My Light is Still Waiting

"I may not be home tonight, babe," said the soothing, deep voice over the telephone as I clutched it with both hands, as if it was the only connection between me and him. "We have that big project due tomorrow, and we just found some major flaws in the prototype that have to be fixed."

"Alright," I said meekly. I was only a few months younger than him, but his voice was so much deeper and more masculine than mine it almost didn't seem fair.

"Don't sound like that, you'll make me feel guiltier."

"Sorry," I felt compelled to apologize again.

I could practically feel his sigh on my neck and I knew I was only making things worse.

"Just don't stay up too late, alright? And leave the light on for me. I have to go now, but I love you, alright? Always remember that, Naruto, I love you."

The warmth of his voice made my heart beat faster and I smiled into the receiver, "I love you too, Sasuke," my voice much more sure of itself now.

"I gotta go, babe. Bye."

I had barely managed to bid him farewell when I heard the click of the company phone as he hung it up. I held on to the phone for a little while longer, feeling our connection fade as the dial tone blared loudly in my ear, and even after I had hung up, I still starred at the piece of plastic in my hands.

Finally I allowed myself to put the phone back on its base, and walked over to turn on the light that lit up the driveway. I went back into our bedroom and crawled into bed, but found it increasingly hard to sleep, as I couldn't keep my mind from the boy who was supposed to be lying beside me.

The light from the driveway crept through the still open door and gave my mind something to play with as I waited for sleep to come.

I don't remember how late it was, but I got out of bed and just stared through the window, past my orange car at the empty space beside it; trying to convince myself that it was full and when I went back to bed Sasuke would be their waiting for me to snuggle up to.

Eventually I gave up and passed out on the bed, and when I woke up to the alarm clock the next morning, he still wasn't there. Immediately my mind switched into panic mode. Something could have happened to him! But I reassured myself he was still at his office; he wouldn't take any reckless chances like sleep driving.

It wasn't until about half an hour later when the phone rang, "He-ro?" I asked with a mouth full of toothbrush.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," said the voice on the other end sarcastically, "Sleep alright?"

"No." I said blatantly, spitting out a mouth full of foam.

He chuckled. "I'll be home around dinner time. Love you." He blew me a kiss.

"Love you more!" I said cheerfully, hearing a smug 'hn' before he hung up the phone, as if to say 'we'll see about that'

I finished getting ready, and drove off to work, realizing I had accidentally forgotten to turn the light off.

I didn't get out of work until a little later than usual, and by the time I had pulled in the driveway, there was already a dark blue car parked in its usual spot, and the light was off.

Quickly, I jumped out of my car and ran inside. I practically flew into his waiting arms and he embraced me in a tight hug. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before turning back to the stove. "Thanks for leaving the light on for me."


(a/n: inspired at four o'clock in the morning when my dad and sister had to stay late to work on a robot for a competition later that day. Chocolates will hopefully be up tomorrow, but I'm a horribly slow typer as of late. review please?...please?