AN: Ohh here we go...I'm slightly new at this. I wrote something very similar for my friend's 16th b-day and she told me that i should really continue to write.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto or any of the characters

The Co-ed Classes

Chapter 1: Big News

Haruno Sakura sat motionless on her bed while thoughts whirled around in her head. She stared blankly out her window into the empty apartment of the complex next to hers. The roseate haired teen could hardly believe that there was only one week remaining of summer. It bothered her so much, not that it went by fast, but the fact that over the whole summer, nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

Great! Another uneventful summer. Same friends, same job, and same old school. I-

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of her upbeat ring tone. She removed the small cellular device from her pocket and answered it.


"My god Forehead! Did you get the letter the school sent!?"

"Oh hey Ino-pig."

There was no need to ask who was calling. Based on the reference to her as 'Fore-head' (her child hood nickname given to her by only one person) she knew it must be her high-maintenance best female friend Yamanaka Ino. Their mothers had been best friends growing up and they planned that their daughters would do the same. Ino had long blonde tresses, cobalt colored eyes, and…well she was just downright stunning. Sakura always thought so little of herself whenever the two girls were together. Realization never dawned over her that she radiated natural beauty far more than Ino. Sakura had short, carnation pink locks of hair and dazzling emerald eyes that could make anyone melt if you gazed into them long enough.

"So did you get the letter?"

"No…what letter? What are you talking about?"

"Geez, the school just sent out letters saying that for our senior year all classes will be co-ed!"

This was such a huge deal! The educational system believed that boys and girls should have separate classes (due to focusing problems or some crap like that). Sure when they were little, recess was for both boys and girls, and through out middle school and high school the two groups of students would see each other in the hallways. But now, classes together? It would be great! Sakura could really use more guy friends, she only had about six, and out of them all, she could only call one her true friend.

"This is great Ino! I mean, I could have some classes with Naruto and you could see Choji and Shikamaru and-"

"Oh please Sakura, don't you think we get enough of them already?"

"Hehehe yea, I guess so."

"But wait, there's more to the letter. This Saturday, our whole entire senior class is invited to the Heiwa Amae Resort for an end of the summer get together. AHH!"

Ino's high pitched squeals of excitement almost caused Sakura to drop the phone.

"Hmm, it sounds like a good way to end the summer."

"Uh, more like a good way to meet all those kawaii Konoha boys. I don't know about you Sakura, but this weekend I'm going to make up for all that lost time."

Sakura couldn't help but giggle along with her boy-obsessed friend. Who knew, maybe this party thing was just what she needed before school, and like Ino said, it would give the girls a chance to meet the guys and visa-versa.

"Alright, well I'll call you later."

"Sure thing forehead."

After they had both hung up, Sakura went back to glancing out the window. Something or someone caught her eye in the neighboring apartment's window. Before she could make anything of it, she was yet again interrupted, but this time by a frequent pounding on her door.

Ugh…Now what!? I swear I can never get a moment of peace.

She got up off her bed, walked through her hallway, passed the living room and finally came to a halt right beside her door.

"Naruto? Is that you?"

A loud muffled sound was made from the other side of the door, which Sakura knew was a confirmation to her question, and so she opened the door. In came the hyper boy with golden locks. Uzamaki Naruto had been her best guy friend for as long as she could remember. He lived one floor below her with his godfather. Even though he was clueless to the most obvious of things, could be very annoying and talkative at times, and could be a total pervert (no thanks to his godfather Jiraiya) he still had a knack for making Sakura laugh. Most of the time, she acted playfully cruel to him and constantly found herself enraged when near him, but nonetheless she loved Naruto like a brother. After being let into her home, his placid sapphire eyes enlarged like saucers and became fixed on his friend. A stupid grin hovered across his face.

"Hey Sakura, you've got to come with me."

"I don't got to do anything"

The quirky boy pouted and folded his arms over his chest.

"Well fine, I guess I won't introduce you to our new neighbor. Your loss though, he's already a close friend of mine."

A new neighbor? Duh! That's who I must've seen in the window. Of course, my summer finally gets interesting when there's only a week left. Hmm, but maybe it's best if I don't meet this guy. If he's a friend of Naruto than I'm sure he's just as annoying. Yeah, perhaps not meeting him would really be better.

"Wait, what do you mean he's your close friend. Didn't he just move here?"

"Nuh-uh. He lived somewhere else in Konoha, but he moved here because he wanted an even nicer apartment. We've been close since grade school."

Sakura opened her mouth to protest but her best friend was already pulling her out of her apartment.

I guess it makes sense since these are nice apartments. I really hope this guy won't be annoying like Naruto!

The two arrived outside and Naruto commenced with dragging Sakura to the building next to their own. Movers were busily heaving large boxes into the building.

"So…where is he?"

Naruto squinted and peered over at the crowd of movers unable to find his friend.

"Erm…uh…I don't see him."

Sakura gave him a quick slap in the back of the head. He dragged her out of her home for what, a no show new neighbor? She sighed and began to walk back to her own apartment.

"Ouch…was that really necessary? Hey, hey wait! Where are you going? I'm sure he'll come back from wherever he went off to soon!"

"Yes, Naruto it was beyond necessary. And where do you think I'm going! I'm going home. I've got work tomorrow baka and i need to get some sleep."

And with that she re-entered their own apartment building and boarded the elevator.Plans of a nice long shower calmed her down as she stepped out onto the third floor.

Chapter one is done!
AN-I wonder who this mysterious neighbor will turn out to be??
Hmmm...well you'll have to wait to find out in chapter two. Capter two will be great, tust me!!! Please post your reviews. I'd love to hear your opinons. Hope you guys like it so far:p