"That's it!" Sakura exclaimed, pouting on her bed. "You're telling me the next part of the story TONIGHT!"

Haruhi sighed. "I'm sorry for putting it off for so long sweetheart".

"It feels like its been more than a year since the last time!" her daughter whined.

"I know, I know. I've just been so busy with work and the promotion. I eventually just forgot about it but here we go. The next part."

HAruhi was dealing with yet another malpractice suit. After dealing with a pile of papers and calling a very rude opposing lawyer she was just about to touch the phone to the receiver. As she inhaled, ready for a deep calming breath she coughed and sputtered on the floor. Tamaki has tackled her, just like old times.

"HARUHI!!!" he exclaimed childishly. "Kyouya said you worked here! I'm so excited!"

The show was turning the heads of Haruhi's coworkers.

"Haruhi," a cold voice said. "Did we not just have this conversation?"

"I'm sorry Kyouya but-"

"DON'T BE MEAN!" Tamaki exclaimed jumping up from the ground. Haruhi readjusted herself.

"Mother, look at our daughter. She really grew up well. She looks so womanly now." Tamaki said with pride and appreciation. The mother/daughter part was causing a sea of whispers in the office.

"Still as sick as ever I see," Haruhi remarked coldly as she swiveled her chair back towards her desk. This of course caused Tamaki to whine and the act to go on.

"Tamaki," Kyouya interjected "Why don't you head to my house and get unpacked. Someone will be there to help you."

"Okay," he sniffled. "Thanks again for putting me up at your place. This will be so fun!"

"It's no trouble at all," he replied brightly. "There are so many rooms I wont even notice the additional person."

"Rich bastards…" Haruhi mumbled under her breath.

At the end of the work day Haruhi knocked on the door of Kyouyas office. "It's open" came the tired reply.

Inside there was a very tired and annoyed Kyouya. Sitting on the edge of his desk was a young secretary talking his ear off about something trivial and superficial. "Mei, leave." He said emotionlessly.

She pouted, but walked away without a word.

"uh, is this a bad time?" Haruhi asked, yet to enter the threshold.

"Intelligent conversation is enthusiastically welcomed. Have a seat".

"Alright then." She sat in the chair facing his . "There's a problem. You have an overwhelming amount of malpractice suits coming in. They're all from a group of hospitals that are in the same general area."

Kyouya sighed. "Could I see one of those papers?" he examined it. "Alright, it makes sense that this is the area causing all of the trouble. I'll go visit those hospitals and get rid of the problem."
Haruhi knew some major firing was about to happen because he said "get rid of" rather than "fix". She found it odd that she could read between the lines of his speech.

"Is that all?" he asked?

"Yes," she replied. Just as she was about to open the door Kyouya called to her.

"Haruhi, would you like to come to my home tonight?"

She spun around quickly with a shocked expression. Had she heard him right? "I'm sorry?!"

"Would you like to come over to my house tonight?" he said again. "Tamaki would love to see you so I thought you could come over for a few hours to chat. Would you like to?"

"Oh, yeah. That sounds good." She said, recollected now.

Kyouya smiled. "See you at eight then."

Haruhi nodded and left the room.

As she was leaving the building she ran into Kito and Brittany. They had been waiting for her with wicked intentions. "Hey there babey! " Kito began. "So whats this I hear floating around the office about you being the test tube baby of the boss and his European homosexual lover?" Kito had a Cheshire cat's grin. Brittanny on the other hand was simply laughing hysterically.

"Fucking Tamaki, " Haruhi growled. "I could kill him."

So that's the chapter. Get that part at the beginning between Haruhi and Sakura being about how I havnt updated this in over a year huh? Huh? Clever right? *eyebrow raise.*

So I want to get back into this. I have the next few chapters planned out. Its gonna become politically unrealistic soon. Which also has inspired me to write another fanfiction (Kyo/Haruh)

So yeah. I'll update soon hopefully.