I thought that you loved me,

I thought that you cared,

But then that truck rolled up.

I had no idea,

What to do.

You watched me roll away,

In that god darn truck destined for death,

I wanted to cry out,

I wanted to scream,

I didn't know where I was going, where I would end up, and you weren't there to comfort me,

To hug me ,to reassure me.

Then they unloaded me,

And the stench of blood polluted the very air that I breathed.

They stored me away,

They packed me like a sardine,

Then I was sent to a pen.

I was afraid, I was not sure what was going on,

And then they put a bullet through my head,

And I felt the stabbing pain.

Then I was dragged to a pit, blood filling my mouth,

Among other horses,

Good horses,

Horses with lives both good and bad,

Lives that in just seconds, would become the biggest heck hole on earth.

I could see the other horses,

Going into a building,

Then coming out, in pieces

My head was placed on a wooden block,

And my skull was crushed.

So now here I am,

Asking, no, begging you to stop horse slaughter for good.

Do not let what happened to me happen to so many other kind, loving, faithful horses,

Who have more heart, and more spirit to live than most humans today.