

"Good I happy I am back again I missed you so much"

"We missed you too Ella" John kissed Gabriella on her forehead

"Daddy when are you gonna leave again?"

"Honey I am not gonna leave again I am staying with you and your mom, your mom and I are back together and I am gonna move back with you guys and start my own company I don't want to miss anything anymore because you are growing up fast and before I know it you are getting married"

Gabriella chuckled "Daddy you know I am to young to get married and besides I am not ready to get married and I am happy you are staying with us for good" Gabriella hugs John "I love you daddy"

"I love you too baby" John pulls back and Gabriella gives Maria a hug "I love you too mommy" "I Love you too baby" Maria pulls back and gives Gabriella a kiss on her forehead 

and she whispers in Gabriella's ear "Don't let Troy go, he worried so much about you that I really see he really loves you" Gabriella looks at Troy and Troy smiles at her and walks to the bed and leans in and Gabriella leans in too and they kiss

There is a knock on the door and the police and Troy and Gabriella's friends come in

"Miss Montez we are glad to tell you that we arrested Jerry, Garry and Simon and they are going to jail for good" Gabriella smiles happy not only about the news but that all her friends where here she finally felt home again and felt loved again she was happy to be home the only thing that she had to do was getting out of the hospital and finish her senior year at East High with her friends

The End


Thanks for reviewing this story I hoped you liked it and I will think about doing a sequel but first I am gonna focus on my other story Pregnancy Conference and my new story Feelings that I am writing with my bff and also my High School Musical Serie and my A Zanessa Story on youtube the link from my youtube is on my profile –xxxx- Loutje555