Disclaimer – I don't own any of the Naruto characters, Masashi Kishimoto created them and holds credit for that.

"Tsunade-chan, are you here?" Jiraiya poked his head around the door to her office, grinning.
"Jiraiya." She answered shortly.
"My, my, you certainly don't seem to be in a good mood today," he said, sighing, as he stepped into her office.
"Was there some reason you're here, Jiraiya, or is it purely to annoy me?" she asked, trying to get through the mountain of papers on her desk.
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about Naruto…" he started.
Tsunade ran a hand through her fringe. "Not now. I'll talk about him later. Here, amuse yourself with this," she handed him the blank survey.
He looks at it curiously. "A survey, huh? Trying to find out more about me…you know, Tsunade-chan, you could have just asked…" he chuckled, but upon seeing the murderous look in her eyes, quickly backed out of the room.
"Well, I'll just be off then!" he announced, walking off down the hall. He got to one of the chairs outside the building, and sat down.
Well…it will give me a break from having to deal with Naruto today… he thought to himself, and pulled out a pen.

Are you left-handed or right-handed?: Right

Are you smart?:
Indeed I am!

How many personalities do you have?:
Just the one…I think

How many piercings do you have?:
Come over later, and I'll show you.


Can you do a cartwheel?:
Not anymore

Do you have bangs?: Kind of?

Do you have contact lenses?: No

Can you drive?: Better than Tsunade can

What do you drive?: Nothing much anymore

Do you snore?: Probably

Do you drool in your sleep?: Depends on the dream…

Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: Lick them

What languages do you know?: Japanese, English

Do you like onions?: Not really

Do you like cotton candy?: Sure

What instruments can you play?: Trombone. Badly.

What words do you overuse?: I couldn't think of one just now

What do you sleep in?: Nothing!

What's your bedtime?: Whenever I feel like sleeping…or when Tsunade knows me out…

How many pillows do you have?: Why, are you making an offer?

Do you like to dance?: Very much so

Do you like to sing?: Not really

Are you any good at it?: Definitely not

How many CDs do you have?: None, actually

How many times have you moved houses?: Quite a few times, I'd wager.

Do you like where you live?: It's perfect for me. You know, I get this wonderful view into the girl's hot springs…

Is your room messy?: My desk is

Do you like to finger-paint?: No

Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Again, no

Do you sleep with socks on?: Like I said, nothing

Are you ticklish?: In the right places…

Are you shy?: Are you kidding?

Do you talk to yourself?: I mumble

Are you a morning person?: Not really

What's your favourite outfit?: My ordinary clothes, I guess?

Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes

Do you believe in bigfoot?: No

What's your favourite feature?: Well…I'll tell you that later

What do you do when you're nervous?: Grin and go red?

Who's your role model?: Nobody

What celebrities do you act like?: None


Called You?: Probably Naruto, or Kakashi

Slept In Your Bed?: Oh my…I don't remember…now I'm sad

Saw You Cry?: Tsunade

Made You Cry?: Tsunade

Spent The Night?: This is almost the same as the one two lines up

You shared A Drink With?: Tsunade

You went To The Movies with?: I haven't been to the movies in a long time

You Went To The Mall With?: I've never actually been to the mall. The market, yes, but not the mall

Yelled At You?: Eh…Tsunade…or that gorgeous woman with the huge – uh…

Sent You a letter?: My publicist.

Said They Were Going Kill You?: See above


Danced?: Yes

Stalked Someone?: Oh my, yes

Had A Mud Bath?: A few times. Good camouflage.

Have you been close to death before?: A few times

Wished You Were The Opposite sex?: Hell yes!

Had An Imaginary Friend?: No

What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey?: See if that blonde is on time for her regular bath…

What was your last meal?: breakfast.

Once you finish this survey, please duplicate the enclosed spare copy and give to your neighbours. Send this copy back to us at 123 Fake Street, Suna.