Disclaimer: Me no own.
Warning: This chapter contains lemon. I know I said before about how I was uncomfortable writing it, but I ended up getting over that. All of you seem like you are okay with reading it, and it's my first attempt, so...yeah. You have been warned. If you would rather not read it, feel free to skip over it. You'll know when it's happening.
Author's Note: So, it has come to my attention that two of my favorite artists from DA read this fic now. I am so amazed, I never thought this fic would go that far. I'm so flattered...
Special thank you's to: Kive- for showering me with compliments, reviewing every chapter, and making fanart for me. Holy shit girl. Thanks so much!
Kuraieshi- For becoming my amazing beta and for leaving such a nice review and for just plain being an amazing person.
Sorry for the delay in the update, this chapter took me forever (part of the reason was I started on a comedic AkuRoku story...yes this is a shameless advertisement for it xD). I ended up writing five different drafts of this! OTL I do hope you like it though. Also, I'm sorry to say that the humor in this is beginning to diminish because the story is getting quite serious now. There will always be some humor I suppose, because it's pretty much impossible for me not to have some since I'm such a silly person, but not much. That's why I had such an OOC Demyx in the last chapter, for comedy relief. Anyways, this chapter's pretty depressing, if you're in a happy mood, I suggest you hold off from reading it for now. Enjoy.
Partners in Crime
Chapter Twelve: Missing You
Roxas shivered for what felt like the hundredth time that night and curled himself up into a tighter ball. Couldn't they give him a blanket or something? He sighed and flipped over onto his other side, trying to get comfortable on the lumpy cot. He looked around his solitary cell, feeling cold and alone. He tried to fool himself into feeling warmth by picturing warm images. The sun. A beach during the summer. Fire. Axel.
He imagined Axel's arms wrapping around him, the man nuzzling his neck with a soft smile, pulling him closer. Roxas gripped the sheet underneath him as he pretended it was Axel's sleeve. He nuzzled his pillow and tried to remember the scent of Axel, shampoo and cigarettes. He could almost smell it. Almost.
But he could hear Axel's voice perfectly in his mind.
"You're the first person I have cared about in a long time…"
Things had happened too soon. Roxas never got to tell Axel how he really felt about him. In a way, they had been foolish, spending more time having fun than being serious. If only they could have had one more day together. What was going to happen now? He had no clue when he would even see Axel again. And the next time he did, it would occur with a lawyer present, no doubt.
And…if Roxas was found guilty at the trial, he would probably never see Axel again. Or not for years on end. And by then Axel would probably have forgotten him, why would he wait for some silly boy who had caused him more trouble than he was worth? He would probably never get the chance to tell Axel how he felt about him. He had had the chance so many times. Why didn't he do it?
Roxas sighed and rubbed his eyes, trying to stop worrying about the same thing he'd been worrying about for the past two days. He had been interrogated, but he didn't give in. The whole time, just thinking about Axel had kept him strong.
All Roxas could do for comfort was pretend that Axel was there with him. It was sad, and maybe even pathetic, but it was the only thing that kept him going. Axel was the only person who could make his worries disappear. Axel was the only good thing he had known for the past few hectic weeks of his life. The man was his only comfort, the only thing he cared about anymore…
"Hey Roxas, where's that maid outfit? I spent good, hard-earned money on that, you know."
They were back in Axel's apartment; Roxas was at the sink, washing the dishes, his hands soapy and wrinkled from the water. Axel practically fell into one of the chairs around the kitchen table, exhausted from work.
"Keep dreaming, I'm not wearing that thing again." Roxas laughed, not looking away from his work.
"Aw…but Roxas, you only have to wear it when I'm around." Axel whined. Roxas could just picture him pouting, giving those puppy dog eyes.
"No, Axel." Roxas was secretly smirking, but still kept his back turned to Axel, concentrating on washing the dishes.
"Am I going to have to call the cops on you?" Axel teased. "I'll do it you know. You promised to do whatever I say."
"You're so full of bullshit." Roxas told him, shaking his head. "You won't."
"I know…" Suddenly Roxas felt Axel's arms wrap around him as the man gave him a gentle hug from behind. Roxas hadn't even heard him get up and come over to him. He felt his heart begin to race wildly. He brought his hands up to hold Axel's arms, the best he could do to return the embrace, and closed his eyes. Axel nuzzled his neck and Roxas could feel his breath brushing lightly against his skin. They embraced in silence, soapy water dripping down both of their arms from Roxas's hands.
After a while, Roxas shivered from feeling the water evaporating off of him. He turned around and wrapped his arms around Axel's neck. The man's hair was so long it covered his arms, bringing warmth to them. He stood on his tip toes and gave him a soft kiss, which was happily returned to him.
"I love you, even if you are full of bull."
Axel smiled against his lips and replied, "I love you, too, but I would even more if you'd just put that outfit on for me again…"
Roxas pulled away and shoved him. "Moron." He laughed, before Axel grabbed a hold of him once more and pressed him against the counter in a kiss…
It was a fake memory, a dream, an unhealthy fantasy. Roxas knew he was weak for needing it, but that didn't stop him from smiling in his sleep…
"…Mom?" Roxas choked into the mouthpiece of the phone the next day.
"Roxas?…Roxas!" His mother's voice came from across the phone line, filled with disbelief. Roxas felt his throat tighten at hearing it for the first time in weeks.
"Oh my God…" Her voice became quiet and shaky, and Roxas felt guilt wash over him, knowing how worried she must have been all this time. "Roxas, w-where have you been? Oh my God, Roxas…I was so worried about you…you should have come back, do you have any idea how much trouble you've made for yourself by running away? Oh God…I had no idea where you were, you know I still love you, no matter what you do…you should have come home…"
Roxas sighed into the phone, and glanced over at the police officer who was glaring at him. "I know mom…I'm so sorry." He had been such an idiot. One of those kids who thought their life was so horrible just because they didn't have a father figure at home. He'd been so unappreciative of his mother, and snuck out all those nights, doing things he was sure she'd never approve of. He'd always thought she was overprotective and he had just wanted to rebel. Now part of him wished that he had chosen a different lifestyle, while the other was glad of everything he'd done in the past, because he would have never had met Axel if he hadn't murdered Seifer…
"Are you okay, Roxas? Where are you?" His mother asked frantically.
"I'm in Maine…"
There was a brief silence before she asked quietly, "Are you alright? Did you finally escape that man?" Roxas tensed as he realized she was talking about Axel. It was probably all over the news that they were on the run together. It sounded like she thought that Axel had kidnapped Roxas. He gritted his teeth as he realized all the gossip that had probably been spread about them. "Did he hurt you at all? Did he-"
Before she could say anymore Roxas quickly interrupted her. "No, no I'm fine, mom. Look…" He then told her what jail he was in, "The bail is really high mom…I don't think we can afford it…" They had set the bail amount high, hoping the amount would be unaffordable and therefore would keep him in jail.
"How much is it?" She questioned hesitantly. After he told her, she paused, before saying, "Don't worry about it, Roxas. I'll take care of it. I'll come get you."
Roxas opened his mouth to reply when the guard shoved at him with his night stick.
"You've got ten seconds left." He told Roxas impatiently.
Gee, thanks for the warning. "I have to go, mom," He said quickly.
"Okay…I'll be there as soon as I can, Roxas." He heard the phone click and stood there waiting until he heard the dial tone, just to be sure that she really was gone. The guard pulled him away from the phone and shoved him back into his cell. He sat down on his bed and ran a shaky hand through his hair. She had sounded so sad when she had hung up…He felt so incredibly guilty. He had left her for weeks, and she had no idea what was going on. First, he was nowhere to be found, because he was hiding out at Axel's apartment. Then, when he and Axel had barely escaped the police, he could only wonder what she had thought. Shit. What was he going to tell her about Axel?
"Roxas!" His mother cried, running forward and wrapping him in a constricting hug. Roxas hugged her back, though not quite as tightly. When he pulled away, he smiled sadly at her and she cupped his face with her hands, tears were streaming down her face. Roxas looked upon her for the first time in weeks. She had the same dirty blonde hair as him, thought it was longer and wavy, and the same blue eyes. A very pretty woman. He had missed her.
"You look terrible…" She breathed, taking in Roxas's shabby appearance. He had bags under his eyes and had lost weight from stress. Not to mention, he had a large bruise on his cheek from when a police officer hit him, trying to get information out of him.
He continued to look at her with that same cheerless smile, "Gee, thanks mom." He was able to produce a small laugh.
She leaned forward and kissed him on his cheek. For some reason it felt so surreal, being with someone he cared for that wasn't Axel. He was glad to see that she was doing okay, to finally see her again was a blessing, but he still felt that emptiness of being without Axel.
Returning home was just as surreal as being with his mother. Roxas stood in the doorway to his room, staring. It was so weird to be back. The ride had been quiet, they had stayed at a hotel room for one night and his mother hinted at wanting to know where he'd been the last few weeks. He chose to ignore it, though it did make him feel guilty. He knew she probably expected the worst about Axel, but how could he tell her the truth? He couldn't even imagine how she would react.
Roxas walked over to his bed and sat down on it, smoothing out the blankets with his hand. It felt so unfamiliar. He had anticipated going home, he really had, and he wasn't going to deny that he had missed it.
He looked up when he heard his mother enter the room, and she walked over and sat down next to him. She wrapped a loving arm around him and he leaned against her and closed his eyes.
"Roxas…I called a lawyer before I left to go get you…" She told him, and he pulled away in order to look at her.
"He just called back," she continued, "and you're going to meet with him in a week…and he plans on meeting with that man you were with as well."
Roxas felt his heart skip a beat and his breath caught in his throat. He was going to meet with a lawyer in a week with Axel?! This meant Axel was okay, and that he most likely got bail! He knew that he had to have been offered it, since Roxas was and Axel's crime was not as serious as his own was. But he didn't know if Axel could afford his, or if he even had anyone who could come and get him out. He felt sudden anxiety wash over him, at the thought that Axel could be so close to him, but yet so far away. He tightened a fist in his bed comforter as he felt himself tense, a million thoughts running through his mind.
"I just need to ask you, Roxas…what…who exactly is he?" His mother asked him hesitantly.
Roxas bit his lip and looked away from her, trying to think of what to say, while also trying to hide his excitement about hearing about Axel. He decided it wouldn't be fair to her, after what he put her through to not tell her now.
"He…his name is Axel, mom." Roxas told her quietly. "And you don't have to worry. He didn't hurt me…he never did anything bad to me…" Roxas trailed off and tried to think of the next best thing to say. "He knew the consequences of what he was doing, but he protected me and took care of me anyways. He's… my best friend, mom."
Roxas took a deep breath and looked back up at her. Everything he had told her was true, and he hoped it was enough of an explanation for her.
She leaned forward and kissed his hair. "Okay," she replied softly. "Okay. That's all I needed to know." She got up and walked out, and Roxas watched her retreating form until she was no longer visible.
Then he got up and began to pace around his room. He was going to see Axel in a week. Just one week. He wondered where Axel was right now. He could picture him almost perfectly in his mind. His heart was pounding. He didn't know how he could possibly wait that long. How could he possibly sit at home, spending a week alone and in anticipation? Just being without Axel for a few days was driving him crazy enough. No, Roxas wanted, needed, had to know if he was okay, and he couldn't possibly wait that long.
All he wanted was to be back with Axel, and he didn't care about anything else. Without him, it was like half of him was gone, there was emptiness. And it was like he didn't know anything at all, anymore.
Roxas quickly turned and walked over to his door, leaning out to look down the hallway. He bit his lip and tapped on the doorframe nervously, seeing his mom sitting at the dining room table, shuffling through papers.
"Hey, mom…" He called out to her.
She looked up in surprise and smiled at him, making him feel even more guilty about what he was about to do.
"I'm going to go to bed, okay?" Roxas lied. "I really need to get some decent sleep…"
She nodded at him and replied, "Alright then, I won't bother you."
Roxas gave her a small smile before closing his door. He sighed and leaned against the door for a second, running a hand through his hair. He couldn't believe he was about to do this.
He made his way over to his closet and grabbed some pillows and things that he kept in there. He pulled back his bed covers and set up the pillows to look like a body, then covered it up. He stepped back to admire his work. Wow. This really brought back memories. He used to do this all the time when he snuck out at night, knowing his mother liked to open his door at night just to check to see if he was sleeping. He felt that guilt of being unappreciative of her wash over him again, but he had to do this. Otherwise, he would regret it for the rest of his life.
He unlatched his window with a shaking hand, took a deep breath, and jumped out into the night.
Because it was just him and his mom, they lived in a small, inexpensive condo close to the city life. This had always been useful to Roxas in the past, because it wasn't too long of a walk until he arrived on the main street, where the clubs and subway were. It was even more useful now, as Roxas ran as fast as he could towards the inner city. It was late, so the busses were no longer running, but he could take the subway to the other side of the city.
When he finally boarded the subway he slumped down in one of the seats, panting and wiping sweat from his brow. His heart was pounding from the rush of sneaking out, a rush he used to long for but rather would not have now. It also raced from the anticipation of making it to his destination. He leaned against the cold window and closed his eyes, seeing flashes of lights underneath his eyelids, as they passed. He jiggled his leg nervously the whole way, anticipating when the subway would finally stop.
When it finally did he bolted upright and ran, pushing past the tired looking people in the way. When he reached the city street, he glanced around, before he remembered what direction it was that he needed to go, everything passing by him in a blur.
When he arrived at Axel's apartment complex, he had to stop and bend over, using his knees for support. He was panting, and he swallowed, cursing his body for causing him to stop now. He had no idea if Axel would be there, he had no idea what to expect, but he had to do this. Roxas leaned against the building and wiped sweat from his brow. He was so nervous, he was shaking. He was terrified of entering the building, but at the same time he wanted to more than anything else. He was afraid that Axel wouldn't be there, afraid that someone would see him. But there was no way in hell he was turning back now.
When Roxas made it to Axel's door, he pounded on it frantically, not being able to wait any longer. Please be there…Roxas begged in his mind. He needed to see him so desperately, if he could just one last time, he'd be able to tell him how he felt about him and to see if he was okay. When no one answered the door, Roxas felt tears come to his eyes and pounded even harder, taking out his frustration and anxiety on the door. He has to be here, he's got to be. Please.
Just when the he was about to give up, the door opened, and he flung himself through, frantic to be with the person on the other side. As soon as he saw Axel he threw his arms around him and buried his face into his chest. Oh God. This was real. Finally, they were together again.
Axel didn't react, and Roxas almost felt his heart break right there. Shit. He shouldn't have come. He should have realized that after all the trouble he caused him; Axel wouldn't want to be with him anymore.
Then Axel wrapped his arms around him and hugged him back just as tightly, and Roxas felt him rest his head against his own. Roxas smiled and the tears he was holding back fell down his cheeks.
"Roxas…" Axel breathed, and Roxas felt all his fears wash away, the way they always seemed to when he was with Axel. Roxas couldn't speak, he just held onto Axel. He could feel the other man's heart pounding, and it was the most real thing he had experienced in days. More real than jail, seeing his mother, and returning home.
"Roxas, h-how did you get here?" Axel finally asked softly from above him. "You shouldn't be here…"
"How could I stay away?" Roxas asked him, clutching the back of Axel's shirt tighter in his hands. "I…" He took a deep breath. He had to tell him. This could his last chance, the only time he would ever be alone with Axel again. He cared about Axel so much. He had basically ruined the man's entire life, and got him arrested. But Axel did so much for him, and he admitted many times to really caring about Roxas. It was now or never.
"I love you."
He didn't even care if Axel loved him too. Just as long as Axel knew that he loved him, it was enough. Axel liked to act like he was tough and apathetic, but he was the one person who had shown Roxas the most kindness in his life, and he was the least selfish person Roxas knew. The only thing Roxas could do in return was love him.
Axel pulled away from him and tipped Roxas's chin up with one finger. Roxas gazed into his face, a stray tear running slowly down his cheek. Axel stared straight into his eyes, wiping the tear away from Roxas's face with his thumb, and Roxas felt the whole world around him melt away. It felt like it was just the two of them, no one else existed, and no one else mattered. Axel leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, and Roxas forgot all about how they were forbidden to be alone together. When Axel released his lips, he pulled back only by a few inches, looking into his eyes again.
"I love you, too."
Roxas stood on his toes and kissed Axel desperately; overwhelmed by the fact that Axel told him that he loved him back. He wrapped his arms around the other man's neck but Axel pulled away in order to close the apartment door. Then he lifted Roxas up wordlessly and Roxas wrapped his legs around Axel's waist for support. Once they reached Axel's room they fell upon the bed and continued kissing. Although they had only been apart for a few days, they felt the need to touch and hold each other so badly. Even as they removed each other's clothes, pressing their bodies together and kissing frantically, they couldn't get enough of each other. No words needed to be exchanged, until all articles of clothing were discarded, and Axel moved back and shifted Roxas's legs apart slightly. Axel asked him breathlessly if he was ready, and Roxas nodded silently. Axel placed warm kisses along Roxas's neck as he slowly pressed himself into Roxas, and they both gasped. Axel didn't move until Roxas relaxed, who pulled the redhead's face back to his own in order to kiss him. Then Axel began to move inside of him, causing Roxas to moan softly. He lifted his hips up to meet with Axel's thrusts, and they both moved slowly together. Roxas tangled his fingers in Axel's hair and Axel moaned his name with hot breath into his neck. They continued to make love slowly and passionately, Axel never went in deep enough to cause Roxas to cry out, but he did take the boy's length in his hand and pumped in time with his own movements. Roxas arched up against him and Axel took some of the blonde locks in his other hand, supporting himself with just one elbow. Roxas let out one last moan when he came and could feel Axel trembling on top of him before he did as well.
Axel rolled off of him and wrapped one arm around Roxas, pulling the boy into his chest. Roxas rested his cheek against his bare skin, panting only slightly, comforted by Axel's chest rising up and down. Roxas wrapped his free arm around Axel's waist and closed his eyes, feeling at peace for the first time in days…
"You're crazy for coming back to me, you know that right?" Axel asked him that morning, after they had explained to each other what had happened during their time apart. Roxas had been horrified when he had learned about what Larxene did to him, and he'd only been able to find out because of the still obvious bruises on the man's body.
"You're the one who makes me crazy." Roxas replied. They were both standing at the doorway, tense. It was time for Roxas to leave. He had to return home before his mother woke up and saw that he was gone. They had both woken up early to make sure that Roxas could make it back in time. Both didn't want to be apart again, but they knew it was for the best. It would be idiotic if Roxas stayed, and they both knew it. That didn't make parting ways any easier, though.
Axel laughed lightly and kissed him softly. Roxas looked up at him and murmured quietly, "I don't want to go back…"
Axel ran a hand along his cheek and told him, "You know I don't want you to either, but you have to. If you don't, it'll just make more trouble for the both of us. And we've already been the biggest pair of idiots in the world, it's about time we learned our lesson." It was hard for Axel to say, he wanted to beg Roxas to stay, but he knew that he really couldn't let him. If Roxas's mom awoke to find her son gone and called the police, Roxas could be put behind bars again, and not allowed out until his trial.
"I'll come back tomorrow." Roxas promised him. Axel smiled at him reassuringly, but there was sadness in his eyes.
"I can't let you do that, Roxas."
Roxas blinked at him, confused and hurt. "Why not?"
Axel looked away from him, "We're already risking so much being together now. What if we get caught?"
Roxas knew Axel was right, as hard as it was for him to admit. It would be stupid to attempt this again…They were so lucky that no one saw Roxas in the building, who knows if fortune would smile upon them again?
Roxas sighed and fell forward against Axel's chest, embracing him. "What if this really is the last time we'll ever be alone together?"
Axel held him in his arms tenderly and told him, "It won't be. No matter what happens…no matter what is decided for us…I'll wait for you. I promise."
Roxas drew back and pulled Axel down into one last, breathtaking kiss before he turned around quickly and left the apartment, running down the hallway. He didn't look back, for if he did, he knew there was no way he could ever force himself to leave.
End note: Go ahead and take your guesses at who the lawyer will be, it's probably easy xD Next update may not be for a while...there's a lot of legal stuff I have to research for the next chapter.
This story is currently on hiatus. It will most likely not be continued, as my interests have changed and my writing has changed drastically. Thank you to everyone for reading and reviewing though! I really appreciate it!