It took Orion an hour to get to the location Ginger was meeting him at, a gas station right off the side of the highway. He sat on the hood of his car, looking up at the sky and waiting for Ginger. After 15 minutes, she pulled in and got out of her car.

"Hey Orion..." She said softly. Her eyes were blood shot and her cheeks were stained with tears. She looked destroyed and lost.

Orion smiled calmly. "Hey's the drive going?"

Just before Ginger could speak, her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller id, then threw it into her car, sighing in frustrations. "Now they care?" She walked over and sat next to Orion.

Orion was still laying back. "Big dramatic acts tend to get people's attention, remember the Boston Tea Party?"

Ginger laughed, "Yeah well it's a little too late now...I'm never going back."

Orion laughed. "And what do you plan on doing out in the big old world on your own?"

Ginger shrugged. "I don't know...maybe I'll get a job here as a waitress."

"That's a fulfilling life...You really don't want that for yourself."

Ginger sighed and laying back next to him. "I know that...but I can't stand the thought of going back there."

"Maybe they'll change now...they realize they hurt you and wouldn't want to do it again."

Ginger laughed. "Change out of pity, out of fear I'll run off again...what kind of change is that? When they're face to face to me they're caring, but behind my back they're cussing me out for having to inconvenience themselves to make me happy. What kind of life would that be like for them or me?"

Orion sat up. "You have to give them a chance to change before you judge the way they change." Orion pulled something out of his pocket. "I thought you might like to have this..."

Ginger looked at it; it was a picture of Darren, Dodie, and Macy back in middle school. It made Ginger to see her old friends, happy and caring like they once were. Within that smile, she also felt a sting in her heart, wishing things had never changed.

Orion leaned over and kissed Ginger on the head. "I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do..."

She looked at him and smiled. "Thanks Orion...thanks for understanding."

They both got up and hugged good-bye. Inside Orion was dying, he didn't want to leave her, but he knew he couldn't make this choice for her. Dragging Ginger home would only make her run again, all he could do was hope she would make the right choice.

Ginger sat down in her car, leaning back and looking at the picture. She missed this. She missed the people she had met in Elementary school. She missed the slumber parties and all the great times she had with Darren. She missed being able to talk to her Mom and her old house. Why did everything have to change? And why did it have to change for the worst? Ginger didn't fit in with all the changes and she knew it. Sometimes it felt like life was passing her by as she struggled to hold onto it. Tears ran down Ginger's cheeks at the thought of all this, making her close her eyes for a moment.

When Ginger opened her eyes, there was the picture of her friends, them staring at her bright eyed and in wonder. It was in that moment; Ginger realized what she needed to do. She set the picture in the passenger seat, started her car, and drove off, heading to where she knew she belonged.

(Sorry guys, but this is the get to figure out which way Ginger went, home or off on some random adventure)