A/N: Thanks for the reviews guys! ^3^ This chapter's a little long but it marks the last chapter before school starts for them! So sorry that this chapter took forever for me to upload. I promise the next one's coming soon. Well here it is:_

The Co-ed ClassesChapter 5The Senior Celebration

One, two, three, blink. One, two, three, blink. Sasuke lifelessly stared at the flashing "full tank" button on his dashboard. Since he had dropped off Sakura at her apartment, it must be well past 1,000 blinks. Not only that, but in the time it was taking her to get ready, he had also ran all the way up to his own room, dropped off his belongings from the sleepover and grabbed an ice pack for his throbbing foot (which still hurt considering Sakura's strength). That alone had to have been fifteen minutes.

Why does it take women so damn long to get ready?

He remembered how long his mother would take to get ready for all the fancy black-tie-affairs she was invited to. Even though she would always look astonishing, Sasuke still didn't get why it had to be such a time consuming process.

I'll give her five more minutes.

He reached over to his car's sound system and fiddled around with the radio.

All crap…of course.

With a grunt of annoyance, he leaned over to the passenger's side and opened his glove compartment. After fishing around for a bit, his hand finally grasped the object it had been blindly searching for; his ipod. Along with his ipod, he also removed a small black wire. He plugged one end of the wire into his cars _ and the other into his ipod. Upon pressing the play button, his heart nearly jumped out of his skin. The screeching noise that came blasting out of his speakers didn't even sound like music. He slammed his thumb down on the pause button and swore multiple times at the top of his lungs. Naruto was the last to touch his ipod, he was sure of it. No one else would be stupid enough to leave the volume turned all the way up.

That fucking moron will die for this!

Quickly, he checked to make sure none of his windows had cracked from the deafening sound, sighed and reclined his seat back. Since his ears were still ringing, he figured he'd put on something soothing and relaxing. Scrolling through his play-lists, he came upon his more refined music, he selected his "classical" play-list. The first song that played was his absolute favorite. Firebird Suite, by Igor Stravinsky. As the music played, his eyelids blended together and he thought back of when he had first heard the song.

"But moooommm, I don't wanna listen to boring music like this."

"Sauske, you're ten years old. Don't you want to be a mature older boy like your father and brother?"

"What does listening to music written by a bunch of dead guys have to do with that?"

"It'll enrich you and allow your mind to grow. Just listen to the tape Sasuke."


"I'm on my way to an important meeting right now, I'm sorry but I don't have time to argue with you about this. Itatchi, please come help me with your brother! Now be good, your father and I might make it home tonight for dinner."

"Fine. Bye mo-"

"Sasuke, how about we listen to the tape together? Would you want to listen to it then?"

"Aw, come on Itatchi, don't tell me you like this stuff too. None of my friends have to listen to dorky old music to 'enrich themselves'."

"I actually like this music a lot. It's not the only music I listen to and I don't listen to it all the time, but it puts me at ease and helps me clear my mind of stress. It pushes out the unpleasant worries and instead allows my mind to create fantastic stories and paint vivid pictures. Please, just listen to the beginning, and try to make a story out of the sounds."

"Like I said, boring."

"Hn, stubborn as usual. Tell me Sasuke, how can you hate it so much, if you've never even listened to a full song?"

"…Just one song?"

"Well, how about we see if you hate it or not first. I'll put on a really good one just for you. It's called Firebird Suite. Close your eyes and tell me what you see with the music."

"A boat."


"Ok. It's a warship with soldiers returning home from a successful battle…and now it's getting darker and-AHHH! I didn't know classical could have big drums or be played so fast."

"Don't loose the picture Sasuke, tell me what happens next."

"There's a storm, and waves, and a big one just sunk the whole ship! Now…now there's only one man who survived. He's left floating on a piece of the ship…and now he starts to give up hope…but then he wakes up on a beach…it's his land. And…um…the sun is up and he starts walking back towards his town…he's back in the town, the people are all cheering for him! Um, now their's a great celebration for him and he sees his wife and kids! The king nights him and he gives him a medal! He's a hero!"

"…Sasuke, you can open your eyes now. That's an awfully big smile you have on your face."

"Heh, yeah whatever…Itatchi…can you listen to another one with me please?"

"Sasuke? Sasuke are you up there? The music in your car is on you know!"

The raven haired boy slightly groaned as he regained consciousness. He heard her pressing the buzzer on the intercom to his apartment.

Of course SHE would interrupt my sleep.

Slowly, he shifted his seat back up and yawned. "You think I'd be dumb enough to leave my ipod on in my car with the keys in and both windows rolled down? Clearly you've been hanging around Naruto too much. Oi, it's already fifteen past seven let's go woman!" He heard the clacking of heels on pavement draw nearer and nearer, keeping perfect time with the climax of the song.

Geez, with all the time it took, she better look-

But the rest of his thoughts just disappeared. His passenger door opened and in came something that made his heart nearly stop (more so than the previous blasting music). Sakura looked nothing like the Sakura he had known. Her usual straight hair flowed off her head in large waves and curls. The tips of her hair rested neatly on each side of her head. On one side, the soft curls met with the bare pale skin of her shoulder and on the other, it met and blended with the red silky dress she wore. As her hand reached out to shut the door behind her, he noticed her nails were painted a fiery red. She was wearing makeup, unlike the other times he'd seen her, and it wasn't too heavy unlike how most girls wore it. It was perfect. She was perfect. It was too much to process.

Sakura looked over at him and noticed he was starring out his window. Her smile faltered for only a moment. Deep down, she had hoped that he would maybe pay her a compliment…but after all, they had just started to get along. She should know better than to think such foolish thoughts. After sitting in silence for about a minute, she cleared her throat and said,

"Sasuke? Sasuke, are you alright? I'm in the car now…shouldn't we be going?"

"….Yea." Right as he had said that, the song currently playing on his ipod ended and he started the car. His hand reached over to the sound system and pulled out the black wire, thus disconnecting his ipod. As he began to drive, he handed the ipod and wire to her and said, "Uh, Sakura, put that in my glove compartment." She nodded and softly retrieved it from his hand allowing the tips of her fingers to make contact with the palm of his hand. When doing so, he violently swerved the car and jerked his hand out of her touch and back onto the steering wheel. Sakura grimaced and stuffed the ipod back in the compartment. He was completely avoiding her. He didn't look at her, talk to her, and when she touched his hand for a second, he reacted as if she were something vile…she knew this friendship couldn't last long.

The ride was becoming awkward with the lack of social interaction or sound so she decided to attempt some friendly small talk. "So, I couldn't help but notice you were listening to Stravinsky." She noticed his hands tense on the wheel. Wondering if she had chosen a negative topic, she paused, saw no trace of anger on his face and bravely continued. "He's a genius. When I would go to the Hyuga's to play, I would hear the most beautiful music echoing down from her grandparent's wing of the house. One day, Hinata took me to meet them. I asked about the music they listened to and they told me about some of the greatest composers. Stravinsky was one of them." A small smile graced her face as she continued. "You have good taste if you like him." Still Sasuke remained silent and kept his eyes on the road. Sakura had had enough. "I'm sorry did I offend you or something? From the minute I got in the car I've been nothing but social and friendly. And to think, I almost believed that chivalrous apology you fed me today. Friends, hah. I didn't think so-"

"Sakura," He sighed and took a short glance at her, "Please…quit your bitching for five seconds so I can explain. I just feel a little…off today. And I'm not quitting on being your friend so don't think you can get rid of me that easily." A twisted smirk made his way onto his face as he caught her perplexed expression.

"You know, I knew it. You're only half a gentleman." She playfully stuck out her tongue and he rolled his eyes.

"Hn, really now? I'm pretty sure I'm the real deal."

"HA! Nope. I just think you're good at tricking people. You give someone a quick good impression, and bam! The next thing, you're back to your usual self. I bet your brother's the only gentleman in your house. You know what, I bet you can't even act like a proper gentleman for a whole day!"

"A bet huh? Well, well, well. Who'd have thought miss goody-goody was a betting woman." He gave a dangerous laugh.

"Don't avoid the topic Sasuke." She returned just as wicked a laugh.

"Alright then, instead of a day, how bout tonight? I bet I can act like, no…be a perfect gentleman the rest of the night."

Sakura giggled and clapped her hands together with glee. "Oh, this is gonna be too easy! How bout, if by some miracle you can, I'll be your personal assistant for a month. I'll do your home work, wash clothes, take out the trash…anything!"

The young man at the wheel gave an eerily handsome yet bone chillingly evil grin. "Sounds great, but what if by some miracle I can't?"

"Hmm, you have to treat me as an equal, cut down on all nasty comments or remarks and tell me how I'm better than you…in front of our friends…once a day for a month!"

"Hah! Fat chance pinky. I hope you like calling me "Sir" because this bet's as good as won. Starting now, I'll be the most chivalrous gentleman you'll ever see."

"You're on!"

The rest of the car ride was peaceful and full of friendly conversation. Sakura could hardly believe how courteous he was being. It was as if the minute after they made the bet, a switch was flipped somewhere within him turning his good disposition on. The two were laughing and getting along so well that neither even really noticed that they had arrived at the resort. Sasuke snickered as he took in the enormous building.

"Hn, you think they could've made this place any bigger?" But Sakura didn't answer. Her gaze was locked on a quaint little flower garden near the side of the building. Sasuke caught on to what she was staring at and said, "Eh, I don't know about you but I just got over my allergies. Good luck with that place pin-" Sasuke quickly slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent him from saying anything else. He had he just called her "pinky" he would have blown it.

"Oh, what was that? Could that have possibly been you about to call me a crude nickname? Hmmm, I think you're at your breaking point." The young woman wore a victorious grin as she began unbuckling her seatbelt. He had been doing so well the entire car ride, he couldn't just give up now. He would win this bet at whatever costs. Now feeling overconfident, he took this opportunity to prove her wrong. Quickly, he got out of the car, skimmed himself over the car's hood, and opened the door for her.

"My, my. Quite impressive. But I'm still not buying it." When stepping out, one of Sakura's heels hit the pavement while the other caught on a rock. The next thing she knew, she was plummeting to the ground. She tensed and braced herself for the hot burn of the pavement…but it never came. Instead, she found herself being embraced by two sturdy arms. She looked up at he rescuer and for the first time, sincerely smiled at him. He felt his face get hot so he unhooked his arms from under hers. He placed his hands on both sides of her waste and gently lifted her back up. His soft touch made Sakura shiver.

Note to self, his hands fit nicely on my waste.

Even after she regained balance, Sasuke's hands remained in place. He felt his face growing hotter yet again and slowly ran both hands down to her hips before letting go.

Note to self, find more reasons to make more physical contact with her.

He coarsely cleared his throat as he shut the car door behind her. "Erm, miss, you should take caution in those heels of yours." She gave a small laugh in agreement and began to walk towards the building when suddenly she felt an hand on her forearm. She looked behind only to see Sasuke angling his other arm in a gesture to accompany her. As the young woman crossed to his other side and linked her arm around his she gave another short laugh before saying,

"The night is young, perhaps I spoke too soon." And with that, the two crossed the parking lot together and headed towards the entrance of the resort.

The upper outside balcony overlooking the courtyard and the parking lot had been a favorite spot for most of the teens. It was a great place for taking pictures and provided a perfect view of the setting sun. All the girls and guys had been successfully mingling and a good time was being had all around. However, one group of teens in particular seemed to be bored with the entirety of the evening. They had come up to the balcony to escape all the noisy chatter. The girl in the group took to the right of the balcony where it was less crowded and only had a view of the parking lot. Her two male minions followed and positioned themselves where they could both aimlessly stare up at the sky. The white haired mail sighed and cocked his head to the side. "I'll be so happy when this is over. I can't take any more girls asking about my hair. It took long enough back in school getting it clear with the guys but this is crazy. Can't we just leave?" He looked over at the fiery haired female anticipating an answer but she ignored him. Although she agreed that it was time to leave, she knew that if she made conversation, he'd never shut up. That's the way it had always been with him. So, while ignoring her neighbor she returned her attention to the parking lot. A familiar looking black car had caught her eye. She adjusted her glasses and followed the car until it parked. As it came to a stop, she became very much eager to know if the one in the car was who she thought it was. Suddenly, the car door swung open and the dark haired male she knew and loved stepped out. The young woman watched him throw himself over the hood to the other side of his car. As strange as that was she ignored his actions and stood up and prepared to call his name. But before she could, she watched the male open his passenger's door and observed in pure shock Sakura Haruno step out. And as if that wasn't infuriating enough, she then proceeded to trip and fall into his arms. With utter disgust, she stared at the scene and let out a small scream of frustration. This caught her two male counterparts' attentions as they both turned to look at her. The rather tall brunette placed an hand on her shoulder as he asked in a gentle tone,

"Karin, what's the matter." She angrily shook off his arm and pointed to the scene in the parking lot.

"Look you idiots!" The two males focused in on what she was pointing at and both their eyes widened. The white haired mail couldn't help but chuckle.

"Haha, damn that fucker Sasuke. No wonder we haven't seen him since he moved. Looks like he found a little doll to play with." Suigetsu locked his gaze solely on the young woman and couldn't resist licking his lower lip. "And my, my what a looker she is. Hm, I wonder if he'd be up to sharing?" A sharp jab to his ribs interrupted his wandering mind. "Ow! What the shit Karin! You're one nasty bitch, you know that. What was that for?"

"Don't you dare praise her" she said with a snarl. "Sakura Haruno thinks she's all that just because she's at the top of our class? Well she better think twice about stealing my Sasuke from me. You both know how long I've known him. I knew him before any of the other girls here. This stupid co-ed year is ruining everything!"

"Karin, maybe you should calm down. Sasuke's never been the one to get with girls. Perhaps they're not together." The scarlet haired woman crossed her arms and scowled at the taller male.

"Juugo, I know they're not together. There's no way Sasuke could ever feel for someone like her. She's more fit for someone like you Suigetsu." The white haired male caught her insult and clenched his teeth.

"What's that supposed to mean? Fit for someone like…" The underlying meaning of the wicked girl's words suddenly sunk in.

Her sinister grin widened as her mind worked up a plan. "You want her? Follow my lead."

Heads turned and people took breaks from their conversations to admire the breathtaking couple that walked in. The two uncomfortably made their way past the stares and headed towards one of the main rooms. They had just about made it when an arm grabbed Sakura from Sasuke and spun her around. Sakura immediately knew who'd be this eager to find out what was going on. She stared at the floor and sheepishly smiled. "Oh, erm. Hey Ino…what's up?" She grabbed her arm a little tighter and spat out in the nicest tone she could manage,

"Bathroom…NOW!" The scene of Ino tugging her along was pretty embarrassing for Sakura. It was as if she was a disobedient child and was being pulled away by an angry mother. When they had arrived at the womens' room, Hinata and Tenten had already been waiting. They too looked anxious for an explanation. Ino let go of Sakura's arm and impatiently tapped her foot. "So, you can either start by telling us why the hell you're here after you very strongly told us you'd rather stay home. Or you can tell us why you showed up looking quite friendly on the arm of Sasuke Uchiha, the boy you were ready to murder last I checked!" Sakura bit her lower lip and felt a pang of guilt. They had a perfectly good reason for being upset at this. Her previous endeavors with Sasuke had always resulted in her becoming upset and turning to her friends. Yet tonight, after refusing to go with her most beloved girls, she shows up with said problematic boy. It must've been like a slap to the face for them.

Great job me. You didn't really think this one through did ya?

The pinkette told the girls exactly what had happened after they had left. How she really was sad about her father, how Sasuke somewhat comforted her on the docks, the new friendship that they were developing, and the bet which was the reason behind being escorted in. At the end of her explanation she made sure to apologize multiple times. Her gaze strayed on the floor, unable to meet the faces of her friends. A thick silence filled the room. Sakura assumed it would take a minute for her girls to process everything. Ino was the one to break the silence. "Sakura Haruno, I only want to know one other thing." Sakura tensed, expecting the worse, and nodded her head. "Tell me…you're starting to like Sasuke are't you." Completely caught off guard, Sakura's knees almost buckled under her.

"What? You think I…with him…seriously?"

Hinata and Tenten nodded in agreement. "Yea, Sakura. Just think about it. You both have fiery personalities, you like the same music, you seem to get along fine for now and it sounds like the two of you flirted quite a bit today." Sakura could feel her cheeks burning. This interrogation was ludicrous! Noticing her friend's cheeks coloring, she laughed and said "And from what you told us, I think he has a soft spot for you." Sakura made a weird sound that seemed to be half cough, half choke. "No, I mean it! Listen, today he was given the perfect opportunity to just destroy you. He could've thrown you in the water, made fun of your pain, videoed you and sent it to his friends. But, he didn't. Instead, he reached out to you. He apologized, let you vent and extended his friendship. He even coaxed you into coming tonight; something that your best friends couldn't do." Sakura leaned against the wall in a daze. It slowly sunk into her that Tenten had a pretty valid point. Ino interrupted her thoughts by adding in,

"Don't feel bad about this. I think it's fabulous that you like him. He's gorgeous, who could blame you! And don't you worry, you just leave it to me to set you two u-"

"Oh no you don't!" Sakura interrupted, "No meddling Ino. Whenever you get involved things get crazy. I mean, come on guys. We've only known each other for a couple days and for half those days we hated each other. I think we're all just mistaking the new friendship for something else. So he's not a total douche like we thought, but it doesn't mean we like each other. I promise you I don't. Now let's all just drop the topic, and never bring it up again. Ok?" Sakura eyed her friends until Ino finally sighed.

"Ok, ok. Fine. I'll play nice and sit on the sidelines…but keep in mind forehead, the second I see you two acting the least bit cutesy with each other, you best prepare yourself for a never ending batch of 'Told you so'." The blonde laughed and gave her friend a hug. "Now get out there woman!" Sakura left the bathroom with mixed feelings. Her friend's words kept running through her head to the point where she now began questioning the way she felt. It was so unlike her to say something so confidently without her fully believing in her words. But she couldn't think about this now. Her feelings would have to figure themselves out without her because she had a bet to win tonight. She searched through the crowds for Sasuke when she suddenly saw him talking to a small group of people. As she got closer, he turned around and flashed her an unexpectedly dazzling smile. She felt her cheeks get hot, but ignored it and returned an equally stunning smile.

"Sakura, please come here, I'd like to introduce to a couple of friends of mine. The young woman made her way next to him in the group and completely lost her smile upon noticing a certain girl who now stood across from her.

"Oh, hello Karin."

"Hn, Sakura."

Sasuke noticed the friction between the two and quickly continued. "Uh yea, I wanted to introduce you to some of my child hood friends." Sakura looked like she was going to pass out. Karin, his childhood friend. The girl who always gave her shit about her grades was childhood friends with Sasuke. Sakura hated how much this was bothering her and decided to just brush it off.


"You seem to already know Karin from school. Her parents own a rather large company and are friendly with my folks so she would visit all the time when we were younger. I spent most of my time with this gang." He motioned to the three people in front of her. He than directed her attention to the taller male in the group. "This is Juugo. He's one of my neighbors. Don't let his height scare you, he's nothing more than a softy. Just don't ever piss him off." Sakura's smile returned to her face as she shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Juugo." He nodded in return.

"Alright Sasuke, what's taking you so long to introduce your beautiful friend to me?" Sasuke shot a glare at the white haired male but he just laughed. "Surely you can understand why I'd be so anxious to meet her." Sakura could feel the burning in her cheeks growing stronger.

"Sakura, this is Suigetsu." The white haired male bowed, and in one swift movement clasped her hand and kissed it. He paused waiting for Sasuke to go on and brag about what a great guy he was. After a few moments of silence, Suigetsu frowned at his friend before giving his attention back to the pinkette.

"…That's it? Sakura, he's leaving out many details. I was not only his other neighbor but one of his best friends. It is my utmost pleasure to meet you. Sorry to come off so eager. Truth be it, I don't usually get this way around the pretty girls that surround him. I can't help it your eyes are dazzling."

Sakura was unsure of what to say. She was fully aware of her now rosy cheeks and had a simple grin sprawled across her face. It wasn't every day that a rather handsome young man showered her in compliments. "You're very sweet. Thank you for your kind words."

Karin now had a stupid grin plastered on her face. Things seemed to be working perfectly. Now was the perfect opportunity to get things going. She suddenly lunged and grabbed hold of Sasuke's hand.

"I almost forgot, my parents wanted me to talk to you about something." she cooed as she began to drag him away from the group. He looked like he was going to protest but she added, "It's just some boring business talk, something about important info that may be useful to your parents." He knew his folks would be pissed if they found out he passed up a possible business opportunity so he complied. But before he was completely dragged away, Suigetsu took his other arm and pulled him into a nearby corner.

"Sooooo Sasuke, there's nothing going on with you and her right?" He motioned to Sakura with his thumb before continuing. "It'd be cool if I tried my luck with her right? Cause I'd really want to sink my teeth into-" But before he could finish Sasuke shrugged him off and started to walk away. "Wait is that a yes or no?" Sasuke didn't turn around when he gave his answer.

"Hn, whatever." And with that, he walked back over to Karin. "Let's just get this over with ok?" She had a stupid grin on her face as she nodded and grabbed his arm. Sakura watched the two walk away and had the biggest urge to follow after and just deck her into next week. Before she could follow through on her violent impulse a hand delicately touched her arm which took her out of her thoughts. It was the attractive white haired male."Miss Sakura I'd love to talk with you more if you wouldn't mind." He flashed his equally white teeth at her and boldly moved his hand down her arm until it was on her hand. Sakura's thoughts were a train wreck full of emotions at the moment. Here was a perfectly good looking guy holding her hand and all she was doing was staring out into space thinking of what Karin and Sasuke were doing. What was wrong with her? It's not like he was her date of the night. He just gave her a lift. That was it. She looked back over at the boy holding her hand and smiled.

"Sure, that sounds good to me."

Karin had dragged Sasuke up to some fancy lounge on the second floor. She started blathering nonstop about how long it had been since the two hung out or talked. As she went on about her summer he began to question if he really should have left Suigetsu with Sakura. Suigetsu wasn't really the settle down boyfriend type and he knew that he only wanted one thing from Sakura. At first he didn't think much into it because he figured Suigetsu didn't have the slightest chance with her. But the more he thought about it, the more it seemed that Sakura might have been interested in him as well. Normally, he wouldn't give two shits about Suigetsu hooking up with a girl but the idea of the two of them together just made his stomach churn. It didn't make sense to him. The two ales had been friends for years while he and Sakura just started getting along that day. He should be rooting for his friend to get some action…and yet, he wanted nothing more than to just make sure that he didn't put one hand on her. Karin was still prattling on about whatever and Sasuke wasn't the type to pretend to be interested in a conversation, so he cut her off before she could go on. "Karin, could you just skip to whatever your parents wanted to tell mine?" She sat there pretending to think before pouting.

"Hm, I just can't remember right now, I'm sure it'll come to me soon." Sauske sighed and began to get up. "Wait, Sasuke, where are you going?" He sighed and looked down at her.

"Listen, if you remember just text it to me." And with that he walked away in search of Suigetsu and Sakura.

Sakura and Suigetsu surprisingly found two chairs right by the edge of the large outdoor pool in the back of the resort. A group of boys were on the nearby lawn tossing a football back and forth while others sat near the outdoor garden. But, most of their classmates were surrounding the pool area and they had to squeeze through just to get to the open seats. They were engaged in typical small talk with Suigetsu throwing in compliments whenever he could. "So what classes are you in this year? Karin told me you're a pretty smart girl so I figure you're taking advanced courses?" Sakura nodded her head.

"Yeah, don't laugh but all my staple classes are advanced." Suigetsu grinned and winked at the girl earning another blush from her.

"Well then, looks like we'll be in bio and literature together." Sakura returned his smile. She almost forgot that now she wouldn't just be competing with the girls for her spot at top of the class. This year was going to have to be about hard work and little social time. Sitting here and flirting with Suigetsu was exactly what she had to prevent herself from doing once school started. Suigetsu noticed that Sakura was spacing off a bit so he took the moment to lean back in his chair, when doing so, he saw Sasuke headed in their direction. He swore under his breathe figuring that Sasuke was coming to monitor the two. Quickly, he stood up and grabbed Sakura's hands. The crowds of people were only buying him so much time so he abruptly blurted out, "Sakura would you like to go out on a date with me next Friday?"

"Um…I uh…" Sakura was dumbfounded. Didn't she just decide no dating? She knew she had to say no but there was a frantic look in Suigetsu's eyes. Also, after having flirted back with him tonight, she would hate to seem like a huge tease only to say no. And besides, maybe dating one of Sasuke's best friends would tick him off. She snickered at the idea and stood up next to Suigetsu. "Alright, but I have to make sure I'm not working." Weird enough, right after she answered, Sasuke had appeared right next to them. She went to greet him but noticed his eyes were fixed on Suigetsu's hands holding hers. Suddenly, she felt the need to remove her hands and place them back at her sides. "Oh, hey Sasuke." Instead of looking up at her, his charcoal eyes drifted off to his left.

"Hn, didn't mean to interrupt pinky." Sakura's face instantly lit up. At first she was going to argue back on how there was nothing to interrupt, but that didn't matter because she knew she just won the bet. Now it was time to gloat.

"Ah-ha! I wo-" What happened next surprised everyone. Before Sakura could finish, the football that the guys nearby had been tossing had beamed her in the head. The last few things she remembered before blacking out were hearing one of the guys yelling 'Oh shit!', smelling the pungent smell of chlorine as her body hit the pool's surface and seeing a blur of black follow after her.

A/N: End chapter 5! A bit of a cliffy and yeah her getting hit with the football was totally inspired by Marsha Brady :p Anyway I think everyone will REALLY like the next chapter :D There's quite a bit of satisfying fluff for all you lovely fan girls! And starting next chapter, school will finally start for them. I think you guys will enjoy the teachers hehe. Please don't forget to review! Reviews make me update faster!